Current Track: Blabb

This is a notice to those broken people who stand at the line

The line of decision making, those who ponder whether

Or not to end it all, to answer the final call

With whatever method they choose, to kill themselves


Don’t do it


It’s not for the reasons that you hear all the time

It’s not because it’s selfish or because of what

You’ll leave behind, not reaching the finish line

It’s because of what you’ll lose, what you’ll never get to see


Don’t lose it


Most of you aren’t even into the meat of your life

You’ve gone through the years of education, of learning

But you’ve yet to really find out who you are

Don’t ruin your chance, there’s so much you could do


Please do that instead


There’s so much life has to offer to you

There’s so much you can offer to life

You could be a loving husband or wife

A brother or sister to those in need


Just stop and see


Though the pressure and pain might feel endless

The thoughts of relief from ending it relentless

It’s a final decision to a choice you don’t need to make

Embrace life for it is the only way you can change things


We want you here


Lastly, take into account for how damn beautiful

You are to those that love you and there are many

Who do, so stop, talk to them, find a way to get help

They might be just as scared as you are


Live with life

Don’t end it with death