Current Track: Blabb

Construction was finally finished on the new colony ship. It was a decade in the making, a multi-trillion dollar effort funded by the world’s elite. The whole ship was self sufficient, with an antimatter core that could last for millions of years, and a ring that would continuously spin, generating Earth-like gravity. Launch was scheduled within a month.

None of those who designed or built the ship would be upon it. This was a parting project of the über rich. A way to escape a world they’d taken for all they could. While inside the spinning ring of the habitat, they would be able to physically look down on the world in the way they mentally had for years. Joining them amongst the stars would be a pipe dream to anyone who had to ask the price.

Nobody on the site cheered as they left the ship to be transported to the launch pad. Those who would celebrate were too self-important to be here. The Earth was once a beautiful gem, but now was scuffed and tarnished beyond repair. The ship was a sing about to free itself from such imperfection, ready to set a new world in its place.