Current Track: Blabb
Book Title: The Captain's Lament

Chapter One: A New beginning.

"REPORT!" Xanar yelled. "We're are being attacked by an unknown carrier!" The Ensign yelled. "Weapons, Engines, and Shields are down, Life Support is failing on all decks!" As the ship was rocked hard by a torpedo attack causing consoles to explode all over the bridge, fires started breaking out, and crewmen raced to extinguish them. "Sound the evacuation, everyone to a life pod!" He commanded while coughing from the smoke. The Ensign had managed to put on a breather. "Life pods can't be launched automatically. Setting for manual override." Hacking and coughing harshly he grabbed the Ensign and told him to get to one. As the Ensign left he looked at the console, and noticed that half the ship was missing off internal sensors. The crew manifest was showing allot of casualties as he lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen.

He awoke with a start from his nightmare, he looked at his clock and saw that he over slept again. It was happening more frequently than he cared to admit too. A computer voice is heard in his small loft apartment. "Captain Xanar. You have 2 hours before your meeting with Fleet Admiral Zujuan." "Thank you." He said as he got out of bed and stretched for a bit before getting showered up.

Xanar is a unique species of humanoid. He is a Thilynn (Thy-Lynn). While his physical shape is that of a human. He has traits of a large deer. Antlers, a fur covered body, a tail, plus the tips of his fingers are hoof like in nature, but still able to grasp objects and the like. His face features a short but board muzzle with a stout nose, and beautiful large purple eyes with ears able to move and hear from many directions. 

He grabs his Sanction insignia communicator after getting dressed and places it on his uniform, and then heads to the door to leave. "Computer. Notify Headquarters to have my belongings placed in storage and the apartment re-occupied." "Affirmative" responded the computer. 

He had been exiled off his home world because of a long standing law that rejected both males and females for being sterile. He remembered the day vividly, because it was his ex-mate that had him examined under force. Her reason came from the fact that the child she was carrying wasn't his, but instead came from her second mate. In a way he felt betrayed by her, because they tried numerous times, but it seemed as though it wasn't meant to be. Her desire for wanting a large family with both her mates seemed unreasonable, so much so that some thought it bordered on a sickness. But power and wealth carried more weight, and being a Princess she was able to order his medical test, and it's results be made public. When the results came back the Princess had made them publicly know before he got them. Because of his high profile relationship to her. It became a public outcry to have him sent to the penal colony. 

His family took him home to comfort him as best they could, but the authorities came two days later and took him away. After a few days of closed isolation. A friend of his, who happened to be a top ranking official, came to visit him. He sat down with him and gave him two choices. The first followed the law to be sent to an off world penal colony, or accept his gift of a shuttle craft and a few months of rations and hope to find a new life else where. Xanar couldn't think straight, because his life had been turned upside down in less than a week. He only broke down in front of him. His friend came over to him and held him to try and get him to relax. "You've always been the physically strong one between us, but you've also been the more emotional one. Listen purple eyes. Take my shuttle and go to the Sanction. They can give you a good life, and I can update your family on how your doing." Xanar nodded and leaned into his friend for comfort.

He took his friends advice and left for the Federation Planetary Sanction. He worked hard and graduated from the academy with the highest honors. Which landed him a position on the flagship at that time. He worked hard and earned the rank of Captain in ten short years. Where he received his first commissioned ship of a science vessel. Picking a First Officer had been a grueling task, as there were over fifty officers applying for it at the time. Though it was no surprise really, as this new vessel had been the most advanced in the fleet at the time. It took him nearly three months, after which he settled on a somewhat new commander by the name of Sylvia Fox. Her short record was most impressive, and her last Captain had commented that she was the “Most trustworthy” individual he had ever worked with in his forty year career. That alone was the reason he choose her.

