Wolfie Steel.
Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.
Written by Vinnie Van Daz.
A/N: My continued thanks go to Linkin Doberman for agreeing to appear in my humble story.
The character of Linkin Doberman appears with the kind permission of the fur himself, LINKIN DOBERMAN, please do not annoy him by using his character without his permission, the same goes for the rest of the characters as they are owned by me and again should not be used without my permission.
As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!
Chapter 5.
Five furs were now sitting on sofas, in the living area of the home of one of the furs, Bootleg's home. Linkin Doberman had just given my brother, Wolverine, an interesting proposition, in fact, it was much the same proposition that he had given me just seven days prior, join with his team, or end up in the gutter. Wolverine now looked at me and spoke.
"What do I do brother? I really want to join the team and live and work next to you again, but I know that you probably still hate my guts, and though that fact might be considered as fun for some furs, I'm not one of them. If you still hate me so much, then I will leave this place and you will never see me again".
Wolverine always was good at emotional blackmail, a fact that he was all too aware of. True at first I hated the fact that he was even breathing the same air as me, but, now that I had a chance to calm down a little, I found myself longing to be his brother once again. A tear fell from my left eye and that was all Wolverine needed to see. He quickly stood from the sofa and pulled me up into his strong arms and spoke again.
"Please say that you will let me be your brother again, I vow that I will never let anything or anyone come between us again".
That did it, the lone tear now turned into a waterfall, and I wrapped my furry arms around his waist and cried for all I was worth. After a while, my tears subsided and I looked deep into Wolverine's eyes and smiled a weak smile, I then turned to Linkin and spoke.
"Senior Doberman, if your offer of a job for Wolverine still stands, then he would like to accept it".
Revenge is sweat, it was now my turn to make Wolverine cry. Bootleg changed the emotional gathering into a laughing gathering as he spoke.
"Guys please, have you got any idea how hard it is to dry a leather rug that is saturated with wolf tears".
With our emotions now back in check, I was now heading out of the door of Bootleg's home and towards the car, with me I had my new boss, Linkin Doberman, I had my new boyfriend, Tony, but nothing could even come close to the feeling of euphoria I felt knowing that I now had a third fur in my life, my brother, Wolverine.
I spot a smirk on Senior Doberman's muzzle and I enquire as to the nature of the smirk, the great fur then gives me his answer.
"My smirk, Mr. Steel, is for the fact that not only do I have three extremely cool and large furs to guard my every move, but also for the fact that I have just pulled off one humongous family reunion, I am one lucky Doberman! Oh, and Mr. Steel, thank you for caring enough about me to take a bullet for me, even if it was only a blank. To think that I doubted your professionalism and willingness to die for me, Wolfie, I doubt you no longer".
Once at the car we head to Linkin's meeting, Tony waits in the car whilst Wolverine and myself shadow Linkin into his meeting. A look of concern spreads over the face of the Hyena that the boss was to meet and he speaks.
"Senior Doberman, this is an informal meeting, there really is no need for a single bodyguard, so why do you have two?".
Linkin now looks towards Wolverine and myself and then speaks.
"Earlier on today, I received a death threat, I was not going to let that stop me from attending the meeting, as it turned out it was actually lucky that I decided to bring my bodyguards, as an actual attempt was made on my life. If it weren't for these two brave wolves, I would be on a mortuary slab right about now".
The Hyena now made his reply.
"I see that you are a prudent fur, that must be the secret to your success, now for the meeting, I was going to suggest having the meeting in a local restaurant, however, in light of your brush with death, I see no reason why we can not hold the meeting here and in full view of your bodyguards".
The meeting lasted for just over two hours, finally coming to a close when the Hyena took hold of Linkin's paw and gently shook it, this was the cue for Wolverine and I to go back into action, we both now stood on either side of Senior Doberman and walked back out to the waiting limo, Tony opened the rear door allowing both Linkin and Wolverine to enter the car, he then closed the door and as was his way he opened the front passenger door for me, he then closed my door and got back into the drivers seat and we began the drive home.
During the meeting, I had spotted the Hyena looking at both myself and Wolverine with some interest, so, now that we were alone, I decided to ask Senior Doberman if he knew why the Hyena had looked at us in such a way, the reply from Linkin came as a bit of a shock to myself and Wolverine.
"As I remember it guys, I was shot at earlier on today, I think the fact that Wolfie still has the bullet lodged in his bullet proof vest says it all, ok, I know the real truth is that Wolverine was the one who fired the shot, and that the bullet was a blank, but as far as the general public is concerned, my life was saved by the actions of a brave young wolf and his older brother, from here you both will be remembered as an integral part of my highly dedicated team who helps keep me safe. I've seen to it that the gun which fired the bullet that is now lodged in Wolfie's vest, was cleaned of all of Wolverine's prints and laced with copious amounts of DNA and prints of Vinnie Van Daz, the gun itself was surprisingly found lying by his body, I wonder how that happened?".
We arrive back at the main house, the four of us now exit the limo and enter the main house, we head to the main room. Once in the main room, Linkin calls for Todd the housekeeper and asks him to bring in four well earned beers, the Fox does as the boss requests. We all drink our beer then myself, Tony and Wolverine head back to our own digs.
Once at our digs, as this was Wolverine's first visit, we showed him around the house. It was mutually decided that since myself and Tony were now an item, that we would sleep together in my room, and Wolverine would get Tony's old room.
Today was the first day of the rest of my life, a day that would see my life start a fresh, with the two furs that I loved the most, Tony and Wolverine.
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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 5.
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16 years ago
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