Current Track: Blabb
I was curled around inside my cave home. I was alone under the limited sun rays shining through the cracked ceiling. I had just gotten home from my lone morning hunt, and I had just laid here doing nothing. I let out a sigh as I thought back to events last night. It was probably a good idea, considering that everything had me a bit drained. Even though I had enough strength to hunt...I still kinda felt a bit tired. Mentally, mostly.

I was so angry last night, still am to be frank...Other than sad, shocked, and relieved. I hadn't spoken a word to mom, or Dahlia, or anyone when we all got back home after I reunited with them after my 'daring' escape from the two leggers. I never even spoken a word with anyone today. I just kept to myself, wanting to be alone, still processing everything that's happened. I even wanted to sleep outside last night after I got home cause Dahlia and Aren decided to sleep together in this very cave, after that lion wanted to stay here for the night after walking home with us. You can imagine my resentment upon knowing that. I did not want to see those two together. So, I slept the night away under the exact same tree I slept under two nights ago when I was punished for something I didn't do. Not like I wasn't already used to sleeping outside this cave.

My eyes trailed around the large cave. I imagined Dahlia and Aren nuzzling each other as they were laying so close together. I can imagine they were making it pretty obvious to everyone that they were into each other. Fucking typical. In fact, it'd be typical for a backstabbing lion such as Aren to do that. I looked up at the cracks in the ceiling with the sunshine seeping through them. The light showed a sad look upon my face. I shouldn't even call Aren that, even though it sorta feels like it to me. I was the one that was so naive. I thought me and him would be together. But it turned out I was out of his league. He loved Dahlia. The entire time he did. And I had just needlessly pursued him while these two were already together for...Who knows how long. I shouldn't even call him that at all. If anything...I was just a fool. I was an idiot.

I guess that bout sums up about me...I'm an idiot. And I had cried about it again after laying under the tree outside last night. I'm even on the verge of shedding some more tears right now.

I breathed in through my nose, then let the air out through the same spot. Still, when I saw him coming out of this cave earlier this morning with Dahlia, I wanted to slap him across the face like I did the other night. Slap BOTH of them actually. I think I still felt angry about the fact that Dahlia had him in her paws. He was hers. And I had nothing. And maybe, I was still angry cause Aren didn't even tell me anything at all and I had essentially wasted all my time trying to be with him in a 'less friend' way. But I couldn't do it. I wanted nothing to do with them, nor anyone right now.

I dipped down my muzzle when I thought about something else. The two legger, or the human as he'd probably call it, who released me from capture.


Like I said, I hadn't spoken a word to anyone, even about last night. Not even about him. I still feared that telling the pride, especially my parents, that I just let that human live TWICE would probably cost my position to be queen. I kept my mouth shut, not willing to risk it. But, a big part of me should tell someone about it. Cause I am feeling guilty for putting everyone on the spot of not saying about what took me so long to come home last night. I bet mom and dad are confused about that. Especially my dad when I finally came home. Maybe my parents, mostly my mother, think I found Dahlia and Aren together and that's why I was gone for a long time because I was sad by the discovery. She figured I liked Aren, thanks to my angry outbursts, so maybe that's why she didn't question me last night when we got home. Why nobody questioned me so far.

Perhaps so. So maybe I don't have to tell them or anybody anything more than that.

Despite my sadness about Aren, a slight chuckle escaped my chest. Oh heck, even if I did say anything about this...Ryan, how's everyone going to believe that? That a two legger released me from their kind's capture. That does sound...A bit remarkable, but impossible at the same time. Well, what's more confusing is the fact that he had actually let me go free. True, I did the same, maybe cause I was naive, but what he did was more shocking!

Well, I shouldn't even think about that. What I SHOULD be thinking about is things might get worse after I let him go. AGAIN. I still can't believe I did that. He still could be responsible for my capture. I mean, I couldn't see his face when I was about to pass out from all that weird dizziness I suffered, but it's still a possibility that he was involved. How else could he have been there talking to me after I woke up? Cause he was involved. He and his other human friend captured me. I mean, that human was supposed to leave these lands, and he NEVER did!

And now, for all I know, things might get SERIOUSLY worse after my refusal of not killing him once more. Two leggers up the wazoo could show up and take away the entire pride! Or worse, kill them all!

I should tell someone about him. I shouldn't even care about being queen up to this point! I have to warn everyone about him, NOW!

Then a conflicting thought tackled against the other. But he probably isn't who you think he is. You saw his face, you know in your heart that he was telling the truth. You're being paranoid, Sayde. Besides, he doesn't know where you live. He didn't follow you after you let him live. I took a deep breath, then let it out. Maybe I am wrong...But still, I don't know. Then I wrinkled my brow. Although I still find it weird that he wanted to know my name after I had threatened him. Is he really that crazy? First, he never leaves my lands after I told him to, and now after I came close to killing him, he wants to know my name.

