Wolfie Steel.
Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.
Written by Vinnie Van Daz.
A/N: My continued thanks go to Linkin Doberman for agreeing to appear in my humble story.
The character of Linkin Doberman appears with the kind permission of the fur himself, LINKIN DOBERMAN, please do not annoy him by using his character without his permission, the same goes for the rest of the characters as they are owned by me and again should not be used without my permission. Also, in this chapter I paint Mr Bill Gates and his company as the bad guys, I wish to make it plain that this is a story of pure fiction and that I'm sure Mr Gates would not stoop so low as to resort to illegal actions to get rid of a competitor.
As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!
Chapter 8.
Three furs all alone on a man made private island, two fairly large Wolves and a large Doberman, we have now been on Monroe island for an hour, and we are still looking for the perfect place to set up our shelter, which is going to be our home for the next three weeks. For three weeks we were going 'back to basics', Senior Doberman was already showing signs of 'Technology Withdrawal' as he was constantly looking for the four devices that I had confiscated from him earlier.
We finally find the picture perfect place to set up camp, it was a small clearing in the middle of a dense population of palm trees, to take Linkin's mind away from his missing PDA's and Cell Phones, we began to build our shelter. Who would have thought it, the President of Dobersoft, a rival Computer Technology Company of Microsoft, would be pitching in and getting his paws dirty whilst building a ramshackle shelter from old palm tree branches and leaves.
And Wolverine and I, now not just hired bodyguards, but builders too. After five hours of hard work, we had finally completed the build, though from what we had built, I was seriously doubting that it would be big enough to take the three of us, it would certainly be cosy, and by the end of the three weeks, we would all know each other fairly intimately, even my staunchly straight brother, Wolverine.
Suddenly and without warning, the three week get away comes to an end, with the sound of the engines of Linkin's private jet. With the boss now well rested and nearly injury free, we all head back to the plane to begin the long journey home. Upon completion of our flight, I disembark from the plane and head back to the secure parking area to retrieve my car.
I make it back to my car with all the luggage and find two large and very serious looking tigers. I make the stupid mistake of opening my mouth.
"Can I help you gentlemen with something?", the first tiger replies.
"You can point us in the general direction of your boss Linkin Doberman".
I make my reply, "Sorry guys, that I can't do, not without knowing your identity first".
I don't remember much of what happened next, suffice to say that I awoke lying on the ground behind my car feeling as though I had been given a real good kicking, I let out a cough and noticed that I coughed up quite a lot of blood. I somehow manage to crawl to my car and remotely unlock the drivers side door. With every last ounce of energy that I have, I open the door, I manage to fish out my cell phone from the glove compartment and switch it on, my first thoughts are to ring Linkin, to make sure that he was still safe, Linkin answers my call.
"Wolfie? Where the hell are you?".
The only reply I could give was "Car", then I blacked out again.
How long I was out, I have no idea, but when I came to I was in a hospital bed, surrounded by Linkin, Tony, Todd and Wolverine. At the sight of me coming round Tony collapsed into Wolverine's arms in floods of tears, I look at Tony and Wolverine and speak in a voice that can barely be heard.
"W......where am I?"
Linkin now stood at my bedside and held out a reassuring paw and spoke.
"You are in hospital. My friend, you have been beaten to within an inch of your life, the Doctors say that had we not got to you when we did, you would have died through loss of blood and massive internal injuries. Rest assured Wolfie, I will use all of my companies resources to find out who did this to you, I will leave no stone unturned and no rock unkicked. We will go and leave you in peace, though I suspect that Tony will want to remain, rest easy Mr Steel!".
With that Linkin, Wolverine and Todd left the room, leaving Tony sat in the chair next to my bed, he held out his paw and I weakly accepted it into my own. I looked at Tony and could see a change in his mood, he was no longer sad, he was extremely pissed, he growled out his next few words.
"I swear on my life, I will find the bastards that did this to you and then I'm gonna kill 'em, then whatever is left I will hand over to Wolverine, they will not, and I repeat, will not be allowed to get away with this. THE BASTARDS MUST DIE!".
The sound of Tony's voice frightened the hell out of me, I had known him for a month now and I thought that I had seen his wide range of moods, I was so wrong.
