Current Track: Blabb

In an era of modern technology, death is only a minor inconvenience. Yes, the first time one is resurrected without a physical body - as if a ghost in a simulation - is unsettling. But if you get over it, there are certainly advantages to giving up a physical form and staying as a ghost-like entity.

The demands of a physical body are inconvenient, if we’re being honest. Sure, the biohackers have made morphs that need half as much sleep as the old humans did, with need for less food and minimal biological waste. But some of those features are out of your price range if you’re reading this from a low-rep ego like me.

Being an infomorph - a ghost as some would put it - frees you from all that. The simulations are amazing these days, even compared to a couple years ago. you can have any environment you can imagine. Rest only if you feel like it. It’s freedom in a way not even a robotic shell can match.

So before you rush off and burn favors trying to get yourself a cheap body to inhabit, give the incorporeal life a try. Ghost the universe for a few days. You’ll like it more than you think.