Current Track: Blabb

Alright let’s go back to more recent times. With this chapter I’ll be talking about another point of survival, something that honestly is the most important of the Rules about which I’ll be speaking. It’s something with which every lycan struggles. It’s the heart of many of the other problems with which we lycans have to deal. If you are wondering about what I’m speaking, it’s quite obvious: Anger Management. Our transformation is tied directly to our heart rate. The easiest way to up someone’s heart rate is to get them angry. Unfortunately, not only is our transformation directly connected to our heart rate, but also our emotions are heightened extremely so as lycans. We unfortunately were given the worst combination of traits: heightened emotions and transformations tied directly to our heart rate.

It’s been ages since I had my last true incident involving anger issues, however, we’ve seen many of my mates who’ve had issues with anger. Believe it or not the best method I’ve found for dealing with my anger is deep and measured breathing. It is how I’ve kept my state of employ at the jobs I had at both Leland and now CU Boulder. I actually work in the sandwich shop right next to campus. I’ll tell you that the people who come in their can be extremely frustrating and I would’ve blown my lid a while ago had my boss not been very careful about my heart rate. In fact when he saw my note of being a lycan on my application (they actually give you a choice nowadays between these four options: Lycan, Werewolf, Direwolf, or Human) he gave me a heart monitor that bluetoothed to his phone. He pulled me away if ever my heart rate got above a certain level. Anyways, this is going to actually be a pretty short chapter, because I honestly don’t think that it needs to be covered exhaustedly.

So let’s meet Michael. He’s a lycan of African American decent and actually could be called a werejackal (H. lycaon mesomelas). He and I started dating not long after Jeremy died. He and I dated a while and were coming upon five months dating when I was accepted into the University of Colorado at Boulder. You see I’d gone through the typical four years at Leland and graduated. After which I went to work for a marketing firm in New York City, New York. Until the 2089 elections and the first lycan executive official came to office. Then I moved to Colorado where I lived with first James and then Jeremy. I’d gotten a job at a Denver marketing firm before dating Jeremy; I couldn’t stand living in Breckenridge after James’ death. And then Denver became too much for me. I moved up to Boulder. Why? Because I was actually looking to start another undergraduate degree.

We met the night of the full moon, on the side of a road. Now had I let my wolf fully take over, I don’t think we’d even be talking about Michael. You see, the lycan and its werewolf cousin are opportunist carnivores. In other words if they find an injured animal on the side of the road, they dig in. However, when I saw that jackal the size of a bear I just helped get him to the nearest veterinarian I could find. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to see what he looked like in human form. I wasn’t disappointed to say the least.


Michael and I had been dating for about a month when his quarterly review came up. It was something that lykos especially feared. It wasn’t an easy thing knowing that you could very easily be graded harsher than a human, because of the fact that you could turn into a bear-sized canine. He’d dressed in one of his best business suits and was about to leave. He looked at me and smiled nervously, “Shall we celebrate when I get home?”

“I don’t know, Mike. Jones seems like a kind of hard-ass. Are you sure he’ll give you a good review?” I replied.

The answer I received was a deep kiss. I just melted in my mate’s muscular arms. My eyes went half-lidded from the deepness of the kiss, Ni Gozi! He was such an amazing kisser. When he broke the kiss I was panting, looking into his beautifully golden eyes, when he asked jokingly, “That answer your question, love? I’m absolutely positive that I will receive a very positive review. We can celebrate tonight by going hunting in Loveland. C’mon, love. It’s been forever since I’ve experienced the thrill of the chase. We’ll find a big buck and chow down.”

“No sé… I’ll say this: Get a good review and I will give you the best night of your life.” I stated with no small amount of seduction in my voice.

He murred in excitement. “Have a good day at work, my darling.” He bade cheerfully.

I smiled as he left. I had no honest clue as to my future. However, I knew one thing that man with his gorgeous, dark caramel skin and his optimistic attitude and let’s not forget his near-perfect physique was in it. Now don’t get me wrong Nikola was built, but he paled in comparison to this man. Six-foot-eight, two hundred eighty pounds of pure muscle, and extremely intelligent. He was a purebred alpha with a line that went back to ancient Nome, Egypt, where his ancestors had been bitten both by one of Nyctimus’ brothers the night of their wedding day. He’d shown me the family tree that his family had meticulously updated with each new generation. It didn’t surprise me, however. The most ancient families of Lycans often did this. Even though, unfortunately for Michael’s family they were of sub-Saharan African descent. They were slaves of the Egyptian empire during the reign of Shebitku. It was somewhat of a stain to their pride of being one of the five ancient families. There’s the Mendels, the Lýkoys (my family), the von Preußens the Cesares and the Xiangs. All of these families owed their long line of mystical lycanthropy to an original bite from one of Lycaon’s fifty sons. Though only the Cesares and the Mendels know whose bite started it all. The only thing of note that my family was sure of was that the ‘she-wolf’ who took in Romulus and Remus came from my family line. Her name giving the Romans their word for wolf. Lupa.

