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Neeeeighhh! *sounds from a tall figure. In front of you stands a 7'10" (2,38 meter) Shire anthro-stallion with a long, blond mane and short, auburn colored fur with the exception of the white muzzle and fuzz around his four fingered hands and equine hooves. Dark blue eyes can be seen when looking straight up through the strands of his mane.
His massive and stout, 26-year-old stature look threatening and towering, especially with his muscular arms attached to the elegant shoulders. He really likes his tight but stretchy armor on his body. It suits him really well and it's a great change to the tight shirt, coat and jeans. On his back he's got a pair of shiny, white wings he often folds together and hides within his coat.
In a deep voice the tall anthro-stallion says: "Oh, good day. Nice to meet you!" He bows and looks at you with his friendly eyes and a kind smile. Despite his dominating stature the stallion is very polite and friendly, also a little bit shy from time to time. But he would never deny his passion for intelligent conversations and changing opinions with a good friend. He is very emphatic and seems to know a lot about science and psychology. A good soul in a huge body, always there to help his friends in need. He loves the piano and Classical music and enjoys a night in front of the fireplace with a cupcake and a good book or game.
People would describe him as metrosexual, but he knows his heart beats for the male audience and his brain works for ideas of plenty of great female scientist. But deep inside he is still looking for (the) someone, who could fulfill his deepest urge for satisfaction and happiness. Though he never really took this decision seriously as long as he can spend time wit his friends and his many hobbies.
He loves to read, play some video-games or board games with friends, going to the gym from time to time or just jogging and... well... follow his burden. He adores muscles, since he could think about it. He can't control himself, watching some muscular males flexing in TV or web, stretching the clothes on street... you know the stuff.
He is a lovely creature... a big stallion with a soft and kind heart, trying to do the right things in life, even if it's hard.
His massive and stout, 26-year-old stature look threatening and towering, especially with his muscular arms attached to the elegant shoulders. He really likes his tight but stretchy armor on his body. It suits him really well and it's a great change to the tight shirt, coat and jeans. On his back he's got a pair of shiny, white wings he often folds together and hides within his coat.
In a deep voice the tall anthro-stallion says: "Oh, good day. Nice to meet you!" He bows and looks at you with his friendly eyes and a kind smile. Despite his dominating stature the stallion is very polite and friendly, also a little bit shy from time to time. But he would never deny his passion for intelligent conversations and changing opinions with a good friend. He is very emphatic and seems to know a lot about science and psychology. A good soul in a huge body, always there to help his friends in need. He loves the piano and Classical music and enjoys a night in front of the fireplace with a cupcake and a good book or game.
People would describe him as metrosexual, but he knows his heart beats for the male audience and his brain works for ideas of plenty of great female scientist. But deep inside he is still looking for (the) someone, who could fulfill his deepest urge for satisfaction and happiness. Though he never really took this decision seriously as long as he can spend time wit his friends and his many hobbies.
He loves to read, play some video-games or board games with friends, going to the gym from time to time or just jogging and... well... follow his burden. He adores muscles, since he could think about it. He can't control himself, watching some muscular males flexing in TV or web, stretching the clothes on street... you know the stuff.
He is a lovely creature... a big stallion with a soft and kind heart, trying to do the right things in life, even if it's hard.