As the sun was still about to go down, me and Sebastian are heading back to the others from the river. Still extremely happy about what happened.
I looked right at Sebastian who's walking beside me to my left. I held a big smile on my own face. I'm still glad it happened.
That you became my dad. Well not my real dad, but nevertheless my dad.
The dad that I haven't had, since my real dad died. And it's you Sebastian.
You came through for me, not to mention you told me that it wasn't my fault that dad died at all. I think you're right now.
You were the only person I've told this to and that guilt really washed away. Telling me that it wasn't my fault and all that.
I really thank you, Sebastian.
I really thank you, dad.
Sebastian must have had a feeling that I was watching him and he turned his head to me as we were still walking on the trail back to Jessie's car. He saw my grin and now he was starting to form a grin too on his snout. He asked, "What are you smirking about?"
I laughed and shook my head, "Oh nothing." I looked up ahead and let out a breath. A calm breath, "I was just thinking about what just happened. Back at the river."
Sebastian hummed and asked, "Still pretty happy about us, are you?"
I looked back at him and nodded, "Yeah. And I don't mean to sound like a broken record and all, but I've waited for a long time to do this. I mean, to ask you to be my dad. I mean, I know it took me long enough, but-"
Sebastian cut me off with his voice, "But it was worth the wait. Some waits are worth it." He shook his head as he turned his gaze ahead, "There's no shame in waiting for the right moment."
I nodded and looked ahead as well, "Yeah, you're right."
Sebastian giggled, "You know something? If I met your mother, and you told her that I'm your dad now, I can actually imagine that she'd be so surprised that your dad's a dragon."
I shrugged my arms and giggled too, "Not my REAL dad. But you're still my dad." I shook my head, "Besides, I'm sure that when mom gets to know you, if you two met, I'm sure she'd say that you'd remind her of...Her late husband."
Sebastian stopped trekking and turned his head to look down at me, while raising an questionable eyebrow, "You mean mate?"
I laughed and stopped where I was at too, "Yes, I mean mate." I waved a hand at him, "But I think that mom would be surprised that you would call her late husband, her mate."
Sebastian shrugged his shoulders, "Well they were together and they've mated and you're their hatchling, so I would just call them mates."
I was laughing again, "She would probably argue by saying that we were husband and wife."
Sebastian let out a playful hum, "But I still don't understand the whole human marriage thing. Why won't humans get together and mate? Why do something like marriage? I still don't see the point of all of this."
I shook my head and shrugged my arms, "I don't know, it's a human thing. Marriage is a sacred bond."
Sebastian lowered his head to my level and looked straight into my eyes, "And mating is a powerful thing, so try arguing with that." He winked at me.
I pointed a finger at his eye and said in a playful tone, "And my mother would argue with YOU, that marriage comes before mating." I gave a small chuckle after that.
Sebastian raised his head high up and rolled his eyes, "When I think about it, humans who won't mate before this marriage comes along, really don't know what they're missing out on."
I let out a small sigh with a grin, "My kind just thinks that marriage is a formal thing, so nothing I can do about it."
Sebastian motioned his head to his left and said, "No kidding." Then he raised a paw and added when he adamantly closed his eyes, "But your kind is missing out."
I laughed hard at that and he tossed back his head and laughed too. When we stopped laughing, Sebastian asked, "So, want to argue about the subject some more?"
I pointed at him and warned, "I'm just warning you that mom would argue about it, if you guys met."
Sebastian took a deep breath, puffing out his chest and let it out, saying this, "I've been warned, kiddo. I've been warned." But he added with a joke, when he placed his paw to his chest, "But I'd win the argument!"
I shook my head, showing him a tooth filled grin, "Never gonna give that up, will you?"
Sebastian started padding away and I walked with him. He answered this with an adamant voice, "Nope. Because I believe that you don't need this so called human marriage to be with the one you love. If you and another human love each other, then just be together. No marriage is needed."
I rolled up my eyes and giggled, "I think if mother is a dragon like you, she'd have the same perceptions as you do."
Sebastian let out a playful growl, with his whole body and wings giving out a shudder, "Ohhh, I can imagine that your mother might be a beautiful dragoness. Beautiful scales, those eyes, nice tail, good looking curves-"
I interrupted him with my laugh, "Hey! That's my MOM you're talking about!"
Sebastian cackled and responded, "Oh, I know! I was kidding." Then he held up his head, "A drake can dream, can he?"
I nodded with a giggle, "Oh, I knew you were kidding and yes, a drake can dream whatever he wants." Then I added with a low voice, "You know, I think you're right." Sebastian gazed down at me with his brow raised, as I went on, "I can imagine mother being a beautiful dragoness. She...Really does look beautiful."
Sebastian asked when he cocked his head, "What color would she be?"
"I'd say...Red."
Sebastian hummed in thought, "Yikes, she would look dashing with that color. I love red!"
I playfully narrowed my eyes up at him, "Don't get any funny ideas, you dirty old drake."
Sebastian joked with a smirk showing his teeth, "No promises."
I shook my head slowly and let out a sigh, "If my mother had a very stern personality, she would have kicked you in the balls for having funny ideas about her."
Sebastian's eyes bugged out of his skull at the thought, "Oh ancestors, I'd be ending up like Neal on the ground!"
I laughed as the image of Sebastian curling on the ground after getting a kick in the eggs flashed into my brain. I said to him, "Better be on your best behavior, just like Neal and Frankie. Trust me, human females don't take bull crap. And we both know that for a FACT."
Sebastian nodded as his eyes were still bugged out, "After what I saw Amanda did to Neal at the Drake's Tooth, I WILL!" He let out a calm breath and said this, "You know...When I saw her with you and your father in that small portrait you carry around. I hope, I get to meet her one day. When you talk about her, she sounds like a very nice human female. Just like Amanda and Jessie."
I smiled at his comment about mom and nodded, "She really is."
Sebastian went on, "I mean, after losing her mate for a long time, I'd keep her company. Because I'd know how it feels."
I nodded again, "I'm sure she'd appreciate that." I looked up ahead once more as mom's face went through my mind, like it did more than once.
Sebastian never did know what mom's going through right now. Because of Gerry.
He wants to meet her someday, but I hope she's alive and left Gerry, so they'd meet one day.
I can really imagine the shock on her face that dragons exist. Not to mention that I was living with dragons for days.
I still need to find the time to meet mother and tell her about everything. But like I said, I hope she leaves Gerry and she's now alone. I don't even want to see his face!