Anyways I watched him leave with a large smile on my face before I went to get ready for work.


“Can I get a Pakalolo blunt and a drink?” a rather hefty college freshman asked. He was maybe nineteen by looking at him and definitely human. His B.O was overpowering to my lycan nose. It was almost as if he hadn’t showered in months. I also smelled the distinct smell of burnt cannabis on his person. I hated dealing with potheads, the smell of cannabis always lingered for so long after they had left the shop. I’d explained this to the manager several times and he’d just said that we’d get those customers here with the theme of the shop being that of cannabis and those who smoked it.

“Sure thing, Lou. Anything else for you? A goo-ball, perhaps?” I asked the shop’s only regular. He’d been coming here since January.

He looked at me with that typical pot-head paranoia I was so used to now. Then it looked like he remembered who I was, “Sure, Gabi. Tell me, man. How are things with Mike?”

“Jovial as always—that’ll be 8.50—He’s got a performance review today. He wants to take me out tonight to celebrate.”

“Sounds awesome, man.” He replied in that typical stoner drawl. He handed me a debit card.

I swiped it and handed it back to the man. Knowing from months of seeing him that he’d not ask for a receipt. He was sweet enough, and didn’t mind that I ‘preferred the company of men’ as some put it. He was always pretty happy in the last five months that I’d known him. The exception being the first week of May, he’d literally started crying when I asked him how finals were going. I had actually gone in feigning a concerned family member to try and find out his grades. I don’t know why he was crying, he aced every single one of them. I think he was just trying to get some sympathy that he did not need. Or maybe there was something else that had been bothering him. I hadn’t pushed the issue, because it wasn’t truly that much of my concern. I had started caring for the teen though. He seemed to need a caring adult in his life.

“…Hello? Can I get a Pinner Dank and a toasted brownie?” the next customer broke me out of my reverie. I jumped a little in surprise.

“Huh…Oh yeah sure thing. Do you want a drink with that, ma’am?”

“No just the sub and the brownie, please.” She shoved the card in my face.

“Total’s going to be 7.45” I replied tersely. The woman who had broken my reverie had been extremely demanding and unintentionally rude. I could feel my boss’s eyes drilling into my back and my heart pounding behind my eyes. I could also feel my teeth starting to elongate into fangs. I swiped the rude woman’s card and almost growled out the next question, “Receipt?’

“No thanks.” She replied and went on her merry way.

I felt the boss’s arm on my shoulder the next instant and sighed, “del Lobo go to the back. I’ll handle things out here while you cool down,” the boss ordered. I obeyed I headed to the back and took a deep breath, calming my nerves and halting my transformation in its tracks. I still was a little angry at the lady, but she didn’t deserve to have her face mauled off for her unintentional rudeness. Yes she does. My wolf replied. I could feel my subconscious roiling with anger toward that woman. That I understood. The wolf had always taken things and blown them out of proportion. It was always wanting to maul a rude customer’s face off. However we—or rather I—knew that wasn’t a good idea. I’d rather like to stay a lycan. Being a direwolf didn’t sound like fun. Thank the heavens I’d already dealt with the hellish onslaught of customers during lunch. It was now around 2.30 in the afternoon and people were just trickling in now. It wasn’t too big of a deal for me to commune with my wolf.

It’s been way to long since you’ve let loose, my dear Gabriel. The wolf said.

I’m not letting you loose and losing my job.

No you are right. How about tonight with Michael. That jackal is a beautiful mate. You two have only messed around. I haven’t met his ‘wolf’ truly yet. Let me mate him tonight, Gabi. Then I’ll leave you and these annoying humans alone for a while.

This isn’t debatable, is it?

The wolf was silent. That was that. I was fully mating Michael tonight, bringing together two ancient Lycan families in the old tradition. If my wolf wanted this. To truly mate with Michael he had decided. What was I saying? I had decided. My heart, my wolf, and my mind had all came to the same solution: Michael was to be my life mate. I literally squeed. My heart rate dropped, my anger subsided, and I was absolutely giddy. I just proved how ADD lycan emotions could be.


