Current Track: Blabb

Tumblr was woken from her otherwise peaceful nap by a knock on the door. Groggy, she sat up and yelled “In a minute!" before pulling a nearby shirt over her dark blue fur. Walking down the hall to the door, she spotted Reddit's car through the window. What the hell was he doing here at this time of day? He better not be trying to drag her into another-

She opened the door to the sight of a tired-looking and visibly upset red fox. His jeans were wet around the ankles, as if he had stepped in one too many puddles. Any animosity Tumblr had for him washed away.

“What the fuck happened to you?"

“Landlord shit, I need somewhere to stay for a bit. And also dry some clothes."

Tumblr let him in, and helped Reddit load the first batch of soaked clothes into her dryer. While they waited to start a second load, Tumblr went to the kitchen to make them both tea while Reddit sat on the couch. Tumblr's decorating was… eccentric, to say the least. He was only able to pick out a few things at a time from the chaos, including a plastic bust of Julius Caesar with knife handles glued to it. A smattering of fandom art and memes were framed on the walls, and a surprising number featured these grey creatures with orange and yellow horns. Reddit doubted that she was very normal about them.

Tumblr brought the tea over to Reddit and sat down across from him. She asked how his landlord managed to flood his apartment. Reddit explained that his landlord wanted to replace the laundry machines in their apartments with paid laundry machines in the basement of the apartment complex. To add injury to more injury, the moron managed to break the water pipe feeding Reddit's washing machine, flooding his room and all the rooms below him. Thankfully, Reddit managed to save most of his possessions, but the apartment would obviously not be livable for a while.

Tumblr was all too familiar with landlord fuckery, having had the hot tub on the back porch removed, even though it was the whole reason she had rented the house in the first place.  Her landlord had also littered the lawn with tacky lawn decorations to “keep the land value up" even though he didn't even keep the exterior paint maintained. Somehow every socket in any given room was connected to a different room's circuit breaker and some didn't even work at all.

The two canids spent some time venting about their landlords' various deficiencies. After the conversation had died down, Tumblr asked Reddit if he was hungry, and he replied that he was. A quick debate and phone call later, a large pepperoni pizza and some breadsticks were on their way. While they waited for the pizza, the first load of drying clothes was done, and Reddit loaded a second batch onto his host's dryer.

The pizza arrived, and both of them kicked back to watch a show Tumblr suggested. Reddit had never watched it, and judging from Tumblr's enthusiasm and having watched it “literally a thousand times" it must not be too bad. It turned out to be fairly good, and a handful of the memes plastered onto her walls were beginning to make sense now.

It was fairly late by the time they finished a couple of episodes. Reddit was already starting to drift off to sleep and decided to call it a night. Tumblr found a couple pillows and blankets to make her couch more comfortable while Reddit brushed his teeth. Tumblr checked in with Reddit one last time before finally heading to bed, but was stopped before she could leave the room.

“Hey- Thanks for letting me stay the night. It really means a lot to me."

Tumblr briefly remembered the bluejay in a similar situation as Reddit's, who she threatened with a baseball bat until he left.

“I'm always happy to help a friend."