I giggled a bit, but Sebastian didn't hear me. Ha! I can see Sebastian being so protective of mom and roaring at Gerry just to scare him away! That would really teach that bastard not to mess with someone like me and mom. Or else, a drake will threaten to eat you!
Now I just wish that humans and dragons were best friends still, instead of being apart for years. I now honestly wish that mom and Sebastian really met, in Leon I mean. But I'm sure THAT won't happen.
She would really see that Sebastian would remind her of dad, because of how he acts and his personality. I smiled at the image of them together. That Sebastian is nuzzling mom's face, when she's crying about dad. Telling her that he knows how she feels. Then my mother would hug Sebastian tightly and never let him go. Those two remind me of me and Rain. How she nuzzles me. How I hug Rain and never let her go. It's like the exact picture, only it's mom and Sebastian in this picture.
Mom and Sebastian would really be best friends. Just like me and Rain. That Sebastian would also protect mom and somehow mom would protect him. Mom is a kind, caring person.
Oh mom...I hope I'll see you again....Maybe tomorrow.
Sometime tomorrow, I'll come home. I need to ask Rain about this first. I'm sure she'll do me this favor.
Me and Sebastian saw Jessie's car up ahead and sure enough, we both see Rain and everyone else sitting and laying around in a circle around the campfire. The firewood burning with cracking noises. As night was almost here.
Jessie, who's sitting beside Frankie while he's sitting on his haunches, was waving her hand at me and Sebastian with a smile, "Hey you two, took you long enough."
Frankie cocked his head at us, "Yeah, where have you been?"
After me and Sebastian got close to the campfire, he sat down on his haunches and curled his tail around him. I thumbed toward Sebastian beside me, while staring at Frankie and answering his question, "Me and Sebastian here were just having a long talk together." I gave Sebastian a pat on his shoulder and made my way toward Rain, who's laying down on her stomach, while she was giving me a grin of her own.
Rain looked down at me and remarked, "And I thought we had to send out a search party for you two."
I was giving her a big grin and asked, "What afraid that Sebastian won't protect me from a wolf pack?"
Rain teased me, "Nope. I was afraid that Sebastian wouldn't save you from being kidnapped by bigfoot." Jessie, Wayne and Amanda were gulping in laughter after that.
I reached out and placed a palm of my hand onto her shoulder, giving it a rub. I looked up at her and said, "Oh, Sebastian would spit flame at it, until it turned into ash."
Rain lowered her head to me and gave my chest a little nuzzle with her cheek, "I'd do the same thing." I removed my hand off her shoulder and started stroking her cheek now.
Sebastian cocked his head at me and Rain, with a confused expression, "What's a bigfoot?"
I giggled a bit and turned my gaze to Sebastian, while Rain's enjoying my touch, "It's something that lives in the woods and doesn't exist."
Rain raised her head away from my hand and chest to look directly at my face, saying this remark with a teasing grin, "You don't know that."
I gazed back to her and groaned a bit, "Big foot doesn't exist, big girl."
Rain shook her head a bit, "Still don't know that."
I rolled my eyes and whispered to her, "I can assure you, there's no big foot that'll catch me and rape me."
Rain shot at me with a giggle, "Again, you don't know that."
I let out a laugh, "Rain!" She laughed too and raised her head above my level.
Rain shrugged her shoulders and patted a spot next of her, "Oh well, if it does exist, mwah here will protect you from it. Now come sit by me."
I giggled and sat down on the grass next to her, real close to her, "Sure, big girl. Protect me from the scary, non existent big foot."
I looked around at everyone else, who are sitting across from the fire. Wayne and Cody sitting on the grass by each other, while Amanda is sitting in front of Neal, her back's pressed against his chest. While he's laying around on his stomach. I let out a small breath and asked everyone, "So, what did me and the old drake miss? I guess we missed dinner?"
Sebastian placed a paw to his stomach and his eyes bugged out of his skull, "I hope we didn't, because this old drake's hungry!"
Neal shot up his head and smiled at the old bronze drake, "Then you're in luck. Dinner is still going on!"
Sebastian let out a whoosh of air, "Whew, that's a relief."
I gestured toward Jessie, who got up to get something, "Let me guess, deer meat?"
Jessie picked upped some cooked deer meat and showed it straight out in front of her to me with a big grin, "Yep!"
Rain laughed and looked down at me, "Deer meat at its finest!"
Cody licked his chops, "Yep, gotta love the deer meat."
Amanda turned her head toward him, angry expression in her eyes, "And you almost didn't get any, because you made me go looking for your ass."
Neal rolled his eyes and looked down at her, "Oh Amanda, calm down."
Amanda looked straight up at him with that same look, "And I should've made you go look for him. I was walking all over the damn woods looking for the little green runt."
Cody groaned and remarked with an annoyed tone, "I'm big as Neal now." Wayne tried to stifle his giggle with his wrist to his mouth.
But Amanda and Neal ignored him and Neal replied to Amanda's comment, giving her an innocent look, "Give me a break, girl. I just wasn't in the mood for searching for green dragons."
Amanda turned her body a bit to Neal and started jabbing a finger into his chest, "You were the one with wings, so you could have found him faster than me."
Cody hissed at Neal, "Yeah, and she twisted my ear because she had to go looking for me." His body winced at the memory, "And it hurt!"
Neal let out a sigh and said this to both of them, "Alright, I said I was sorry." He shrugged with one paw, "I'm sorry for being a lazy ass, so lets drop it already."
Amanda gave him a smile, "You're forgiven." Then she jabbed a finger into him again, "And sometimes, you are a lazy ass."
Neal closed his eyes, hummed a bit and this time only shrugged his shoulders, "Ha! That's what Sierra said to me more than once." He opened his eyes and lowered his head so his head's beside hers. His nose mere inches away, "And since you two were so close, now you're going to call me that every once in awhile."
Wayne gestured his hand to Neal, "Better than calling you a big red scaly pervert, I suppose."
Neal tilted his head a bit to look over Amana's side, right at Wayne. He replied, "Yeah, even that can be old sometimes."
Amanda giggled and reached out her hand to pat his cheek, "The reason why it's old, is because you ARE old." Neal's only response to her was a narrowed look and a snort. His air blew her long brunette hair away a bit.
I said this with a giggle and a wide look, after Jessie came to me and hand over some deer meat, "Well I'm glad that Amanda didn't come searching for me and Sebastian. I don't want her to kick me in the eggs in anger."
