Current Track: Blabb

Shifts: Your control

Her eyes opened up and looked out into the distance surrounding her. All she saw were rooftops about. Some were thin and narrowed. But the majority of them were fat. Despite the differences, all of the rooftops were straight aways and only point in two directions. Leftwards and rightwards. The wolf continued peering to the rooftops before a raindrop fell into her vision. She raised to the bleak skies above her. Noticing that the stars and the moon were gone, replaced by ominous clouds. It poured rain down upon her. The wolf growled. Wondering why she had called for rain in this particular place and shifted her eyes elsewhere. Towards the sidewalks below her. Silence and emptiness were the results. She was surprise to see no one there which was odd for her. Though shaking her head, she had decided to look elsewhere and found out where she was. However, it seems someone had found her.

A roar pierced the skies. Clouds had coward in fear of the mighty roars as a gust of wind blew the clouds in one direction. But the rain was still pouring. The wolf looked up into the skies again. Spotting something flying in the distance. It looked to be a red dragon. The same species and color as her master back in the room. She had wondered if he came to take her back. But the dragon said otherwise. And opened its mouth blowing a gust of fire spiraling downward to the rooftops, adjacent to where the wolf was. As she was startled, her eyes opened wide in surprise and raised her head back to the skies above watching as the dragon chunger up another ball of flames. The wolf needs to run. So casting her foot out from the other, she ran across the rooftops in despair as the flames rained down onto her. Mixing in with the rain creating smoke that fog up the dragon’s visions.

The wolf had no idea why her master was fighting her. Much less than trying to burn her alive. In addition to, she never knew where she was or how she- Actually wait, she does know how she got here. But she cannot remember when her life was in danger! As she ran, sending her feet across from her advancing further through the rooftop, she spotted a blade and a shield a short distance from where she was. Her eyes widened again and she break into a grin. Running straight for the sword and shield, she grabbed them and rose them onto her chest. She turned around and faced the dragon just as it started up another fireball upon its mouth. Spitting it straight for the wolf, she raises her shield up. However to her surprise it never deflected. Her arm was burned up. Red smokes emerged from where the ball had landed as she started panicking. Abandoning her position, she flee from the battle at hand and ran. 

Ahead of her was a tunnel. She decided to go into it with the dragon following dead behind her. However, its head was struck through the opening of the tunnel. Cracks emerged from its edges. Luckily they were small and not enough for the dragon to break free. As the wolf ignored the stuck dragon behind her, she ran a short distance away before stopping. For beyond was an abyss. Nothing awaits for her below. She glanced back over her shoulder to the stuck dragon. Still snarling and gnashing at thin air. Opening and closing its mouth in an attempt to bite at the wolf. The wolf realized she was at a good distance away from him. She should feel safe… right? Just the thought had cause anxiety on her as her fur stood on one end and her heart pounding in her chest while she turned around and looked down into the abyss again. She inhaled and exhaled a few times before throwing herself down the pits. 

As the winds howled over her ears as she descended faster down the hole, she threw her sword against the wall behind her. Sparks flew in every direction. Some went to her burned arm and she winced in result, clenching her eyes shut as she beared the short pain. Her descent was slowed but never came to a stop however. With this time, she decided to think back to the events that led to this. Her name was Nivila, a grayish female wolf and her goal was to become a villain. So she approached the red dragon who was famous in this field of work. The dragon had gave her gumballs and four glasses of water. The four glasses of waters had something magical inside of them. She cannot drink each of them down her throat because of hazard. To which the dragon would not name despite the wolf’s curiosity. The first cup was a darker shade of color water. Yellow stars twinkled upon the surface whereas the moon hangs high. Below the stars and the moon were rooftops and buildings. A school at the center. Adjacent to the first cup was a cup with a cluster of buildings and a stadium and amongst other things that the wolf did not recognized. It was peaceful in that second cup too. Although the streets were empty and the yellow sun beating down upon the buildings. A station was located upon the left of the second cup. Sometimes, the sidewalks or the roads would light up to colorful colors.