Xanar left the apartment and began heading towards the center of the village. It wasn't to far, but on a day like this passing up a walk is almost sinful. A beautiful blue sky with no cloud in sight. A light cool breeze coming down from the high mountains in the north, and the smell of the flowers, now in bloom from the vineyards passing his nose with a most pleasant scent made this a beautiful day on Sol. Worthy of the few picnics he passed along the way to the center of the village, and most likely his last for a long while. His new assignment hasn't been completely disclosed to him, other than the fact it's a ten year mission with an experimental ship that was completed six months ago. He would be assigned a new crew, except for Commander Fox. 

Sylvia is a Vixarion, she is also much like Xanar, except more fox like in her outer appearance. Her skills are mostly Tactical, peppered with some Science abilities and minor in Engineering. He made sure to ask for her, as they had served together since he became Captain. She had become a close friend over the years they severed together, which gave him a level of comfort he didn't want to give up.

He finally reached the center of the village. It's was quite beautiful, with an old world rustic charm. Flowers blooming in window sills and pots through out the square, and little shops and restaurants all around. The transporter was off near the entrance of the village, and as he walks through the doors the Terran Chief greets him. "Good afternoon, Sir. Lovely day isn't it?" "Aye, that it is Chief. No one to take out on a picnic?" He replied. "Sadly no Sir, or I would not be here. Where are you off to today?" The Chief added. "I need you to send me to Starbase Omicron One please." He returned. "Aye aye, Captain." With that the Chief motions him to stand on the transporter pads and beams him to the Starbase. 

Arriving at the Starbase, he is greeted by a Terran female Lieutenant. "Captain your right on time, please follow me to the conference room." He follows closely after the Lieutenant observing the atmosphere of the Starbase. It had been a while since he was last here and a lot had changed. For now though he was here for the mission briefing, his new crew, and new ship. "Here we are Sir. This is conference room D-3, the Admiral will be a few minutes late as he had some important matters to finish up but your First Officer is here, as well as your new Communications, Engineering, Tactical/Security, Research and Development, and Medical/Science Officers. Please wait inside." And with that, the door opened allowing him to walk in. 

"Captain on the floor!" The officers stand at attention as he walks in. "As you were everyone." He said as he walks over to the open window to see the new ship in the docking bay. It's iridescence hull made it's colors shift from a deep blue to a vivid red. It's shape reminded him of a old Sol water creature that had long been extinct, quite a sight to behold. "Beautiful, isn't she Captain?" He heard Sylvia remark as she walked up next to him. "Quite." He responded softly. He turns to face everyone in the room. At first glance all of them appeared young, and all were lieutenant rank. A few moments the Admiral walks through the door and before anyone can move to attention he speaks. "As you were everyone, Computer." Soft acknowledging beep. "Level 10 Crimson security lock-out." He commands, "All forms of communication and visual recording are offline, no record of this meeting is acknowledged." It responded.

"As you just heard everyone, this meeting is to never be mentioned, is that clear?” Everyone acknowledges him with a Yes Sir. "Good, now on to business. Captain I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but first let me introduce you to the rest of your crew. The finest, and top of their fields in the Sanction." The Admiral points to a Small Lutrinae female in a gold uniform. "This is your chief Engineering officer Atari Omatto." the Admiral Finishes. "Greetings Admiral and Captain." she greets. The Admiral moves on as she sits back down. He points to a Amarok male in a crimson uniform. "This is your chief Tactical and Security officer Ti’k Grim." Said the Admiral. "Greetings Sirs." he says as the Admiral continues the introductions. The Communications officer is a male Terran in a silver uniform, Que Singee. The Research and Development officer is a Felidae male in a green uniform is known only as Coje. The Medical and Science officer is a male Terran in a white uniform is known as John Body. "Everyone, this is your new Captain, Captain Xanar." He nods in greeting to everyone, but secretly realizes that he is going to have to form all new relationships with everyone except Sylvia. Having one familiar face on this mission will help in that area he thought. "Are there any questions?" The Admiral asked. "I have one." Xanar said. "If these officers are the top of their fields then way are they only Lieutenants?" He finished. Everyone looked at him in shock. The Admiral replied. "Did you not get your briefing papers?" “No, Admiral I never left a forwarding address to my apartment where I was staying until I left today.” He answered. “Lieutenant, Would you bring in Xanar’s briefing papers please?” Asked the Admiral over his comm. A few moments later a knock came to the door as the Lieutenant from before came in holding a sealed envelope, "As requested Admiral." she said, the Admiral then handed them over to Xanar to look over. "Thank you Lieutenant." Replied the Admiral. She nodded and left the room promptly. "The reason they are Lieutenants is because none of you are on record for this flight." The Admiral said. "All information, ship, crew, and locations will not be recorded. In essence your records have been purged from the system and locked away for the first 2 months. After which there will be a ceremony to christen her publicly, and you will be added back to the database as her captain and crew and their ranks of Lt. Commander's, and Commander's will be reinstated." Finished the Admiral. "Thank you Sir." He responded. 

