Current Track: Blabb

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Musica's Childhood (

Musica is an adopt from a village by the name of Malik. He is unaware of who his mother and father first were. Unfortunately, his first memory began when he was about the age of 10 years old. He was currently staying at the town of Wilhelm, where he was raised by a dragon named Xander. He noticed as he started to develop that he was unlike the children that he is raised around. Many did not want to interact with him during the time because of the marker he wore on his back. He was able to maintain his social personality, despite not having friends because of his willingness to move forward in life. Still unknown towards this day, Musica does not know that his father is a gangster for the Wolfsbane Syndicate, one of the most fearsome gangs in the west of the country of Marik.

The Marker's Curse

Known by many names, this marker is designed into two destinies: Temperance and Indulgence. Anyone who possesses this marker is either the parent of a Wolfsbane or has passed away by a gruesome death and refuses to die. This marker is exclusive to the user, either safeguarding them from their deathly desire or guiding them into the path of immortality. Having a mark of either type will enable the use of magic but only at basic levels unless your marker enables it otherwise. Each marker comes with ONE special ability outside of the all-around abilities. You will not be able to tell which marker belongs to which without being able to contact the marker itself. Each marker is distinctly one of a kind, passed down from the spirit of another Wolfsbane.


Musica's Marker

Known as "Peacekiller," Musica's marker was given to him around the age of 10 by Xander. He is unable to contact who exactly gave it to him, but he still able to access the power within it. The power of this marker is influenced by the mental conflict of Musica's image, for he is unsure of what kind of person he wants to be. His marker sometimes sends a burning feeling to his spine when he performs lewd behaviors, but also does so if he disrespects someone more powerful than he is. Exclusively, he is able to extract the DNA from the host of a more powerful being and turn into said species but is not able to obtain the powers of said specimen. This will allow him to be able to turn his personality into that of the host's, making him more resilient to hypnosis or assimilation, and will also allow him to test positive for the host's DNA. Moreover, when the transformation is both complete in full and expelled in full, by body secretions, unknown to him, he is able to transform into any archived specimen. However, he requires a large amount of DNA in order to completely disguise himself as the host again.


Musica's Clothing

Casual- Camo-Colored Cargo shorts, no shirt nor shoes

When he's feeling adventurous- A white lab coat that's way too long for him

Formal- 'James Bonds' 007 tuxedo, red tie, black shoes

Outside Gear- Blue swim trunks, no shirt, with a black baseball cap that says "Eat more nutz"

Winter Gear- A black fur coat, blue jeans, but no shoes.