Amanda looked look at me from across the fire and admitted, "I'd do it, only because I was hungry."
Cody reached up to his ear with his paw and warned, "Just a fair warning to you, Brandon. Don't make that girl hungry, or she'll twist your ear."
Amanda gave Cody an apologetic look, "My hunger's satisfied and I still apologize for that. I was just hungry."
Cody insisted on the warning, "Don't let her get near you when she's hungry!" Amanda was laughing, while Cody was curling his tail around him.
Amanda then pointed at Jessie, who meanwhile was handing out deer meat to Sebastian, "I can bet that Jessie here would get angry when she's hungry, right girl?"
Jessie looked at Amanda, after Sebastian started eating the deer meat with his jaws, his jaws digging into the meat. She smugly answered with a smile, "Sounds about right."
I looked up and asked Rain this, "Hey Rain, would you get pissed off if you were hungry?" I took a chunk of deer meat in my mouth.
Rain was just giggling, "Lets hope you don't find out."
I gulped a bit in laughter as I was swallowing the food and then I took another bite of meat. Frankie was just grinning and said this to Jessie with a sarcastic tone, "Remind me, not to make you go hungry. I don't want another slap in the nose from you, because your stomach starts growling."
Jessie strode fast back to him with a chuckle and she replied, "Or I might kick you in the eggs for making me go hungry." When she got right in front of him and raised a finger with her eyebrows raised, "Just remember, don't make this girl hungry."
Frankie took his gaze away from Jessie and onto me and asked with a frown, "Hey Brandon, are all human females a bunch of bitches when they're hungry?"
Jessie shot a glare at him, "I'm right here you know!"
Frankie only moved his eyes down at her, without moving his head. He was now whispering, "I know. I wanted you to hear that."
Jessie placed her hands to her hips, "Frankie, don't make me kick you right now."
Rain laughed and hollered to Frankie, "Yeah, don't make her kick you now!"
Frankie shot a narrowed face at his sister, "You stay out of this. This is between me and my best friend."
Jessie went up close to him and slugged his shoulder, "I will kick your stones, if you call me a bitch, one more time."
Frankie gave her a mock expression, and pointed at Amanda with his wing tip, "Well you're acting like one, just like Amanda here."
Amanda crossed her arms as she's still laying back into Neal's chest, glaring at him now, "I take offense to that."
Neal shot up his head and playfully defended her, "Yeah, she takes offense to that."
Frankie turned his gaze and was shooting a glare at Neal now, "And here I thought you were on my side."
Neal had a mischievous grin on his face, "I know, I was just playing along with her, because we have a gender war coming up REAL soon."
Amanda groaned and rolled her eyes, "You and your gender wars. We both know who'll always lose the war."
Rain laughed, "Yeah, the males."
I frowned at everyone, "What's a gender war?"
Both Jessie and Frankie were frowning now, asking the same question in unison, "Yeah, what's a gender war?" Then they both glanced at each other in surprise and Jessie giggled. Frankie only shrugged his shoulders.
Wayne giggled and thumbed at Neal near him, "Neal years ago, came up with this game called a gender war. Which means, there will be a war between the males and the females."
Neal shot up his head proudly and giggled, "Yep, and us males fight the females, until we win!"
Amanda rolled her eyes again, "In your dreams, you show off."
Neal hissed down at Amanda, "That's it, the gender war is definitely coming." Then he trailed his eyes to Frankie, then to me, then to Sebastian, asking us this, "So guys, want to join the war? We can use more males for the male team! We'll surely beat the females in this one!"
Frankie gave Neal a very sly grin, "Me fight against females who are a bunch of bitches? You betcha. I want some payback for Jessie slapping my nose. TWICE."
Jessie let out a huff and said to Frankie, "Fine, you big dork. You're going to get it, big time."
Frankie looked down at her with that same grin, "I'll make sure you won't get my stones, girl."
Jessie pointed a threatening finger at him, "We'll see." She narrowed her face and just jabbed her finger at him, "We shall FREAKIN see." Frankie tossed back his head and laughed.
I nodded and shrugged my shoulders, "I guess, I'll give it a shot. I want to see how this game goes."
Sebastian only said this with an unsure look, "Maybe, I'll try it out too." He raised a claw, adding, "But just to tell you something, I'm not as young as I've used to be."
Neal beamed at Sebastian, "We can use all the help we can get!"
Amanda laughed and said this to Jessie and Rain, "Well this sucks, we're the only females in this war." Then she glanced up at the sky, "Now I wish that Sierra and Eleanor were here. Then that way, we'd have some sort of advantage."
Wayne jokingly said to Amanda, "Looks like we'll win."
Amanda rolled her eyes, "Whatever, Wayne. You guys usually lose anyway."
Wayne shook his head with a smug grin, "Not all the time."
Amanda playfully shot back, "You will again."
Rain looked down beside me and said this, "Looks like this'll be your first gender war, Brandon."
I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, after swallowing down the last bit of my deer meat, "I maybe new at this, but I think I can handle it."
Rain playfully growled at me, "Think you can beat this scaly ass, Brandon?"
I looked up at her and giggled, "Only one way to find out." Then all of us laughed at that.
The lone dragon's sitting on it's haunches, watching from the trees in the distance, seeing Brandon and everyone laughing together.
It was just staring at them with a blank expression, just listening to them. Then it's stomach started growling and the dragon made a small hiss to itself. It was getting hungry again.
The lone dragon got off it's haunches and started strolling away, making less noise as possible. Going off hunting again.
I asked Wayne with a surprised expression, "Really? So that's how you got your inspiration for singing? From...Joanna?"
Wayne said this with a giggle, "Well the 'human' Joanna, as Sierra would call it. Joanna Stanton." He had a bright smile as he thought about her, "My mother figure."
It's now nighttime here, as the stars were twinkling up in the dark sky and the crickets were making their noises in the woods. They're kinda loud when I think about it.
All of us were still sitting in a circle around the camp fire that one of us made. The fire keeping everyone here warm. I'm just laying my back against Rain's chest, her paws wrapped onto my lap. Other than the fire, her warm body is keeping me warm too, in a cool night.
Across from the fire, Amanda is still in the same position with Neal when I first got back here with Sebastian. She looks pretty comfortable and content with the red drake and so is he. They really are close.
I frowned at them as I remembered those looks they were giving to each other more than once. Sometimes, I'm wondering if they're a bit TOO close. But that's probably just my weird imagination. No need to get cuckoo again.