Well, guess he won't know anyway. I don't think I'm ever gonna see him again.

Oh, who knows...Maybe he'll still be in my lands and I might just see his face once more. Just not talk to him. Wouldn't be too far fetched now...Since I think he won't leave them.

I don't think he ever will.

Ryan's face was still on my mind when confusion swarmed my mind once more. Are all two leggers, or humans, not as bad as everyone thought they were? Were we all wrong about them? Am I wrong about all of them? Why did he do it? Why did Ryan let me go free? I'm very confused...What am I going to do?

Maybe...I should talk to someone about him...And see what they think. I can't keep this secret from everyone forever. I need to...Just in case something bad does happen...

An idea popped up in my head. I perked it up as well. I guess I can go talk to Makena. He might keep this secret between us. Maybe he'll give me the insight I need. He'll probably know what to make of this. He may get confused, no doubt, but...Maybe he can help me out a bit on this.

I have to try. Or else I'm probably gonna go crazy.

I heard someone's paws stepping on the floor. I snapped my eyes towards them, and saw Aren had arrived in the cave alone. He was smiling weakly at me. I did not. I was giving that guy an angry look. What's he want? Aren made a step forward, then said, "Hey."

I responded weakly, my tail wacking against the cave floor, "Hi."

The handsome lion asked, "Uh...How are you doing?"

I replied, turning my head away, "I'm fine."

Aren giggled a bit, "You know...Nobody found you sleeping under the tree again. We didn't think you would be in here after your morning hunt."

I said, in a bit of a sharp tone, "Yeah, well, maybe cause I wanted to be out of the sun for a bit. You and your mate had the cave to yourselves last night so now it's my turn."

I can feel he relented a bit from my anger. Aren said, in a bit a apologetic way, "Look, Sayde...I'm sorry."

My ear flickered, "For what?"

"For...Putting you through this. I didn't mean to hurt you."

I placed my daggers on to him, "You sure as hell did."

He had a guilty expression when I looked at him. He tried to speak, "Listen...I never had an idea that you were...In love with me. I didn't see it. You probably did give me a hint or two, but I still didn't see it." I turned my eyes away, growling deeply. He went on, "I should have told you sooner. Me and Dahlia should have told everyone about it sooner...But we weren't ready to tell. We were going to say something, perhaps after your father picked one of you sisters as queen. And if you were wondering how long we've been together...For a little while now."

Great. I really am an idiot. I spat out sarcastically, "Fascinating."

Aren spoke more, "Sayde...I don't want any bad blood between us. I still want us to be friends."

I immediately got up on my fours and faced him angrily, "Friends. After everything I put myself through, through all the embarrassment...You want me to still be your friend. I can't even look at you without having the urge to swipe at you. I felt like I was lied to...While you were mating my sister behind my back."

Aren sighed, eyes trailing away from mine, "I'm sorry. I'm-"

I roared, "You should be sorry! I was doing everything to be SO kind to you! I loved you so very much! And all that kindness was swiped back straight back at my face! You have a funny way of showing that you cared about me!"

He screamed back, "I didn't want it to be like this!"

"Screw you, you bastard. I'm done with you. I'm done being your..." I rolled my eyes at the word, "FRIEND. You and Dahlia can mate each other all day long for all I care. You make me sick. Both of you. You stay away from me from now on! I don't ever want to talk to you again! Now, get out of my way!"

Aren stared at me for a short bit, then he stepped aside to let me stroll past him in maddening strides out into the tunnel. My eyes never looked back as I left him alone in there. I guess this was the best way for me to get out of here and meet Makena. I know that it was mostly my fault for trying to pursue him in the first place, but I wanted to get that off my chest. I was done with him, and that was final. Dahlia can have him. I don't care anymore.

Now I just have to find Makena. He's probably at his home near his big tree. I'll try there.

When I emerged out into the bright, warm sunshine outside the wall of rock, my parents practically showed up out of nowhere. They were probably waiting for me. Maybe they've sent Aren in there to talk to me after having a talk with them about his situation with me. Mom and dad slowly strolled up toward me and I stopped in my tracks. Dad spoke to me, smiling a bit, "There you are. We sorta figured you were in there. We didn't see you had come back home."

I smirked a bit too despite my anger still being around, "Lucky guess, huh?"

Mom said in a fond, concerned way, "Are you okay, Sayde? We've sent Aren to-"

My smile went away quickly as my jaws cut through her sentence, "I don't want to talk to him again. Simple as that."

Mom nodded a bit, while dad said, "That's fine. But we wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'll be...Fine." I waved my paw, "Look, he can be everyone's pride friend, but to me...I don't ever want to speak to him again."

Mother let out a sigh, "We're sorry you're going through this, Sayde. None of us knew how you felt about Aren."

I rolled my eyes a bit, "You have no idea."

