It's already been after morning, and me, Sierra, Neal, and Amanda are all up on the wall that surrounds the city.
I had a smile on my face. Boy this is the day I'm going back to my home. To find mom and dad. I hope this goes well. Because while I'm doing that, I'm going to tell them that I don't want to live with them anymore. That I want to live in the dragon city.
But before I could do THAT, I need to show them Sierra. They haven't met her yet. And oh boy, I hope they don't think of her as a threat.
I could imagine my mother freaking out and screaming after she sees...A dragon in her backyard! I could see the look on her face! That would be classic!
But I could also imagine dad doing the opposite. He might try to scream at Sierra and pull me away from her. Telling her to stay away from my son, or I'll kill you!
I hope THAT doesn't come to it. I mean, Sierra is not the dragon they would think she is. She's not a monster. She's better than that. She's friendly, kind, gentle, lovable, not to mention a little stubborn, and nevertheless, caring. She has feelings like we do.
I hope we all talk in a suitable conversation, and with no fears at all. That way I could tell them everything.
Well maybe I shouldn't tell them everything, I don't think I should tell them that I'm...In a relationship with Sierra.
Me in love with something on four legs? That would be their response. But she's more than that.
She's like a human, just like all of us.
I know I shouldn't let what everyone else would think of my relationship with Sierra get to me. But they're my parents. My family.
Maybe I won't tell them. I'll just leave that out in the conversation.
But first things first, I need to get back home.
Neal's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Hello, is anyone listening?"
I shook my head and looked up at Neal, "Sorry what was that?"
Neal looked down at me and said, "I said when will you guys come back? I mean, how long will you be gone?"
I nodded, "I should say tomorrow. You see I want to get this whole thing over with and so I'm going to spend the night in my own house, so we'll be coming back here tomorrow."
Sierra shrugged, "I just hope this whole thing goes well. I'm...Kinda nervous."
Amanda gave Sierra a comforting smile, "Don't worry, I'm sure things will go well. I mean, this is Wayne's mom and dad we're talking about. I mean, I know I never met them before. But if they're anything like Wayne, then I'm sure you'll do fine."
Sierra smiled at her, "Thank you Amanda."
Amanda shrugged, "Hey have to make you feel better somehow."
I sighed and shrugged, "Well I guess Cody has classes today, and I don't think he's coming so see us fly off."
Neal lowered his head to my level and said, "Oh don't worry about Cody. He'll see you when you get back."
I smiled at him, "Yep you're right."
Neal raised his head and looked at Sierra, "You sure you don't want me and Amanda to go with you guys?"
Sierra nodded, "Yes. I don't want Wayne's folks to freak out when they see TWO dragons with Wayne. It's best if I go with him alone."
Neal nodded, "Well ok, I hope you two stay out of trouble."
I frowned at him, "Since when do I get into trouble?"
Neal grinned at me, "You tried to run away from the city and you got attacked by wolves."
I yapped, "Hey I didn't ask the wolves to find me and chase me. Not to mention BITE my leg."
Neal rolled his eyes, "Excuses, excuses."
Sierra then frowned at him, "And when is it that I get into trouble, old friend?"
Neal giggled at her, "Oh I know you quite well. I know you can be a trouble maker at times."
Sierra narrowed her eyes at him, "I wasn't that much since I was a hatchling. And also, you're a show off."
Neal shot up his head, "Ha! Trying to change the subject, aren't you?"
Sierra then grinned at him and said, "You deserve the insult."
Neal laughed and shook his head, "Whatever."
Amanda walked toward me until she was right in front of me and said, "I hope you guys come back soon. I'll feel lonely without you guys."
Sierra playfully grinned at Amanda, "Don't worry, you'll be having a big red scaly pervert to keep you company."
Amanda laughed and said, "That big red scaly pervert, is my boyfriend now."
Neal looked down at her, "Good girl."
That's when Sierra lowered her body to the ground and I climbed up to her back. I swung my leg over her back and now I'm sitting on her. She raised her body off the ground and now we're both standing tall.
Amanda looked up at me, her eyes wide and said, "Wow Wayne. Even your parents won't believe it. That their only son is riding on a dragon. You look magnificent on her."
I smiled down at her, "Why thank you Amanda. And I think you look magnificent of riding on Neal's back."
