Current Track: Blabb
6. Chivalry isn't his strongest point

In our society, Julie was someone who had influence. So, for her, it wasn't a problem to ensnare people. Friends, office colleagues, neighbors, casual acquaintances, complete strangers: all had responded to the invitation.

Although the night had barely begun, the party was still a great success. In the apartment, a dim light melted into the hubbub of the diners already divided into small groups. And all those who could not integrate, slowly got drunk, or fell asleep in their place, or both in the most distressing cases. The music, on the other hand, covered all the sounds in the room, without removing them.

In this festive disorder, Cyrus watched the curious staging, slumped in an armchair, a glass in his hand. “Mm. Frankly, I don't see why people talked so much about this party. I've known livelier. Well. At least, there's good music." He criticized, boring.

While he was about to take a sip in his glass, a cow greeted him, shy: “Good evening."

“Yes, hello."

“I'm sorry for asking, but… are you alone?"

“Yes. Yes, indeed."

The mouflon knew what this lady was going to ask him, but he gave her time to answer.

“Since you're alone, I was wondering if-if you'd like to… to keep you company. If it doesn't bother you, of course!"

“Hmm… Listen, it's kind, but it's not what I seek tonight. Moreover, right now, I prefer to stay alone."

“Ah? Well… very good. In this case… have a nice night then."

“Thanks, you too."

By watching the cattle go, Cyrus was thinking: “It was sweet as an attempt, but it'd take more than this to have me." At the time when he was about to get his drink back, a she-wolf asked him, direct: “Good evening."

“Yes, good evening."

Just looking at this woman, he was already thinking: “Okay, I'm feeling than her, she won't give up. In that case, let's do it frontally."

“Yes, is there a problem?"

“Yes. In fact, I'm a friend of a woman you just saw."

“Al-right, and what's the difference?"

“Well, my friend really would like to go out with you, but she's quite shy, so I thought—"

“Listen, it's not because it's you, I'll change my mind. I'm not moving anywhere. So, go back seeing your pal, and explain. She could find someone else to spend the night."

Despite the she-wolf was flashing, the ruminant wasn't disturbed at all. If the general atmosphere was at the festivities, the air had become impenetrable in this part of the room.

“You know, by doing this, you'll break a heart."

“Perhaps, but now, that's YOU who breaks my balls!"

Vexed and shocked by the mouflon's words, the wolf was leaving, hissing: “Poor wretch!"

“At the opposite, Missy, I'm doing pretty good financially." He raised his voice, taunting.

Now that he could drink his drink, Cyrus swallowed it in one go.
"Damn it, I thought I'd be quiet. Talking about a party!" He whispered, annoyed.

After these two meetings, he wanted only one thing: taking his mind off. He got up from the chair, and went through the bar. Once he arrived, he sat down and said to the waiter: “One Kir Royal, please."

“Err, sir, it's the fourth time you came back here."

“So what?! It's not my problem. I sleep here anyway. So, do what I told you: POUR ME AGAIN!"

Faced with the ruminant's reply, the waiter immediately executed himself, and held a cup out to him.

“Thank you."

“You're welcome, mister." The waiter still quaked.

Without waiting, he emptied half the glass, and sighed, soothed: “Oh fuck, I really needed it there."