Dad chuckled beside mother. Then she said, "Look, I've went through it before. It's not new to me."

My eyes went wide at her confession, "You did? I did not know that."

She stated, "It happened before me and your father got together. It's natural for us lionesses to go through that heartbreak for once in your life. It's ok. Everyone goes through it. It'll go away someday."

I glanced down at my paws, "...Maybe." I doubt that's probably true, about everyone going through that sort of heartbreak and stuff. Dahlia probably won't go through that...Like me...

Then dad seriously said to me, "But you also got to understand that Dahlia has the right to love and be with someone too, just as much as you do. Just please don't take it out on her. We don't need any more fighting, at least for our lifetime."

I sighed, gazing back at him, "Whatever you say." 

Mom came and rubbed her face against me. Dad joined in too, both lovingly nuzzling on me. I smiled at this bit of affection. When they were done, mom insisted, "The pain will go away. I promise."

I nodded at her softly. I said, "Alright." Then I shot my head towards a direction, "Look, I wanna go see Makena. Is that ok?"

Father granted me that permission, "Sure."

Then mom warned, "Just be careful. We don't want you to disappear like you did last night."

"I won't. Trust me. See you when I get back." I moved myself away from my parents and headed for the direction towards Makena's home. I thought about the two legger who let me go again. I hope Makena can help me sort through this confusion. It's making my head spin!


I was eating lunch with my parents and Gabe, inside the guest house in the living room. My folks were busy chatting with the game warden about things while I was chewing my food, lost in my own thoughts. I recalled last night when it happened. When I found out that I was talking to the same lioness that scared me away two days ago in that pen outside our houses. I still can't believe we would meet again under different circumstances. Talk about coicidence! I never expected that to happen. I thought maybe it was a different lioness and that'd be a long shot, but no, it was never that long at all. 

I clutched my throat, remembering the pain from last night. Boy, I still remember her weight on top of me, and also feeling her breath crashing on my face when she was on me. I don't even know what was worse. Carrying her, or having her pounce on me. She was a heavy thing! No question about that. I don't think I could push her off me even if I tried. I did find that she left me a couple bruises last night, but nothing serious. And nothing nobody would notice. I was just a bit sore also. At least I can still walk...And breathe.

But I do certainly remember, that I was scared. I was afraid she would kill me right then and there. I did see she was very pissed at me for not leaving her lands when I had the chance. I knew that was gonna happen. I expected it. Well, sorta. I thought she would leave after I let her out of the pen. Perhaps out of gratitude for being so kind to her. But no, she almost tried to kill me. ALMOST. She still let me go, and I thought she wouldn't. Part of me still can't believe I was still alive, eating right here in this household. My parents should be mourning my loss right now. Dad would probably think that I still wasn't 'normal' when he found out I died because of an animal, but nevertheless...He'd be crying.

Lucky for me, I was alive. Good enough for me, I think.

I swallowed down my food, my fork digging in the plate for another piece to snatch on. Letting that lioness out of the pen early in the night without Gabe knowing wasn't exactly my plan. When I heard her screaming outside for help from within my room, I knew it was time for me to rush out there and calm her butt down. I was waiting for that time to come. But she wouldn't have listened to me, and probably wake everyone else up in the process. I knew that Gabe was going to set her free this morning...But I felt bad for her enough to let her out. I was taking a big risk, I knew that, because of her attitude toward me, but...I did it anyway, because of sympathy. 

Well, I think her threats kinda made me do it too, but it was mostly out of sympathy.

My eyes darted at my parents then at Gabe, then quickly back down to my food. They all did notice the lioness was gone. They were a bit surprised. Nobody questioned me about it. Nobody suspected I had helped her escape. Least I was glad dad didn't think I had something to do with it. I seriously hate it when it comes to animals that I'd be behind something. I think I heard Gabe telling my parents that perhaps the gate wasn't closed tightly enough...Or maybe he should've put a padlock on it or something. He thought it was probably some kind of fluke. Either way, he wasn't mad. He wanted to let her out anyway. He was glad that she was okay and heading home.

I'm glad she was ok too...

I looked at a window nearby, thinking about the savannah. When I let her out of that pen, I just watched her run off into the night till she disappeared. I remember smiling. Not just because I was relieved that she had let me live again, but because she seemed to be the most graceful thing I ever met. Even when she's MAD. When she SORTA told me her name, I was laughing a bit inside. I can tell she was a bit of a smartass, and probably has her moments when they come to.

I kinda liked her.

If only I knew her name...

I put some more thought into it. She mentioned that she was a princess, and her father is the king. So that means she must be living in a pride. Least she has family to live with. I wonder if she has a mother? Or a brother? Or a sister? Or maybe both? I wonder what her home is like as well... I wrinkled my brow. I have been thinking about it, since last night while I was in bed...Wondering if she had made it home safely. That was kinda my concern. She seems to be capable of taking care of herself. She wasn't injured in any way...But according to Tony and Gabe, there has been some poaching going on in this area. I am wondering if the two poachers me and Tony found were the only ones...Or there were more of them.