The third cup was just an island. Waters washed upon its shores. Moistening the sands and the red small building. A single creature lived there. But she could not tell who. The final cup was a tall kingdom. A red whitish flag dotted with a star hangs above the rooftop of the castle. A silver dragoness was inside her chambers, listening with worry about something. Perhaps it was the roaring riots voices cast from the depths of the waters? The wolf would not know. But regardless, she dropped four gumballs into each of them. And watched as the flavor from the gumball mixed with the waters. Creating chaos within them. The water started rising in the first cup, flooding the streets as pouring rain fell from the skies. A sudden blizzard struck the town. Piling snow after snow in rapid beats. Increasing the height of the snow. Hailstorm started raining upon the kingdom. Damaging property and glasses of the castle. Nivila was afraid. Her body jolted as she threw her paws down each of the cups. Attempting to grab them from the glasses and pulled them out before anything else could happened.

However, it was already too late. The four inserted gumballs were white and shiny. Their flavors were lost as the waters inside the glasses changed their color. Her eyes went wide and she hurled the gumballs away. Allowing them to hit against the wall behind her as she dashes for the four glasses. Thus without hesitation, she discarded the waters from the glasses. Spilling them onto the grounds below her and wetting the carpet…

Chuckling at the memory she had upon her mind, she returned her sights to the reality and glanced over her shoulder. To the blade upon the wall. Curiously she had wondered, if it had shorten off. Driving her closer to the wall behind her that her shoulders slid across the rough walls. Scratching her back as she grunted upon the inflicted pain. She kept descending into the abyss, her mind race and wondered what she should do. With the coming silence came the wind howling against the tunnel’s shell as if it was trying to break it off. Nivila gasped in surprise and looked down. Her mind raced in panicked. Sweat fell from her fur, wetting her face and shoulder. Then something roared above her and filled her ears with it that she had flatten them against the skull of her head. Closing her eyes, she removed the blade from the wall and descended into the abyss where darkness embraced her body. Covering it up protecting her from the harsh winds as she screamed. Her yell echoed as she fell further.

Then slammed her body against the grounds. She coughed up blood from the strike as her eyes widened. It trickled down her chin, dripping onto her body as she rose her head and looked around her newfound surroundings. Snow was everywhere. It covered up the streets and sidewalk as it disappeared before her eyes. A distance cold washed over her fur and she rose to her feet. She was in a town. A smaller one compared to the city she was in previously. Buildings appeared everywhere that it looked like a sea surrounding her and the snow was islands. She frowned, her mouth dried up as her eyes scanned around the surrounding. Not looking at the environment around her, but rather that enemy. Questions rose in her head as she pondered about before snapping her eyes towards a different problem. ‘How was she going to get down?’ She wondered. Carefully treading through the ice rooftops surface on her feet, she walked to the edge and leaned forward. Keeping her eyes upon the snow below her, she wondered quietly to herself if the snow was like the pillow. The wolf decided to try and jumped from the roofs. Allowing gravity to push her down where she landed to the grounds below. No injuries. Just as she had planned.

The clouds above her slowly moved like a unit. Away from her but covering the blueish skies above. Nivila knew she had changed the weather here with her boredom as she whined. Fearing that the inhabitants would kill her if they knew. But taking a look about. She had noticed that the place was empty. Or so she thinks. Another roar erupted from the skies. Splitting her eardrums as she rose her head to the sky, spotting the red dragon descending towards her. Its eyes were red. Raging while its mouth was closed. And its cheeks puffed with the smoke emerging from the nostrils. The wolf gasped in shocked and quickly dive into the snow. Where the cold touched her fur and sent her fangs chittering amongst themselves, she ran on all four paws. Running across the streets and roads hoping to get away from the dragon chasing behind her.

