Current Track: Blabb

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Hi there! Call me Periosha, or Perry for short!

I'm a 20 year old male, and a proud citizen of the Philippines.
It's been way too longs since I updated my profile, so here I go! :D

I'm currently a college sophomore student at Mapua Institute of Technology, taking up a Bachelor's Degree in Science in Industrial Engineering

I am a writer by interest, and I love writing as well as story editing. I've written several articles for the school paper back in highschool, and I moved to writing fanfictions on (particularly on Alvin and the Chipmunks), and made a lot of progress there. However, as time passed on my writing drive died out (mostly because school was stressing me out so badly I can barely write anything at all...), so in order to regain my confidence and writing skills, I moved here. But don't worry, I'm staying here for a while. I love the community too much to just leave.

Currently, I'm a member of the Mapua Cardinal Singer, the resident choir of Mapua, and we've been competing in local and international competitions to represent the school and the whole Philippines and prove to the world that we Filipinos can shine in the choral world. I've been recording some of our better songs, and will be posting them here for you to enjoy. :)

I sing Bass I, or baritone, if you're wondering what voice I sing; so yeah, my vocal range is pretty low, but I can still hit some high notes if I try. XD