Current Track: Blabb

Okay let’s talk about the biology of werewolves. As I said in an earlier report, a werewolf’s human form looks no different from any other human, but they are also quite different.


Obviously werewolves can change their form, but what happens during that time or how does it work? When I say forms, it is just a loose meaning. Forms are basically points on a scale on transforming. There are five forms on the scale:

1.       0%: the form closes to human

2.       25%: they start to have more hair on their face and body while there bones start to reform.

3.       50%: starts getting more wolves like qualities: fur, ears, tail. While the face starts to develop a muzzle it is still human and retains the ability to speak, if just difficult to do.

4.       75%: have a more wolf like appearance. Here the werewolf loses the ability to speak and to walk upright.

5.       100%: complete wolf

Their physical appearance is not the only thing to change while transforming, their senses also become more acute and sensitive.


The ability to transform is the defining point of a werewolf; however they don’t do it out of the womb. Transformation starts around puberty and involuntary, there is no telling when they will start transforming. Very often during their first transformation, the child would panic and lose control of their body. In this state, the child would have to be restrained so not to cause permanent damage to their body. When the body transform, the body is breaking down and reconstructing itself simultaneously. In this state, the body is vulnerable and any damage to it could have permanent consequences.

From what we gather, Natural Werewolves feels little to no pain during the transformation process, describing the process like water flowing though the body or feeling calm. However, Magical Werewolves seemed split into two contradicted statements. Group one, those who have been werewolves less than a year, all said they felt some degree of pain when transforming, with the younger half saying that they sometimes blackout from the pain and the older half describing it similar to being numb. Group two, which consist of werewolves over a year, all say they experience some discomfort, but little pain, while transforming. The theory of them just getting used to the pain was disproven when the younger section of Natural Werewolves did not report any pain while transforming. A test is going to go into effect to research if werewolves have a special chemical in their body to help with transformation or if it is some sort of anesthetic to make transformation painless.

Within the first year, the child would change every full moon, but the moon itself doesn’t cause the transformation. Most werewolves, after some time, can go thought multiple months without transforming during a full moon; even though they say they felt restless and agitated during the nights.


One particular thing about werewolves is their brains, specifically when they transform. When they are in human form, they function like any other brain. However, when they transform, some of the brain just appears to stop then return to normal with the werewolf. But why? Why does the brain seem to shut off parts of itself when they transform? Until we know exactly what parts of the brain shuts off during transformation, we can only theorize what purpose it serves.


Like wolves, werewolves go though something called a ‘Heat’. Biologically speaking, it a time of a year when a werewolf body is at its best condition to breed and make a family. Like with Transforming, they start around puberty after their first transformation.  During a heat, a werewolf would become more actively sexual, bordering hypersexual. This is a problem as during these times a werewolf might transform to get some relief.  A heat can last to up to a week at most and don’t have a specific date they start.