Nivila was scared. Her fur stood on ends. As her legs  ached, she kept pushing herself onward. But her speed was slowly decreasing. The wings from her enemy flapped louder as it entered her ears. The wolf panted and it continued on increasing the more she ran. As her head turned behind her looking to the chasing dragon, she screamed at it. Shouting words that string together forming a sentence. But nothing came to the dragon’s ears. All fell and silence just as it picked them up. Throwing the wolf’s words away, the dragon opened its mouth releasing the fire that burns in it. The buildings caught on fire and began burning. The snow melted away. The fire ate everything in its path and it grows hungry for more. The wolf soon panted deeply. Her energy was closed to empty. She was tired and cold despite her fur trying to keep her warm. As she turned around and faced the dragon before her, she rose to her hind legs and reached into her tail with her right paw. Pulling out a single gumball from her pocket, She desperately threw it into her mouth and started chewing.

The dragon closed in onto her. Its mouth close and puffy, ready to spit some fire upon the wolf. She chewed rapidly, never minding her fangs hurting from all the stickiness that came from the ball. For a few seconds after, she thinks it was ready. And blew into the gum some air. Blowing it into a huge bubble that the dragon suddenly pulled back its wings. Hovering a few inches away from the wolf as the bubble bursted. Yellow sticky goo latches upon the scales of the dragon as he fell upon the ground with a rocky start. The vibrations rumbled the grounds, buildings shook and the snow shifted about as the wolf tried to regain her balance watching the dragon continued to struggle in its trapped estate. Nivila smirked confidently. Her tail swings in excitement. She wanted to celebrate but know she had no time to do so. Instead, she ran with the time remaining she had. Moving farther away from the dragon, hoping that he would not spot her.

She ran far. Farther for her legs could carry her. As she huffed heavily and her eyes darted about, she looked for a way to escape and maybe for someone to help her. But the streets were empty. Buildings’ lights were turned off. Concealing in the darkness, trapping it inside. Nivila panicked. Her fingers vibrated and shook but they were warm to her own touch. Her eyes laid upon the alleyways to her sides. All of which were dead ends. Nothing leads anywhere at all. As the wolf pondered cursing herself for creating such realm, her ears perked up and instantly she turned her head. Looking over her shoulder and spotted the dragon high above her. It roared. Angrier than before. The wolf was afraid and scared. Anxiety filled up her cold shivering body, the adrenaline kicked in. Coursing through her veins inside her body, she ran with fear in her mind. As her feet flee from the surface of the ice underneath her and coursed through the grounded street running, she hears the dragon’s mighty wings flapping above her. Sending cold airs and winds down her spines. It speed up. Chasing after her like a predator after its prey.

The wolf ran. But her feet and legs ached. Pain jolted up her thighs as she growled bearing the pain. Her eyes squinted and narrowed, fangs gnashed against one another tightly. Falling over after taking three steps in advancement, she crashed onto the ground. Ankles and elbows first before the rest of her body. She stay motionless for a few seconds. Breathing through her nose silently in hopes that the dragon would not notice. As her ears pulled back from her head, she listened to the howling soft winds above her and the flapping of the wings. The shadow loomed overhead her before passing by a second after. Nivila survived. But she does not know how long. As her head raised from the grounds looking to the horizon just about the grounds, she darted her pupils upward and stared at the skies. Spotting the dragon moving ahead, its head hanged lower hoping to find her. She forced a smile before slowly picking herself up from the grounds. Then ran the other way.

But her breath hindered her progressed. She stood still with her breath heavy and already exhausted. Nivila glanced back over her shoulder and stared at the horizon for a moment, her ears hanged back from her head. Listening to the silent winds over her head, confirming that the dragon was indeed gone from her sights. But her heart pounded her chest and thoughts popped into her head in wonder. For while she shook her head to rid the thoughts, she resumed her run across the roads and passed by the buildings that stood upon her sides. Until she had returned right to where she had started, here was where she paused and looked up towards the right where a building was. Above the building was a blade already broken into two. She had used it to slow her descent into the abyss. Making a face, she frowned and her heart continued beating in her chest as she looked behind herself again. Wondering where the dragon was. Nivila then walked to the building and stared at the walls. She noticed cracks and lines that formed up whenever bricks were stacked upon one another. She could perhaps use it to scale the wall and reach the rooftops getting back the broken blade once again. Her head unknowingly nod. She had made her decision.

