Current Track: Blabb

Alright let me start off by saying that
many of the people in these stories were my ex-mates. I have had an extremely
active sex life seeing as I am a purebred who’s line goes back to one of
Lycaon’s children. However we aren’t here to talk about me we’re here to talk
essentially about what cost my exes in some cases their lives and in others
only their jobs.

So let’s start in New York. A French
Lycan by the name of Jacque Leon worked for Chase Bank as a teller. This man I
dated for around three years. He broke up with me for reasons that I shall not
mention. So, what cost him his job? He changed in a public place. Let’s see the
events unfold, shall we:

madam, how may I be of service to you today?” Jacque greeted his umpteenth
character of the day. His patience had been cut short from dealing with so many
arrogant people, walking like they owned the world. It really was unfortunate
that today of all days was a Monday. Those were the worst because then he had
to deal with so many more customers than other days of the week. His
frustration was making his blood boil at this point but he didn’t want to and
couldn’t excuse himself from the main counter. So he reluctantly started
helping this customer whilst his fangs became more and more apparent.

“Yes, can I please make a withdrawal?”
The customer asked politely with an arrogant air to her voice. She was a tall,
skinny woman of maybe sixty and had on a literal gown which had to be a minimum
of 5 figures in price. She had a long flat face with a long, beak like nose and
could honestly have used a lip wax.

“You may, madam. Can I please have the
account number?” Jacque proceeded to be as polite as he could possibly put on
for the sake of the customer.

“Of course, sir. The account number is
1.” The customer recited. Jacque put the number in
the computer and gawked at the balance: US$380,986,153.23. It was at this time
that the customer finally noticed Jacque’s fangs, and she chose to drop her
arrogant politeness and instead opted for frightfully shouting, “HOLY FLYING

jumped at that. He put his hand to his face and he felt his giant fangs.
“Fuck!” he said and fled from his teller booth. He ran out of the booth and
into the employee lounge and into the bathroom.

as-tu un problème?”[Jacque, do you have a problem?] one of Jacque’s friends asked. He was French-Canadian and
had moved across the border to find a job.

“Oui! Je suis désolé! J’ai eu un problème.”[Yes. I had a problem.] He
answered as he tried to take deep breaths to calm himself and allow himself to
calm down. As his teeth returned to normal he stepped out of the restroom and
looked at his friend.
“N’allez pas
[Don't go in there.]

“Oh, Merde! Tu devrais rentrer chez toi!” [Oh Shit! Go home.] Jacque’s
friend responded.

Charles! Jusqu’à demain matin!
” [Yes, Charles! See you tomorrow morning.]

asked Charles (pr. Sharl) to finish the transaction with his customer ant then
left the building knowing he most likely wouldn’t have a job in the morning.


ready for work, Love?” I asked.

am” he said reluctantly. He looked at me as he was about to leave the room. “I
changed in front of everyone yesterday morning. I don’t think I’ll have a job
by the end of the day today. Even if I do I’ll never get anywhere. Fucking
Weres’ve ruined it for everyone. Goddammit!”

still be here for you, hun. I’ll always be here for you.”

walked up to me and put his hand to my cheek, “Je t’adore, mon amour.
” [I adore you, my love.]
He replied. Then, he turned grabbed his bag and coat and walked out of our
apartment. With this man I was going to ask for life-mate status from the pack.
This man truly was a shining light among the pitch black of hate we dealt with
on a daily basis. However he couldn’t control his emotions well enough to not
turn in public on occasion.


man? I thought that you had said that there wasn’t a history of mystical
lycanthropy in your family. Is that not true? I mean you stand in front of me
after a customer clearly saw you mid-change. She has no serious drugs or
pharmaceuticals in her blood work, which also shows a stable blood sugar and no
trace levels of any poisons with hallucinogenic properties. She wasn’t
hallucinating. You’re a fucking lycan. And you lied on your paperwork. I should
fire you, mutt; I really should.”

If you give me a chance, I can show you that I am not a dire. I am not beholden
to the wolf. I am part of the USRLP and have been a Lycan since I was fifteen.
is no mystical Lycanthropy in
my family. I was bitten not born. I will go to anger management, take classes,
whatever you need me to do, I will do it.”

I’m giving you another chance. However, you and your mate really need to work
on your anger issues.”

you sir. I won’t let you down.” Jacque promised. He left the office and thanked
whatever gods may be. After the meeting with his boss he went to the employee
lounge and waited for his shift to start.


Your probably wondering why he
hasn’t gotten fired yet. Well was that a change? No, no it was not. The company
he worked for actually had instantiated a three-strike policy dealing with
changing while on the job, when the Lycans made themselves known to the world.
This was strike one. His job of course was taxing and so it wasn’t long before
he was given strike two and was removed from the customer service area of the
bank. This is where we will return to our story and this is what I mean when I
say change.


months after Jacque’s last change, he was on his way up from the basement where
the safe was. He was carrying a stack of documents he had just gotten done sorting.
It was when he turned the corner and ran into
an intern that he lost it.

"Merde! 3" Jacque shouted.
All of the paperwork was strewn all over the ground. He glared at the intern
with such a look of displeasure that the intern couldn't help himself but run
scared (little advice from me to any human reading this: never run from a
lycan, whether or not he's transformed.)

Naturally seeing something running
away from him, Jacque gave chase. As he ran he transformed. I'd like to say
that it is a beautiful thing to watch, but it's not. In fact a lycan
transformation is quite terrifying. So as he transformed his coworkers and the
man whom he was giving chase became frightened. However, they needed not fear
Jacque, for while he was indeed a terrifying lycan, he was as harmless as a
puppy. Well, a puppy with a eight inch long fangs and three inch long incisors.

By the time Jacque realized what he
was doing, it was already too late. He was already in the atrium of the bank.
'Fuck, looks like I'm out of a job' he thought. He whined and slowly changed
back. His nudity in the fore of his mind as a Hunter came up from behind and
draped a trench coat over his shoulders and walked him to a bench to sit down.

"Thank you. So I'm fucked, am I
not?" Jacque asked the Hunter.

"Nay. You
lost your job, that's all. You showed that you're a lycan publicly, a lycan,
not the other two. You haven't killed an innocent; therefore all I can say is that
I am sorry about your job."


“Do you just not care? Is this a joke to you? Do you think
I like having to fire one of my best workers just because he can’t fucking
handle his temper? That’s all this is, right? You aren’t able to handle your
temper, thus you turn. Because of this I’m going to have to let you go. It’s
fucking stupid and I wish it weren’t this way, but you are a fucking lycan and
every time you are seen by customers we lose accounts. I’m not joking. We lost
twenty accounts after your first change, another thirty after the incident half
a year ago. We’ll likely lose more after the fact that this was a full change,
too.” Jacque’s boss lectured to him after he’d been properly dressed.

“All I can say is that I wish it weren’t so. However, I
cannot change the past and can only look toward the future. I will miss all of
you. Goodbye, sir.” Replied my mate.