Current Track: Blabb

A lead Crown Contribution: Peaceful day

   ¨Inny...wake up....come on, wake up¨
said a sweet voice accompanied by little shoves to my arms, which
were making it hard to ignore the voice and just go back to sleep
¨Inny....come on¨

   ¨G' 'way, I wanna sleep¨I replied
groggily, enjoying the pleasing embrace of dreams a little too much
to let it go so soon, maybe in an hour or two, but the voice would
have none of that and keep trying to have its way.

   It suddenly stopped after sometime, and
soon I was falling asleep again when I though I felt something was
wrong, but before I could figure out what it was I was attacked… by
the evil tickling paws, they were fierce and terrible in their
attack, tickling me until I was laughing so hard that it hurt.

   Only after it stopped and I had calmed
down enough to stop laughing, did I look for the one who did this
underhanded attack, I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed
was the white hair and giggling face of my little sister, Fari.

   ¨Fari, what was that for?¨ I asked,
my mind already planing my revenge for this.

   ¨You wouldn't wake up Inny¨ She told
me between giggles, putting an innocent face but clearly pleased by
the outcome ¨You promised we would play, remember?¨

   ¨I see... then you better run before I
catch you¨I told her mischievously, jumping after her ready to repay
her ¨favor¨, but she was already running out of our yurt before I
had a chance to grab her, and I was soon going after her, almost
knocking Dad of his feet on my way out, who just smiled and told me
to take care of Fari, before I muttered a quick bye and left.

   As soon as I was out I started to look
for Fari, spotting her hiding behind some bushes, her white hair
working against her this time, I quickly made as if I was still
looking for her while I got closer to her hiding spot. Once I was
close enough I went after her, trying to catch her, but always
letting her ¨slip¨through my arms.

   I kept chasing after her around the
whole tribe for a long time, making her believe I couldn't catch her
to keep the fun going on, but a couple of minutes later we both were
too tired to keep playing like this, so I took the chance and pounced
on her when she wasn't looking, quickly taking a hold of her and
tickling and teasing her for all it was worth, laughing along with
her, until we both were panting on the ground happily trying to
recover our breath.

   ¨That's not fair Inny¨ Fari pouted
after lying on the ground for a while.

   ¨Why not?¨ I asked her, playing the
innocent bat.

   ¨You're older than me¨she said like
it was the obvious answer ¨ I'm always the first to get tired, it's
not fair Inny¨

   ¨So what should I do then?¨ I asked
her, sitting up so I could see her face better.

   ¨That's easy¨ She answered joyfully ¨
You can't catch me until I say so¨

    ¨But that's not fun¨ I told her with
a smile that said I was just fooling around with her, I didn't mind
playing with her at all, we were best friends and I loved her too
much to care.

   ¨Inny, are you sure they
won't find us here?¨ asked me Fari in a hushed voice, hiding herself
between some branches above me in the tree. ¨I don't want to lose¨

   ¨Yeah, I'm sure they'll
never catch us here¨ I assured her, after all we were the best at
hide and seek players ever, always being the last to be found, but it
was always fun to see our friends try to find us anyway.

   ¨But it's been a while
since the game started¨ Fari complained, never really liking to stay
put at one place for a long time, except at grandma's but that was
the only place I knew of, anywhere else she was jumping up and down
like she had been eating stone tribe's spicy food.

    A couple of minutes passed and there was silence between us, trying hard not to make any sound that would make us lose the game, but we didn' tknow how it was going, though I hadn't heard anything even close to a person neraby, or at least that was until I heard a whisper behind me.

   ¨Who are you hiding from Inny?¨ I didn't even trun around to answer all the while thinking that it was Fari, who was bored and she came to talk with me.

   ¨You know who we are hiding from Fari, I already told you¨ I answered keeping my voice down,

    ¨You sure, 'cuz you're not doing a very good job¨ The voice told me, before I felt a pair of arms grab me from behind and hear the owner shout ¨I found Inny!¨

    I let out a yelp as the trapping arms let me go and I almost fell face first into the ground, the guy who trapped me was laughing at his little antic, though it didn't last long, because a few seconds later I heard something heavy falling and his laugh was replaced by a groan., when I turned around to see what had happened the sight made was so funny I suffered a laughing attack: Fari on top of a fallen brown haired bat twice her size with his face lying on a, fixing him an annoyed stare.

   ¨I'm sorry, I slipped¨ Fari said with a way too innocent smile on her face, receiving another groan for the poor kid below her.

   ¨Sure, sure, now...can you get off me?¨He replied, clearly annoyed at being taken down by a girl. Fari stayed on top of him for a while, like she was deep in thought before hopping off and hugging me, sticking her tongue out at the other bat who now had his hair covered in mud, stick and leaves..

   ¨How did you find us?¨I asked him as he got up, a carefree smile quickly settling on his face. 

   ¨Easy, you always hide around here¨ He replied good naturedly, before turning around to meet the rest of our friends who appeared from behind the trees., congratualting us for hiding so well, but I prefered to stay in the sidelines, hating feeling trapped by the group.


   The sun was setting down on our way home, having parted with our friends after spending most of the day playing, Fari was running towards grandma's, her excited laugh and entusiasm was probably heard by the whole tribe, I was trotting behind her, keeping an eye on her like my Dad told me to, after all it was a stone tribe's custom to take care of ladies, and so I did.

   Soon we got to grandma's yurt, the largest in the whole tribe, and a place we spent all the time we could, especially when she would tell us a lot of stories, some were fun, toers were sad, but they were all incredible.

   ¨I won again Inny¨ She claimed joyfully, so excited she was jumping up and down on the spot.

   ¨Only because you ran away without telling me first Fari¨ I told her teasingly, ruflling her white hair just for the sake of it, before entering te yurt, followed shrotly by my sister.

    The insides of the tent were nicey furnished, with a couples of pelts and other trinkets surrounding a warm fire on the center, with some other interesting things grandama kept around, like the big soft thing she was sitting right now, she called it a Ku-chi-on, but she never let anyone else but herself sit on it, like she was doing now, her wise but caring eyes trained on us, giving us a warm smile as we entered.

   ¨Grandma¨ yelled Faria as she ran towards the old white haired bat, hugging her when she was close, something I did too, but instead of running I walked, getting excited for my own hug.

   ¨How have my favoite grandchidren been doing?¨ She asked sweetly as we took a seat near her,  telling her all the things that we did today, boasting how we were the last ones to get caught and how dad was teaching us more Stone Tribe's custom, which made er frownslightly, but I doubt Fari noticed it. After a while we had told her everything we could think of, and she started relating her stories  about spirits and animals, humans and fur, victory and defeat, the tribes and their lost sister the stone tribes, on and on it went,  trapping me up in those amazing tales for hours on end.

    But soon we had to go home, and I had to take a drozy Fari back home, although before I left grandma told me one last thing ¨You should never put a lot of trust in the Stone Tribe little one, they can bring you a lot of pain if you do¨