Current Track: Blabb

8. The time of a glance

As he yawned for a brief moment, Cyrus watched the contents of his flute, which almost stopped fizzing. However, he didn't notice that Jack was looking at him.

It might even be said he was watching him, from top to bottom. Among the details he distinguished were his belly which seemed snug to him, his nasal ring which could have used as a knocker, and his ruffled hair to the air of a bush. For the feline, no doubt: he is atypical, this man.

Nevertheless, what was blindingly obvious to him, was this sad air imbued with softness, and especially the tip of his broken left horn. “Hmmm, strange. How did he manage to do that to himself?" He wondered.

Suddenly, the mouflonfelt like he's being watched. He then turned to the only customer sitting in the opposite place, but this one looked elsewhere. He sighed before breathing out: “Fuck, why I'm that paranoid?"

What he ignored, it's that this other client was definitely scrutinizing him. And as a precaution, he had quickly turned his eyes away. Indeed, Jack suspected that by spying on someone like so, he would draw attention. “Oh shit, this was close. A little more, and I'd make a laughing stock of myself in front of him." He thought, disrupted.

Now it was Cyrus' turn to examine the feline, and he was troubled. Normal, it's the first time he saw a lion as closely. Although it had a medium size for a "big" feline, he was still impressive. Also, he didn't know why, but he felt that this feline, we shouldn't try to pick a fight with him. Maybe because of his acerbic yellow eyes or his dark mane.

The only detail which suggested a hint of delicacy, it was his unique braid that he had on his mane. “Well, well, how can a guy like him have… Oh, and then, he does what he wants after all… Still, it's quite curious." He thought by gradually keeping his eyes away from the lion.