7:30, that was the time I had to get everything ready. Unfortunately, I don't have everything I needed, but I have enough. I ran though the wood as fast as I could, my shopping bag swinging wildly hitting my side. "Shit", I cursed, "I don't have much time left." The one day of the fucking month I should have prepared and I am running late. I check my watch, 7:25 it read. If that guy didn't hog the self-checkout lane, I would have been their already.
I saw the tree in the distance. "just a bit more." My body is in pain with an all too familiar feeling. Not yet, just a bit more. I slam into the tree and grabbed the rope. Pulling on the other end reveled a collar I put their, still in good condition. Without hesitation I put on the collar. Just made it.
Just then the curse activated, pain filled my body as I change. At least you won't go anywhere tonight.
The dead leaves crunched under our feet, "You're positive he went this way?"
"Yep," Milli answered, "No doubt, this is the cologne we spread on him."
"And I slipped a tracker in his pocket back at the store, "Dillon pulled his phone out, "we should be close enough that I can get the signal."
Millia peered over his shoulder, "Dill, where do you keep getting this stuff?"
"I make most of this stuff," Dillion turned on his phone's flashlight. "Still I wonder how far he went in?"
"he couldn't be to far," I answered, "the main problem is when we find him. The way he acted at the store had me concerned."
"Yeah, he nearly decked me."
"I would have love to see him punch you Dill," Milli injected.
"If he did, it would have just made our job harder." I try to see if I can find any tracks, "There would be no way that security officer would have just let him leave if a fight broke out and we don't want him to change in some holding cell or cop car."
"But it would be fun to watch, "Milli's body started to stiffen. "He's close."
"How," Milli silenced Dill and pointed at her ear. In the silence we heard a distant noise, "thinks that him."
"Probably," I turned to Dillion, "do you have the signal on the tracker?"
"Yep, it's close. Follow me, "Dillon took point as Milli and I followed.
As we ventured forward that distant sound, what we heard became clearer. It sounded like a struggle, with all the sounds with it. As we got closer the sounds got more violent. We quicken our steps to a jog as we approached. Guess we conformed it, I thought to myself as I laid my eyes on the target, "there is no doubt about it. He is a werewolf."
The three of us stared at the wolf as it thrashed around. "looked like he tied himself to the tree before he transformed," Dillion pointed to the tree. The tree had a thick rope tied around it, with the other around the wolf's neck. "It reminds me on those animal abuse commercials. So what do we do Chester," they both look at me.
Close by was a plastic shopping bag, most likely the stuff he brought for the night. The wolf seemed to be trying to get it. As I approach the bag, the wolf noticed us. Immediately he backed off the bag and walk behind the tree, his ears down and tail between his legs, "that's unusual and concerning." I opened the bag to see some deli meats in there; salami, turkey, ham, and some boloney. I opened the salami container and held out a slice, "come here." He looked at me but didn't move from his spot.
"He doesn't want to budge Chester."
I thought for a moment I placed the bag aside, "Hey Dillion point the light towards me." He points his phone my way. All eyes were on me as I removed my clothes. I slowly started to shift, even if this wolf is cautious, he should be more relaxed with another werewolf. When I finished changing, I took the salami package in my mouth and walked over to him. I placed the container in front of him. Eat, I tried to communicate. He looked at me, then at the food. He still looked hesitant to eat. Why isn't he eating it? Does he not think its food? I took a bite of some of the salami, showing him it's something you can eat. I nudge the container and what remained inside of it to the wolf again. This time he ate it. Good, I started to change back. As he finished the salami, I went back to the bag I set aside. I opened the ham next and handed to him, he ate it without question. I put my hand on his head and started to pet him, "I'm here to help you." I reached around him and undo the clasp on the collar, "see do you feel better?" In an instant he was on top of me, rubbing himself all over me. "whoa calm down."
"Need help Chester?"
The wolf moved as Dillion approached trying to hide behind me, "it okay, he harmless." I ran my fingers though his fur from his head down to the shirt that he didn't take off. Up close I realized his fur had a slight red coloring to it.
"If you say so," Millia grabbed some pants and underwear that were close to the tree, "So we heading back to camp?"
"Yeah, let me put my clothes back on first and we'll head back." I put my clothes back on while Dillion and Millia went through his phone and wallet. The wolf stayed by my side the entire time, hiding behind me when Millia and Dillion try to approach him.
"So, his name is Elliot Rice, Age 26, but this license is close to expiring, he has a lot of business cards for some reason." MIllia said on the way back to the car.
"They're probably past associates or something," Dillion was still messing with his phone, "He should make a password on his phone, I just turned it on and I was in. He doesn't have a lot of app on this thing."
Millia glared, "Does it even matter Dill, it's probably a new phone or something."
"Not really. He did send a text to his boss to remined them he was coming in late tomorrow," Dillion stopped, "Hold on the boss sent something back. Elliot, we need to talk about your behavior lately. Shit's hitting the fan now."