I'm worried that she was taken by a poacher, or perhaps killed by a hunter not affiliated with them. Or maybe got into a serious fight with another animal and she's wounded and can't move and died. I rescued her, but I didn't want something bad to happen to her. A lot of things could've happened to her...

I pretty much thought of going out into the savannah...And try to find out where she lived. Find her. Make sure she was safe. Make sure she was ok. I planned on doing that since this morning.

I glanced at Gabe and my parents again, then went back to chewing on my lunch. I knew how that sounded to any normal, sane person, particularily to these people here with me. Gabe and mom and dad would have stopped me from doing that right off the bat. But I can't stop thinking about her. I couldn't help it. I have this urge that won't go away till I do. Besides, I wanted to have another walk out there anyways and today was my chance. I have to find her. I have to make sure she's alright.

Gabe interrupted my thoughts, "Ryan." I shot a glance toward him. He asked me with concern in his eyes, "You okay?"

I gave him a smile and nodded, replying, "Yeah, I'm good."

Mom remarked, "Hope it's not the food. Me and your dad found and bought what we could to eat yesterday."

Gabe pointed at himself with his fork, "With MY help of course."

Dad laughed a bit, "We appreciate it, pal."

Mom said, "It's not like there are any Wal-Marts around here."

I shook my head, waving her off, "No, it's good. Believe me."

She chuckled in relief, "I'm glad to hear it."

Gabe then said, "You just look like you're lost in your thoughts. Must be because of last night?"

I denied it, "I'm ok." I shrugged with my head, "Well, I was a bit shocked. But trust me, I'm fine now."

Gabe gave me a sure nod, "Just making sure."

Dad groaned when he said this to Gabe, "Yeah, about last night, who would've thought my kid would run into trouble not too long after arriving here?"

Gabe faced him, shrugging his shoulders, "Ah, that's Africa for you."

"Yeah, well, you didn't exactly tell us that there was poaching going on around these parts for god knows how long."

He shook his head, "I didn't want to worry you guys. Besides, me and the rangers are trying to handle it." He smirked, gesturing me with his hand, "Hey, who knows, maybe your son probably stopped the poaching."

Mom just sat there, saying with a cautious look on her face, "Sure...But it could've costed his life. Sounded like he was very lucky. Beginning to feel like Atlanta all over again." I rolled my eyes upward nearby. Mom...

Gabe countered, "He's fine. He made it through it. Not like he was alone, remember? Tony was with him. Besides, it may not happen again. Just try not to worry about it. Alright?"

I helped Gabe out on my end, "Yeah, guys, really. I'm safe and sound." I showed myself to them, holding my hands out to the sides, "I mean, I'm not injured."

Dad eyed me and stated, "Well you're still our son, and we don't want anything to happen to you." Then I heard him mumbling when he went back to eating off his plate, "Especially with all these damn animals running around outside."

Oh, dad, you have NO idea what I'm about to do today. I decided I had enough eating for right now and picked up the plate and got on my feet. I announced, "I'm done. Thanks for the food, mom. It was good."

Mom finally smiled at me, "You're welcome, dear."

I went to the kitchen and dumped the plate and silverware in the sink. Then I went back through the living room to the front door. Dad asked, "Where you going, Ryan?"

I answered as I was putting my shoes on, "I'm going for a walk in the savannah. That ok?"

Gabe said, "Sure. We'll all be right here when you get back."

Mom added worriedly, "Just watch out for any more poachers."

Then dad spoke up, "Or any wild critters out there. Remember, there aren't any dogs or squirrels out there." When I tied the last shoelace on, he then said, "Oh, before I forget, better bring a bottle of water with you. Don't want you dying of thirst from sweating bullets like the other day."

I decided I'd better get one just in case. It is hot outside after all. I said as I strolled back to the kitchen for the fridge, "Alright." I grabbed one and then came back for the door. I said, "Okay. Be back in a bit."

Mom told me, "Be careful!"

Oh, I'll certainly try, mom. I pulled the door open, letting in that bit of hot air in here, and closed it behind me. Then I strolled out to where the pen outside was, then stared off at where that lioness ran off to. I think that'll be my best bet.

Alright, lioness...Where could you have gone?


Makena asked, "And then what happened?"

Me and the old lion were laying on our stomachs underneath his huge tree in the shade. He was listening to me for every word I was telling him. About the events that had led up to last night. The events that I'm only sharing with him. It was good that I found him when I arrived, otherwise I would have waited. Though I didn't really want to wait at all. I wanted to get this out to him as soon as possible.