The Admiral takes a momentary sip of his coffee, "Now on to the specs of the vessel itself, she is called F.P.S. Ray. She is four hundred meters in length, two hundred meters in width, and forty meters in height. She has eight decks with the largest one being deck four, and a crew compliment of five hundred." The fur on the back of Xanar's neck stood up briefly. Sylvia noticed this and moved her leg over to his to help give him a comforting feeling. "This is where Engineering, the shuttle bay, cargo bay, mess hall, and entertainment areas are located. Crew quarters are on decks five through eight. Labs, sickbay, communications, and shield maintenance are on deck three. Security, weapons R&D, as well as weapons control are on deck two. Deck one is the bridge." The Admiral paused for a few seconds to take a sip of his coffee again before continuing farther. "Now I'm sure your wondering what type of engine is powering it." The chief Engineer nods. "Its taken us nearly one hundred years to develop and test this engine, you and your crew will be the first to test it in open space. Her simulated top speed is around warp forty two." Everyone in the room gasped at this. The Admiral paused and looked at everyone for a minute. "This engine is a beta version of an alpha currently running on the planet. The engine has a Quantum Velocity Core. It uses standard warp for normal travel with a maximum cruising speed of nine. The Quantum Core, when in use creates a controllable tunnel in space with a simulated top speed on the warp scale of twenty five. The Bridge Core, is only to be used in emergencies as it creates a temporary Wormhole. The computer could not go beyond a simulated speed of forty two during testing. New computers are currently being installed in the shipyard to do that." The Admiral finished. Everyone looked over the paper work in awe over this engine design. "I take it the computers on the ship can exceed the forty two speed, Admiral?" Omatto asked. "They can, yes." He replied. 

"Now." The Admiral began after another sip of his coffee, "The weapon systems have been completely redone for this ship. No more worrying about all the weapons going down when the computer core is hit, as each Beam type and Cannon type has it's own energy matrix and computer core linked together to the main computer. So they can act together or independent of each other. We have also designed a new Torpedo called the Phased Pulse Torpedo. It's design was made from phasing Photon and plasma energies into a quantum matrix. It's highly configurable, highly maneuverable, and capable of tracking a target for five light years before self detonating. You can configure it to have a small yield or a large yield." The Tactical officer lets a small grin cross his face. "The energy weapons are no longer using the standard design and photon only energy. We have developed a new type of energy after salvaging a Encrypted vessel. 

Our research and development teams have managed to blend our photon energy to the graviton energy of the Encrypted to create the gravi-photon particle. When added to a weapon focal chamber, we managed to fire a phased graviton beam and pulse.  

