\n OK this is my first story ever. I hope you like it, please tell me if you do or dont. sorry ahead of time if anything is misspelled or if there are punctuation errors, english was never my best subject.
\n _____________________________________________________________________________________
\n Slowly he awoke, opening his eyes. His vision; blurred and doubled from being hit in the back of the head with the butt of a rifle, slowly returned to him.
\n He slowly sat up and immediately noticed that his arms were cuffed and behind his back and the small pool of red blood around him; also he noticed his beautiful white fur was stained red with his own blood.
\n He looked around the room and noticed several other furs and a couple of humans all left in the same matter, cuffed and unconscious. It took him a second to realize what happened when memories of what happened flooded into his mind.
\n ************
\n His group had been assigned to investigate and give aid to whomever they found onboard a civilian craft that's emergency beacon had been going off. There ship had just dropped from hyperspace and was preparing to dock to the smaller ship.
\n "Hey Lloyd! What was your group assigned?"
\n Asked one of the other squads Captains, a male fox in his late twenties and usual foxy coloring and markings. Lloyd being his groups Captain, a human in his mid twenties with brown hair and eyes. He had a muscular build where the other Captain had a lean build and was five foot seven inch's tall where the fox had been five four.
\n "Investigation and rendering aid...what else does this group ever get assigned to do?" Lloyd asked sarcastically.
\n "Yeah I guess you're right. Well at least we got assigned to do something different." The other Captain said.
\n "Oh and what's that? Try to find some chicks and flirt with them." Lloyd said and laughed.
\n "Well if we find some sure but no. we were assigned to investigate the bridge instead of the..." The fox said and trailed off as he looked at one of the members in Lloyd's group "I see you have Captain Rrahkarr's brother in your group."
\n This was Private William M. Sutarra he referred to, a male wolf who was only twenty years old and five foot three inch's tall, somewhat small for his age. He was very recognizable with his snow white fur and red eyes, being an albino and younger brother to the militaries best fighter pilot, people always knew who he was...at least the veterans and superior officers did. He always enjoyed talking to the younger trainees and solders who knew nothing about him...or his brother.
\n "Yeah they stuck me with him a little while back. Haven't had a complaint yet from the others and they seem to get along pretty well." Lloyd informed the fox.
\n Lloyd and the fox stepped towards each other and clasped arms before the fox's group headed off.
\n "Okay everyone it's almost time so grab you gear and let's head out!"
\n ******
\n The door to the room that Lliam and the other members of his team where in opened and in stepped a few armed humans, each carrying a phase rifle capable of punching a hole through ten inch's of titanium armor.
\n "Grab the officers first!" One of the humans yelled as the others went checking the rank of all of squad that Lliam was in, including the other team that went in with them.
\n "Hey the white one over there is up. Check him now!" Another of the humans said while two others checked his rank and to see how awake he truly was.
\n "Sir he's just a private...and he's only semi-conscious." The human said as he snapped his fingers in Lliam's face, trying to get his attention.
\n "Leave him then and search the others!" The commanding human yelled.
\n Lliam fooled the human for the moment and watched as they took several people away, including his Captain, Lloyd and the fox Captain of whose name was Kyle.
\n Again he was left to his thoughts after the humans dragged the officers from the room. He then heard from the other room gun shots being fired, one at a time the officers where being killed in execution style.
\n After the first shot rang out Lliam's memories came to him again...this time starting at the moment they entered the civilian craft.
\n ***********
\n "Okay I want you all to split into four groups of three, Anders and Johnson...you two are with me." Lloyd said and the two of them went over to him.
\n "Williams, you take Bartley and Forest." He continued calling out last names.
\n "Aye sir" They replied and grouped together
\n "Charles, how about you go with..." He said and paused, a smile forming at his lips "Go with Field and Parker."
\n "Oh come on sir...you got to be kidding!" Charles said and acted hurt.
\n "No you three will do fine. Hmm that leaves you three, Creighton and Williamson take Sutarra here and make sure you keep out of trouble." He said as they headed over to Lliam.
\n "Aye sir, will do." They said and slapped their hands onto Lliam's shoulders.
\n "Good now then, keep you comms open and report on anything suspicious, or if you find anyone who needs help." He said as everyone split off and started there search
\n Terrence Creighton and Colon Williamson along with Lliam split off from the main group and started searching rooms down a random hallway. Ten minuets later they came across a room that had blood splatters on the walls and pools of blood on the floor along with dents in the walls where solid round ammunition had hit.
\n "Oh shit! Terrence...radio in the captain and let him know about this." Colon said as they looked around.
\n "Already did and he says he'll be here soon, ETA eight minuets." Terrence replied.