Makena of course was concerned about me when I met up with him, cause he heard about what happened with me and Aren. Mom and dad had probably told him all about it earlier today. Least I can have some more comfort from him. I didn't start talking to him about the same two legger I've met twice quite yet after that. We talked to each other a bit. Well, mostly he did, about love and stuff, that kind of thing, about what he went through life when it came to that. I sorta knew some of his story, but some other parts I didn't know about, they were kinda interesting to say the least.

And then, while we were staring at the savannah together, that was when I broke the silence, and told him that I had something to tell him. He can tell I was serious, that something bothered me. He admitted he actually felt something else coming from me. I'm surprised HE was the one who figured it out and not my parents. Tells you how smart this old card was. Of course, I didn't tell him right away. I hesitated at first. But he insisted I tell him, assured me that everything will be okay once I tell him, and he would do anything he could to help me whatever else I'm going through.

And so, I began. I told him the tale that wanted to burst out of my chest for a long time now. I told him everything about Ryan, the human. I told him about my first encounter with him two days ago, on the day during the time before Kweli and Asha went into the home of the two leggers. I told him about the two leggers capturing me after I found Aren and Dahlia together. I told him I was trapped in the pen that kept me away from my home. I then told him of my second encounter with Ryan, how he set me free and everything. 

And now I was at the end of the tale, right when I found my mother and my sister and her mate. I went on, "I ran as far away from there as I could. And then I met mom and Dahlia and Aren...And I think you know that story." I let out a long sigh, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders finally. I spoke after that, "That's basically it. I still hadn't told anyone about it. The only one who knows this now...Is you."

Makena just stared at me, blinking, speechless. He had a serious look in his eyes. I think he was trying to put his thoughts together on the subject.

I rolled my eyes after a moment, "You're thinking I'm crazy and making this up, aren't you?"

The old lion shook his maned head, "Not even close. I...Just can't believe it."

I chuckled, "Well, believe it, old one. It really happened."

"I just don't get it though." He spoke with a bit of worry in his voice, "Why didn't you tell your family about this? Do you know what kind of danger you were put in? Matter of fact, why didn't you tell them after your first encounter?"

Obviously I didn't tell him THAT part when I told the tale. So, I did, "Because I thought he was gone, at first. I didn't think he would totally stick around." He gave me a knowing look. Then I rolled my eyes again, "Okay, I PARTLY knew it. But I was mostly afraid if I did tell my parents about it, and also about the second encounter, my dad would probably not consider me being in the next line as queen."

"Sayde." He shook his head again with a grin, "That's a dumb reason not to tell your parents." Then he wiped it away, "I mean, really think about it. The whole pride could have been in danger if you didn't do anything else about it."

I huffed, "Gee you think I don't know that? I really considered it. But..." I sighed, laying my chin on my forelegs, eyes focusing on the ground, "I just don't think this two legger is...Bad."

Makena tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

"I mean..." My eyes rolled to meet his, "Look, I still don't really trust him. He's still a two legger. But...It's just...After what he did for me, after letting me go...I just don't think he's...You know...Evil. Like the others before him we've seen. He seems different. Compassionate. He even told me that he and a friend of his rescued me from other two leggers on the night when I was captured. He acts like he really wants to be my friend. I know he could be lying just to get to me, but..."

"Hmmm..." Makena slowly quirked a brow, "You don't say..."

"...Yeah, I know. It's crazy." I giggled deeply, "Oh, by the way, he actually wanted to know my name before I ran away from him last night."

He sounded a bit surprised, "He did?"

"He did. And I'm surprised about it as you probably are."

Makena looked away, thinking up his thoughts.

I pressed him a moment later, "Please, say something. What am I supposed to do now? Just tell my parents about him, tell them everything? Or just not worry about it and let it go?"

Makena hummed, "Hmm." Then he finally said it, placing his eyes back on me, "It's...This obviously is very significant. A two legger has never done this to an animal before. It's very odd, but also significant. It's also amazing you managed to escape the clutches of two leggers at all. That's a story everyone would be telling for years."

I chuckled, "Gee...What an honor." 

Then he said, "But to be frank...I don't know. He never threatened you, from what I can tell. But then again, he could be trying to trick you as well."

I cautiously frowned, "Yeah...But still...Makena...Do you think every two legger is not as bad as all of us have thought?"

Makena replied, "It is difficult to say. But when you bring your situation up...It is a possibility." He let out a chuckle, "I mean...I never in my life thought there was before, but now..." I smiled at him. He's as confused as I am. Poor lion. He went on, "But...We've never talked to one of them before. We always run, sometimes attack without question, and they use stick thingies on us, or capture us all the same. Until now...Something unusual, but civil, has happened...Perhaps you may have stumbled onto something, Sayde."

"...Yikes." I asked, "So, do you think I did the right thing by letting him go? We're not in danger?"

"Maybe...But knowing my history with these creatures, I still wouldn't believe it. But, obviously he hasn't followed you, so I don't think we're in total danger....Yet. But that's not to say he won't try to find you, because, who knows, maybe he might. That's a possibility too. Let me ask you this, Sayde...Perhaps you may see him again?" 