Our first test resulted in a melted focal chamber and a huge power loss. After many years and redesigns we managed to develop a metallic alloy capable of supporting it, and as a side effect increasing the power output ten fold. In the testing phases this metal alloy is exceptional, it doesn't over heat and it's melting temperature is rated in the millions. It’s being applied to our science vessels as its hull, so we might actually be able to safely study stars up close. It also blocks all known forms of radiation, and is capable of taking a pounding from everything we could throw at it." The Admiral pauses again. "Your ship is the first to have it applied as its hull, which gives it that multicolored effect. Also before I forget, there are weapon lockers on all decks in key locations." Finished the Admiral. 

Small pause as everyone looks over the paperwork. "The Medical bay, is the top in the fleet." The Admiral said looking at John. "Not only are you the head doctor, but you will have three other doctors under your command and a small cadre of nurses as well. Plus, should you need it. The use of photonic doctors and nurses. There are five surgical beds, twenty bio-beds, and a large medical lab capable of having thirty projects running at once. Plus a morgue to hold thirty bodies as well as acting as stasis beds. You will have all known medical equipment, medical journals, and notes readily available to you and your staff." The Admiral finishes. 

"Now onto Communications." The Admiral said after finishing another sip of his coffee. "You will be testing a new communications array, and with any luck you won't need to link up to any communication satellites or listening post to communicate directly with Sanction Command." The Admiral Finishes. "Sir, How is that possible?" asked officer Singee. "The communications array will use the same Quantum Core to send and receive messages that the ship uses for travel. If it works as planned, then listening posts, and communication satellites will no longer be needed. This should boost communication security substantially." The Admiral responded. "Your sensors have also been upgraded and fine tuned. Your long range sensors can now accurately scan for forty light years, and your short range sensors can scan a planetoid from three hundred kilometers, and penetrate up to two kilometers into the surface from orbital range. So the closer you are, the deeper you can scan.

Now as for R&D. You have most of deck three. Equipped with all the consoles, replicators, holo-grids, and tools used in the construction and development of this ship, so you can fine tune or develop new equipment. Repair or upgrade the ship on this mission instead of returning to a Starbase. In less the ship is severely damaged." The Admiral said with a acknowledgment from Coje. 

"If there are no other concerns, your personal belongings are already on-board the ship and your set to launch tomorrow at 0700 hours. So take this time to get to know the people under you and the ship itself. Dismissed!" Finished the Admiral. 

The Admiral held Xanar back for a minute to speak with him. “Xanar, this mission is very important to Command. I want you to be careful, as they believe information may have beenleaked already.” The Admiral said quietly. “I understand Sir, that is why I asked to have Commander Fox with me. She is someone I can trust.” He finished. “I know, that is why I hand picked the rest of your command staff. I trust them. Having known you for all these years, you should get along with them just fine.” Added the Admiral as he nodded in acknowledgment and left the room.
He walked briskly to catch up with the rest of his crew, and walked with them down to deck twenty to board a shuttle. Once on the shuttle, Xanar speaks. "Well, that was a fun meeting." "Aye, that it was. A most interesting ship." Atari said. The shuttle takes off from the landing pad and maneuvers towards the Ray. "Since it's currently 1200 hours, I want a dinner with all of you in the mess hall at 2100 hours. As I'd like to get to know the rest of you in a more causal setting." Xanar said. Everyone acknowledging with a "Yes Sir." The pilot informs the acting officer on-board the Ray that the Captain is preparing to board, and to have all crew members report to the shuttle bay. 

As the shuttle flies closer to the shuttle bay. The doors open to reveal a large bay that is capable of holding three more shuttles. As they land, the officers are the first to leave the shuttle and get in formation with their staff members, Sylvia walks out and stands just to the right of the shuttle. "Attention, Captain on Deck!" Everyone comes to attention as he walks out of the shuttle craft, and walks off to the side of the shuttle and signals an all clear to the pilot. The shuttle lifts off and leaves, and the shuttle bay doors closes soon after. "At ease everyone." He commands. Everyone assumes a relaxed stance. 

