Today’s topic of discussion is Werewolf culture.
There really not a lot to talk about when talking about their culture as a whole. In terms of religion, their views would be classified close to paganism and Native American myths.
Many of the werewolves’ lore talks about how nature created them to be it guardians. Most of the stories are passed down orally, so it is hard to tell how much they changed over the years.
No one knows exactly when werewolves originated from or how they were created. The earliest example of werewolves’ existence found is close to or around Scythia during the 6th century BC. There is still massive debate if all tribes descended from the same group as there are other records around the same time placing werewolves in other places around the world. It is safe to say this debate is not going to end anytime soon.
Pack’s Lifestyle
As most werewolves live in packs, most packs have a distinct way of living from one another. While each pack lives differently from each other and may behave differently, the pack lifestyle usually falls under one of two options.
The first type of lifestyle is dubbed Ancient. As you can tell from the name, this lifestyle is as old as time itself and was the way on life till the Modern packs started to appear. These packs prefer to isolate themselves from human contact and being left alone. They believe humans are beneath them and take their duty as Natures guardians seriously, embracing their more beastly nature in favor over human technology. While some of these packs reluctantly have taken some technology, others have been more open about their refusal of using such things and anything else made by humans. While they won’t attack humans on whim, they won’t hesitate to attack anybody who wonders too close to them.
The other type of lifestyle is dubbed Modern. This lifestyle appeared during the time of the Civil war, though the exact date it started is pretty vague. This dynamic was started by a single pack that then becomes more common as years past because of how it protected the pack in heavily populated areas. This allowed humans to join the pack, which is very revolutionary at the time. While they were very picky about which humans are allowed into the pack, they welcomed the humans in the pack with open arms. As time passed, Modern packs started to get in the affairs of humans and help them in time of crisis. How much they get involved in wars or anything else political depends on the alpha really.
Sexuality and love
Sexuality doesn’t seem to be a big deal to a werewolf. Straight, gay, bi, all sorts of orientations are present in a pack. It didn’t matter how many times you had sex or who you had it with, sex was just something that happens, and some packs even have orgies. Though packs do have certain rules about sex, most things are permitted.
However love is a different story. To a werewolf, being in love is taken seriously and was not something one could just do. To them, sex and love are considered two separate things. Love was something special between two people. While they know that love could fade, that special feeling must never be forgotten. Divorce is present among werewolves, but was not common practice among them.
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