I shook my head, "Wouldn't. I don't plan on it."

"Then that's okay. You can live your own life however you wish." I nodded in acknowledgement, but then he said, "But, he may try to find you, find you at where we live, and if he is deceitful...Then he might bring danger to us all."

I shook my head again, "I doubt he'll come looking for me. I think I've scared him to death twice for him to look for me."

Makena warned me with a grim face, "I wouldn't count on it, Sayde. Two leggers can be determined creatures. Like us when we want to eat, sometimes they will stop at nothing to get what they want, and won't stop till they have it. But, if you don't think he's bad, then I will put my faith in you. I will not question it. And...I won't tell your parents about this, unless you want me to, or you do it yourself. It's your choice. But regardless of your worry for being queen, they will somehow know."

I was peering at him curiously, "You really think he's coming for me?"

He shrugged, "With this one in particular, anything's a possibility. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

I looked down at my paws, "....Right." I seriously hope you're wrong.

Actually...I hope he doesn't come looking for me.

Who knows what could happen...


A zebra bellowed at the sight of me, "TWO LEGGER!!" He reared back, screamed, then sped off, towards a large herd of zebras where they all caught sight of me too!

I screamed with hand raised, running at them, "Hey wait!" But it was too late. They all shrieked, then loud, thundering footsteps immediately rumbled and echoed across the land when they all took off, leaving behind a cloud of dust into the air. I coughed a bit, waving it away till everything cleared up. They were all far away from me, almost like a bunch of black and white dots. I let out a huge sigh. I closed my eyes and grumbled, "God dammit." Then, I looked to my right, and continued on my way. Well...Guess this is another dead end...

I was out in the middle of the African savannah searching for the lioness from last night. I knew I should start by looking for a pride. That's where she could be. If I find a pride filled with lions, I'd find her. I could tell that this was crazy. I've brushed with death twice with this one lioness, and I'm just going looking for a lion pride. This was probably the most craziest thing I've ever done in my life...But even I don't think crazy is enough of a word for it. But I knew I couldn't just turn back without finding her. It was the only way to do it, crazy or not.

But, that ain't gonna be easy. When I was walking out on that trail away from home, I knew it would take forever for me to find her without some help. Here I was wandering around these parts, off the trail I'm told not to go off mind you, trying to ask for directions for where the lions live. I was also excited to speak to more exotic animals other than one lioness, cause I had planned on that as well. But I know I wouldn't have a long conversation with any of them. I needed directions. I think there would be plenty of time for that. I had to find that lioness as soon as possible.

Imagine my happiness when I caught one exotic animal from a distance. An antelope. I could almost feel myself shaking in anticipation with each step I was taking toward it. But then when I did, the antelope took ONE LONG look at me, and...Let's just say it did not go well. It yelled out 'two legger', and took off, just like all those zebras I met a minute ago. Just the same words and same reaction. But earlier before finding that herd, I didn't want to give up. I kept trying to ask for help. They weren't the only things I encountered, there were other animals I came across as well. Including some birds, another antelope, and an elephant.

But, as if you could not tell...They all did the EXACT same thing.

It was getting pretty annoying. Running off without actually letting someone talk to you, calling me two legger which is not what my kind is called anyway, not to mention not getting any directions whatsoever from anybody and leaving me hanging. It was kinda depressing really. I thought for sure I would have easily scored a decent conversation with one or two exotic animals ever since I got to Africa. But instead of being treated with the welcome to Africa carpet, I get this. Not what I thought was going to happen. But, guess I should've thought that was going to happen anyways. They're wild animals. Why would they talk to someone like me? Oh gosh, I imagine one animal seeing me from afar, including that lioness, looking at me like I was a nutjob asking directions for a lion pride. How ridiculous is that? Anybody would probably laugh at me for attempting such a thing like that. I see that girl's face right now when I think about it. 

"Phew." I rubbed my brow with a forearm. I took a sip from the bottle of water I brought with me earlier, but it was now empty. I muttered, bit of sweat pouring down my forehead, "Great." I tossed the bottle away and moved on, planting step after step on the African ground. This was taking me longer than I planned. My parents were probably getting worried for me by now. I'm imagining they're thinking of asking Gabe to drive his car and look for me. Part of me now thinks this was not a good idea to go look for that lioness now. Maybe it was better if I had waited for all of them to leave and go somewhere like I planned to yesterday. But I couldn't wait to find the lioness again that I didn't think of it.

Too late for that now.

I breathed deeply as I took step after another step, gazing around the area for anything. I had no choice now. Well, I did, but I was too far into this now that I can't go back yet. I have to keep looking. I can't give up now. Someone's bound to help me out...Sooner or later. Finally, I heard something talking nearby. It was hidden behind a huge log about several feet away from me. I trekked over there. I didn't see anything at first, but I did after looking down near it. I now came across a couple of meerkats chatting with each other near a big hole. Possibly made by them. 