“So Mr. Mendel, you obviously know that your quarterly review is being posted today. That’s why I called you in here. Anything you want to say before I continue.” Marcus Argentus asked Michael. The man was about in his late forties, quite pudgy, and really did not seem the kind of man that would actually be capable of running a law firm with the highest success rate in Boulder County.

Michael just shook his head no. He did not need to add anything or try and excuse any of his behavior. He was honestly one of the best lawyers in the firm. He’d won seventy-five percent of all their cases in the last six months since he’d been hired. “I have not the need nor the desire to say anything other than I am thankful for the opportunity to work with this firm. It allows me to stay close to my beloved. And not have to commute.”

“Ah…yes. How are you and Gabriel doing?” Argentus asked not unkindly.

“I believe that we’re about to become the lyko equivalent of married tonight. If I’m understanding what my jackal’s been telling me.”

“Really. That’s awesome. I wish you all the best and a long future. I also give you this advice: Your greatest ally in the courtroom is your worst enemy in the bedroom. Honesty and trust is how a relationship survives, Mike. I know once tonight is through there won’t be much you can do about it, since Lycans literally mate for life, but understand this, young lyko. A relationship isn’t a court case. You aren’t trying to trick the jury into believing your side of the story is the right one. In the courtroom of love, the Jury knows when you’re lying.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Now, I don’t mean to sound in a rush, but could we please move on to the performance review.”

The older gentleman nodded understandingly and grabbed a folder, legal length of course, and pulled out a packet with a blue rear cover signaling it as the original copy of a legal document. He looked down and started, “Well I don’t think I need to tell you much. Your case record speaks for itself and is, by far, one of the best in the firm. However, you often do not seem to work well in groups and seem to run away from socially difficult situations quickly. If you were a normal human I’d say you had some minor form of autism. However, I understand that you are merely protecting yourself and others by trying to not get aggravated to the point of no return. It wouldn’t do to see one of my best council members turn into a DireWolf and be carted off to Mellinworth.” He looked at Michael to see him looking down and to the left, lifting one of his arms to the back of his neck and rubbing it nervously, “To be honest, Mendel, it would be in your best interest to seek out an anger management councilor. I will also hook you up with a Bluetooth heart monitor if need be.”

“I understand, sir. However the best thing for me to do in aggravating social situations is to leave. I don’t need anger management. I already have that down. I am a purebred alpha Lycan of one of the Five Families. I know how to deal with my anger. If I don’t may Lycaon spit on my grave.” Michael said matter-of-factly, “I’ve also got a heart monitor already.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend. It just seems like running away from a social situation is not the best way to make a good impression. However, I think many understand.”

“Lycans becoming known was actually one of the best things to happen to our race in the last three thousand years. Lycaon’s children, those who spawned the race of lycans the ones whose bite still runs through my veins, they might actually be proud.”

“However, it’s also created an assumption that many autistics fall under as well. It creates a problem that instead of believing one has a mental issue with communication like autism, it is believed that they are just lycans trying not to scare others in there wolf form.”

“Yes that is indeed a problem. However, I believe that we have veered far from the point of this meeting. Is there anything else that needs to be said?”

“Well, Mr. Mendel, I must ask you what you think about a promotion to senior partner.” The portly man stated.

“No you mustn’t, I accept.”

“Well, Mr. Mendel, I’m glad. You have just become one of the youngest partners this firm has had since its founding. Congratulations. You start your new position on Monday.” He dismissed the lyko and Michael went back to work on his current case.


“Ahhh….what a tiring day!” I said as I got inside the door. It was about an hour before Michael would stop working on whatever case he was currently and head home so I decided to call Javier. I grabbed my comm-link and selected Javier from the holographic display. The link rang three times before Javier answered.


“Hey Javi, what’s up? I have exciting news.”

“Hmm? What might that be?”

“I’ve found him.”

“Who?” Javier’s voice sounded like he feared the next answer. The man still had feelings for me. Apparently.

“Javier, te lo introduje en el mes pasado. Él es mi parejo por la vida. Creí que estés emocionado, no enojado. ¿Qué es tu problema con Michael?”

“Your what?!

“My instinct tells me he’s the one. Javier you understand, don’t you?”

“I understand, Gabi…It’s…It’s just that…I thought that…we’d be life-mates.” Javi sounded so down-trodden.