Neal waved his paw at us, "Well goodbye guys. Hope you don't be gone for too long. And remember stay out of trouble."
Sierra narrowed her eyes at him, "Shut up, you big red scaly pervert."
Neal laughed when she said that and Amanda waved her hand at us.
Sierra started to flap her wings. I wrapped my arms around her neck and tucked in my legs. We both started to lift off the ground and we're over them. Then with a burst of speed we both flew off. I screamed out, "WOOOHOOOO!"
Sierra let out a loud roar while we were flying. Off to fly back to my home.
I'm coming home guys...I'm coming home.
In the distance, the male blue dragon watched Sierra and Wayne fly away. Then he looked at Neal and Amanda and they started to walk away. Going to the staircase that leads to the streets of the dragon city.
The blue dragon turned his focus on Sierra and Wayne. They're far away now, but he could still see them.
The blue dragon leapt up off the ground and flew after them. He already gained his speed and he's already flown away from the city.
To follow them wherever they're going.
Me and Sierra flew for a long time, probably a few hours. I can remember the first night that me and Sierra came to the dragon city together for the first time.
Man it really has been days since I've left home just to expose Sierra in her cave. But now I'm glad that I did try that. Because if I didn't think about doing that before, I wouldn't be here.
While we were flying, I patted my hand on one of my pockets. My camera that I took from home is in there. The one I wanted to use to expose Sierra to the world. Also with me are my knife and my photo of me and Joanna before she died.
I giggled to myself. Oh man, I remember the night when I entered in her cave and I actually took a picture of her. Before the flash from my camera woke her up from her sleep. Before she started to chase me down.
I'm still glad that I tried to do that. That I've found a soulmate of my own.
Sierra has been so alone for years before she met me, but now she's not anymore. I'm with her now.
We both flew over the trees. They all look the same, I don't know if we're close to home right now.
I hollered, "Do you remember where your cave is?!"
Sierra hollered back without looking at me, "Yes! I'm sure we're not far now!"
I smiled to myself when she said that. Good at least she has a good memory.
We flew for a bit, until she started to circle around the trees. I wrapped my arms around her tighter. She started to lower herself to the ground and she flapped her wings to stop herself from falling any further. She landed on her hind feet first and then her front feet.
Sierra curled her wings on her back and I started to slide off her back. I landed hard on my feet.
I stood straight up looking around the area. Then Sierra nudged my back with her nose and I turned around to face her. I asked, "What?"
She raised her head and said, "I believe my cave is this way, follow me." And with that she trotted off to the direction of the cave.
I followed along behind her. After a couple minutes of walking we finally found the cave where she lived in for years. I smiled at the mouth of the cave. Sierra sat down on her haunches beside me.
I said, "Home sweet home."
Sierra nodded, while she was staring at the cave, "Yep."
I looked up at her and said, "You want to go in there? You must be tired after all the flying."
Sierra shook her head, "No, I'm not tired. I'm fine."
I looked at the cave again and I giggled,
Sierra looked down at me and cocked her head, "What's so funny?"
I shook my head and looked at her, "Oh nothing. Its just...This is where we first met. For the very first time that's the place where we first met. Funny when you reminisce the memories."
Sierra's eyes went wide and she giggled as well, "Yeah and I still remember how I was so angry at you when you snuck into my cave at night and just startled me."
I laughed and said, "Yes, and I remember how you basically chased me all over the woods just to catch me. Not to mention you swiped your paw at me just to knock me out."
Sierra laughed, 'Well I had to catch you somehow. You were running faster than me."
I laughed again and then I reached out to touch her leg and said, "Well I'm still glad that I met you. Despite your anger towards me."
She smiled and lowered her head to my level. She nuzzled me and said, "Me too Wayne. Me too." Then she pulled back a bit and I kissed her nose.
I smiled at her and she said, "So what now Wayne?"
I backed away from her and said, "Well...I think it's time for me to see mom and dad."
Sierra nodded and raised her head. She said, "Ok...Lets go."
I had a concerned look on my face, "You still nervous?"
Sierra sighed and nodded, "Yeah...I'm just wondering if I know what I'm doing."
I shrugged, "You're just seeing your boyfriend's parents for the first time. Hey I know what that's like, it's tough to meet your boyfriend's parents for the first time."