"As you know" he begins. "Our mission for the next two months is to be conducted in secrecy. All forms of communication in all parts of this ship will be monitored, logged, and any that appear odd or out of the ordinary will be reported to me." He scans the crew for any oddity. "My punishments are not nice. Commander Fox can attest to that personally." He looks at her as her ears flatten as she tries to not look away. "Now your new department heads well need your help getting situated. They report to me, and you to them. If you are having issues and you can't talk to them directly, then you can see me. I am a fair but stern individual. I expect the best out of each of you as you would expect out of me. Tomorrow we are set to launch at 0700 hours, make sure you know what shift you are working and be on time to your posts. These first two months should be interesting and a good learning experience. Dismissed!" He finished and everyone starts returning to their post in their departments. Once everyone is gone, Sylvia turn to him with a soft laugh. "Sure you really wanted to scare them like that?" He turns and looks at her for a second. "The Admiral told me that command believes there could be a spy on board. Apparently there has been some information leaked already.” "Hmm, does the Admiral think it’s one of the new Lieutenants?" Sylvia asked. "No, he hand picked them personally, but that doesn’t mean we should rule them out completely." He said. “I take it that’s why you picked me for this mission as well?” She asked. He turned to look at her and smiled with and acknowledging nod. 

They take the grav-lift to the bridge where Sylvia steps out first. "Captain on the Bridge!" Everyone stops and turns at attention. He walks out and slowly walks around the bridge, he turns to an Ensign, "Doing OK Ensign?" he asks. "Sir, yes Sir." She replies. He continues to walk around looking at consoles, and finally gets to the view screen. He turns and looks at everyone. "At ease. Now in all honestly how many of you are excited to test this new ship under the restrictions we have?" After a second or two, another Ensign speaks up. "I don't know about anybody else here, but I myself, I'm in love with this and can't wait to get underway Sir!” Xanar nods and looks around as everyone else on the bridge says, "Here, here." "Alright, lets have some fun with this ship and push her to the limits! As you were everyone." He finished with a smile. 

Over the course of the next few hours he familiarizes himself with the ship and crew, exploring the ship and poking his nose in places most Captains wouldn't normally go. Asking crew members how their doing, and the feeling they have for the mission coming up. 2100 hours soon approach as he heads to the mess hall to meet with his department heads to get their report. He enters the mess hall and walks up to the counter where the cook is preparing food. The cook looks up and greets him. "Evening Captain, what can I get for you tonight?" "A large Caesar salad would be nice, with some cheese croutons." He replied. "Then have a seat Sir, and I bring it out to you shortly." The cook finished. He nods and goes over to the Captains Lounge and awaits the arrival of the others quietly. The cook brings him his salad with a glass of red wine a few minutes later. At 2055 his officers walk through the door. They order their food and then sit down with him. As the evening progressed they chat about the day for the most part. 

"I have to say Captain, this ship is just impressive." Atari said. "I mean you can set this ship up to run automatically, there's holo-emitters through out the ship, and there’s already a holo-crew for engineering." she finished. Xanar sat there for a second looking thoughtful. "That sounds like a good idea actually." He said. Everyone looked at him. "Think about it. If the crew becomes disabled at some point, we could have a holographic crew turn on and control the ship until they figure out how to help us, or get us back to a Starbase." He finished. Coje spoke up. "That’s amazing!” "What's that Coje?" He asked. "Some of my staff have already been doing that. Only issue they've run across, and wanted your OK on, is they would need to build a sub-processing core on every deck and link them together. Then we could link them to the main computer core and holo-emitters." Coje finished. "Granted, but work with the rest of the departments on getting a working A.I. of the crew. If it works well, it's something we can offer to Command to have done on all ships. Let me know when your ready for a trial run." He finished.

