Current Track: Blabb

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Welcome to my profile ^_^

If you haven't seen me before or haven't met me, I'm the kind of
person who...

1. Get along with everybody...

2. Im mostly quiet... Tend to be to myself... (but I do talk... Im just... Shy.)

3. I might look ordinary, but I do extraordinary things.

4. I let my Wisdom and loving-kindness do the talking.

5. My brain is my weapon...

6. I put others ahead of my self...

7. I treat people with respect ESPECIALLY Women!

8. lol Can eat with chop sticks...

Really, I'm just artist who's on a mission to become better...
If you have ANY tips you like to tell me, Please tell me... Lol I need
all the help I get... Anyway feel free to look around and again, Welcome.

Favorite genre of music: Jazz, D n' B, Trance, Classical, World, Jpop, (All-Round)
MP3 player of choice: Zune, Ipod, and anything Techy-looking THAT'S TOUGH, AND WORKS.
Personal Quote: "If you have an itch, scratch. If you have a dream, go get it"
Favorite Quote: "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin -