Current Track: Blabb
Chapter Two: Ghost Ship

As Atari entered the transporter room with six other Officers preparing to beam over to the other ship. She orders them into environmental suits. “Alright everyone, time to suit up.” Ensign Figore, a human female, speaks up. “Ma’am why are we suiting up to go over to a ship?” Atari looks at her for a second as the others begin suiting up. “Never been on board an abandoned Starship before?” She asked. “This is my first assignment on a Starship Ma’am.” She replied. “Wow you really are jumping in head first. Well the main reason is that the ships main power is offline. So things like Artificial Gravity, and Life Support, are also likely to be offline as well. Plus with the age of the vessel. We don’t know if there are any airborne pathogens that could infect us.” Atari explained in a short but detailed explanation. The Officer nodded and began to suit with everyone else. Once they all finished, Atari ordered them to turn on their suits and sync it to the ships systems so that they could be monitored while on the other ship. Once finished they boarded the transporter pads, as Atari commanded the Transporter Chief to beam them over.

With in an instant the scenery changes to total black out. Atari hits a button on her suit to turn on the helmet lights just as the others do, to a macabre scene. The air is thick with dust, and the floor was littered with the remains of the dead. Some of which had decayed completely to dust, leaving only the uniforms behind. Ensign Figore screamed, and stumbled backwards falling to the floor crying, and shuddering at the scene she was witnessing. For a quiet moment, Atari pays her respects to the dead, before turning to her to comfort her and get her steady to work. She hits the comm button on her suit. “Captain, I have some unfortunate news to report Sir.” “Go ahead Lieutenant.” “This ship is a grave yard Sir. Incoming visual.” She finished in a somber tone.

The main screen back on the Ray blinked over to Atari’s helmet cam and displayed the scene to the rest of the bridge crew. Some let out a quiet gasp, as others quickly paid their respects. “This is sad, but not unexpected Lieutenant, but please keep both visual and audio going.” Xanar finished. “I know Sir, I still felt it needed to be reported.” 

She turned to the other officers. “I know this is a dark scene for some of you, but I need to you to work quickly and carefully. Try not to disturb the dead if at all possible. I need Main Power, Artificial Gravity, and Life Support back online from here in Main Engineering.” As she points to Engineering Ensigns Daikar and Shina, Security Officer Ensign Torik, and Science Officer Ensign Brooks. "Dargon and Millar will join me in scanning the rest of the ship as we move to the bridge to see if there is a data archive, and get ship Communications back online.” She said to the other Security and Science Officers. As they parted ways to head off on their individual missions. The four in Engineering began. Ensign Daikar started hooking up a portable power unit he had brought to the main power feed. Ensign Shina began on the only working console to get power rerouted back to the main fusion reactor. Ensign Brooks began scanning the area more intently for signs of any foul play as the Ensign Torik began patrolling the area.

As Atari, Dargon, and Millar left Main Engineering towards the Bridge the scene in the corridors was the same. As they carefully stepped over the remains of the dead, Atari noticed what appeared to be panels that had exploded revealing what looked like burnt circuitry. A series of footsteps sounded down the corridor in front of them. Loud enough that all three of them heard it. “Lieutenant Omatto.” Daikar said over the suits comm system, making the three of them jump. “Go ahead.” She said after calming herself. “I’ve managed to discover that the Artificial Gravity had been malfunctioning for some time. Which could explain why some of these remains are completely dust.” Daikar finished. “Understood. Hows the progress with main power coming?” Atari asked, just before the lights came on. Though most flickered or didn’t work at all. “I guess that answers my question.” She finished. “Main power is functioning at forty five percent, but it looks as if the power grid is severely damaged.” Shina finished. “Judging from what I’m seeing in the corridors, it's as if a major power surge hit the ship and blew out most of the power transfer panels.” Atari said. “That might explain why I’m having trouble rerouting power through out the ship from here.” Shina replied.