"Dill you can't just reads people text messages," Millia tried to grab Elliot's phone but missed.
"hey I have to find out about him so what's the harm? Besides it not like Elliot is stopping me."
"Elliot has no clue what is going on! Of course he wouldn't stop you!" Millia tried to grab the phone again, Dillion just moved it out of reach of her.
Oh god they're like children, "Would you both stop it?" I interrupted, "Our main goal is to get Elliot back to camp. We can have the alpha handle it later." We entered the parking lot at the entrance of the trail. "Anyway Dillion, you're riding with me and Elliot in his car while Milla is driving mine."
"what why?"
"Do you plan to leave me alone with a 200-pound wolf in a compact," I pointed at Elliot still hiding behind me, "Beside I don't trust you behind the wheel of my car." I handed the keys to Millia openly in front of Dillion. Millia handed me the keys to Elliot's car in turn.
"Jesus It was one time! I crashed it once six months ago. Can you just let it go?"
"No." I headed to the compact in the parking lot. We each got in our cars and went off.
The ride back to camp was uneventful. Elliot behaved himself on the ride there. when we arrived back at camp, Dillion was the first out of the car, transforming into a wolf and running to the camp grounds. "Dillion wait," Millia yelled.
"It's okay, I can handle the rest by myself." I opened the back seat so Elliot can get out.
"Don't worry," Elliot jumped out of the car, "I'm just taking him to the Doc to get checked out. I might just head to bed after I get him settled."
"okay," she handed me Elliot's belongings, then left to join the others at the camp.
"Come on, we don't have all night." I pat me leg and Elliot followed me.
The camp grounds were more packed than normal. Most of them were just playing around in wolf form. It does feel nice seeing werewolves just playing without a care. Elliot, on the other hand, was stressed out. Seeing so many wolves around would be stressful. His body language was extremely submissive. Head low, ears down, and his tail between his legs. "its going to be okay," I say, "you're safe here." Just then two wolves got close to Elliot. Elliot make a sound like he was in pain. The two wolves back off. "whoa calm down Elliot," Elliot was visibly shacking behind me. I picked up this 200-pound wolf, "don't worry I got you." I reassured Elliot, but he still continued to shack in my arms. This is really troubling.
We stopped in front of Dr. Lupce office, "Doc," I yelled, "can you get the door, my hands are full at the moment."
Dr. Lupce open the door, "Chester, Is that?"
"Yep, his name is Elliot Rice." I entered the clinic and place him on the examination table, "I had to carry him here."
"I can see that." As Dr. Lupce approach him, Elliot got defensive. "Don't be afraid, I'm here to help." Elliot jumped off the table and hid around the corner. "was he like this when you found him?"
"Yeah, we found him tied up to a tree. The way he is acting has me concerned. He acts sort of feral, he mustn't have been a werewolf for long." We both stare at Elliot as he moved to another spot to hide from us.
Doc scratched the stubbles on his chin, "It might be because of the process of him into a werewolf. Some studies found the wolf acts different depending on which ritual was performed."
"so what ritual created him?"
Doc was silent for a moment, "Can't say off the top of my head. I'm going to see if I find that study."
I looked at Elliot, pacing around the room, "Do you mind if I take him to my cabin then?"
"Any reason why?"
"I think it is best to have him isolated for now. He yelped when two other wolves approached him a second ago."
"So that was him?" He must have heard him earlier. "I though some wolves were playing too roughly again."
"Yeah, at some point other Wolves may come in here and I don't want him to freak out again. My cabin is out enough that most of the pack ignores it. Besides, he seems to like me for some reason."
"If you say so," Doc opened his laptop, "We'll do his examination tomorrow."
"Well good night, Doc."
I got Elliot out of the office fine. The trip to my cabin was worse than I imagined. It didn't take long for the other wolves to notice Elliot was new and trying to meet him. With each wolf that came to meet him, Elliot seems to get worse. I had to grab the collar on his shirt to make sure he didn't run away.
By the time we got to the cabin, he was having a panic attack. He started to pace around the room, probably worried the other wolves would get in. "the wolves can't get in here your fine." I emptied my pockets on the night stand by the bed and lie down. So tired. It seems like everyday just takes more energy then the last. Maybe I should just sleep, I have to reason to be up late anyway. The second I closed my eyes, Elliot jumped on me. "What the fuck," Elliot was on top of me. I could easily move him but I didn't. It felt nice to share the bed with someone else again.
The mornings after transforming are the worse. Waking up on the cold ground is arguably the worst part of it. The second worse is when you have to look for all of your belongings that thing seem to toss around. But today was different, the ground wasn't cold, I didn't feel and rock or twigs against me, and...I was warm. When I opened my eyes, I didn't see trees or dead leaves, just walls and a wooden floor. As I try to move, I brushed against something. What I saw was a human male with his arms around me. So, I did the reasonable thing and screamed.
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