“You do realize that I still consider you a friend even after what you did to Nikola. Javi, look. You are no longer my alpha, solely my friend and as such I wanted you to know what’s about to happen.”

I heard the sound of glass shattering from the other end of the comms and then the connection ended. I didn’t realize how much he still cared for me. I think I may have just created a monster. I think Javier may have snapped. The amount of loss that lyko had felt was bound to have consequences on his psyche. Apparently it did. I had to get to Michael. Now.


“Have a good night, Len. Say hi to Maria for me, would you?” Michael said as he walked out of the elevator towards his car and the man in the elevator went down one more level. Michael loved being on the ground level. Easy in. Easy out. That made it simple to get out of the office building. He fumbled for his keys in his pocket before he clicked the unlock button sounded and the satisfying horn of his 1995 Jetta sounded. He walked up to the vehicle opened the passenger rear door before plopping his briefcase down on the seat.

He was about to get into his car when he heard panting. He snorted. Yet another challenger. It had to be. He was an alpha wolf after all. He expected to be constantly challenged for power constantly. However then he heard the growl. It wasn’t challenging it was murderous. Apparently this Lycan believed that Michael had done something wrong. Then a bear-sized Mexican Red jumped up the ramp from the basement. It wasn’t me, Michael was sure of that, it had to be someone else. That’s when he saw the gleam in his eyes. The color of his eyes made him remember a reporter from San Tomas, California. He’d been Gabriel’s Alpha before Michael and I’d started dating. “Javier, What the hell?”

“YOU…TOOK…MY…MATE!!!!!!!!” exclaimed and he lunged toward the mid-change Michael. That’s when I flung through the air and tackled the large wolf. We tumbled a few times before we both skidded to our feet facing each other.

“Javier, No soy tu parejo. No soy un socio de tu manada. Por favor, ¡Déjanos en paz!” I growled soothingly to the deranged lycan. He was mad with rage any lyko could have told you that.

“Gabi, What the hell is he doing here?” rumbled the now fully changed black-backed were-jackal, “Why did he just try and attack me?”

“Later. We need to calm him down before he does anything he’ll regret.” I said to Michael.

“Look, Javi. I admit you’ll always have a special place in my heart but you and I were never meant to be.”

“That’s bullshit, Gabriel. You know it is.” Javi growled back at me.

I sighed a little knowing this was going to take work. I spoke to Javier’s wolf, “Ferzo ne zif rana hrna.”

Javier tilted his head in confusion. “I don’t need to listen to reason, Gabriel…What! YOU’RE ON HIS SIDE?!”

He looked defeated. The wolf had spoken to him. It understood what I already knew. Javier and I weren’t destined for each other. He slowly transformed back into a human. His face redder than usual as though he were still angry. Or he was embarrassed. I changed back with Michael and walked up to him to hug him fiercely. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”

“I could have dealt with him on my own, love. You know that.” He grabbed the back of my neck and lightly squeezed. I lowered trying to get away from his hand, “Also really need to check your place. You and I aren’t mated yet. You are still my beta for the meantime.”

“Gabriel. If this is the one you wish to mate with, tonight is going to be the best night for it. Full Moon, on the solstice, no less. It’s the ultimate night to be mated. I wish you the best. However bittersweet this is for me, I’m glad you’re happy, Gabriel. And also Michael, if you hurt Gabriel del Lobo in any way shape or form, you can guarantee that I will be there to make you pay.”

“Ve, Javi, ve. Necesitamos tiempo para prepararnos. Eso es un gran evento.” I said giddily whilst Michael held me in his arms.

Javier Patrón del Lobo, the man whom I’d come to know as my alpha nearly lost his sanity that day. But it seemed, as he left, that he was going to be fine. He was a good man, even if his temper was one of the worst I’d ever dealt with. It’s something that every Lyko must find: their anchor. The thing that keeps them grounded and allows them to stay in control of these extreme ups and downs of emotions that go alongside of being a lyko. Otherwise you end up a Direwolf—if you’re a lycan that is—and get thrown in the ‘slammer’. Otherwise known as Mellinworth Prison for the Criminally Insane. That’s where the government tossed all the Direwolves. It was a lyko prison.

The easiest key to anger management for a lycan is to find their grounding element. For Javier, it was his best friend, crush, and eventual mate—I was that lyko. For myself, It’s Michael. He’s slowly become the man who keeps me in the here and now. He keeps me well loved and I return the favor.