Wayne and Cody are still sitting next to each other, while Jessie is just sitting on her butt real close beside Frankie. Sebastian is laying on his stomach, laying beside Rain.
Basically off of us have been chatting and joking for a long time. While a few of us were still hungry and ate while we were at it.
I told everyone what happened with me and Sebastian, telling them that me and him are basically now father and son. They all were happy for me, especially Rain, who I told her once that my father died, but never how. Even Amanda was happy for me, since she can totally relate to what I think. That she calls Sierra, her mother.
Every time that I think about it, I wonder what really happened to her real mother? Did she die, just like my father? She never did tell me that yet. If her real mother died, I can really relate to Amanda for that.
That we'd call a certain dragon our parent. Our adoptive parent, or foster parent, whichever you'd call it.
Amanda would call Sierra mom and I'd call Sebastian dad.
I gazed at Sebastian beside me and Rain, and he noticed I was looking at him and he gave me a cheery grin. I smiled back at him. I love you, dad.
So after that, we started talking about Sierra, a little bit. Since Sebastian was pretty curious about her. Neal started telling him how he and Sierra first met years ago. How they were hatchlings and they became best friends. Neal said that his parents knew hers and that's how he and Sierra really met. Neal said that he and Sierra actually shared their first mating together when they were teenagers, because they were curious about it. But they actually became mates around the time when they were just all grown up. Well they were together that way once, but they're not anymore.
Which I didn't even know that, but Neal said that despite that they aren't together that way anymore, they're still close...Until she disappeared.
Amanda even talked about a few times in her life, that she got to ride on her mother figure's back. Flying with her mother, up in the sky. Saying that Sierra was always careful and gentle with her, just like a mother would. I did ask them, if Sierra ever had any hatchlings in her life, and they all said no. Even when Sierra and Neal were together one time, she still never had hatchlings.
I guess that's the reason why Sierra accepted Amanda as her daughter. Sierra never had one at all. Amanda did look like the daughter type. Amanda said that Sierra and her, really have several things in common. Like they both have attitude, for example.
Soon after that, Wayne started talking about how he got his inspiration from singing and it came from the human Joanna. Before she died.
So now here I am, gesturing my hand toward him, asking this, "So how did Joanna know about Journey? That's what I'm wondering, how did she start listening to them? And I guess I can ask, why as well."
Wayne nodded slowly as he started reminiscing, "Well according to what Joanna told me years ago, she said that she was with an abusive husband, back before I was born. Always calling her a slut and a whore, but Joanna was still one tough gal."
I held a bit of a surprised look for him, "God, really?"
Wayne nodded again and held a pity look for her, "Joanna really has been through a lot, before I was born back in 1990. In fact, there were times she wanted to just give up on her life. That is...Until she listened to Journey." He smiled brightly at the thought, "And how she first started to listen to Journey, well it was back in 1979."
My eyes went wide at the year and Wayne laughed, "I know, talk about a long time ago."
I giggled a little, "No kidding. I sometimes wonder what everything was like back then."
Wayne said this with his brows raised, "Oh, things were different back then." Then he started frowning at me, "Speaking of which, before I move on with the whole Joanna thing, what are things like in 2085? Did a lot of things change?" He giggled and pointed at Jessie's car nearby, "I can see that there aren't any flying cars in this year."
I was laughing and so did Jessie nearby. I shook my head, "Nope, nothing like that. I think in my opinion when you jump to one hundred years or two, you'd see flying cars."
Neal slowly cocked his head at me, "I can't even picture any flying cars, that you speak of. Do...Cars sprout wings? Or something?"
Amanda laughed and only moved up her eyes to look up at him, "Might be hard to explain it big guy. But hey, I'd think that humans would be more evolved than we are now, later on."
Neal groaned a bit and complained, "Now you're giving me a headache."
Amanda waved her hand and Neal saw it. She said this while shaking her head, "Don't bother dwelling on it, big guy. You'll just have to find out what humanity would be like later on."
Neal shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, if dragons and humans are allies again."
Amanda had a sad look and she reached up with her arm and gave the underside of his chin a couple of scratches, "I know." She sighed, "I know."
Wayne asked me again, "So nothing much has changed?"
I shrugged my arms, "What do you want me to say?" Wayne, Cody, Sebastian, Neal, Amanda, and Frankie were eyeing me with curiosity. I looked up at Rain and she was looking down at me with curiosity as well. I laughed a bit, "Goodness, guys. You're pretty curious."
Rain said this with a small grin, "I'm curious of what the outside world is like outside the city, too. So what are things like in your world?"
I shrugged my shoulder and hummed in thought, "Well...I guess, I'll start with this....Lets just say that the President of the United States of this year, is not arrogant. Gay marriage is now allowed all over the country."
Wayne's face went wide, "Really?"
I laughed and nodded, "Oh yes. And there's even a cure for a couple of serious diseases. Like um...For brain cancer, um....Alzheimer's....That's all I got.
Both Wayne and Amanda's faces were wide at the realization. Amanda said this with shock in her voice, "OH MY GOD." She let out a laugh, "Looks like me and Wayne here really missed out a lot!"
Jessie was laughing now and said this, "Really missed out."
Wayne was still in awe and he just glanced away, "Gosh....A cure for Alzheimer's. That's a big discovery."
Amanda said this incredulously, "Yeah and what's more amazing, is that gay marriage is allowed in the whole country of USA now. I'm happy and shocked at the same time."
I nodded at both of them, "I figured you would."
Rain shrugged her shoulders, "Well I'm not a human and I usually don't get these things." She gestured one paw off my lap to Wayne, "Even when I learn these things from him, I kinda still don't get it. Dragons don't really have those kind of things."
Frankie let out a snort, "I really don't care, honestly."
Jessie looked up at him and asked, "What if I had brain cancer, big guy? What if I had it?"
Frankie looked down at her and answered, "I don't know what that is, girl."
Jessie let out a sigh and planted a hand on his leg, "I figured you didn't, you're a dragon."
Frankie lowered his head toward her, twisting his neck a bit so his face is facing hers a bit and said this with a bit of a concern tone, "But I can imagine that it's bad for humans, so I hope that you don't get it."
Jessie gave him a bright smile, "Oh even if I did get it, there'd be a cure for it."
Frankie held a sad look for her, "But still...I wouldn't want to lose you."
She removed her hand off his leg and touched his nose with the palm of her hand, "I know and you're still sweet." He gave her hand a lick afterward and she giggled, jerking back her hand , "Frankie, that tickled."