Sierra looked down at me, "That's different with you. Your parents are human and I'm...A dragon. How can they talk to me? They would probably think of me as a monster."
I said, "Look at least let me handle this. I'll talk to them. They don't just have to see you right away. I just need to tell them what I'm showing, that's all. That way they wouldn't really freak out when they first see you. I just need to prepare them."
Sierra looked at me for a few moments with a nervous look and she nodded, "Ok."
Then I said, "And don't worry about them, I'll handle mom and dad."
Sierra sighed again, "I hope so."
I turned to the direction of the woods and said, "Well come on. Time to find my house. It's got to be around here somewhere."
Then me and her went into the woods away from the cave to find my house.
About maybe thirty minutes later, me and Sierra saw my house from in the woods. I smiled when I saw it. Yes, right where it is.
As I stared at it, Sierra already lowered her head to my level and said, "So this is your house, eh?"
I nodded without looking at her, "Yep, this is the place."
Sierra looked at the house and muttered, "Not a bad looking place."
I giggled, "Thank you."
Sierra looked at me and said, "Are you ready for this?"
I sighed and I looked at her, "Yeah...Are you?"
Sierra nodded slowly, "Sort of. I'm still pretty nervous about this."
I reached out to touch her nose and said, "Don't be nervous. Remember I'll handle them."
Sierra nodded again, "Alright, but if they try anything to hurt me, I'm out of here."
I gave her a rub on the nose and said, "Let me handle them. Just stay here, I'll be right back. When I tell them about you, you come out of the woods slowly, understand?"
Sierra said, "Ok, just...Don't let them hurt me, ok? I don't want to fight them or anything."
I let my hand fall to my side and smiled at her, "Relax Sierra. I got this under control." And with that I walked out of the woods and walked to the house. Leaving Sierra alone for now.
I walked on the yard, just walking casually on it. I walked to the front porch and I knocked on the front door three times.
I stood back from the door waiting for someone to answer it. I could hear footsteps inside the house and I saw that mom answered the door. At first, she didn't see me and then her eyes went wide when she saw my face, "Wayne?"
I smiled at her, "Mom."
Mom beamed at me and she came out on the porch and wrapped her arms around me tightly, "Oh god Wayne! You're alive!"
My face went wide. Oh god...She thought I was dead. Then I could hear her crying in my chest. That's when I wrapped my arms around her and returned the hug.
Mom was just crying tears of joy and said through sobs, "I was afraid you were dead! I...I thought I lost you forever!"
I comfortingly said to her, "I'm here mom, I'm fine. I was alive the whole time. I'm okay, I'm fine." Then I had a few tears fall down as well, but not as much as her.
That's when I saw dad at the doorway and he smiled when he saw me and mom in our embrace. He cried out, "Wayne!" Mom let go of me, backing away and then he ran out on the porch and he hugged me as well.
I smiled when he did that, "I'm fine dad. I-"
He said while he was hugging me, "I know you were alive. I knew you come back. They didn't believe it, but I did."
I giggled when he said that. Oh man...Dad actually believed that I would come back. Well at least BOTH my parents didn't think that I was dead.
Dad finally pulled himself away from me. He had a curious look on his face and said, "Wayne...What happened to you?"
Mom finally stopped crying and asked, "Yes Wayne, where have you been? You have been gone for days. You just disappeared on us! We tried to call your aunt Eleanor, but she said you weren't there."
Dad said, "And we went to the police and we filed the report. Your face has been all over the news. They have been looking for you for days."
I held out my hands and said, "I know guys. I know, I heard."
Mom shrugged, "So what happened to you? Where did you go? What's going on here?"
Dad asked, "Did we do something wrong to you?"
My face went wide and I shook my head, "No guys. You didn't do nothing wrong to me at all." I sighed, "Look guys, I know this is a lot to take in, but I can explain everything."
Mom had a glare on her face and she put both hands to her hips, "Of course you do honey. YOU'RE in SO much trouble. You had us both worried! You had everyone in the family worried."
I nodded, "I'm sorry guys. I should have come back to you sooner. But that won't happen again, I promise."
Dad sighed, "Son I never gave up on you and your mother has thought you have died. But what's important is that you're safe and sound. And what's more...You came back home to us."
I smiled at him, "That's right dad. I did come back."