The four Officers continued their work in Main Engineering. Brooks had reported no unusual pathogens in the air, but stated that air quality was poor at best. Also that there appeared to be no damage from weapons fire or combat of any sort, just what appeared to be from this unknown power surge. “Lieutenant Omatto, I’m sad to report I will not be able to get Life Support back online.” Shina reported. “Is it to badly damaged to repair?” Atari asked. “No Lieutenant. It doesn’t exist.” Atari stopped dead in her tracks, just before the doors to the Bridge. “What do you mean, “Doesn’t exist”?” She asked. “I’m at the location where the computer stated it should be. The entire unit is gone. Like it was never installed.” Replied Shina. At the moment three loud knocks sounded though out the corridor that Atari,Dargon, and Millar were in, causing them to look around. “Ma’am, I’m sorry to report that the ship is unable to travel. It looks as though the main components needed to make the ship run have been taken. Salvagers perhaps?” Reported Daikar. "How is that even possible? The scans from the Ray said it was travel worthy?" Atari asked confused. At that moment a series of hushed whispers could barely be heard in Main Engineering. Daikar and Shina looked at each other and then to Brooks that was still scanning. “Did you say something?” One of them asked. Brooks turned to look at them quizzically. “No, I thought you two were talking about something over there.” She responded. Torik came back from his patrol with his weapon drawn. "I don't think we're alone on this ship." Brooks quickly walked over the console, and brought up what was left of the ships internal sensors, and started tying them into her scanning device she was using. She uplinked the rest of the away-teams readings into the computer as well since she was having limited success with the ships. She hit her comm button with lightning reflexes. “Lieutenant do not go onto the Bridge. I’m picking up a large energy reading that I do not trust.” She said rapidly. Atari stopped just before she reached the panel to open the door. “What sort of energy reading are you picking up?” There was long silence that followed before the word `Psionic` came back.

Daikar came over the comm. “Lieutenant I’m not seeing anything on the bridge that is alive, or moving according to the few scanners that are working on the bridge. There appears to be a self sustaining power source on the bridge from one of the side rooms. Could be a Captain’s office?" He finished. Atari paused for a moment. Thinking that not many ships she knew in her ten years of service have ever come across a psionic energy reading, or if they did, dared to report it. After a brief time in thought she decided to contact the ship. “Omatto to the Ray.” She said as she hit the comm button on her suit. There was no response after twenty seconds. “Omatto to the Ray, come in over.” She said with a slight tremble in her voice. A loud static with barely audible three words “.........GO............ENGINE............ BEAM...............” at which point it the button sparked, popped, and went dead. Atari turned to Dargon and Millar with a look of horror. They knew before she said anything that they needed to go back to Main Engineering. With a nod to each other, they bolted down the corridor, weapons drawn at the ready. Dark shadow figures started to appear and tried to block there path, but they had no physical substance to prevent the three of them from passing through.

John had gone to the bridge and took over the medical console to monitor the away team there. “Que are you able to reestablish audio communications with them?” Xanar asked. “No, all audio comms have been hit with some type of interference and severed them from the ship. We are only able to get a visual.” Que answered. "Can you establish a data connection?” Xanar asked. Que’s hands blurred over his console for a minute and just as he finished the voice of Brooks came over with the word “Psionic”. Everyone on the bridge stared for a moment in hushed silence. Xanar had only heard of three other ships that had encountered Psionic energy readings before. Of which one ship disappeared, and the other two, well, both crews had lost their minds completely. “Transporter Chief, get the away team out of there NOW!” He commanded over comms. “Sir, I'm only able to get the four in the Engineering section. The targeting system can’t find the rest of the ship.” “Then get them off, we’ll find a way to get the other there as well.” He said. He then leaned over Que’s console, and looked him in the eyes. “I don’t care what you have to do to get them a message, but they need to head back to the engineering section of that ship pronto if we are to save them.” Que began running of the console at lightning speed. He managed to find that he could send a prerecorded message over the data connection to Atari’s comms and did so. They all watched as the three of them took off down the corridor back to Main Engineering. Xanar watched in horror as shadow figures slowly started to appear on the visual. “Ti'k, once they are on board, move us away to a hundred thousand meters and raise shields to maximum.” He commanded as he hoped that would be enough for now. “Aye Sir.”