Frankie giggled too and raised his head to look at all of us. He asked us, as we were all just staring blankly at him, "What? I'm just a drake who cares about her."
Neal started to smile at him, "You know, when me and Amanda first met you years ago, you really didn't like Amanda at all. Because she's a human." He shook his head a bit, "I didn't like you all that much, because of how you treated her."
Amanda smiled brightly too at Frankie, "All of us are glad that one human girl changed you. You Frankie, are being nice to me and Wayne now."
Rain giggled and motioned her snout down at me, "Don't forget Brandon here. He's being nice to Brandon too!"
Frankie was chuckling mischievously and said this to his sister, "Yeah, I like the little guy too. Even when he has a small dragonhood."
That again! Come on! I rolled my eyes and said in sarcasm, "Oh brother."
Cody shot up his head at Frankie, "What are you talking about? It's not small."
Frankie turned to Cody now replying, "You're blind, pal."
Cody chuckled a bit and said back, "I think you're in denial."
Rain was laughing and I could feel her laughter from her chest on my back, "Total denial."
Frankie waved them off with his paw, "Don't care anymore. That's my opinion."
I groaned a bit, "Let me tell you something, if you say that to me again, I'm going to literally kick your scaly ass."
Frankie teased me, "You can try, human."
Neal chimed in, "I'm still glad you've changed, fellow drake. Not all humans are evil."
Frankie let out a sigh and looked at Neal smiling a bit, "Well I guess humans aren't really that bad. They make good company."
Wayne smiled at that, "We really do."
I started waving my hand at him, trying to get Wayne back on the subject, "Hey since I've told you about what outside the dragon city's like, now tell me about Joanna. How did she get to listen to Journey? You said it was back in 1979, so what happened to her back then?"
Wayne's eyes went wide, "Oops, sorry about that. I got off track." He softened his gaze and cleared his throat, "Alright, back to the story. Well....Back in 1979, she saw them while they were on tour. They were doing a tour for one of their albums called Evolution."
I asked, my eyes full of wonder now, "Really? She saw Journey live? Where at?"
Wayne answered, "At where I'm from, Denver."
I said this, "The capital of Colorado? I know I've lived in Colorado for all my life, but I never really been there. It's...Pretty far away from where I'm from."
Wayne chuckled a bit, "Before I met Sierra and before I lived in a small house in the woods, I was just a city boy, born and raised in Denver and so was Joanna, before she died." He shrugged his arms, "It's an okay place to live in, when you have a good neighborhood. But when you're driving in downtown, that's a different story."
Jessie nodded, "I get the issue." I looked at her and remembered that she used to live in Los Angeles, before she moved into Leon. I turned my head back at Wayne now.
Wayne continued on, "Joanna went to the place where they were doing their concert and as to how she found out about them, that's how. She went to see their concert, just to get away from her husband mostly." Wayne looked up at the night sky, smiling as he went on with the story, "She loved listening to Steve Perry most of all, and the first song she liked from Steve and the band, was 'Lights.'" He looked at me and frowned, "Do you know that song? Have you ever listened to Journey?"
I nodded, "I have listened to their music before. I listened to all of their songs on the old rock radio. I like Lights."
Wayne nodded too, "That's good, because she loved that song and it was her first favorite song she listened from them. Since that night, she listens to them on the radio and everything. Because for some reason, she says that the band makes her feel happy and alive when she listens to them. And when they show back up in Denver, she goes to that concert."
He giggled a bit, "She even remembered the dates, every time she brings up that, and now I remember the dates and years of those concerts." He counted one finger, "One was the first concert she went to and that was for Evolution, it was back in May 9th, 1979." He counted two fingers, "The year after that it was for their next album Departure, according to Joanna. She said it was June 7th, 1980."
Wayne let out a whoosh of air, "But the most favorite concert she went to the year afterward, it was for their next album Escape and it was back in November 7th, 1981. It was also the first time when she heard that song from them, 'Don't Stop Believin'."
I beamed at the song, "I know that song. It really does...Make you feel alive."
Rain hummed and smiled too, "It does and Wayne sang that to me and to everyone in the Braveheart before."
Neal nodded at that, "I love that human song, actually everyone here loves it."
Jessie shook her head, "I never heard of it."
Frankie shook his head too, "Neither do I."
Amanda pointed at them, "Trust me, when Wayne sings that one, you'd love it."
Frankie formed a smile on his snout at her, "I'll remember that."
Sebastian shrugged his shoulders, "I never heard of any of this at all. But although, it does sound real interesting."
Wayne looked at Sebastian and nodded, "I bet it does." He let out a sigh and went on, "When Joanna, listened to that song, she felt like she didn't stop believing in herself. And every time we talked to each other, she always tells me to don't stop believing. That was also the time, when she finally left her husband. Good riddance." He giggled and said this, "But it wasn't the last concert she went to. About two years after that, she went to another one for their Frontiers album and it was back in April 3rd of 1983."
I laughed and exclaimed, "Boy you really remember those dates."
Wayne shrugged his arms, "Joanna always brings them up and she remember those dates real well. And the last one she went to for Journey was for their Raised on Radio album. Back in September 18, 1986." He had a glum look on his face, "She felt sad just a little when they went on hiatus for such a long time after that, until 1996 when Trial by Fire came about. But Steve Perry wasn't in the band anymore after that and so....Things really changed from here on out."
I shook my head after listening to all that, "Gosh...She really loved those guys."
Wayne grinned at me, his glum look went away, "Well, I wish I was born around those times, because what Joanna said to me, years after I was born, she said watching them to her was pure magic."
Cody was smiling and nodded in agreement, "Magic, indeed. And Wayne sings that magic."
Wayne went on with his tale, "I used to have a band before I met Sierra, but when Joanna died...I became depressed, I thought it was my fault that she died. You see...Joanna was sick from lung cancer and she was coughing for months, she died soon after that. And that's how me and my parents moved away from Denver and came here, to a house in the middle of the woods."
I had a pity look for him and so did Jessie. Wayne let out a sad sigh, "I stopped believing in myself." Then his face started to lit up, "Until I met Sierra in that cave and days after she first brought me to her kind's city, she had me open up my soul, in a big way. She practically saved my life. I didn't think it was my fault that Joanna died anymore. And since then, after singing Don't Stop Believin' at the Braveheart for the first time years ago, I really became famous in the dragon city. In a way, I was singing magic."