Mom gave dad a look, "Henry, don't beat around the bush. We need to know what happened to him."
Dad looked at her and nodded and he looked at me, "Wayne...Why did you leave us? What happened to you?"
I nodded slowly and sighed. Ok...Time to get on to the explanations.
Before I could say anything, mom saw something in the woods. She pointed, "Hey, what was that?"
My eyes went wide when I figured out what she saw. Shit Sierra!
Dad followed my mother's gaze, "What?"
Mom said, "Right over there."
That's when I got right in front of them. Blocking their view, "Whoah ok guys. You weren't suppose to see that. Not yet anyways."
Mom frowned at me, "See what? What's going on here?"
Dad frowned at me as well, "Answer her Wayne."
I rubbed the back of my neck, "Ok...Well here's the thing and it's a long story. But...I didn't come back here alone."
They both had surprised looks and dad asked, "What are you talking about Wayne?"
I just stared at them for another moment and I beckoned them, "Come with me. Out on the yard." Then I whirled around and walked off the porch. They followed close behind me.
I stopped in the middle of the yard and they stopped as well. I turned around to face them and I asked, "Now guys, I want you to listen to me. What I'm about to show you, she's not evil and she's not going to hurt us. She's my friend and she's the reason why I was gone for days."
Mom and dad frowned at me. Mom asked, "She? Who's she? Who are you talking about?"
I sighed and then I whirled around on them and I called out to the woods, for Sierra, "You can come out now. It's alright, they won't hurt you."
At first nothing happened and then I saw Sierra coming out of the woods slowly. Her body pushing the bushes away in her path. She walked out of the edge of the woods and walked toward us.
I heard mom gasp behind me and I turned around to look at them. Dad was holding her hand, both their eyes went wide. Dad muttered when he looked at Sierra, "Oh my god."
I held out my hand to them, "Don't worry guys. She won't hurt you."
Sierra finally stopped and she sat down on her haunches behind me. Mom's face was still wide with fear and asked, "Wayne...What is that thing?"
Dad asked, "What is it?"
I motioned my hand toward Sierra, "Guys...This is my friend, Sierra. She's...A dragon."
Sierra looked down at them and said, "Hello, Henry and Mary." Then she put on a big smile for them. Her teeth showing.
I looked at Sierra and said, "Sierra, don't show too much teeth."
Sierra closed her lips and she still had that smile.
Dad asked, "Sierra? Where did she come from?"
Mom asked, "Yes Wayne, I thought dragons don't exist."
I giggled and I looked at my mother and father, "Guys...It's a LONG STORY, and you're not going to believe it."
And so I began to tell my tale. I began to tell them from the very beginning of my tale.
It has been about maybe four hours since I began to tell my tale. And me, my parents and Sierra are still outside in the yard. The afternoon sun is about to set.
I told my parents everything, except my intimate relationship with Sierra.
I told them what I went through, every single detail. I told them about Sierra and all the dragons that I've met. I told them about the dragon city. I told them about Amanda. I literally told them everything.
Except that I love Sierra. I keep referring to her as my friend. Which in all honesty I think it's a good idea right now.
I know I should have told them everything, but what can I say? Tell them that I fell in love with a dragon and I also kissed her more than once.
They wouldn't understand it. No matter how hard I try to explain it.
Dad said, "So let me get this straight. You're telling me that there are more of...Dragons in one city?"
I nodded, "That's correct. Basically there are a lot more than you can imagine. They have a society just like we do."
Sierra giggled and said, "I guess you find it odd that a bunch of dragons like myself have a society. Pretty odd to you indeed."
Mom shot a glare at Sierra, "And you just kidnapped my son, because you didn't trust him? My son is not evil, he's a good boy."
Sierra looked down with a guilty look and she coiled her tail around her body, "I'm sorry Mary. It's just...I didn't trust humans for a long time and I...I just didn't know what to think about your son. And for that I'm so sorry."
I waved my mother off, "Look the point is, it's all in the past now. Me and Sierra have been friends for days and that's why I didn't come home. But I'm here now."
Dad asked, "Because you felt sorry for her?"
I nodded, "That about sums it up, yes."
Mom glare melted away and she just stared at her, "God...She really is big. Like an elephant."
Sierra coked her head at her, "Excuse me, I don't know what an elephant is."
