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Hywel Dracoraptor
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Not completely new but if you're in the field of paleontology the dracoraptor discovered in Wales a few years ago made a bit of a splash. It was moe related to ceolophysis and similar, so not a raptor but the name came from being found in Wales, after the Welsh dragon.
Hywel is a bard and tiny. Like he can fit on your shoulder. He is full grown but a lot of insects and other critters would be either same size or bigger.
He's a little cutie and not one of my shortstacks whose likely to be offended. But he does bite if he has enough. Or is hungry.
Hywel is a bard and tiny. Like he can fit on your shoulder. He is full grown but a lot of insects and other critters would be either same size or bigger.
He's a little cutie and not one of my shortstacks whose likely to be offended. But he does bite if he has enough. Or is hungry.
1 year ago
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