Current Track: Blabb

The world was originally made for humans. Adapting to anthros was a challenge, but something society copied with well enough. Chairs needed holes for tails and some shirts needed to be designed for wings, but in general things went on as usual.

Then taurs became a thing.

While the two-legged animal creatures were easy enough to accommodate, four-legged ones were true misfits in a world designed around being strictly bipedal. Most personal vehicles simply weren’t an option - there was nowhere for the taur’s back half unless the entire driver’s seat was removed. Clothing also presented significant challenges, given the inability to easily dress their back halves. A few shocking incidents led to the consensus that a cape-like covering over their rearward extremities was an acceptable compromise.

It took a while for the rest of the logistics to be worked out. Some places adapted quickly; others needed more time to deal with the changes. But, gradually, things moved on as they so often do.

At least until insects the size of people came along and became the new misfits.