I immediately smiled at them, seeing they hadn't noticed me. They look cute. But, too bad I have to end their conversation. I coughed my fist and tried to say something, "Uh, excuse me?" They both heard me, perking their bodies up, then turning to see me high above them, like I was towering giant. I waved at them and began, "I was wondering if-"

But they both screamed in horror. One of them pointed their little fingers at me, terror in his eyes, "TWO LEGGER!!!"

The other screamed his head off, "AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Then they both scurried towards the hole.

"No wait! I'm-" I reached out, but they've already gone down the hole, out of sight from the world. I moaned, dropping my arm down. I cursed, "Shit." Now what? 

Defeated again, I decided to take a break from walking all this time by sitting on the log. Seems to be a good spot than any. I let out a long breath, looking around the lands. What am I going to do? I'm not having much luck. Then, a few moments later after putting my head down, a shadow of sorts crept over me. My face went wide, then I got up and spun around to face it.

It was a lone giraffe, gazing down with curious eyes. It didn't even flinch. Run away even.

Wow...That thing's tall. Like an elephant, before I even met one, I did try to imagine how tall a giraffe would've been up close. My expectations were a bit right, but close enough. Nonetheless, it did not disappoint me.

It...Was magnificent....

That's when the giraffe spoke to me with narrowed eyes, "Hey...Don't stare at my spots, little one. They're not for show."

I realized it was a girl giraffe looking down on me. I glared right back, "Sheesh, sorry." Then my eyes went wide, "Wait...You're actually talking to me?"

"Why, yes, I am." The giraffe formed a smile, and said, "Never expected anyone to talk to you? You look like you were being turned down over and over again for the sake of being turned away by everybody."

I formed a frown, "You were watching me?"

She shook her long neck and head at the question, "Not the whole time. I caught you trying to talk to someone, and I heard them scream. I assume that's what's been happening to you around here. Doesn't look too far from the truth." She lowered her head, reaching down to my eye level, "I should be afraid of you, but you didn't seem very threatening sitting around here. So, I came to see you." She narrowed up her eyes again, "Just don't stare at my spots when I'm trying to talk to you."

I laughed a bit, holding up my hands and showing her I mean no trouble, "Hey, I can take the hint." I dropped them down to my sides as I stared back at her face, "You're right about me though. I mean you no harm."

"That's good. That means I'm not an idiot for talking to a two legger. I know how bad they are." The giraffe asked, "So what are you doing around here? I can't imagine someone like you wandering around here alone. Usually your kind is always together."

I replied with a giggle, "I'm actually called a human. Not a two legger."

She hummed in intrigue, her ear flinched, "Hmmm...Interesting. So, what might you HUMAN be doing around here?"

I answered, "I'm looking for a lion pride."

Her eyes widened up. Then she brought her head up high. The giraffe looked down on me when she exclaimed, "The lions? You're looking for the lions? Why would you want to go and do a thing like that?"

I responded, "Because I'm looking for this lioness I've met last night. She's a princess."

The female giraffe nodded a bit, "I see...But why are you looking for her?"

I looked down at my feet, "Cause I'm trying to see if she was alright. I saved her life last night, but I don't know if she'd made it home ok." I looked up toward her, "I'm just making sure."

"Oh..." Then she stated, "Well, I think that's a very dangerous idea. Lions don't take kindly to two leggers. I know for certain they hate em with a passion. They'd kill you on sight."

"Tell me something I don't know." But then I let out a breath, waving my hand as I'm trying to walk away, "But you're right...This is a stupid idea."

But she stopped me with her voice, "Hold on a second." I stopped short then looked back up at her again. The giraffe asked, "You really want to find her?"

I gave her a nod.

"You sure?"

I answered with a word this time, "Yes."

She smiled a bit, "Well, if you're determined to go through with it, no matter how suicidal this is...I guess I can help you out."

I beamed, "You will?"

"Of course. I just hope you know what you are doing."

I shrugged, "I hope so too."

The giraffe then spoke, "Well, I do know this only lion pride that is around these parts." She looked to her left, "All I know is that it belongs to a King Jabari and Queen Nailah. And they live down this way." She looked at me and then gave me some more info, "You just have to go down that ways a little bit, then you'll come across this wall of rock. You can't miss it. It's not too hard to spot from a distance."

I nodded at her in gratitude, "Okay...Thanks."

She shook her head, "No, thank you. For not giving me trouble."

I replied, "Hey, it's the least I can do to a nice thing like you."

The girl giraffe giggled fondly, "You're not so bad yourself. You take good care...And be careful."

"Sure, I will." I strode off to that direction, waving at her as I looked back, "Thanks for the help! Maybe we'll meet again sometime!"

She hollered back, "If you live long enough, two legger!"

