Wolfie proves his worth to his new boss, and gets more than he bargains for.
Keywords: No-Yiff, Mild Drama, Military, Character Development, Story Progression, Wolf, Rat, Rottweiler, Doberman
Wolfie Steel.
Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.
Written by Vinnie Van Daz.
A/N: My continued thanks go to Linkin Doberman for agreeing to appear in my humble story.
The character of Linkin Doberman appears with the kind permission of the fur himself, LINKIN DOBERMAN, please do not annoy him by using his character without his permission, the same goes for the rest of the characters as they are owned by me and again should not be used without my permission.
As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!
Chapter 4.
It had now been a week since I had joined Senior Doberman's organisation as his bodyguard. It has also been a week since I met my new lover and Senior Doberman's driver, Tony, and nearly a week since I had received a blow job from the great fur himself, my life is good again.
My cell phone rings, I look at the caller ID and see that it is Linkin calling, so I obediently answer the phone. There was a very shaky, but very recognisable voice on the other end of the phone.
"W-Wolfie, I-I need you here, NOW".
The sound of the Doberman's shaky voice told me that he was afraid. I told Tony of the phone call and we both left our house, once we were out of the front door, we both got onto all fours and ran towards the main house, completing the journey in just under five minutes. Once at the Tradesman's entrance of the main house, we both stood upright on our footpaws, and entered the house.
Normally we would have waited in the kitchen for the housekeeper, Todd, to announce our arrival, but in this instance we just rushed into the main room, knowing that the great fur was now an afraid fur. Upon entering the main room, we saw Linkin curled up tightly in the corner of the room. I take a look around the room, fearing an intruder and being ready to act. Finding no sign of an intruder I speak to the great dog.
"What has happened Senior Doberman? Why are you shaking?".
Linkin shakily pointed to the sofa, my gaze followed to where he was pointing. There, on one of the cushions was a note, I pick it up and look at it and realise that this is no ordinary note, it is a death threat. I hand the note to Tony, who takes one look at it and begins to growl loudly and bare his teeth, I take the note back from Tony's paw and try to calm the Rottweiler down. I speak to Linkin with conviction in my voice.
"From here on in, myself and Tony are staying with you 24/7, we will defend you with our last dying breath if we have to, wherever you go we go too, we are not letting you out of our sight for a second". Linkin then seemed to calm a little and held out a shaky paw, I walked over to where he sat and offered my paw to help him up. Once he was on his footpaws he spoke.
"Damn, I got an important meeting to attend in London this morning".
I look towards Tony and tell him to remain at Senior Doberman's side, whilst I head back to our digs to get my 'tools of the trade', namely my faithful sniper rifle, I then head towards the stretch limo and get into the drivers seat, I start the engine and drive to a shop in London that is owned by one of my many contacts.
I pull up outside the military store and exit the car and enter the store. There, behind the counter, is just the fur I was hoping to find, Commander Michael T. Nash, a huge 7' tall Wolf/Fox hybrid, completely covered in jet black fur. The Commander looks up from his book to greet his new customer with a smile, his smile widens when he realises that his next customer is me.
"Well as I live and breath, Wolfie Steel, you sure are a sight for these old eyes. I hear rumours that you are no longer in the employ of a certain mouse, something about you going into business for yourself".
"Well Nash my boy, the rumours are true, though I now have a new full time gig, though I'm not at liberty to tell you who it is. In actual fact that is why I'm here my friend, I need some supplies and I need the best, so naturally I came to you".
Nash let out a small chuckle.
"You always were good at flattery. So, what is it you need?".
I listed my supplies for the hybrid.
"I need, three of your best bullet proof jackets. A pair of your strongest and best binoculars, three radio earpieces with concealed microphones all tuned to the same frequency. I would also be grateful if you would service and upgrade Bessie for me".
The Commander now smiled his 'anything for you' smile, I handed him my sniper rifle, which I had lovingly called Bessie.
"Go and get something to eat and drink as this little list will take may about an hour to put together" came Nash's reply.
I left the shop and headed to one of my other very good friends, a rat who went by the nickname of Bootleg, I was going to show my small friend the note that Linkin had received, if anyone could ascertain the origins of the note, it would be Bootleg.
I arrive at the door to Bootleg's home, and press the call button on the intercom, after a couple of seconds, a squeaky voice came over the intercom.