As Atari and the others ran through the corridor. Dargon fell to the floor screaming about her legs. Atari stopped to help her only to see that her legs had been severed from her body. She tried to reach up to Atari for help, and as Atari got closer watched her head come off and spray arterial blood on her. Atari screamed and fell back on the floor in horror. Millar grabbed Atari and dragged her to her feet “MOVE!” he yelled at her causing her to come to and start running again. They continued running down the corridor, and turned the corner to see the bulkhead to Main Engineering before them. “I hope they are ready for us.” He said. They entered the room and he screamed as Atari watched his body appear to fall apart at the limbs before his head came off. Then everything went dark.

Atari crashed to the floor of the transporter pad back on the Ray. “Captain, I have Lieutenant Omatto on board after passing the bio-filter. Unfortunately the computer never got the other two.” The transport chief said over the comm. “Trust me, you don’t want to know what happened to the other two. I be there shortly to talk with the Lieutenant.” “Understood Sir.” At that moment Ti'k, started moving the ship as Xanar headed for the grav-lift. “Commander you have the bridge.” said he. “Yes Sir.” As Sylvia sat back down trying to recover from the horror scene she just witnessed. Dozens or more Shadow figures attacking the other two Officers, and and... She wanted to vomit. She wanted to scream in rage and anger, but all she could do right now was quietly weep for the two lost Officers. 

He arrived at the transporter room, and saw Atari sitting on the floor with her helmet off as she dropped the rest of the environmental suit to the floor. He moved her a few feet away and placed both hands on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes. They were wide with horror and she was visibly shaking. “Atari. Look at me please.” He said softly. Atari looked up at him with tears streaming down her cheeks, and just let go, and began to sob uncontrollably. He brought her in and held her close to try and comfort her as best as he could. A medical team arrived shortly after. One of the nurses came over, and hugged her while at the same time giving her a mild sedative, to help her calm down. He picked her up and carried her over to the stretcher, and watched as they took her to Sickbay. 

Xanar went to his quarters and vomited. Never before had he seen such unprovoked anger and violence. After cleaning up he walked out in to the living area of his quarters and kicked a small chair as hard as he could. “DAMNIT!! NOT EVEN 48 HOURS!!” He yelled as hard as he could. Death was never an easy thing for him. He had lost crew members in the past, but each one hurt just as much as the last. He began to weep softly for Ensigns Dargon and Millar. 

After a short period John called him over the comm. “Captain, I’ve called the evening crew to take over the bridge for now. This way the others can find a release they need for their emotions.” “Thank you John. How is Atari and the others?” He quietly asked. “The other four Officers are fine outside of being a bit scared. Atari may need therapy from time to time. Other than that she’s fine from the standard medical exam. I'll be doing a more through examination here in a few minutes.” John finished. “Thank you." Xanar replied.

As he picked up the chair, and reset it. He went and sat down on the sofa to try and relax himself. Not to long after his door chimed. He straightened himself up before answering it. “Enter.” The door slid open to reveal Sylvia. She looked a little worse for wear. “May I come in Captain?” She asked. “Yes please. Some company could do me some good right now.” He finished. Sylvia entered his quarters and took a seat at his dining table. She saw a scuff mark on the little chair in his living space, and knew what had happened. “First rough day huh?” she asked calmly. “Understatement of the year.” He said then taking a deep breath. 

