Current Track: Blabb

This user has not posted any statuses yet

I'm some human being who lives in the backwoods of Georgia, USA. Which sucks. 

I'm also inept at art (all of which can be found on DeviantArt, which I haven't touched in forever) and writing, unless you're willing to read essays very long blogs and see mockups. 

I don't really have a set fursona. A pen name, but not a full-on visualization of a furry self. Tried, but never felt it work out.

I also do video! And web design (or just PHP via WordPress)! And not much else...

So, um, hi. and stuff.


NOTE: if I've posted a comment to your submission about it needing a folder, I do so because I'm enthusiatic about the folder feature here, which is comparable to's implementation. I may even really dig your series and want it to get more views from users as an ongoing story or album.