I laughed and I said to her, "An elephant is an animal in my world. They're native in other parts of the world."
Sierra nodded, "Ah, I see now. No wonder I never heard of an elephant."
Dad looked at me and said, "And you think that the reason why dragons are still alive up to this day is because of this...Invisibility cloak that surrounds their city?"
I shrugged, "That's the only thing I could think of. Trust me her kinds city has been around for years. Way older than our kinds cities were built."
Dad's face went wide, "Wowsers. And I thought I've seen everything."
Sierra giggled, "Not a lot, I'm sure."
Dad just smiled at her, "Well...I'm glad you looked out for our son. It really was very nice of you to do so."
Sierra smiled at him, "Your son is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He's really kind."
Dad nodded, "Yes he is."
Mom looked at me and asked, "And let me get this straight, there's also a human girl in the dragon city as well? Was she kidnapped as well?"
I groaned, "Mom I already told you, Amanda was just a runaway and she happened to just show up in the woods and found me, Sierra, and the other dragons that I've told you about. Then we all took her in. She didn't have anywhere else to go. Except for California. But she doesn't want to go there anymore. She wants to stay in the city."
Mom had a glum look on her face, "Oh and what you've told us about her, that poor girl going through a lot before she met you guys. I really feel sorry for her."
Sierra nodded, "We all do. In a way she's just like me."
Mom stared at Sierra and said, "You know I think Wayne's right. You really don't look that old at all. And it has been a thousand years ago since all those things have happened to you. To your friend Eric."
I didn't tell them about her relationship with Eric as well. I only referred Eric as Sierra's friend.
Sierra nodded and said, "Like I said before, I've been through a lot."
Dad put a hand to his forehead, "God and we thought of you at first as a monster. A creature. But now we know that you're not. You've saved Wayne's life from those wolves and you've always looked out for him. I really do thank you for that."
Sierra smiled, "Our kinds are both alike. We both have lives to live for."
Dad nodded, "Now that I agree on."
Mom took a step toward Sierra and started to reach out to her, "Can I...Can I touch you?"
Sierra giggled and lowered her head to her level, "Sure, just don't poke and prod me for too long. I might get bored and try to eat you."
Mom's face went wide and I laughed, "Oh she's not going to eat you. Don't listen to her."
Sierra playfully grinned at her, "Yes I will. In fact I want to eat you right now." Then I walked to her and slapped her nose. She cried out, "Ow!" She raised her head, shot a glare down at me and hissed.
I shook a finger at her, "Sierra be nice." Sierra groaned.
I looked at mom and grinned at her, "She'll be on her best behavior now."
Sierra muttered, "I wasn't going to eat your mother, Wayne."
I looked over my shoulder at Sierra, "I know, but you were scaring her."
Sierra said, "Isn't that a point of a joke? Just to put a scare into someone?"
I shrugged, "Well if that's your definition of a joke, then you have a dirty mind girl."
She rolled her eyes, "Whatever, you little bastard."
Mom's face went wide again and she started laughing and said to me, "Boy Wayne, she's a real charmer."
I laughed and then Sierra lowered her head to her level and said to her, "Well Mary, you want to poke and prod me now?"
Mom giggled and she walked to Sierra's face. She reached out to touch her face, to touch her scales. Dad soon joined in as well, touching her scales.
I smiled at the scene. Man my parents seeing Sierra for the very first time. This is going well than I thought it would.
At least my dad didn't threaten to kill her. That's a good thing.
Sierra raised her head out of their reach and said, "I'm done now. I hope you were satisfied."
Dad and mom backed away from Sierra and dad said, "I think we were. We don't have to touch anywhere else on you. Not even your wings."
Sierra smiled down at them, "Well good, because your hands can be ticklish."
They both laughed and mom said, "I think I'm starting to like you Sierra. We just met today and after what Wayne has told me about you, I really like you."
Sierra nodded, "Thank you."
Mom smiled at me and said, "Goodness Wayne, she really is special. I never seen anything quite like it."
I smiled at her, "Sierra is a real charmer after all."
Dad frowned at me, "So what happens now?"
I said, "Well first of all, you don't have to have the police search for me anymore. I was alright the whole time. You can call them and tell them that I have came back home. Safe and sound."
Dad nodded, "Alright, I'll do that."