“I’ve taken the liberty of deleting the video log from the computer and environmental suits.” She replied. He thought for a moment before replying. “That’s probably for the best. John contacted me and said Atari will likely need therapy from time to time.” “That might not be such a bad idea for the rest of us as well. With what we witnessed.” She finished. "While I have seen a lot. I’ve never seen this before.” He said softly. She got up and walked over and sat next to him on the sofa. She wrapped her arms around him and drew him close. He immediately began to weep again. “I don’t want another cursed ship and mission.” He whispered softly. “I know you don’t.” She replied softly and wept with him. And hour later they both went to Sickbay to check up on Atari. As they arrived. John, Que, Ti'k, and Coje were there as well, talking with her. “Captain!” Atari said as he held up a hand to stop her. “Please call me Xanar when we are off duty or in down time.” He said with a smile. Atari blushed slightly but nodded in return. “Anyway we came to check up on you and see how your doing.” He finished. “I’m doing a lot better, thanks to John.” Atari replied as John smiled. “He said I might need some therapy to help.” She added. “Xanar and I were thinking that might not be such a bad idea for the rest of us as well.” Sylvia said. 

They talked for about an hour about other things, to try and keep everyone's mind at ease for the time being. After which, Xanar decided to head to the mess hall to eat. Everyone came with him, Atari included. For the next few hours they talked and laughed about things they had done in the past on other ships, missions, achievements, mischievous gags they had done with friends. Over the course of the dinner everyone slowly started to head back to their quarters for the night.

“Computer, privacy settings.” Said Xanar. The computer acknowledged with a soft beep. He walked over to a console on his desk to see two new recorded messages there. The first one came from Engineering, and stated that the Quantum Core was back online. Several other systems had also been repaired that had been blown out at that time. As well as new sensors had been installed to monitor the activity.

The second message stated that the Chief Medical Officer John Body had a copy of the mission recording for farther analysis, and that once finished it would be deleted. The second message bothered him a bit more than any other visual recording of a mission. Psionic energy is not something to be trifled with he felt.

He closed out the messages and proceeded to the bathroom. He undressed, and got into the shower stall. “Some hot water should help relax me, and this, this troubled feeling I have. Computer, play something soft and relaxing.” he finished. The computer acknowledged and began playing a soft raining thunder storm with some beautiful birds happily whistling in it. He got under the water as it got hot, and just let it pour over him. His mind wandered to his first mission as Captain. The Delta. His first major mission that also turned into a nightmare from hell. He was suppose to explore the Lacorsta system, and study the dual quasars and the planets that formed near them. As well as the incident that lead to the complete destruction of his ship and nearly most of his crew by an unknown attacker. Leaving Sylvia and himself stranded in an escape capsule for a few months.

After an hour or so, mostly until he felt better. He got out and dried off. He put his clothes and wet towel into the recycle unit, then walked over to the bed and got on some light night clothes. Then went to the food replicator. “Hot Camomile Tea.” He ordered. “Specify temperature.” "One hundred and seventy five degrees and remember temperature setting.” It appeared a second later. He took it and sat on his couch and sipped his tea while still listening to the soft music.

It seemed as though time was passing slowly for him, until his door chimed letting him know that someone was there. “Computer, audio level to fifty percent. Enter.” He finished. The door opened to reveal Atari. She was in plain clothes herself as she walked in. The door closed behind her as she started looking around until her eyes laid on him leaning on the arch that lead to the living area of his quarters. She blushed a deep red, having never seen him out of uniform and in night clothes no less. “S.. Sorry if I’m disturbing Sir.” She said as she looked down at her feet in a slight embarrassment. He looked her over for a moment. He noted that even after saying to call him by name when off duty, she still did not. Plus her blushing only added to her cuteness. “Please have a seat Ms. Omatto.” He offered her a chair. “Would you care for some hot tea? I’ve been told it helps relax the body.” He finished. “Yes please.” She answered shyly. He made the same order of tea for her as he replenished he own, and sat down across from her at the dining room table. 

