Current Track: Blabb

Hello, all you fellow dusty dogs and travelers of the trail out there!

My name is Dusty Yote!  I'm a 32-year-old online coyote who frequently writes in their spare time.  I've been writing since I was 18 and self-published my first novel in 2012, and have since updated that one and written 5 more.  I've been part of the furry fandom almost that long; my first convention was in 2010 and the fandom has been something of a muse ever since.

My primary genre is fantasy with an emphasis on somewhat weird premises or executions.  A lot of my stuff is partially influenced by things like the old Twilight Zone series, which may account for some of that weirdness.  Otherwise, I've also dabbled in other genres like Western, horror, thriller, and even gangster; and while most of my fantasy has a more modern take, I've even done a straight-up fairy tale.

Note that I am a bit shy, so I may not always respond back immediately.  But I do appreciate comments, reviews, and criticisms of the work.  Stuff like that helps me grow as a writer and I promise to take it in stride.

Thank you!  :3


You can also find me at...

  • Bluesky:
  • Personal website:
  • Twitch (gaming streams):
  • Youtube (VOD uploads + soon to introduce nonfiction essays):