Mom asked, "But what happens to her? Can your friend stay here?"
Sierra shook her head, "No, I can't stay here. I don't belong here. And neither does Wayne."
Mom frowned at Sierra, "What do you mean by that?"
I sighed and said to mom and dad, "Look guys...I'm only staying here for the night and then I'm going back to the dragon city...Where I belong. I'm staying there forever."
They both looked at me with shocked faces and dad asked, "What? But you just got here."
Mom said, "Yes son you have. Don't you think you should just stay here and-"
I said, "No."
Mom asked, "Why not?"
I answered, "Look guys, I just don't want to live here anymore."
Dad shrugged, "But why? Why do you want to live in the dragon city?"
I only stared at them and sighed. This is going to be tougher than I thought. But I need to talk to them alone about this. I looked at Sierra and said, "Hey Sierra, can you wait here for me? I need to talk to them in private."
Sierra shrugged, "You do what you need to do. I'm not going anywhere right now."
I nodded and I looked at my parents, "Lets talk in the house, ok?"
They both nodded and we all walked in the house. Except for Sierra who's outside alone.
Me, mom and dad were inside the house and dad shut the front door behind us. We all walked into the living room and we all just stood around. Mom and dad were both staring at me. Waiting for me to speak.
I sighed and said, "I don't know how to make this easier on you guys, but-"
Mom said sternly, "You're not going."
My eyes went wide, "What? Why?"
Mom said, "Because I don't want you to go. Do you even know what you're doing? This is a big step for you."
I nodded, "Yes mom, I know what I'm doing, I want to live with Sierra at the dragon city."
Dad sighed and said, "Look Wayne, this is serious, I mean you just got back here and you're leaving. Why? What's so special about this city?"
I smiled at them, "Because I feel happy there." That's one part of the truth. The other truth is that I love Sierra.
Mom had a worried look on her face, "Wayne you're our son and we don't want you to get hurt."
I shrugged, "Get hurt? What are you talking about?"
Dad said, "Wayne, you're going to live in a city that's full of...Of-"
I let out a frustrated sigh, "Yes okay, a city full of dragons. But no dragon has hurt me yet. They act like us, don't you get it? They have a society like we do. They have stores and restaurants like we do. They even have feelings like we do. You both know that."
Dad nodded, "Yes we do know that. But-"
I cut him off, "But what?"
Mom said, "But you don't belong there Wayne. You belong in the human world with us. You're not a dragon, you're a human."
I narrowed my eyes at her, "Yeah? So what?"
Dad took a step toward me, "Because you can't be like them. You're a human and they're dragons. I know there's a human girl who's there, but she can't act like them as well."
I said, "But there's more to it than that. They're just living humans beneath all those scales. And Sierra is one of them. I mean, I can't just leave her, she's my friend and she suffered traumatically a lot. I...I don't want to leave her."
Mom sighed and said, "Wayne...You can't be something that you're not. And neither can they."
I nodded, "Yes they can. I only wish the human race would see that. But the dragons have lived in secret for years and no one knows about them. Why do you think they live in the dragon city in the mountains? Because even they are scary looking, a lot of dragons died over the years. Because our kind viewed them as monsters, but they're not."
Dad asked, "And what if you don't come back?"
I smiled at him, "I will come back. It's not like you won't talk to me forever. I'll pay you two a visit every once in a while."
Then I put a hand to my chest and said, "Look guys, I feel more happy than I ever was since Joanna died. I felt so depressed, but I'm not anymore. Because I feel alive there and I like riding on Sierra's back. It...Makes you feel like you own the world. With your wings. And I'll be frank, I feel like I'm one of them."
Then I had a pleading look on my face, "Please guys...Let me go. Live on your lives without me. I have my own life now and it's in the dragon city."
Mom and dad just stared at me and then mom shook her head, "No."
My face went wide and I pleaded, "But-"
Mom raised a hand to stop me, "No Wayne. I'm sorry but I don't want you to go. That's so far away."
I narrowed my eyes at her, "Didn't I just tell you guys, I'll be paying you two a visit every once in a while?"
Dad shook his head, "Your mother said no Wayne. Don't you get it? You don't belong in the dragon city. You belong here with your family."
I had an angry look on my face and shouted at them, "How can you guys be so heatless?!"