Ti’k spoke next. "Well Captain I must say, this ship is well armed." He finished. "Oh? You have a full tactical report already?" Xanar asked. Ti’k nods and begins. "We have one hundred torpedoes. A full compliment with the ability to construct more if needed. We are armed with a total of four beam arrays, two upper and two lower. A total of eight heavy cannons, four upper and four lower. Primary, secondary, and tertiary shielding, though tertiary shielding is mostly for sealing off sections of the ship that are open to space in the event of a hull breach. The armory here is capable of making new personal combat weapons as well as designing completely different ones. As it stands there is a anti-proton rifle, anti-proton pistol, and a personal shield for every member of the crew in all weapon lockers." He finished. "Excellent work, Ti’k." He responded.

"Well, we have enough medical supplies to last us the full two months with and extra week if needed. There is also a hydroponics section in one of the science labs, so there is fresh food on board." John finished with Xanar nodding in approval as he was eating on his salad.

Que then spoke. "Well Captain, I must say this communications array is really different. I've got a team working on learning all it’s unique capabilities. Right now, we have internal communications and ship to ship. But we’re still learning the Quantum Array and what it is capable of. But so far it looks like the Admiral was right about not needing any listening posts to link through." 

They finished out the rest of the meal with idle chat as Xanar finished his dinner first. "Alright everyone, it's 2200. Lets get a good nights sleep as tomorrow at 0700 is our launch window. I'd like all of you at your posts at 0600 for preparation." He finished as he got up. Everyone acknowledge him as he bid them good night and left.

After the Captain left, Sylvia spoke to the other officers. "So what are your thoughts on the Captain?" She asked. The officers sat there, thoughtful for a minute. "He seems a bit rough around the edges, but I think he'll be a decent Captain." Ti’k said. John spoke next. "He seems like he'll be a good captain once he gets settled in." "Personally I like him. He seems ready to take on anything that comes his way." Coje responded. Que spoke "It'll take time but I think will get along fine." The guys finished there meals first, and bid the two ladies good night and headed off to their quarters, Sylvia turned to Atari. "And what are your thoughts on the Captain?" She asked. Atari shifted nervously in her seat as a slight blush crossed her face. She stammers at first. "I I think he'll be a good Captain." "Do you think he's attractive?" Sylvia asked. "C Commander!!!" Atari blushes a deeper shade. Sylvia laughs out loud. "Its alright if you find him attractive just remember for now the mission at hand. Right now we need everyone focused. OK?" "Yes Ma'am."

They finished out their meals with some small talk and parted ways for the night. As Atari entered her quarters, "Computer, privacy settings please." The computer acknowledged with a soft beep and sealed the room so that it could not be opened unless a security override took place. She sat there on her bed for a few minutes as she tried to calm her heart down. "Goodness, I didn't know he would be so handsome." She said blushing more. She shook her head, "Whats wrong with me. I left home because I didn't want to start a family. So why am I acting like this?" She removed her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a bath before retiring for the night.

Sylvia reached her quarters shortly after leaving the Mess Hall. “Computer, privacy." She thought for a long while, as she undressed and started to take a shower. She knew she had feelings for Xanar but she never openly revealed them to him, and now it’s possible that she might have some competition from Atari. While she is cute, Sylvia thought, she wasn’t sure if he would fall for her. She had, in the past made a few passes, but they were met with him always saying that he wasn’t the relationship type and she would only get hurt. She cared for Xanar a great deal, but always had to hold back on love. She stood under the running hot water crying a bit, mostly at herself because of her feelings but also because she didn’t want to lose someone she cared for so deeply. After finishing she retired for the night.

Xanar entered his quarters after a brief walk through the ship. “Computer privacy please.” He went to his food replicator. “Camomile Tea.” “Specify temperature.” “One hundred and seventy five degrees.” In a instant there was a cup of hot tea for him. He took the tea and sat on the couch in his living area. What a long day he thought, his new staff was everything the Admiral had said. Hopefully this crew would stay with him for a long while as he got a good feeling about them. Having lost good crew members in the past. Was something he didn’t feel like repeating again. Hopefully this mission would be nice and easy for him. Once he finished his tea. He went and showered up, and then retired for the night.