I looked down as I strolled, slightly annoyed by the term again, "Oh, boy." Well, least this wasn't a total loss. Now I can finally find the damn lioness. And at least she was a friendly one and didn't run away from me. Wonder if she has a name. Hope I can meet her again.

But first...I have to find the princess.

I took the giraffe's direction by heart, not straying myself away for any other direction. I walked for a bit of a long time, longer than I sorta thought, till I can see a wall of rock straight ahead. I sucked in a breath happily. There it is. Just like the giraffe said! I picked up the pace upon seeing it. It took me a bit of space for me to reach it. It grew and grew upon each foot I overtook, which also made my fear grow big and big inside me it almost made me shake. But I pushed on as best I could. No turning back now...

Finally when I was getting closer, just as expected, I found a pride of lions in front of that wall. Some of them laid around on the ground while the rest were up and moving. When I was coming up towards them, somebody screamed, "Hey! Watch out! There's a two legger coming!" I gasped, frozen in fear. Here we go...

The entire pride was alert, now seeing I was here. They all roared, running towards me. I quickly glanced to whoever warned my presence, and found that a lioness was on a nearby tree and climbing down off it, joining in all the fun. I quivered a bit standing around, watching the lions coming to where I am. I was feeling this was almost the end of me. They were all probably gonna eat me.

Please god, don't let them eat me...

But, they didn't do that immediately. They slowed down a bit, all of them gathering up and surrounding me in a big circle. But they still never attacked. I just froze like a statue, my eyes following their movements. I couldn't look behind me though, but I can feel some members of the pride were there. I even see one male lion standing in the circle with them. I can assume that's King Jabari. He looked so intimidating. More threatening than the lionesses. He looks bigger than them too no doubt.

Well, they haven't attacked me...But I've got to convince them that I'm not here to hurt them.

One lioness, that was standing beside the king on the right, growled at me. Then she demanded with a swishing tail, "What do you want, two legger? You're not supposed to be here. Why have you come?"

I could tell that wasn't the lioness I've seen twice now. I tried to form words, but couldn't...I was too petrified, "I...Um..." 

She raged, "SPEAK!"

I cleared the lump in my throat, then tried again, "I've...Come in peace."

Another nearby lioness yapped in disbelief, "Come in peace?! What kind of crap is that?"

I heard another yell, "There's never peace from your kind!"

The king now spoke up, angry eyes piercing right at me, "Why did you come here exactly?" 

I admitted, "I came to look for someone. Someone who lives in this pride."

The huge lion demanded, "Who?" His paw took a step forward, "Who in my pride you might be looking for?"

"Uhhhhh..." I figured that wasn't her name, but...It's worth a try. I spoke it, "Fuck you?"

The king roared at me furiously, taking more steps towards me, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I cried out, crashing onto my butt. I scooted away a bit, seeing him growl along with all of his pride.

Okay, that was a stupid thing to say. What was I thinking?!

I'm scared out of my mind that's what!

I held out my hand, pleading them, "Wait, I don't mean any disrespect! Listen, I'm looking for your daughter! The princess!"

The king growled, "I do have a daughter...And I would NEVER name her that."

I apologized, "Look, I'm sorry. Just bring her here and let her explain everything."

"Why should I do that? How do you know the princess?"

"Because we've met before."

He reared back his head in surprise, "You two have met!"

The lioness on his right spoke up too, "What are you talking about?"

Then, another lioness on his left spoke as well, paw on her chest, "I'm the princess! I don't know you!"

Wait, what? She's here, and she doesn't know me!? Is she serious right now?! I cried, focusing right on her, "Hey come on! Don't pretend we never met! I saved your life from my fellow two leggers! I let you go free, remember!"

She shook her head at that, denying it, "I have NO idea what you're talking about...Weirdo." My eyes went wide. She's joking!

Jabari roared, fire in his eyes, "Enough talk! He's just buying time for the inevitable. Let's finish him off...For trespassing our lands!" 

The lionesses in the circle all went towards me, growling and baring their huge jaws. I was about to be eaten alive. I pleaded to all of them, "WAIT! PLEASE, WAIT! PLEASE!" But they wouldn't relent. Their minds were set.

Jesus, I'm dead!

Then before anyone could lay their claws on me, someone shouted from a distance, "Everybody stop!"

The pride froze in place. They all turned to see who it was. They even made some space for me to see who it is.

It's another lioness. But by the way she looked at me...She recognized me.

I felt relief filling my chest. It's her!

The lioness rushed up past a few pride members and came between me and the king. She stood protectively when she said, "Don't kill him!"

The king was flabbergasted along with everyone else. He spoke in total surprise and confusion, "Sayde? What's going on here? Why are you protecting the two legger?"

"Because, father..." She turned her gaze upon me and admitted, "He...He saved my life." 

I smiled at her weakly. Woo boy...That was freakin close!