Both their faces went wide and I shouted some more, "Don't you guys get it?! Dragons are like us! They're not evil and they're not heartless!"
Mom had a sad look on her face, "Wayne, you have been gone for days! Don't you know what that does to a mother and father!? We were both worried about you!"
I yapped, "But I'm not a little boy anymore! I'm grown up! I got my own life now!"
Dad said, "We know that. We just want to be a part of it."
I glared at him, "No, you just want to keep me all to yourselves. Two years ago, you didn't believe in me, that I wouldn't make it as a lead singer in my band. And I guess your happy that didn't happen since Joanna died. But she was the only one who believed in me!"
Dad had a surprised look on his face and he shook his head, "That's not true Wayne. We-"
I shouted, "Yes it was! You guys especially you dad, wanted me to be a lawyer just like you! You didn't believe in me! You didn't believe in my bandmates! You didn't want me to do what I want!"
Mom shook her head, "Wayne, we only want what's best for you. We love you and we don't want you to live a hard life."
I pleaded, "Then let me go live in the dragon city! I want to live there! I'm twenty years old and you can't stop me!"
Dad shook his head, "No Wayne, your friend outside can visit you every once in a while. You're staying here in our world where you belong. YOU don't belong there."
My eyes went wide and my mouth was agape. then I said, "Pardon my French but, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!"
Mom shook her finger at me, "You watch your language."
I shouted, "You guys took me here away from Denver, just to make me happy after Joanna died and guess what? I'm not happy now!!"
Dad narrowed his eyes at me, "Wayne calm down. We're your parents."
Mom said, "Yes Wayne. You can't live like a dragon."
I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Jesus, you don't understand!"
Dad shouted, "Then why is it so important for you to live there?! Tell us and make us understand!"
I only stared at them. God what can I say to them? How can I make them understand?
I have to...Tell them that I love Sierra. I need to tell them that.
I don't care anymore what they think. I love her and she's important to me.
I took a deep breath and I said, "I love her."
Both of their eyes went wide and dad asked, "Who? Amanda?"
I shouted, "No! Not Amanda!"
Mom frowned, "Then who?"
I hesitated and then I finally let it out with a smile, "Sierra."
Dad frowned at me, "The dragon?" Then his face went wide, "Wait you're in love with a dragon?!"
I sighed and I nodded. Then mom shouted, "Are you out of your mind?! She's not even a human! That's...Sick!"
I narrowed my eyes at her, "I don't care what you say! I love her!"
That pretty much shut them up and I said, "Yes I know that she's a dragon, but she feels human to me. And she feels that I'm a dragon to her. We...Both love each other."
I closed my eyes and sighed, "Look, I know you want what's best for me." Then I opened them and said, "But I know what's best for ME. I never been more happy than before. I feel really happy with Sierra. We both understand each other. We understand each other completely."
I said, "And there's something else to...Sierra fell in love with Eric as well, before all of us were born and he died and she thought it was her fault. Even you know that already. Except that she loved him."
Both my parents just stared at me, registering what I've told them.
I went on, "She lost one love guys. Don't make her lose another one. And it's me. Do you want us both to be unhappy?"
Then I narrowed my eyes at them, "If you care about me, then act like it. I'm a grown up now and I can take care of myself. And shame on you two for stopping me."
Dad finally opened his mouth. He tried to form words at first, but faltered. Until he finally said, "You really love her, don't you?"
I smiled and nodded at him "More than anything else. Look I did ignore my feelings toward her at first, but I'm not anymore. I followed my heart and I believe that's why Joanna died. Because we were both suppose to find each other. Why Eric died and why she ended up living in a cave nearby, it's because we were suppose to find each other. Fate brought us together."
My eyes started to water, "I love her guys and I don't want to leave her. Please...Let me go."
Mom and dad just stared at me for a few moments, until they were both smiling at me. Mom said, "You know something...You're right."
Dad said, "We have been trying to keep you all to ourselves, but we should have realized that you're not a kid anymore and it's your life. We don't get to choose how your life is going to be. You get to choose."
I said, "Really?"
Dad nodded, "And son, we did believe in your singing and your band, and we're sorry about Joanna. We're sorry about everything."
Mom said, "We know we told you to disband the band and become a lawyer. But we regretted doing that and then after we saw you singing at the school, we started to believe in you. We just didn't have a chance to tell you all that. After Joanna died, you were just thinking about her all the time. And we're so sorry about everything. It's your life Wayne and only you get to choose it."
