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Peres Reference
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I really like birds so I have a few avian OCs.
Peres is a beareded vulture. He's the sort who'd run a channel debunking conspiracy theories and a lot of time in the library. He also likes bones. a lot. Mnly eating them so if you have chicken on the bone from KFC he'll make sure there's none left. He even has a hammer to break the bones nicely too.
The body markings are his personal touch. They do come off and he changes them pretty often.
Peres is a beareded vulture. He's the sort who'd run a channel debunking conspiracy theories and a lot of time in the library. He also likes bones. a lot. Mnly eating them so if you have chicken on the bone from KFC he'll make sure there's none left. He even has a hammer to break the bones nicely too.
The body markings are his personal touch. They do come off and he changes them pretty often.
1 year ago
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