Neal nodded and said, "He met Sierra and then he met us." He gestured his paw first to Amanda, then to Cody. He said this after that, "He met the dragon Joanna and Sierra's uncle too, and he really called Joanna his mother, whenever he gets the chance, he always calls her that."
I smiled as the day when me, Rain and Wayne went to Joanna's house so I could meet her, flashed in my mind. She really is like a mother to Wayne. Calling him hon, she's really sweet to everyone. Even me, she called me hon too.
My mother flashed in my mind now and I felt sad on the inside now. Oh...Mom....
Wayne started giggling and said, "And surprisingly days after dragons and humans co exist, I never figured I'd meet him."
I frowned at him, "Who?"
"Steve Perry."
My eyes went wide and I exclaimed, "No way, you met the great Steve Perry?"
He nodded, "After everyone in the world heard that dragons existed, celebrities have been visiting this human town that dragons usually go to. That's how I met Steve Perry. I also met his ex band mates too."
My jaw dropped, and I was muttering, "Oh my god."
Amanda laughed at my expression and she said, "Steve's a really nice guy. Very noble man."
Neal shot up his head, "And I got to meet the human that Wayne named me after!"
Jessie was frowning at Neal, "What human did Wayne name you after? How did you get your human name?"
Neal pointed at Wayne with his wing tip, "Wayne named me after the guitarist for Journey. Neal Schon. Because for some reason, he thought it'd be a good name for me."
I gestured to Cody, "And you? Why were you named Cody?"
Cody beamed at me, "Wayne named me after his human friend from Denver, Cody Tucker." He placed a paw to his chest, "I remind him of that human."
I turned my body a bit and looked up at Rain, with a quizzical look, "What about you? Why were you named Rain?"
Rain hummed in pleasant thought, her wings fluttering on her back, "Wayne named me...After the rainbow." She gazed down at me with a smile, "That I'd fly up in the skies after a storm passes and I'd be as beautiful as a rainbow."
I smiled at the image after she told me and I said it out loud to her, "You really would make a beautiful rainbow."
Her face really lit up and she said, "Yeah...I'm a black scaled angel and a beautiful rainbow. Not a bad combination in my opinion."
Frankie growled down at Jessie and angrily asked, "Curses human, why couldn't you give me a beautiful human name, like my sister here?"
Jessie rolled her eyes and yapped, "You love your human name, now quit whining."
Frankie softened his look and grinned, "Yeah, you're right, I do love that name."
Rain laughed and shot at her brother, "Didn't look that way to me."
Frankie was glaring at her, "Hush up. I don't care if you believe me or not."
Rain shook her head with a teasing grin, "Don't have to, brother." Frankie rolled up his eyes after that and she giggled.
I asked Neal after that, "So...You said that you and Cody sang with Wayne? Did you really sing Separate Ways?"
Neal beamed at the memory, "Me and Cody's first human song we sang with Wayne here. And I'd never forget it."
Cody shrugged his wings and shoulders, "I was pretty nervous thinking about doing it. But after that night, I wasn't afraid anymore." He held up his head and proudly said, "I got to sing human songs with Wayne, since then!"
Neal chimed, "But Wayne really does a good job at what he does. He sang songs like, 'Don't Stop Believin'', 'Separate Ways', 'Lights', 'Anyway You Want it', 'Wheel in The Sky', 'Who's Crying Now', even 'Open Arms'." Neal added, "Course me and Cody sang a couple of those songs with Wayne as well, so he didn't do all those things on his own."
Rain let out a small pleasant breath, "Open Arms....I love that human song."
Wayne had a sad look on his face, "Sierra loved that one most of all. She could never forget that one." Wayne changed his expression with a giggle, "But of course, the first human song that I've sang to her was 'Oh Sherrie'. She never forgotten that night that I've sang that to her, either."
I was grinning at Wayne now, "You know...When I think about it after watching you sing, you kinda sound like Steve Perry."
Wayne shook his head with a smile, "Not that much, but thank you." He gestured his hand to me, "You don't sing bad yourself, and you just had to overcome your stage fright to do it."
I thumbed Rain's chest behind me, "Thank Rain here. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have done it."
Rain was grinning at Wayne, "Oh you don't have to thank me. I already got enough gratitude already."
Wayne asked me this, "So speaking of you singing, where did you get your inspiration?"
Jessie beamed at me, "Yeah, I'm wondering that myself."
I giggled and said this, "Well...There are two inspirations of where I got it from. Number one...Wayne have you heard of Survivor? The 80s band Survivor?"
Wayne smiled at me, "Yeah! So that's where you got that song from last night? 'I Can't Hold Back?' That's the one."
I nodded at that, "I liked their lead singer, Jimi Jamison, because hey who doesn't like that guy? You see, I like the band's songs, like 'I Can't Hold Back', 'Eye of The Tiger', 'High on You', 'Burning Heart', and even....'The Search is Over'.
Wayne hummed, "The Search is Over. I like that one."
I nodded in agreement, "Me too." Then I let out a breath and went on, "And Jimi Jamison of Survivor, wasn't the only thing that inspired me, the other one was my father."
Jessie's face widened, "Really? I didn't know that."
I looked at Jessie and said, "My dad, before he met my mom and before I was born, back in high school, he was a lead singer to his own band called 'The Searchers'."
Wayne eyes widened, "Wow, that's a good name for a band. Better than the one I used back then."
I laughed, "Well dad, was very good with names." I waved him off, "Anyways, dad used to sing a lot and a lot of people at where I'm from knew him all too well, because of that."
Sebastian smiled down at me, "I can see where you get that from. Like father, like son."
I turned to Sebastian, "My dad, wasn't really a singer anymore, when he married mom and had me. You see...That's how he became a firefighter. Because my grandpa and my great grandfather were firefighters way back then. My dad was following in their footsteps and he was so good at it. He knew what the fire thinks and everything. He was pretty smart."
Amanda grinned and asked, "So your dad became a hero?"
I nodded at her, "Yep. But even when he became a firefighter and he's well known for being a hero, everyone still knew him as that lead singer. Even when he became a firefighter, he still sung, just not as much as he used to. Only everyone once in awhile."
Rain said this with a caring look in her eyes, "You know...I'd think that you can be a hero too, someday."
I chuckled and said to Rain, "You know....Some things are possible." I sighed, "My dad died about three years ago, in an apartment fire. And ever since then, I've been trying to fight the fear of that stage fright I've told you guys about. And now three years later, I have."
Jessie just had a proud grin, "I think that your dad is proud of you right now." She pointed up at the night, starry sky, "Even up in heaven, he's proud of you.