0530 hours came, and he was up and ready to begin his first day on-board the Ray. He dresses and sits to eat breakfast from the food replicator in his room. After finishing, he recycles what's left, leaves his quarters and heads for the bridge. He greets everyone he passes on the way to the grav-lift. As he enters he sees Sylvia already there and greets her. "Good morning Commander." "Good morning Captain. Did you sleep well?" She asked. "You would think that after all these years they would know how to make a comfortable bed. It will take time some to get use too. Yourself?" He returned. "About the same really."

They reached the bridge and exited the lift. Everyone stands at attention as he walks out. "As you where." He responds, as everyone continues their work. He walks to his chair and studies it for a moment. Sylvia is already sitting on his right side going over the displays on it. He sits down and starts going over the reports displayed on his chair. So far all departments are reporting ready for departure. After reviewing the morning reports from all departments. Que speaks up. "Captain, the Admiral is hailing us." "On screen." He commanded and stood up. The Admiral appears on the main view screen. "Captain. Are you ready to get underway?" Xanar replies, "Ready at your word Sir." "Then you have my permission to get underway. Good luck and safe return Captain." He thanks the Admiral as the screen blanks out, and sits in his chair and activates the Captains ship wide communication. "This is your Captain speaking. The Admiral has given us clearance to get underway. Secure all stations and prepare to leave space-dock." He ends communication and turns to his helm officer. "Release docking clamps and maneuver us out of the space station." "Aye aye Sir."

The helmsman begins the undocking procedure and starts to slowly pilot the ship out of the docking bay, and continues to head to the space station's slowly opening doors. The ship slowly moves through the doors of the station and out to open space.

"Captain, we are receiving orders from command. They want us to check out a faint distress signal in spatial grid A435." Que said. "Helmsman. Lay in a course." He said. "Captain, that grid is dangerously close to Phadren space." The helmsman returned. "Bring it up on the main screen." He ordered. Que puts it on the main screen as both Xanar and Sylvia stand to look more closely. "Well, its still 10 light years on our side of the border." Sylvia said. "Still to close for my taste." Ti’k spoke up in reply. "Maybe so, but this is going to be our first test. Helmsman, lay in a course and engage at maximum warp." He finished with the helmsman responding. "Aye, aye sir. Engaging at warp nine, ETA is sixteen hours." And once they had cleared the space station the Helmsman engaged warp drive. 

After nine hours of a uneventful trip. Que notices the long range scanners have picked up a vessel in a near by unexplored star system. "Captain. I have a vessel on long range scanners." Que alerted Xanar. "Is it the one sending out the distress signal?" He question. "Detailed scan slowly coming in now Sir." Que responded. "Slowly?" He questioned. "It's just outside our scan range Captain." Xanar stood up and walked toward the main view screen. "Are we close enough to get a visual?" He asked. Que worked the console for a few seconds. A image appeared on screen of a bluish planet with a ship nearby. "That's the highest magnification I can give you Captain, we are still approximately forty eight light years away from that ship. The scan just finished sir. According to Radiometric readings, the ship appears to be 2000 years old. Reading a slight power signature from it as well, and the distress signal is stronger in the area. Though I still can't get a lock on where the distress signal is coming from at this range." He finished.

"Coje. Anyway to enhance this this image, or possibly increase the magnification?" Xanar asked over the comm system. "Not at this time Sir, I would have to redesign the imaging system. I could have it finished in about a week." Coje finished. "Eh, it's not terribly important at this point. Do it at your leisure." "As you wish Captain. Coje out."