"Wolves On Loan For Instant Enlightenment", came my reply.
"Now there's a password I haven't heard in a while, push the door and make your way up".
I push open the door and head for the stairs that will lead me to inside of Bootleg's home. I begin to climb the last flight of stairs and look up, there, standing at the top of the stairs is the rat himself, Bootleg.
"It's been a while Steel, so you've got yourself a cushy number working for Linkin Doberman?"
"How the hell do you know about that?" came my agitated reply.
"You forget that I have many gifts, and even more underworld contacts. I know for instance that you are now considered by Wolverine, your brother, as a lone wolf, I also know that you made 000 cry for days when you left the agency".
My reply was cutting to the point of being corrosive, "I did not leave the agency, I was kicked out by Van Daz and disowned by my own flesh and blood".
"Do not speak too hastily my friend, apparently, so my sauces inform me, Mr Vinnie Van Daz has gone rogue, in fact, I have one of those very sauces in my office, and he's waiting for you", came the rat's reply.
I was now more confused than ever, sure, Bootleg and I did share many contacts, but none of them would risk coming to Bootleg's home. Bootleg now headed for his office and with my curiosity at it's peek, I followed him. The sight that greeted me next stopped me dead in my tracks, and caused my mouth to fall to the floor, then came that voice.
"Hello brother, did you miss me?".
Standing in the shadows was a huge 7' body that I knew only too well, Wolverine. After I had managed to gather my composure, anger took over, I ran at Wolverine and drew my fist back and let fly, I caught him squarely on the muzzle, sending the huge wolf to the floor.
I growled out a greeting to my brother, "What the fuck are you doing here? You piece of shit".
Wolverine rubbed his jaw where I had caught him and spoke, "I see you've been training, and I see that you've allied yourself with a certain Doberman, well I suppose that figures, oh and by the way, I do like your new boyfriend, who'd of thought it, my brother dating a Rottweiler".
My heckles were now fully raised and I spat out, "Leave Tony out of this". As soon as I said the words, I realised that I had said too much.
"Oh I see, Tony is it?, it must be serious between you two if you are on first name terms".
I went to throw another punch at Wolverine but he spoke again.
"Go ahead, throw another punch, kill me if you have to, that is what you want to do anyway. The truth of the matter is dearest bro, that I no longer work for Van Daz, the day that I escorted you out from the agency broke my heart, I saw you sit on that wall and cry your eyes out, I just wanted to open the door and run out and take you in my arms and tell you that I was sorry, but my damn wolf pride got in the way. I stood at that doorway for fifteen minutes, I watched you leave, I wanted to follow you, but instead I went back to Van Daz's office....and handed in my resignation. I knew that you and Bootleg here were good friends, I also knew of Bootleg's talents for finding people, which is how I found out that you working for Senior Doberman, and before you ask Bootleg to look at the note that Linkin Doberman received to see if he can decipher the origins of the note, don't bother, I know exactly where the note came from, Van Daz. He knows as I do that you are working for Senior Doberman, he also knows that you will protect him with your very life, hell he's counting on it, it is not the Doberman that Van Daz wants to see dead, it is you".
I withdraw my fist and I now have a sceptical look on my muzzle, then I regain my composure to ask.
"So, why are you here telling me all this?, for all I know it could be some part of an elaborate rouse you could still be working for Van Daz, he could have sent you to find me and then to kill me".
"Wolfie, you are my brother, despite what you did, I would never ever want to see you hurt, or worse killed, I'm sure that even you are aware of the old adage that blood is thicker than water".
I looked deep into Wolverine's eyes, I could always tell when he was lying through his teeth just by looking deep into his eyes, what I saw this time though was not deception, it was love and truth. I offered my paw to the downed wolf, he slowly took it and I pulled him back to his footpaws, once Wolverine was upright I broke down, I wrapped my paws around him and buried my head in his chest fur and cried.
"Oh Wolverine, I know it's only been a week, but I've missed you bro".
After ten very emotional minutes, I came back to my senses and a wry smile spread across my muzzle, Wolverine and Bootleg both saw the wry smile and knew instantly, that I was planning something, Bootleg spoke up.
"I know that look, you've got some sort of devious plan forming in that deviously cute head of yours".