I returned the gratitude, "Thank you." I know that I didn't tell them everything, about the vision that showed dad dying. But only Sebastian knows my secret and that's good enough for me. I just don't want to tell everyone about it.
Amanda sighed at my story, "I have to admit, that's quite a story. The son of a fireman, trying to sing just like his father did. Make a pretty good movie, if you ask me." She giggled a bit and so did Wayne and Jessie.
I giggled too and sighed after that. I looked right at her and said, "So Amanda, since this question just came to me...Can I ask you something?" Amanda frowned at me and I asked, "Wayne said that he's from Denver, before he found Sierra. Where were you from years ago?"
Amanda tilted her head a bit, deep in thought and she said, "I was just a small town girl living in Sunburst, Montana."
My eyes went wide, "No joke? You weren't born in Colorado?"
Amanda shook her head, "No, I wasn't even born here. Lets just say, it was one day I found Wayne and his friends in the woods just far away from here." I was frowning at her. She wasn't born here? I didn't know that.
Cody snorted at Amanda, "Yeah, and I was short and little back then and you slapped me across the face when you met me."
Amanda shot a bit of a guilty look at him, "I didn't mean to do that, you poor thing. You were the one who was just scaring me. I never met a dragon before!" Me and Rain started laughing and so was Jessie and Wayne.
Wayne was just giggling after laughing, "Oh god, I can remember that up to this day. It was hilarious."
Cody let out a groan, "But I didn't mean to scare you, Amanda. I was just curious about you."
Sebastian shook his head and let out a small sigh, "Probably should've stayed away from her when she's scared of you."
Amanda giggled and said to Cody, "And you looked like an overgrown lizard to me on that day, you looked kinda scary. So how was I supposed to know that you wouldn't hurt me?"
Cody shot a narrowed gaze at her, "Not a damn lizard, Amanda."
Amanda waved him off, "I know that!" Neal and Sebastian were laughing now. Amanda rolled her eyes and went on with her story, "So yes, I was born in Montana."
I had a curious look on my face, "I don't understand. Why were you in Colorado in the first place and not in Montana?"
Jessie looked curious as well, "Yeah, why were you in Colorado?"
Amanda had a distant sad look and said this, "I...I ran away from home."
Me and Jessie both eyed her in surprise and I asked, "Really? You ran away from home?"
Amanda nodded twice, "Surprised, huh? Yeah, I ran away from home." She pointed at me, moved her hand to point next at Jessie, "I ran away from home, just like you two did."
Jessie asked her, "Why? What made you run away from Montana?"
She had an haunting look in her face and she brushed her hair off her shoulder, "Well...My life wasn't exactly great. In fact, it basically seemed horrible. You see...." She sighed and finally went on, "My mom, her name's Lindsey. You see, she was living with my dad, but the problem was, is that he's physically and emotional abusive to her. And after I was born and when I was little, he was still abusing her. He...Was just a drunken asshole, who didn't care about anybody, but himself."
Me and Jessie both had pity looks for her. Oh man...
I can pretty relate to her. Gerry is the same thing.
Amanda took a deep breath and said, "Mom thought she could change him. Change his ways, but he never did. All he does is scream at her, scream at me. Calling us whores, telling us we deserve it. And dad always beats her and doesn't stop until she either leaves, or he does stop anyway." She let out a trembling breath, "My mom and I were pretty close and I didn't have a lot of friends growing up. I did some drugs back then, marijuana was the only thing I did, because I just wanted to get away from that life. But I don't do them anymore and people from my town didn't exactly want to socialize with me. Thinking I'm a druggie."
I muttered sadly to her, "That's horrible." Real horrible.
Amanda shook her head, "That wasn't the worst part of my life." She let out a very big, sad, trembling sigh, "The worst part, is that dad has beaten her so much, she wounded up in the hospital. The doctors didn't save her in time and she died."
Jessie placed a hand to her mouth, "Oh....God."
Amanda glanced away to look at the trees nearby, "My own father killed her and he didn't show any remorse. I only found her on the floor when I came home from school. He didn't even call the cops. All he did was sit around on the couch and watch TV. Like nothing had happened."
I know that from experience. Every time Gerry does hit me or mom, he just goes off and do something else like nothing had happened. But....Oh Amanda....Her real mother died. So that's what happened to her. To Lindsey.
Amanda's body trembled and she held herself together, "And the very worst part is....After my mom died, he drinked a lot and I basically became his screaming and punching bag. But...One day, he was so drunk and when I was alone he-" She was stumbling through words now, "...Tried to....Tried to....Rape me."
I sucked in a sharp breath and Jessie was completely baffled. What!? He tried to do that to her?!
That sick...Bastard!
Amanda looked like she was going to burst into tears and she was shaking violently now, "My father tried to do that to me. But...I'm glad he didn't. I...I only found his gun and killed him with it. So afterwards...I ran away from home with the gun and never came back. I mean...How were the cops going to believe me? I would've went to prison for murder. They didn't listen to me about dad, so why would they believe me about him trying to rape his own daughter? I was just a girl who was a druggie to them, but I wasn't. I..." She shut her eyes tight, and her throat sounded like it was about to tighten, "Oh...Mom...."
Neal had a sad look on his face, then he lowered his head to her and nuzzled the back of her neck comfortingly with his nose. Amanda let out a deep breath and opened her eyes. She felt Neal's tender nuzzling and smiled without looking at him. She reached back and curled her arm around his neck, her fingers petting him, "Thank you, Neal."
I only muttered those words to her in all pity and sadness, "Wow...I...I'm sorry."
Jessie shook her head, "We didn't know you went through all that."
Amanda removed her arm off of Neal's neck, while she regained her composure. She waved us off with a hand, "No, it's okay. Once in awhile, I dream about my mom returning to me, but we all know that it won't happen. And....I'm glad that I did run away from home." She gestured to Neal behind her after he raised his head above her and then to Wayne and Cody, "If I didn't run away, I'd never meet my friends. And I'd...Never meet Sierra." She held a breath and let it out, "Sierra always reminded me of my mother, in a way she does. Sierra's so sweet and kind. Like a mother should be. I...Called her mom, more than once."
I said it out loud, "So that's why you wanted Sierra as your mother, because your...."
Amanda nodded, "Sierra maybe a dragon, but she was close to being my mother. You'd think the same way if you were in my shoes."
I nodded, "I'd think so too. And...I know how you feel. I went through the same thing too."
