Current Track: Blabb
4. Disillusioned

Click! Click! Click! Click! CLICK! “Aaand, here we go, I've reached my quota for the day. Well, all that's left is to submit to the boss now."

Cyrus was reading again his text, and according to him, there was nothing to change, it was perfect. He had been working in the local press for quite some time, and he was dealing with a variety of topics. But in three years, it was one of the few times he was fully satisfied with his work.

Now that he had finished contemplating his work, the mouflon pushed down, and laid down in his chair. Admittedly, he produced a good text, but he had to heat his gray matter. Eventually, he exhaled. On reflection, he would need a break.

“You work only that working like a rabid, you'll lose your horns." A teasing voice said.

Cyrus turned his chair, and saw a German Shepherd, smiling at him, caring. And he did the same.

“Perhaps, but I prefer it than a written article without any effort. "

“That's clearly not you, so you should slow down the pace."

“Only when the article will be approved and printed."

“If you want… However, I got us refreshments, if you don't bother you?" The dog proposed, by holding him a can.

“On the contrary, it's really appreciated. Thanks."

The ruminant opened the can and swallowed up half of its contents. Nonchalantly, the writing of the article had drained half of his energy.

“However, what did your column talk about today?"

“Oh, nothing special. What about you?"

“Same. Except talking about cold meats' festival, and the last meeting on two local soccer teams, it's quiet on report level."

“Ah, I imagine it's the boss who should be in a huff."

“Yep. By the way, he asked me to search some news on the region."

“I see what he wants to do, but what would it amount to, since there are a very few there?"

“I exactly said the same thing. As a result, he announced me he will think about reducing our trips. To believe, what interest the readership, it's really the local news."

“It's unfortunate to say, but it's a bit like that."
The dog was about to go on, when he was cut by a doe, which greeted them, playful: “Hi guys."

“Hi Judith." The guys answered.

“Say, Cyrus, you're having an important conversation, or not?"

“No, not really."

Both looked at each other, and feared that it would be the next line, as they knew that it could be the other's answer.

“Alright, as a result, I asked myself…"


“If you'd like to come—"


“Wait, I haven't even asked the question."

“Precisely. But since I have a good idea of the question, I already give you the answer."

“Oh, come on. It's been almost a year I'm here. You could have made a small effort since."

“I could've, yes, but only if you weren't that narrow-minded. So, I repeat to you, even if I know it wouldn't change nothing: I won't go out with you."

Knowing that she was not going to win this battle, she resigned herself, cold: “You can talk, I'm not done yet." By watching her go, he whispered, annoyed: “Damn it, she can be a pain in the ass!"

“Wouldn't it be easier to accept her invitation, no?"

“Wait? Wait a… Honestly, Eric, since the time, it seemed to me it was obvious, no?"

“What, that you act all cold and rude, each time she asks you if you want to go out with her?"

“But no! The thing to understand, it's not I'm not interested, fuck!"

“Really? You're pretty hard, she's cute, no?"

“Fortunately for you, Iris doesn't hear you." Cyrus underlined, amused.

“Listen, she says the same thing about you."

“Ah, first news."

“Nevertheless, you're tough with her."

“Simply because it's not my type of girls. And visibly, she still doesn't understand it."

“Alright, Judy isn't your type. Agreed. But, it's not a reason to push away the whole world."

“Wait, what are you implying, here?"

“What I'm implying?! Cyrus, it's been over four years you're single. And every time I heard people talking about you, it's for hearing you push someone who only wanted to talk with you. Therefore, this time, I'm asking you, so I understand: why do you do that?"

By asking this question, Eric knew that he had touched a nerve, and that the response might be violent. Yet, Cyrus not got flustered. He finished emptying his can, which he crushed with his paw, then sighed before becoming silent again.

“You really want to know why? Well, it's very simple, it's that I no longer believe! Each time, I think I've found the rare gem. Each time, I realize I'm wrong. I had a lot of ideas in mind. Today, I'm just frustrated, and tired. And all this because I dared to project myself into the future?!"

“Cyrus, sorry if I repeat myself, but you moved too fast."

“Exactly, that's the problem! What's the point of getting involved in a couple if everything ends up bursting on a whim? Well, over four years of single life, I still didn't find the answer. And honestly, I don't care. 'Cause today, I've reached saturation point, and nobody could change it. So, Eric, you may have a wife, kids, and company, and telling that love is the most wonderful feeling. Well, I state loud and clear: it's simply the worst. And on this, you won't change my mind."

His tirade ended; Cyrus sighed, putting his hands on his face. Admittedly, he was relieved to get off his chest, but he was especially exasperated to have dealt again with this stormy terrain. Thus, the mouflon hastened to change the subject: “However, you'll come to the party tonight?"

“Fat chance, I must bring my kids to our match, in the evening."

“Oh yes, that's true, it's Wednesday, today."

“Uh, yes. Wait, you even didn't think I'll miss my kids' match to take it on a joyride with you."

“I don't think so, no. I thought there would be someone on the office to join me, but visibly, I should do without it."

“Because you'll go to this bash?"

“Yes, but not to do what you're thinking."

"Ah! And what will you do?"

“Eat and get shit-faced."

“Hehe, nice program."

Faced with this mocking, Cyrus shrugged. For him, his answer was trite, because anyone would have done the same thing. However, one thing was certain for the mouflon: no matter what happened in his life, love no longer existed for him. But what he didn't know was that he was about to go back on his word.