Thus raising her paws above her head, she grabbed onto the lines and cracks and scaled up the wall. Reaching the rooftops in record time, mainly because she was afraid that the dragon might come back again, she hoisted herself up and grounded her feet together upon the rooftops below her before setting her eyes to the broken blade. She walked up to it and grabbed onto its handle. Raising it over her head, she stared at it and her reflection with a frown upon her face. The blade was shattered into two. The tip was missing but the remains of the blade was intact to the handle. The new tip was sharp and shaped like mountains. Nivila wondered if she could use this in her fight against the dragon. But decided against it since its range was out of reach. Discarding it, she threw it against the snow below her where it struck at an straight line. She kept her eyes upon the rooftops then slowly raising to the horizon upon hearing a distant sound far away. The dragon had came back. But where was it?

She darted her eyes all around herself. Glancing at one view than the other, faster than she had thought it would. As her eyes scanned the skies, another roar vibrated the rooftops she was on and she looked to the ground. Her eyes widened in surprise, pondering if the dragon had somehow ended up inside the house she would be in. To her unluckiness, a crack emerged from the rooftops and the dragon zoomed high into the air disappearing into the clouds above. As she looked to the skies following the dragon with her eyes, the wolf widened them again and gasped in shocked as the dragon came down onto her. Faster in speed comparison to a wolf and down she goes at contact. Crashing through the rooftops, the two combatments descented. But it never stopped upon the floor. The two kept going through the house and into the abyss for a short moment.

Her eyes closed up. The faint air fled away from her mouth. As she gasped, she passed out. Feeling her body light headed upon the gravity less surrounding them.

She does not know how long she was out. All she knew was she was upon a rocky surface flooring. Getting up onto her feet, she first casted her eyes leftward towards the sea of small houses before her. All of which were damaged. The windows shattered. Rooftops had holes in them. In some of the houses, the water was filled up to the brim. Constantly overflowing that the surroundings had became a riverbed. Nivila wondered if she caused this. And rose her head high into the grayish skies above her, noticing hail raining down. Constantly hitting her, Nivila narrowed her eyes and growled. Her throat vibrated and rumbled while she lowered her eyes to the horizon. She had needed to get out of the realm. And fix everything that she had done to cause this. But how could she when she is missing her glasses of waters and gumballs. Mentally facepalming herself, she decided on an alterative. And stepped to the edge of the castle rooftop she was on, casting her eyes outward into the horizon beyond her.

Where she sees a distant sun sinking into the horizon and a big shadow coming out from it. Slowly it gotten bigger as it draws closer to her. Nivila gasped in surprise, realizing that it was the red dragon again as it flew forth against her. Flapping its wings rapidly against the gravitational winds pushing him. Nivila turned her head over the shoulder and spotted a window door behind her. Seeing this as her only escape, she rushed to it and crossed her arms over her chest while sinking her head underneath her arms. One last step then she leap forth, bursting through the window door and landing upon the grounds beneath her. She raised her eyes and noticed the chamber room. The bed was to her right. A door opposite from the bed. She quickly ran to the door without looking onto the other stuff. Opening the door and running inward, she closed the door behind her just as she heard a crash behind her. Nivila knew who it was and never looked in or stopped as she ran down the halls.

