Current Track: Blabb
The light grew as soon as Roy called out that name. It was blinding, like the sun had fallen straight into his hand. The man covered his eyes, backing away from the scene before him. Roy, however, stared right at it. He felt energized, and more focused. While his wounds did not fade, he could barely feel them now. Your soul will burn bright with me at your side. The voice called to Roy once more. He looked at the sword and was amazed. It looked completely different now. The handle fit perfectly in his hand. It was firm and felt like it was wrapped in some type of leather. The guard was a radiant gold now. Its luster was indescribable, almost divine. The blade had fully reformed. It seemed to be a broadsword and a good one at that. The edge was sharper than any razor he'd ever seen. The metal seemed to light the darkness around him. Towards the edges there was a pattern that resembled flames in a way. Roy could swear he could see them flowing.

Suddenly, the man took a swing at Roy, intent on catching him off guard. Quickly, Roy blocked the slash with his own sword. He smirked at the man and punched him hard in the face knocking him back. "Oh you are fucked now, you dickhead." Roy stated, pointing his sword at him confidently. The man rubbed his nose, which was now bleeding quite a bit. "You pest. I'll pry that blade from your cold body." he said, staring daggers at the rabbit-like monster. Roy could only chuckle at that statement. His worries about the man faded as soon as the blade in his hand regained its former glory. "Well then, come at me. Can't get it if i'm still standing, you dipstick." He mocked,loosening up his shoulder. The man lunged at Roy, blade raised above him. He slashes at Roy, but he jumps back to avoid it. His body felt so light now. All his fatigue and pain gone. Whatever this sword was doing to him, Roy was loving it. Do not remain on the defense. Fight back, squire! The sword spoke to Roy once more. He didn't respond, but followed what he said. Gaining some good footing, he put both hands on the handle and swings the blade like a baseball bat. The speed and force of the swing was more than enough to knock the man back, even after he blocked it. He staggers back, staring daggers into Roy. "You think just because you have more energy you'll beat me!? I'LL KILL YOU!" the man screamed, charging back at Roy. He swung at him wildly now, his composer completely gone. Roy blocked each of his attacks as they came. Despite the situation, he found himself calm and focused. Every fiber of his being was moving as he wanted and he was waiting now. All he needed was to hit the man once and this long night would be over. Staying on his toes, he bounces back after blocking each strike as they came. The man grew restless. His strikes growing more and more wild. Soon Roy saw it. His best shot to end this. The man brought his sword down with all his strength and Roy moves quickly to the side. Before the man could recover, Roy gripped his blade with both hands and swings as hard as he can. The swing lands, creating a huge gash in the side of the insane man. 

The man stumbled back, dropping the blade as he began to panic. " No no no no! You have to give me that sword NOW!" He screamed at Roy. The monster backed away from the man now. What he was witnessing was strange even to him. The man's whole body seemed to be cracking and leaking dark energy. " What the hell? Mate, you're not looking too great." Roy stated, watching the man fall apart. "Give me that blade you moron!!" The man screamed, stumbling near Roy. Again the monster merely backed away, having no reason to attack the man now. The odd man continued to plead and demand the blade that Roy held. Even as his body fell apart, and started to dissipate he continued to demand the blade. However, Roy had no pity for the man that ruined his stay in the woods, so he watched as the man faded away. Finally, that insanity was at its end.

With the man gone, Roy was left alone now in the woods. Or rather he would be alone if not for the blade in his hand. Looking down at his hand, he stares at the sword. Looking at it now, it seemed to be an arming sword. " Caliber, huh? Never thought I'd get my hands on something like this.." Roy said to himself. Magic was no stranger to him, as it was slowly becoming a lot more popular in recent years. However, a magic weapon? Let alone one like this was not only rare but completely illegal. This would make getting around a lot more difficult than it already was. " Good day, squire." came a familiar voice. Roy looked down at the blade in his hand once more. " Oi, was that you?" he asked, confusion written all over his face. " Yes it was. And still is. Are you alright? " Caliber questioned, all too comfortable with the current situation. " I'm fine. Just gobsmacked by the talking sword and random guy that both decided to bother me tonight." Roy responded, gritting his teeth a bit. Caliber laughed, " Ah yes, not quite the night you were expecting? Well things will be explained soon. As for now, pick up the blade that shade was using." Roy seemed confused by that request, looking around the area. Upon doing so, he noticed the sword the man was using was still there. That same dark energy was pulsing off of it. " You sure that's a good idea?" he asked, a bit put off but the other sword. "Yes, pick up that blade and everything will be explained." Caliber stated. Roy honestly didn't have anything else he could do. Leaving the sword there means someone else could pick it up, and it could turn them into something similar to the man he just fought. With a sigh, he walked over to the blade, and reached out for it. The dark energy started to recede as he reached for it. Taking grip of the hilt, light again erupted from the blade. This light seemed even brighter than before, and before he knew it, Roy was fully engulfed in it. Soon enough, he blacked out unaware of the tale he was now involved in.