Today’s topic is going to cover magic. Just because magic exist doesn’t mean that science is useless. Most packs use magic as well as science these days, let start by explaining magic.
Most people argue what magic is, but most of them agree it is not solid thing. While some packs are actively trying to study magic, the only thing they discovered is that ‘Magic’ is sort of a catalyst. Recently, packs figured out some test to determine if a person can use magic, but it is not that simple. Think magic like diabetes, while since can prove a person can use it doesn’t mean they can. People can have the ability to use magic but may never awaken it. Also like diabetes, special care is needed when magic develop. Some believe that magic is passed down from parent to child, but the tests don’t show that is always the case.
Developed Magic
There are signs when a person develops magic. The most obvious sign is unexplainable events. Magic works with a person’s desire, it works to fulfill it. If a person wanted a certain amount of money, say 75 dollars, there magic would affect the area around them to get that money. Another example could be wanting to meet a specific celebrity. Sounds broken, yes it is and that why it is dangerous.
Starting Magic
Okay, so you developed magic, where do you go for help? When magic first develops, you are unable to regulate it at first. This acts like a beacon to people who can use magic, so they manly go to you before you go to them. From there you would be given a charm to help regulate it. Many call the charm ‘magic sponge’ since it absorbs excess magic from the person it is attached to. We will go into more detail about charms later.
Over time your body would be able to regulate magic without the use of a charm, so then you are instructed in magic basic. You are taught the basics, like the Magic Code and classifications. The Magic Code is a set of rules anyone who uses magic must follow. Over time, the Code has been altered to fit the times; here are the most current ones:
1. Magic is a sacred gift
2. Do not abuse magic for personal gains
3. Magic itself is not an all powerful solution
4. To understand Magic, you must understand the world
Once you learn the basics you are mostly on your own, you would have to join a community with knowledge of magic. For convenience some people join werewolves’ packs as they have some understanding of magic and some special materials that are perfect for magic. In turn, the pack also gains the use of magic and another ally. Another option is to offer their services to a vampire (P. T. I will not be talking about Vampires here).
Magic Classifications
Here we will be talking about the types of magic used. Each type has a list of conditions to organize them.
Charms and Alchemy
These two usually are put together since Alchemy is used to create Charms, but some Charms don’t fall under the classification of Alchemy. The classifications of Alchemy are:
· Use of a medium (does the magic came from an object)
· Can the effects be explained from a scientific view
· The results can differ or be altered
Out of all the magic types, this is usually the one that uses magic itself the less. However, Alchemy is the most important magic needed. By using Alchemy, mages are able create special medicines for werewolves and vampires since most medicine have little effect on ether of them. Alchemy itself is also flexible as they use materials in creating these potions and using different materials can offer a different result.
Charms use the same list as Alchemy but ignore the second condition. Charms are magic placed on items, usually accessories, to give an effect. The person has to be wearing the Charms for the magic to work. However, the items have to be specially crafted to use a Charm. There appearance can range to boring to intricate. A side effect of using Charms is that they sometimes leave ‘magic residue’ on the wearier when removed. This could take days to remove the effect of the body.
Curses are general black magic stuff. The classifications are:
· Pure magic use
· A chant or catalyst is used
· Rewrite nature or laws
Curses are one of the most powerful magic in existence. Unlike Alchemy, Curses do not need a physical form. To elaborate, magic is not a physical thing; it cannot directly affect anything physical. To actually effect anything physical, large amounts of magic are needed. Curses gather magic so it could be used to affect the physical world. Once enough magic is gathered, the caster can use it however they see fit. The examples I said in the beginning could count as curses. The process of ether Fredrick or Valrez bearing a child also counts as an example.
However, it is very taxing to gather enough magic to use a curse, which is where the chant or catalyst comes into play. Using either of them to focus, it becomes easier to gather, control, and release the magic. Some also use music or scented candles as a way to help focus.
The classifications are:
· Must be applied to object directly
· Must use the glyph alphabet
· Can be removed at anytime at the caster’s discretion
Glyphs are unusual as most people think they are circles used in magic. Let me point out those ‘circles’ are not glyphs, but frames. The frame is where the caster puts the glyphs in; also they don’t have to always be round. Any shape is fine as long as the caster can enter glyphs. The actually magic is actually the alphabet used for glyphs. If the frame is inadequate, the caster would have to start at the beginning. The glyph alphabet is just as it sounds an alphabet for glyphs. If put the entire thing on paper the alphabet would be as thick as a phone book.
The using of glyphs is as simple as writing a sentence, no really it is true. Using runes, the equivalent of letters, they just write down what they want to happen. For example, the glyph that affects Fredrick and Valrez when written out in runes is ‘synchronization, affect two, duplicate and infect when touched.’ When Fredrick returned to pick up Val, the glyph duplicated and attached itself on him. As the glyph had ‘affect two’ on it, it would not attach itself to any other person since both Fred and Val are the only two is was told to effect.
Werewolf curse
I am only putting this here because I can tell that people are going to ask about it later. Despite the name, it is not specifically a curse. Any form of magic can be used to create werewolves, but curses are the most obvious. While the causes may differ the results are a newly created werewolf. The process to becoming a werewolf via magic takes a month to complete, which a person can back out of at any time during the month. The process is irreversible once completed so you have to be really determined to be a werewolf to see the process to the end. What happens in that month will be explained if you want to know the werewolf physiology and biology. After the process is complete, the werewolf may develop magic abilities, but weaker.
But if there is one thing that you should remember about this: the process could prove fatal. While there are ways to decrease the chance of dying during the process, it cannot completely remove the chance altogether. There are tests to calculate the odds of success and they are mandatory to becoming a werewolf. It the risks are too high, they will refuse to start the process. Then there are people like Val, who the process would outright kill if attempted. There are studies as to why some like Valrez might be outright killed, but no conclusions have formed at the moment.
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