\n Colon nodded his head to what Terrence told him then looked over to Lliam who looked like he was about to panic. He slowly went over to him and tried to get his attention.
\n "Hey Sutarra! Hey come on man snap out of it!" He said trying to get Lliam to focus on him and not what they saw in the room.
\n Lliam didn't hear anything that Colon said; in fact he was off in another world, one from his past.
\n **********
\n Lliam had just come home with his older brother Rrahkarr from playing soccer with the local kids in the park when they opened the family homes front door and stopped dead in there tracks.
\n What awaited them inside was a bloodbath. There homes walls were covered in blood and something else he didn't want to think of. Inside the family room in the center lay there dead parents, there brown and gray fur stained red from blood that seeped from gunshot wounds. Inside the kitchen there grandmother was stuck to a wall with knives in her shoulders and blood dripping from her slit throat.
\n They stood there and absorbed all of this and in what must have seemed like hours to the brothers but were only seconds, when they where brought back down to earth from the crying of a baby from upstairs.
\n Rrahkarr grabbed his younger brothers arm and quickly dragged him up the stairs towards there baby sisters room. He jumped over a body that lie in the middle of the hallway that could only have belonged to there grandfather, his salt and pepper black fur destroyed by what might have been an old pump action shotgun.
\n Rrahkarr could smell someone else inside there home, inside there baby sister's room and he could hear voices so he stopped and let go of his brother. He dug into his shorts pocket and pulled out an old fashioned pocket knife that his grandfather had given to him on his tenth birthday; he never left home without it, and then slowly and silently cracked the door open.
\n Inside where two human men and he barely saw a third person as he went out the window that had been opened, he too was a human.
\n Rrahkarr saw that they were looking at his little sister with disgust in there eyes and that they both held old 9mm handguns.
\n "Hey shut that little brat up would ya?' The human closest to the window said
\n "With pleasure!" The other said and started towards the crying wolf pup.
\n Without thinking Rrahkarr slid into the room with knife in hand. Lliam watched as his brother quickly ran behind the human and without warning jumped onto his back and slit his throat. The human closest to the window had stopped and started to turn to see what had happened to his buddy when a gun fired at him.
\n Rrahkarr had taken the 9mm handgun from the human he killed and shot at the other until the clip in the gun was empty and the human lay dead on the ground. Lliam ran into the room and hugged his brother and started crying. He looked at his brother who was still holding the gun and trying to fire it at the already dead human and slowly reached out and lowered his hand. Dropping the gun Rrahkarr returned the hug his little brother was giving him then gently pushed him away to check there little sister who was still crying.
\n **************
\n "HEY COME ON SNAP OUT OF IT!" Yelled Colon as he rapidly shook Lliam.
\n "Huh what!" He said as he came to.
\n "Dude you where spacing out, are you okay?" Terrence asked
\n "Ah yeah...I just had a bad memory pop into my mind." Lliam said as he looked down to floor, examining the gravity plates.
\n Just then Captain Lloyd and the rest of the team came in and halted upon the sight in the room.
\n "...ah situation report Williamson." Lloyd said after a few seconds.
\n "Well sir it was pretty much like this when we got here."
\n "Damn...this looks like the work of the..." He started saying but was hit in the back of the head.
\n At that moment armed humans began filling the room, all pointing there weapons at Lliam's team, being outnumbered they gave in. They were all hit in the back of the head by blunt objects and dragged away from the room.
\n *********
\n Another gunshot signaled that another officer had been killed. Lliam recalled how many shots had been fired and calculated that only three officers where left alive. He knew that in half an hour the I.S.F. Darwin; a destroyer class ship and also the ship his older brother Rrahkarr was on, would soon show up and find that the emergency beacon on this ship was a trap. It would most likely destroy the civilian craft to insure that the enemy on board would be killed. He knew that he would be dead before then and just on queue the rooms doors opened and the humans took the last of the team's members out into the hall.
\n He saw that he was third from the end of the line and that would give him more time to live...even if it was a couple of minuets. The humans shot Forest first and then proceeded down the line killing everyone with a head shot. Being that most of the people in these two teams where furs, these humans enjoyed killing them off and had evil grins on there faces as they slowly shot and killed each fur. They savored each kill and loved instilling fear into the rest as they killed the others.
\n Another shot right next to Lliam told him his time was up. In his mind he said farewell to everyone he knew. He would never see his little sister Maya again or his brother Rrahkarr. A click from the gun as the next bullet was loaded into the chamber put him into a moment of panic then realization. He could see his mother and his father again. He let out a sigh as a tear went down his cheek as the human in front of him grinned, a gun fired and all that was left to be heard was a thud.
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War tails of the white Wolf (Ch 1) First encounter
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15 years ago
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