"Helm, plot a new course toward that ship, warp factor five. Que, keep a continuous scan on that ship as we approach." "Aye Captain." He responded. As they continued to approach the vessel, Que was able to pick up more information on the surrounding area. The planet was Class G, habitable. The ship itself was on low power and transmitting the signal, but no life-signs had been found. The planet did have life-signs, but not clear on how many as of yet. "Captain. I recommend a full stop at this point Sir." Que requested. "All Stop." He ordered. After a few seconds past. "Reading all stop Sir." replied the helmsman. "What do you have for me Que?" "A lot more information Sir. The Ship only has enough power to transmit the signal, and there are no life-signs aboard her. The planet is showing life-signs but no clear numbers. Also there is one Phadren battle cruiser that is about an hour away from its location. We are 3 hours out if we continue at our present speed." Que finished. 

"Well then it looks as if we are going to try out the Quantum Core. Helm bring it online. Engineering, prepare for Quantum Warp." Xanar commanded. "Aye aye Captain." Atari responded. "Helmsman, lay in a course and engage when ready." With a nod, the helmsman’s hands danced across the console, "Ready in 3. 2. 1. Penetrating quantum threshold now." Finished the helmsman. The main screen showed a swirling tunnel of purple and white. Within a few seconds the tunnel collapsed and the ship was a hundred thousand meters off the starboard side of the vessel at a full stop. "Report." He ordered. The helmsman reported all systems except the Quantum Core reported green. Que reported the sensors were also in the green, but communications was down. Atari came over the comm system. "Captain, sorry to report but its going to be a while before we can do that again. That small jump blew out the quantum field matrix. I'll need at least two hours to repair it." She finished. "Get as many people on it as possible. That core is our up-link to Command as well." "Yes Sir. Omatto out."

This is going well he thought. Ti’k spoke up. "Phadren Ship is now forty five minutes out from our present location Captain." "Thank you Mr. Grim." "Captain, all scans are complete." Que said with some excitement. "The ship appears to be fully functional. There is no damage to her hall. It seems if we give her some power we should be able to setup her autopilot and send her back to Sol." he finished. 

Xanar thought for a moment and was about to speak before Ti’k spoke up. “Captain, that Phadren ship has stopped and launched a type of probe into a nearby nebula. While they are just barely on there side. The probe is not and I can't scan into the nebula to get a better reading on the probe type." He wondered what they were doing, and if they could scan through the nebula and spy, or if they where studying it.

John called up to the bridge. “Captain, that nebula is drifting into Phadren space, and it’s loaded with charged plasma. One wrong energy discharge, and it goes, and will likely take out most of this star system with it!” He watched the view screen for a few moments as the information from Que and John flowed across it. Should he attempt to communicate with the Phadren vessel, or start preparing for evacuation on a planetary scale. “I need options people.” He said at last. Everyone was quiet for what seemed like an eternity. Ti’k spoke first, “We should protect this ship. It may have a data archive on board that we’ll need to retrieve.” “And what of the life-signs on the planet?” Asked Xanar. John spoke up, “I wouldn’t worry to much about them, as scans shows it to be indigenous wildlife. Nothing we haven’t seen before on other planets.” he finished. “Very well. Helmsman, move us to within one hundred meters of the ship. Me. Grim extend our shields around the ship for now. Omatto, take a engineering and security detail to the ship and get her up and running under her own power ASAP.” “Understood, Captain.” Atari responded over the comm.

As the helmsman moved the Ray into position, Ti’k started the process of getting the shields around both ships and making sure there wasn’t a power overload or drain on the system. Sadly the ship didn’t have enough power overall with the loss of the Quantum Core to keep it stable. “Captain, I’m going to need to shutdown some non-essentials to extend the shields.” Ti’k said. “Explain.” “The temporary loss of the Quantum Core has caused a large enough power loss that I can’t maintain the shield grid in a stable manner for both ships.” He finished. Xanar sighed softly, “Lieutenant Omatto...” “ETA on the Quantum Core is one hour and forty five minutes Captain.” Atari finished before he could ask. “Very well.” he said. “Mr. Grim, until the core is finished just do your best for now.” He finished with Ti’k nodding in confirmation.