Amanda looked a bit surprised and she asked, "That why you ran away? That why you didn't have a home?"
I answered, "I ran away from home because...." I started trailing off while I was glancing at my lap.
Sebastian had a concerned look, "You okay?"
I turned to look at Sebastian, "Yeah, I'm fine." I let out a breath, "I told Rain this already, but I guess I shouldn't keep you guys in suspense. Someday, the whole truth is going to come out anyways."
Rain lowered her head and nuzzled her nose at the top of my head, "You don't have to tell anyone. I'm enough for you."
I reached up to brush her nose off of me, "Jessie knows too, and plus everyone should know, including Sebastian. They all deserve the truth." I slowly moved my head to gaze at each person. Beginning my tale, "You see...About a year after my dad died, mom found a boyfriend named Gerry. He's a drunken asshole as well. And for about two years, he was abusing us."
Rain let out a sigh for me, as she remembered all the details that I told her that night. Everyone held a sad look for me and Amanda said, "I'm sorry, Brandon."
Sebastian said this with a sad look still on his face, "Me too. You...Haven't really told me that yet."
I said this to Sebastian, "I was planning on it. In fact, I think you'd be better for mom, if you did meet her."
Sebastian nodded slowly, "I think I would. After hearing all that about you and your mom."
Amanda frowned at me, "So what happened? Did you just up and left, just like that?"
I let out a sigh, "Well...I was trying to convince mom for two years to leave him, but she didn't listen to me. She never did. My mom thought it was her fault that Gerry's angry, but it wasn't. He just didn't care about us." I shrugged my shoulders, "I would've called the cops, but lets say that Gerry's good at hiding things. So the cops wouldn't do anything to him without evidence. I just....I had to run away from home, from the small town of Leon. Because I just couldn't take it anymore. I know that I should've stayed with mom, but she still wouldn't listen to me about him."
I closed my eyes out of a bit of guilt, "I tried very hard to convince her to leave him, but I was angry and I've had it. I had to get away from that life. And as horrible as it sounded, I hated mom for not listening to me. But...I felt guilty about it too. I...I really love her still. She's the only family I have left."
Amanda nodded, "I get what you mean. My mother didn't want to leave dad and she thought that he'd change. But he wouldn't. I think that's what your mom's going through. She thought she can change him."
I sighed again, "But now, she's probably suffering because of him and I just left her alone."
Amanda placed a hand over her chest, "Look, I won't judge you, I never would. And you probably did the right thing for leaving, if your mom was going to die because of him, then you'd die too. That's what I think."
I asked Amanda with a bit of worry in her eyes, "But what if she's still alive and he's beating her?"
Amanda said this, "Look only your mother can decide to leave him. And if the cops can't touch him, then only your mom can stop him and leave him. My mother never stood up to my father, but if your mother's alive, then she has the power to do this. As terrifying as it sounds, she has to."
I started to smile a bit, "I keep hoping now, that mom started to wake up after I ran away and knows why I did it. That it'd be enough for her to realize that I was telling her the truth. That she can SEE the truth."
Wayne gestured to me giving me a hopeful look, "Exactly. And I think you'll see her again. You just have to keep that hope alive."
I nodded at him, "Well I'm planning on seeing mom sometime, anyway."
Neal shot up his head proudly at me, "Well good!"
Rain giggled, "You know, if I ever meet this Gerry, I'd scare him to death for hurting your mom."
I giggled too and looked straight up at her, "Or, just breathe fire at him. I honestly want him to die."
Rain looked down at me, "Oh, I'd do it. Because he hurt you."
I smiled brightly at her, "You really are my angel."
Rain smiled back, "Always will be."
Cody cocked his head at Jessie, "So what about you? Why did you run away?"
Jessie's face went wide and she shyly looked away, "Uhhhh....."
Rain looked at Jessie and tilted her head as well, "Yeah, only Brandon has told me why he ran away, but you never did. Why? What's your reason?"
Frankie looked down at her, "Yeah, why?"
Jessie started rubbing the back of her neck and let out a breath, "It's a touchy subject."
Wayne shrugged his arms, asking her this, "So why did you run away, Jessie?"
I was frowning at her too and then Wayne turned to me and asked, "Hey Brandon." I looked at Wayne and he went on with the question, "Did you know why?"
I shook my head, "Actually, no. She just keeps saying that her life's complicated."
Jessie started to get on her feet and started strolling away from Frankie. Frankie had a surprised look and asked her with an suspicious tone, "Hey, where are you going?"
Jessie stopped in her tracks and whirled around to face him, "Frankie, I don't want to get into it. It's complicated."
Frankie shot up his head, "Complicated? Well how about just tell us, so it won't get complicated anymore?"
Jessie took a very deep breath and let it out, "I....It's because...." She glanced away as she trailed off.
Neal asked, judging by the look on his face, he's not letting this go either, "Because what?"
Jessie looked like she wanted to tell everyone, but she appears to be hesitant about it. Until she finally said this with a finger raised, "Excuse me." And with that, she whirled around and walked off in fast strides.
Frankie got up on all fours, facing the direction she's walking off to and called out to her with a worried look, "Jessie!" But she didn't stop, until her form disappeared in the woods.
I started to get up from Rain's chest and onto my feet. I had a concerned look on my face. Alright, what's going on?
Jessie keeps saying it's complicated, what does she mean by that? I need to talk to her. RIGHT NOW.
Frankie still had that look on his face, "I don't get it. What is it that she's not telling me? Don't I deserve to know?"
Rain said this to him in a calm voice, "Frankie, calm down."
I walked up to Frankie and offered, "Look, I'll talk to her."
Frankie looked down at me, "But-"
I cut him off with a wave of my hand, "Frankie, this is serious. She obviously doesn't want to talk about it with anyone, but maybe I can convince her to talk to me. Please Frankie, just take a deep breath, sit down with everyone here and let me do this. I'll find her, alright?"
Frankie only stared at me, until he had a defeated look. He muttered softly, "Arrr, alright."
I nodded, "Don't worry, I'm going to help her." I said this to everyone, including Rain, "I'll be back later with Jessie guys. I just need to talk to her alone."
Rain nodded slowly, "Alright, do what you think is right. Just...Be careful."
I giggled a bit at her, "I'm sure nothing's going to get me. But I will."
Wayne said this with concern, "I hope, Jessie's ok."
I nodded, "Me too." I gave everyone a wave and turned to walk in the woods. To see if I can find Jessie.
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