“So, to what honor am I blessed with such a late visit?” He asked in a calm and airy tone, as he noted that the hour was indeed late ‘0100 in the morning.’ “To be honest, I couldn’t sleep. I kept getting nightmares that keep me awake.” She said as she took a sip of her tea. He looked at her as she looked down at her tea. “I can understand all to well.” He replied in a somber but caring tone. She looked up at him. Her eyes wet as though she was about to start to cry. “How?” was all she asked in a meek tone. He took a sip of his tea before speaking again. “Have you ever heard the story of the ‘Cursed Ship?’” He asked. Her eyes slightly narrowed as she nodded. “Yes, the Delta.” she responded softly. He took a deep breath before continuing “I was her Captain.” He said softly while looking into his tea. Her eyes went wide. No one anywhere talked of this ship or her crew. Only stories and rumors abound about it. “At the time of its maiden launch, she was the most advanced science vessel in the fleet.” He began. “She had a crew of five hundred and a long seven year mission, to explore the dual quasars of the Lacorsta System. For the first few months everything was going fine. No issues, and data was just pouring in at a rapid pace. So much so we had to send a lot of it off to be analyzed by HQ. After the forth month in the system. We came under attack by an unknown attacker. They destroyed the ship and killed ninety five percent of the crew. Sylvia and myself were left in a life pod for a few months before we were picked up by another ship.” He paused for a moment to drink more tea and gather his thoughts. She was shocked to find that Sylvia had been with him then as well. She got up and walked over to him, and pulled him into a hug. Which from the outside looked silly, as she was only four and a half feet in height, while he was nearly seven and a half feet in height. But he accepted her hug and returned it. 

It wasn’t but a few seconds after that she started crying again. He held her close and softly wept with her. She was new to this sort of thing from what he could ascertain, or at least to loosing personal in such a graphic nature. She, more then likely had never really been on any difficult missions. Where as he on the other hand, that seemed to be the only thing that being in command had given him. Though thinking about it, it seems as though his whole life had been one disaster after another. She started getting weak from standing there, as he noticed her slumping a bit. He picked her up and carried her over to the couch with him, and cuddled with her as they both wept.

Eleven hundred hours came as he awoke to find himself in bed with Atari. Startled as he checked. They both still had their clothes on and where on top of the covers. He thought to himself. “Oh, thank goodness. Nothing happened. That’s the last thing I need to worry about right now.” He got up carefully not to disturb her, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. As he got the water running he striped down, and stepped in, and began to wash himself. Not really paying attention to what was outside the shower. He thought to himself. “I don’t need to start a relationship with someone I just met. I know it would upset Sylvia as she has deep feelings for me. For now I need to remain focused. Plus I could never reveal that I was exiled from my home world for being sterile.”

Atari felt him get out of bed gently. She was amazed that he treated her with a level of respect that no other male on her home world would give. She was blessed with both brains and of high breeding stock. She hated that second fact as she really didn’t want to have young at such and early stage in life. She was amazed that he didn’t mate with her, as much as she would have liked him too, but she also knew they were both emotional weak, and was glad they didn’t. She watched him go into the bathroom and stripe before going into the shower. His body was beautiful, and strong. 

This level of respect by her societies laws required the "Right of Trust" bond to be performed, it was a bond of complete trust for one another. It was a bond that meant you could only trust them with your deepest secrets, pain, and needs. She got up and went into the bathroom as well, and stripe off her clothes, and slowly walked into the shower to join him. 

He jumped as he felt her enter the shower and turned to say something to her, but she reached up and gently put her hand on his muzzle to stop him. “A bond deeper than friendship formed between us last night. I’m not in here for sexual pleasure or payment. On my home world this is a deep emotional bond, and it is almost as strong as being mated. It means I can’t hurt you with out hurting myself. I know you are not required to follow my peoples ways, but I must still follow through with the ritual of this bond.” She finished. He was amazed that her eyes did not waiver across his body the whole time. She was serious about this. He knelt down in front of her all the while not breaking her gaze. “What does the ritual involve?” He asked quietly. “Merely grooming one another.” She replied with her eyes becoming brighter. “Then walk me through this with you.” He said smiling.