Nivila kept pushing herself. Through the halls hoping to find a door that would allow her to escape. But all the doors she had saw only led through deadends. Still she kept running towards the end where she opened the door. Running in, she forgot to close it behind her and kept going further until she reached the living room. The wolf never knew what she would do here as she looked about. Turning her attention to the sofa, television and the stairway leading upstairs. A door adjacent to the stairs. A wind next to the door. But nothing there could allow her to get away. Was she trapped? Nivila wished she was not. Hearing the thumping sounds vibrate the flooring beneath her feet, her attention turned to her surroundings. Panicked and her head zipping to one point of the room to another, her eyes fell upon the door behind her. And rapidly dashed her feet to it, grabbing the door. It was not outside. She saw no hailstorm beyond the door. As her lips curved into a smile, maybe a smirk, she turned her head behind her . Spotting the furnatures thrown in one direction, she dashes in within a heartbeat.

A fog blocks her visions. Drawing it near towards her body. She looked about rapidly, squinting her eyes at times in hope of seeing someone other than the dragon trying to kill her. But nothing had came to mind. As she threw her legs out front, running across the dirt path underneath her feet. She advances further into the fog and deeper as the fog continues becoming denser in her eyes. Covering her eyesight and the road ahead of her all the while driving her visions closer to Nivila. The wolf stopped. Her panting visible in her ears. But it was light, she knew she can run a good distance before her lungs give out. Yet decided against it. Instead, Nivila decided to walk and pull her ears outward from her head. Listening to the ringing in her ear that replaces the soundless atmosphere surrounding her. She walked. Her footsteps faintly echoed in her ears. She move forward in one direction. Mainly because the dirt road was only one direction.Nivila did not know where it leads or ends.

Her heart pounding in her chest while she listened to the silence. Her confidence slowly fading. Replaced by the sudden anxious and nervousness that she was feeling. A cold fresh air punched her in the gut. Freezing her fur and making her fangs clattered in her tighten mouth. Her feet felt like lead or stones when she was face with the air. The wolf hears a sudden noise that turned into a roar. Vibrating the surroundings of what she could not see as her fear rise up. She broke into a run. And ran while her feet lifted up from the grounds, dashing through the remains of the dirt roads as her eyes rose up and looked ahead of herself. For through the horizon, she spotted something in the distance. A red house. Isolated from civilization as her feet ground to a halt. Nivila stared at it before walking a bit forth to it. Up close, she noticed that the house was small. There was no door in front of her. It was already branched off from its stem. Fallen to the grounds in front of Nivila just as she had rose her paw to knock onto it. Surprise that the house had no door, she decided to walk in. Trespassing through while she looked about upon the single large empty room.

No one was there to meet her. At this she was surprise and shocked even. As her eyes darted about towards the surroundings, something twinkled and hummed in her ear at the corner of her eye. And she looked to it. Spotting the culprit before her. The jar and the gumballs. Exactly what she was looking for all this time. She grinned in response, unable to help herself. While the warm feeling filled her body, she stepped forth closing in onto the jar. Yanking it from the grounds and rose it to her eye. She threw her other free paw into the jar. Grabbing the gumballs inside and pulled them out one by one. It was all different unique colors. The same ones that she uses before she was taken into the realms. As her smile grew bigger, her eyes widened and threw all the gumballs inside the jar again. The wolf had found her weapon. The magic in the gumballs that she uses to conduct weather like patterns for the worlds she own. And now that she had found it inside…

She turned around, her thought fading in her brain as her eyes darted to the details of the room. Nivila never knew where she was at however. Nor does she recognized this place at once. For as she frowned and tilted her head to one side, she rose her shoulder blades and walked to the opposite side of the house. And leaned against the side where the window was held before stabbing the jar with her paw. Yanking out a pink gumball which she threw in her mouth. And started chewing a couple of times. Afterward, she blew air into the gum making a balloon that emerged from her mouth. For once it was big, she draw her paw and suddenly strikes into the gum. Popping it. Resulting in a mess on one side of the room and she disappeared from the house. Nivila had felt shamed that whoever owned the house and world would had to clean up the gum she had created. And sighed wishing that she had enhanced her gumballs to clean up after themselves. The wolf made a mental note of that as she returned to her world.

