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Species: Red deer x wolf Anthro
Sex: Herm
Non anthro red deer stag, closer inspection of front hooves show opposable cloven digits and if the tails up female anatomy. Fur fiery reddish brown in summer but a darker slate great winter coat black chest creamy white fur across lower belly.
Height at shoulder 140cm (on all fours) Standing erect 2.9m length nose to tail 2.3m (on all fours)
weight 250kg
Age: 27 more or less
hunts and eat meat on occasion when the wolf part gets a tad strong though the deer is dominant, learned long ago that what others think matters little as a result has a hard surface that is difficult to crack and never lets anyone get close emotionally for will not hold back in an argument to spare feelings of anyone. will prefer to walk away rather than fight or argue unless trapped.
Carefree attitude tends to avoid others and prefers to wander the wilds alone content.
Possum was a nickname gained early on that kinda stuck
Sex: Herm
Non anthro red deer stag, closer inspection of front hooves show opposable cloven digits and if the tails up female anatomy. Fur fiery reddish brown in summer but a darker slate great winter coat black chest creamy white fur across lower belly.
Height at shoulder 140cm (on all fours) Standing erect 2.9m length nose to tail 2.3m (on all fours)
weight 250kg
Age: 27 more or less
hunts and eat meat on occasion when the wolf part gets a tad strong though the deer is dominant, learned long ago that what others think matters little as a result has a hard surface that is difficult to crack and never lets anyone get close emotionally for will not hold back in an argument to spare feelings of anyone. will prefer to walk away rather than fight or argue unless trapped.
Carefree attitude tends to avoid others and prefers to wander the wilds alone content.
Possum was a nickname gained early on that kinda stuck