She took his soap and began with washing his head, ears, and antlers with hands gently kneading. Once finished, she moved to his shoulders, chest, and back. He paid attention to everything she touched and did with her hands as she moved to the more sensitive spots on his body. He made sure to keep his body under control as she touched those areas, before moving to his legs and then finally his feet. He then turned to her and saw her blushing deeply, as he got back on his knees. “B.. be gentle please.” She said softly. As he began the same steps and motions with his hands. He started with her head, and ears. Gently rubbing and massaging them, as he slowly moved to her shoulders, back, slowly reaching around front to her chest, and belly. He gently moved to her sensitive areas, massaging gently with his hands, as she controlled herself. Then slowly moving to her tail, and then on to her legs, and feet. Once finished, she turned around to him, and had him sit on the floor of the shower, as she straddled his legs, and cuddled up with him close under the falling water.

“Incoming Priority One from Admiral Zujuan.” The computer interrupted. Xanar sighed. “Audio only computer.... Admiral good to hear from you.” He finished. “Sorry to have disturbed you Captain, but I just got your update report this morning. How is your crew holding up?” Zujuan asked. “A little worse for wear. The doctor is going to clear us in a another day to return to duty.” He said still holding a quiet Atari under the running water. “That is good to hear. I had hoped this assignment would fare better for you then the one on the Delta. I’m sorry it’s been rough so far.” Zujuan finished. “Thank you Sir for your concern.” He said in a thankful tone. “I’m also sending you all knowledge and research into Psionic energy. It’s not much, but with any luck it should help fill in some gaps. Fill in your crew as you see fit. I’ve also upgraded this ship and her crew, you now have top level security clearance for the duration of this mission.” Zujuan added. “Understood sir.” "Also as much as I know you would rather not, I would like for you to try and retrieve any data from the computers on that ship. If you can't then you have my permission to destroy it." Zujuan said. "Yes Sir." He said with a soft sigh. “Zujuan out.” With that the channel closed. Atari leaned back to look at Xanar. “I didn’t need to be here for that you know.” she said. “You said a bond of trust right?” He asked. Atari smiled and hugged him. As they got out, they toweled each other off, and then got dressed. 

She left his quarters first and started on her way to the mess hall. He followed shortly after, only to check and make sure that the data had been received, and transferred it to a data pad to bring along. As he arrived in the mess hall. Ti'k, and Que had just sat down with Sylvia and John to eat. Atari and Coje was joining them as well. He walked over to the table and joined them. “So how is everyone today?” He asked. Sylvia spoke first. “I slept pretty good once I took something that John gave me.” John nodded in response. “I couldn’t sleep at all. So I went to the Holo-Room for some exercise. Though I think I’ll sleep well later today.” Ti'k said. “For the most part sleep came, though it was very light.” Coje added as both Que and John nodded in agreement. Everyone looked at Atari. “I slept alright for the most part, a few bad dreams that woke me up every once in a while.” She said. Xanar noted that she did not mention their time together. “Well, sleep was fickle for me as well. Also I just received a communication from the Admiral.” He finished, hoping it might change the mood of the table a bit. Everyone looked at him listening with some excitement. 

“This ship and crew has been given top level security clearance for the duration of this mission. Don’t abuse it. I only want you looking up things in your area of expertise, and then collaborate with each other. He also sent us all information pertaining to Psionic energy studies, and possible events related to it. I’ll be giving you a copy of this pad later tonight at dinner for you own studies.” Xanar finished. “Does that mean we are going to try going back to that ship again?” Sylvia asked in a stunned manor. “As much as I would rather destroy that ship and be done with it.” “I can have the weapons ready to fire in seconds Captain!” Ti'k said cutting in. While being butted in on upset him a bit, he couldn’t help but laugh a bit. “The Admiral wants us to try everything to retrieve any data in the computers, and only then destroy it.” He said in a somber tone. “Though truth be told, I would like to try and retrieve it without going over there if at all possible. Now if you all will kindly excuse me, I’m going back to my quarters to start copying, and studying this information.” Xanar finished as he got up and left the mess hall.