The rotting flesh smell was home to her while her eyes opened up and looked about. Noticing the brown walls surrounding her and the table at her front. On it was the single large jar contained with water. The wolf smiled, realizing that she was home. And threw her paws above her head, giving a shout that vibrated the walls and causing the door to opened. She turned her attention to it. Meeting the eyes of the red dragon who looked cautiously at her. But she waved it away. Getting up to her feet, she started pulling out her jar full of gumballs. And set them adjacent to the jar as she darted from the table. The door opened allowing her to exit. She took the chance immediately. A hallway sets before her. Across from her was the red dragon, the same one she had met during her travels across the realms. The only difference was the dragon’s expression. But she shook her head from that though and walked calmly forth towards the dragon who kept its eyes towards her. 

As Nivila stopped, the dragon parted its mouth. Staring the conversation between them as the wolf listened to what he had to say. “Have you gotten control over the worlds you own, Nivila?” The dragon questioned, Nivila nodded her head swiftly and to the point as a curve emerged from the dragon’s mouth. Nodding, looking pleased with the wolf, while asking another “How about your own self?” “Wh… What do you mean.” Nivila asked, a bit surprise that the dragon questioned this. She decided to look back. Through all the obstacles that stood before her. She only met one enemy. The red dragon. It kept on pursuing after her like it was his goal. ‘But for what purpose?’ The wolf would not know. As she kept pondering and chewing onto this thought, she heard a rumble from the dragon. And looking up to him, she realized that he was chuckling. Tightening her mouth, the wolf responded with a scowl to him adding, “What is so funny, master? Is me being chased by you that humorous?”

“Surprising for you to think it was me.” The dragon replied, then extended its claw towards Nivila. Poking her chest as he rumbled, answering her question. “However, that red dragon was yourself.” “Myself?” Nivila exclaimed calmly, her eyes widened in surprise as her ears pulled back. “How is it myself? I look nothing like a dragon. I feel like…” She trailed, “myself. Like a wolf.” Her eyes lowered and gaze at the red carpet underneath them as the dragon snorted, giving off a laugh. To which Nivila look up to him, scowling as her eyes narrowed. Pointing daggers upon the dragon, the dragon answered her after a long pause of silence. “A metaphor, Nivila. Two forces are at play inside your body. Dragon forces and wolf forces. Both control your behavior. While both wanted you to become strong and strong willed. They fall different apart from one another. Your natural instincts was to run. Flee from terror and away from the danger presented in your location. And get help from other wolves. Considering that you wolves are stronger as a pack than an individual. In the mists of that terror, do you feel another foreign feeling?” “Well yeah.” Nivila started, remembering back at the snow village.

“It was the second realm that something in me wanted to fight. Just for a bit. To give me more time to run and find a way out from the snow.” “You dragon instincts.” The dragon finished, smiling faintly and in amusement as its wings folded behind it. The wolf looked on with surprise and concern on its face. The dragon explained.  “Dragons are feared all around the world. Even in ancient and medieval times. They are strong, proud and willing to fight to the death if needed. You should start reading the fights, chases and everything else in between in order to fully understand.” “But I do-” Nivila protested but stopped when the dragon snarled at her. “Do not protest. Let your actions do the talking. Now go.” The dragon ordered. Nivila compelled and started. She turned around and retreated to her room where she opened the door. Entering in before slamming it from behind.

Soft silence awaits as her ears were flat against her head. With her eyes darted to the flooring below her, Nivila gave a sigh and shook her head before taking a step forward to the table where she rose her paws above her head. Closing her eyes. And the table glowed brightly. Popped out of nowhere came a thick book. And she lowered her paws as her eyes opened. Staring onto the book, she drew a breath and flipped opened the cover. And three more pages before reacting the first chapter. But just as she was about to dive into the book, her ears flickered when a familiar voice called out to her. “Nivilla! Almost forgot one thing. There is a meeting point at the fortress in the center of the woods. You are invited to partake into it. You joining?” The wolf excitedly called back, “Yes!”