Current Track: Blabb

So I guess that last chapter should have been called “Don’t change at work.” However, I decided to call it “Don’t change in Public Places” because many lycans have lost their life because they changed in a park and a Hunter shot them with a silver bullet because they thought that they were Dires. So this was the tale I chose because I really don’t want to paint the hunters in such a negative light. They really are nice people. They just have humanity’s safety at the forefront of their minds. We are dangerous creatures after all. Never forget that killing just one innocent person can cause a lycan to change into a dire. I direct this at all weres: Do everything you can not to change in a public place where there are many people. Your lives especially depend on not changing near people; your wolves are completely feral and will kill anything that they think that they can consume. If you are able go to a forest area completely away from civilization and change there. Luckily you only need to worry about changing at lunar climax.

Well let’s move on shall we? Next we move to Colorado. My mate of five years and I decided to move there after about the eighth riot started after it was found out that the new mayor of New York was a lycan. Sure lycans were allowed to live amongst humans and they even acknowledged our existence, but the fact that we could potentially be in their government, made the humans scared and thus they rioted. So we ‘escaped’ New York in favor of the wilder and less populated city of Breckenridge, CO. My mate’s name was James Coltire, He was a lycan of Scottish descent and was a first generation pureblood—In other words his parents were both turned lycans but they had successfully given birth to a lycan child. He worked for the mountain in the winter months as a lift operator alongside his summer job. In the summer he worked for a software firm who had made its home in Breckenridge. It was ridiculous how much he worked. I barely got to see him. However, I keep forgetting this book isn’t about me; it’s about the lycans who made mistakes and got themselves killed or fired from their jobs.

It was the middle of winter and Breck had its usual number of tourists and skiers visiting. So that meant that James was going to be working late. If I remember correctly the software firm had him translating hundreds of programs into Wolfyr—the lycan language for those who didn’t know.

It was about ten after ten when James came home that night growling fiercely. So I went over to see what was wrong.

“Jimmy, what’s wrong, sweety?”

“The boss is a shithead and thinks he knows our language. He was telling me that ‘Puyeo no ‘OK’ ontbon, fi su visrufa vis di lisanspabi,’ should be, ‘puyea no ‘OK’ ontbon, fi su visruo vis ni lisanspabi.’ It was all I could do from punching him in the face right there.”

“Well, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, does he? He’s not a lycan, is he?”

“His scent is strange; I can tell he’s a lyko. However species is a bit harder to pinpoint.”

“Well just be careful.”

“I’m always careful, darling.” He replied.

“Why must I always correct your Wolfyr, James? I thought you were a lycan, for Pete’s sake!”

“I am…a purebred, little rabbit! Do you really want to fucking go there? I could tear you apart without a second thought.” James growled, trying to sound threatening.

“Well what’s this; does the little pup want to hunt with the big wolves?” His boss chided. Now understand, James was about twenty-three and his boss was…I believe…thirty-five. Now also understand that Lycans age in reverse of dogs. Every seven years a human ages the lycans age one. That goes both for their human and their wolf state. Depending on when he was bitten, his wolf could be minimum the equivalent of a three year old wolf and maximum of five years. His wolf would have been in the prime of its life. My lover’s was in the beginning of his prime. Still new, however, he’d seen twenty three years as a lycan, so it was possible that he was wiser about lycan affairs.

“If you wish to keep your position as my boss, I would suggest you shut the hell up.” Ah here we go: the challenge. This will not end well for one of these men.

“Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be purebred? Are you really going –” The boss started growling as he changed into an Alpha Grey Lycan, “—challenge an Alpha?”

“I’m not going to give you the chance to make me submit. You are not my alpha. Nor will I allow you to be after this battle. I will win.”

“Fat CHANCE!” The alpha yelled and charged. James ducked. He made sure that his hands changed quickly. Then he dragged their claws across his belly as the alpha jumped over him. The alpha howled shrilly as he crashed through the wall of James’ office. The office was on the second story of the building and would have been a potentially fatal fall for any human, however for a lycan the size of a small grizzly the fall was nothing. He shrugged it off and yelled “Fucking rabbit gonna come get me?”

“It ain’t polite to call another prey, asshole. If it’s a fight you want it’s a fight you’ll GET!” James snarled and jumped out the window. He looked almost feral with his fangs bared, claws glinting in the sunlight and stained red from the wound he already dealt to the alpha.

The larger lycan laughed at James, “You fucking punk, that’ll get you killed you know.”

“You’ll both be killed if you don’t stop fighting!” there came the voice out of the forest next to James’ place of work. They stopped for a few seconds as a white lycan came out of the forest. “Eric, dear why are you lowering yourself to this omega’s level?”

“OMEGA!? I am no one’s bitch, bitch!” James exasperated.

“Really, what would your mate say if he heard that?”

“How?... How the fuck did you know?”

“Fool! You grew up a lycan and yet are still ignorant of our olfactory prowess? Do you not realize how powerful our noses are? I can smell the scent of a true pureblood all over you. You two are indeed a couple.”

James smacked his furred forehead with the palm of his hand. “Duh, Through that same prowess I can smell that you are this rabbit’s bitch, am I right?”

“Well now, I see you have no tact. You should know to treat alphas with respect. Why do you show me and my husband such disrespect?” The white wolf chuckled.

“Well, it should be clear…I am above any bitten alpha I am a pureblood!”

“No, hon, you aren’t you share the status of your bitten parents. They were—”

“—The product of a bite from one of my mate’s distant relatives, actually, which means that the pureblood trait is only a generation removed. So I still maintain the pureblood status of the ones who bit my parents. Don’t you dare think to know my past! I know my lycan lineage better than most. I am the offspring of the product of descendants of . Don’t undermine my stature as Lycan!”

“So this young’un thinks he knows his stature…Well we have no choice, Eric, teach him his place.” The white wolf declared.

James took one second to look at her and gawk. Just a little bit ago; she was trying to stop their fighting; now she was trying to make him submit. He was confused and that confusion would end up being his downfall.

Eric, the gray alpha lunged into James’ neck with a sharp dominating bite. However, the alpha bit too hard and a sharp crack ran through the air and thus ended the life of my mate of five years.

Eric spat James’ neck out of his mouth and looked down at his crumpled form. “Shit, this ain’t good. I can’t fucking get tangled up with the Hunters, what do we do, Auriella?”

“We’re wolves aren’t we? Eat the upstart. He fucking deserves it, thinking himself above us alphas.”

Why he decided to fight even after finding out his boss was also an alpha and every instinct should have told him to back down, I will never know. He should have known he was outclassed. He should have known that he wouldn’t make it through it after his mate showed up. He just shouldn’t have gone through with it. However, he did and know I can show you that it is indeed stupid and not a good idea to challenge in anyway the authority of a lycan boss. He could be an alpha.

I leave you with that advice and hope you heed my words. Don’t repeat James’ mistake. Keep yourselves alive as long as lycanly possible.