I smiled at them, "I know you are and I'm sorry I screamed at you. I know that you care about me, but you have to let me LIVE."
They both walked to me and they both hugged me. Both of them were crying and dad said, "We love you son."
I wrapped both my arms around them and I started to cry as well, "I love you too guys."
We both just held each other for a bit and we finally pulled away from each other. Mom wiped a tear off her eye and she asked, "Just to ask you something. Did you and Sierra...Do anything to each other?"
I frowned at her, "What are you talking about?"
She asked, "Did you two have...Sex?"
My eyes went wide and I burst out laughing, "Oh my god mom! How can you ask a question like that to me?!"
Before mom could answer that I waved her off, "Look I never did anything like that to her, we only kissed more than once, that's it."
Dad just grinned, "Well that's good enough for me."
I rolled my eyes and said, "Whatever you two. It was never your business anyways."
Dad nodded, "I know." Then he shrugged, "But hey can't help it."
I giggled, "So you say."
Dad narrowed his eyes at me, "But you should know this is going to take us some time to get used to. It's not everyday that our son gets together with a...Dragon."
I smiled at him, "Just picture her as a human. Then you'll think that it's normal between me and her. She really is a human on the inside."
Dad nodded, "I'll try." And then he said, "Come on. Your girlfriend is waiting for you outside."
I nodded and then we all went outside. We walked out on the porch and we saw Sierra near dad's car on the driveway.
Sierra touched the car with her paw and then the car alarm went off. She backed away from the car hissing at it.
Me and mom laughed hard at the scene while dad got the keys and turned the car off remotely.
All three of us went to her and Sierra still in shock asked, "What the hell was that?!"
I giggled and said, "That was a car alarm."
Sierra cocked her head at me, "So those...Cars have...Alarms? I don't understand about any of this."
I laughed and I petted her leg, "Hard to explain sometimes." Then she lowered her head to my level and I petted her nose.
Mom and dad were staring at us and me and Sierra saw them looking at us. She grinned at them, "What?"
Dad shook his head, "Nothing."
Sierra actually figured it out and then asked me, "Let me guess Wayne, you actually told them about us, didn't you?"
I kissed her nose and said, "Yep, they both know about us now."
Sierra cocked her head, "Why? Before we came here, you told me you weren't going to tell them about us. What made you change your mind?"
I shook my head, "Doesn't matter. What's done is done. They both know now."
Sierra looked at them and smiled. Then she said, "You know Henry, you really do look like your son."
My dad smiled at her and said, "Thank you Sierra. And...Take care of my son."
Sierra nodded, "I will."
Mom said, "Well I'm hungry now. I'm sure all of us are, how about I make us something to eat?"
I smiled at mom, "Sounds good."
Dad asked Sierra, "How about you? I think you're hungry too."
Sierra shook her head, "I'm going to hunt and then I'm going to sleep in my cave. I'll come over to your house in the morning. I don't want to sleep out in the open. I'm afraid that another human might come here and see me."
Dad nodded and then he and mom walked back to the house. Leaving me and Sierra alone.
We both looked at each other and then I kissed her nose. I pulled back and said to her, "I love you."
Sierra nuzzled my face and said, "I love you too."
The night has come and I'm sleeping in my room at the house. Feels good to just sleep in my own bed after so many days.
If only that Sierra could fit in this house and sleep by me. I know that I should have went to her cave with her, but mom and dad really missed me and I'm going to leave tomorrow.
Might as well spend some time with them as best I can.
I opened my eyes and rose my head from the pillow. God I'm thirsty right now.
I slowly got up from my bed put some pajamas on. And I saw my bag that I've packed up for my stay at the dragon city. Might as well have more than one pair of clothes.
I went through my bedroom door and walked all the way downstairs. I made it to the first floor and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
I got myself a glass of water in my hand and I took several sips of the water. Quenching my thirst.
And before I could put the glass in the sink, I looked out the window and my eyes went wide. I gasped. I dropped the glass and it hit the floor, shattering in pieces.
I saw flame and smoke outside the window and it's close.
I backed away from the window and muttered, "Oh my god."
Fire! Someone set the house on fire from outside!
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