Everyone turned to look at Atari once Xanar had left the hall. Sylvia was the first to ask. “So how was your night with the good Captain?” Atari looked at her for a moment before answering. It only made sense that they would figure it out. Especially if they came looking for her in her quarters. “We just chatted the whole night until I fell asleep. I didn’t know that he had commanded the  Delta.” She said in a soft tone. Sylvia looked at her with a soft look. Everyone else just stared in awe at her. “I think you’re the first person he’s ever told about it.” She said to her. “How do you know this, Sylvia?” Ti'k asked. She sighed a bit thinking she knew at some point this might come up. “I was his First Officer on that ship as well. Xanar and I go back about twenty years as commissioned officers. He was always the Captain, and I, his First Officer.” She finished. Everyone was quiet in thought for a moment before John spoke up. “That helps me understand him better.” “I’m not sure about everyone else, but this talk of cursed ships and missions does not sit well with me.” Coje said as he got up. “Nothing personal, but I’m some what superstitious. So if you’ll excuse me.” He finished as he walked away. Atari yawned a bit before getting up herself. “I think I’m going to retire for now everyone. Maybe see if I can get a nap in.” She finished and walked out the other end of the mess hall. Sylvia got up herself and stretched a bit. “Well gentlemen I think I’m going to go for a walk.” Ti'k ,and Que bid her farewell until dinner.

Sylvia walked the corridors of the ship for a while. Her mind was racing on the mission, and what had happened last night between Xanar and Atari. She didn’t want to think that he just jumped in bed with her, with them both being emotionally weak, but it kept bubbling up in her mind that he did. She knew she was feeling jealous that Atari got to be with him last night, because she wanted too. She didn’t though when the computer told her that Atari was with him. “Commander Fox, please report to my quarters.” Came over her comm badge. It was Xanar. Was he feeling remorse, or did it have to do with the data. “Commander Fox?” “On my way, Sir.” She responded. She walked to his quarters and walked up to the door. “Enter” came Xanar’s voice as the door slide open. She walked in and saw him standing and looking out his windows at the starry field. She could feel tears start to form, and tried to blink them away. “Sylvia, I want you to know, that nothing happened between us last night.” He said, as she burst into tears. He knew her thoughts, she thought to herself. He came over and held her close. He had known her for twenty years, and knew she was in love with him. The last thing he wanted was to upset her and turn her and Atari against each other. Truth be told his own society believed in multiple mates, to ensure a strong bloodline, even though he could not give a family. It's what stopped him from wanting a relationship. She slowly stopped crying and held him tightly, not wanting to let go. “I can’t help my feelings for you.” She said meekly. “I know. I just wanted you to know, that I’m not trying to upset or put you in a spot that will cause a rift between you two. We did share a bonding experience this morning, but it was grooming only. Something about the way they trust someone implicitly in their society.” He finished. He had in fact been reading up on it, and it goes for all sexes, not just the opposite. 

Sylvia knew he was telling the truth because of the way his eyes looked at her, and that he didn’t want her to feel jealous of Atari. She leaned back to look him in the eyes. She always felt welcomed with those eyes of his. He held her cheeks and muzzle in his hands gently, looking into her eyes. He brought her close an kissed her forehead as he always did to help her relax. It did help as she blushed a bit. “Now how about we talk about things, as I continue to copy this pad for everyone?” He said. She nodded as she sat down near his desk.

Morning came as everyone reported to sickbay for their check up from John. As he finished with Ti'k last, he began a review of the tests. Everyone was so far looking normal. “Well, the good news is, everyone has a clean bill of health. However I would like everyone to come here once a day, so I can continue to monitor you. I want you here at the end of your shifts starting today, for the next week.” John finished. “Well you heard the Doctor, everyone report to your posts.” Xanar said.

He began walking toward the grav-lift, as Sylvia caught up to him. “Captain, I’ve been going over the information that the Admiral sent us, and I’m surprised they managed to get this much with what little they began with.” She finished. “As am I Commander. It looks like most of it might be theory on the base data they recorded, or recovered.” He said. As they reached the bridge.