"Ah Bootleg, you know me too well, if Van Daz wants me dead, then that is what we will give him".
I began to outline my devious plan to the guys, "Ok here is the plan, Wolverine, you will go back to Van Daz and get him to give you your job back, you will even tell him that it should be you that fires the bullet that ends my life, you will tell Van Daz the route that myself and Senior Doberman will be taking and suggest that you take up your position on the roof of the building that stands opposite Big Ben, the gun you will use will be your own gun, but it will be loaded with blanks, Bootleg, you will go and find Tony, I will let him know to expect you, you will give him my sniper rifle which will be loaded with live ammo, you will then tell Tony to take up his position on the roof of Big Ben, his target will be a white furred mouse who I'm 100 per cent sure will be standing somewhere close to Wolverine, thus making sure that Wolverine makes the kill. As soon as Wolverine shoots me, Tony will then shoot Van Daz. I will brief Senior Doberman on my plan, because he has a part to play too, because I know that Tony is a good shot with a sniper rifle, but in the event that he misses his shot, I want Senior Doberman to shout for help as his bodyguard has been shot and killed, that way, Van Daz may get away with his life, but he will also think that I'm dead, which will then give me the perfect opportunity to kill him myself, once the job has been done, either way, we meet back here".
Once the plan had been outlined I wished us all good luck and we all went our separate ways to carry out our part of the plan. After leaving Bootleg's apartment, I made my way back to Nash's shop to pick up my supplies and my newly serviced and upgraded sniper rifle. Once I had the items I made my way home. I pulled up outside the main house and went inside, where I found Tony still shadowing Linkin's every move, I now spoke to Tony.
"Tony, my love, I will take Senior Doberman to his meeting, I want you to return to our digs and wait for a rat friend of mine, his name is Bootleg, when you meet him you are to do exactly what he tells you to, to the letter, now go, and Tony, whatever you see in the next few hours, don't worry it is not what it seems".
With that said Tony, though unsure of what he was actually doing, did as I asked and left for our digs, I then turned to Linkin and spoke.
"Senior Doberman, I have found out some information regarding the note, it is a rouse created by my old boss to get me in the open so that he can kill me, it is in no way someone out to kill you, though we must act as though it is, I will spot the gunman in a split second, I will then throw myself on top of you to protect you, it will then appear that I have taken the bullet for you, thus doing my job, however, fear not for I have someone on the inside of Van Daz's organisation whom I trust 100 per cent".
I outlined the plan again for Linkin's benefit, I then added his part in the plan. To say that Linkin did not like the plan could be considered an understatement, but it would give me chance to prove my loyalty to him, so he eventually agreed to carry out his part of the plan.
Before we left the main house to head for the meeting, I made Linkin put on the bullet proof vest that I had bought earlier then he hid the vest with his the top half of his suit. Of course I did the same, the bullet proof vests were now completely hidden. Once we were ready, we headed out towards the limo.
I now parked the limo and got out of the drivers seat and opened the rear door for Senior Doberman, after his exit, I closed the door and walked by his side, as we neared the place where the attack would take place I quickly checked in with everyone via the earpiece. Everyone assured me that they were in place and ready.
We now walked passed the base of Big Ben, I spot Wolverine and dive to cover Senior Doberman, then the two shots ring out, the first shot hits me square in the bullet proof vest, I continue to lie motionless on top of Linkin, Linkin shouts out for help and a crowd of people gather around us, I then get a message from Tony.
"God you can act, but just to let you know, I can confirm the kill, Van Daz is dead".
I was rushed to hospital, though I was out again within an hour. Linkin now drove us to Bootleg's apartment, again I pressed the key on the entry intercom, and again he asked for the password. Once he was satisfied that it was me he let both myself and Senior Doberman enter.
Linkin now met Bootleg and knelt down to shake his paw on a job well done, next he met Wolverine.
"Wolverine I presume, your brother, Wolfie, has told me much about you, but I have to say that I'm happy to finally be able to put a face to the details, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You have a very clever, if slightly nutty, little brother, and I'm proud to say that he works for me, though I would feel even better if I had the Steel brothers working for me, what do you say? Will you join your brother in working for me or not?"
Well there we have it, a cliffhanger, will Wolverine join Wolfie at Linkin Doberman's side? Tune in to chapter 5 and find out.
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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 4.
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16 years ago
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