I held onto his paw as tightly as I could muster and looked deep into his eyes and spoke.
"Tony, please don't do anything stupid because of me, don't get yourself hurt or even killed for me, I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you".
I lift Tony's paw to my muzzle and place a kiss on it, then I fall into a deep sleep. Tony now slowly and gently removed his paw from mine and stood from the chair, he leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead, making me stir just a little, then he left the room, still consumed by seething anger. He meets back up with Todd, Wolverine and Senior Doberman and speaks.
"Senior Doberman, I would like to tender my resignation, with immediate effect, I don't want what I'm about to do to reflect upon you or Dobersoft in any way".
Suddenly, Senior Doberman takes hold of Tony's muzzle, clamping it shut, and pulls him close and speaks.
"Request denied, I made a promise to a certain Wolf that I would do everything in my power to find the ones responsible, and Tony I meant every word, trust me, we will find the bastards responsible and we will have our revenge, I can not afford to loose you, and I will not allow revenge to rob me of one of my most loyal members of staff, for furs sake, I nearly lost Wolfie through death, Wolverine nearly lost his brother, but you don't see us go charging in where angels fear to tread, I know that you love Wolfie with all your heart, we all do, but going off like a crazed pit bull in a china shop is not the answer".
With that, Linkin pulled Tony into a hug, and whispered into his ear.
"Don't worry my friend, I don't intend to let Wolfie's attackers get away with beating on your true love, we will avenge him, you have my solemn oath".
Two days later and a clandestine figure stands outside the door of Bootleg's apartment, a shaky paw presses the buzzer on the intercom. Bootleg's voice answers.
"London's Inter Net King In Need", came the reply.
"Access denied, there is no such password".
The figure speaks again, only this time with more urgency.
"For the love of pete Bootleg , it's me Linkin Doberman".
"Well hell, why didn't you say, push the door and make your way up".
Linkin pushed the door open and made his way to the beginning of the stairs that lead to Bootleg's apartment, when he feels a pair of eyes is staring at him, he looks up straight into the eyes of Bootleg, Bootleg speaks.
"Okay, you are here without the wolves and that unnerves me, the head of Dobersoft just doesn't walk through the streets of London beating a path to my door, without his bodyguards, unless something is seriously wrong".
Linkin speaks up.
"May we go into your apartment, what I have to say, I don't want the chance of joe public overhearing".
Bootleg leads the way, and once inside the apartment, he closes the door and then Linkin continues to speak.
"My friend, there is no easy way to tell you this, but I'm afraid Wolfie is the reason I'm here. Four days ago we arrived back in Britain after my three week convalescence, Wolfie left the plane and went to get the car, it appears that someone was laying in wait for him, the only person that knows why is Wolfie, and he is in no fit state to tell me, Bootleg, the bastards beat Wolfie so badly that he nearly died from his injuries, please if you won't do it for me do it for Wolfie, find out who they are and what they want. If you need help and resources, you got 'em, my business empire is at your disposal, just find the bastards and then let me, Tony, Todd and Wolverine at them, please, that's all I ask".
Bootleg was now wearing a very shocked and concerned look on his face, then he spoke.
"If these guys got the drop on Wolfie, then we are dealing with serious pro's, give me your cell phone number, I will do some hunting around and I promise you, though most of my contacts are low lives, they have a lot of love and respect for Wolfie, I will find those responsible".
With that, Linkin went back into clandestine mode and headed back outside to the streets of London.
It is now three days since Senior Doberman's visit to Bootleg. Linkin's cell phone begins to ring, he looks at the caller ID and sees that it is Bootleg, so he answers the call.
"Bootleg, please give me some good news, please tell me that you have found out who is behind the attack on Wolfie, and more importantly why they attacked him".
Bootleg sighed before he responded.
"I have indeed found out the who and the why, but you are not going to like my answers. Oh well here goes nothing, the who part well that was easy, it was a pair of tigers who call themselves The Tigermercs, they are a identical twin brothers who act as very advanced mercenaries for hire, they are pretty much unbeatable with regard to combat, the only way to get rid of them is the use of a gun, a howitzer should suffice. Anyway the why, that's the bit you ain't gonna like, it seems as though they were hired to get to you through Wolfie and when he wouldn't give up your location, they went berserk on him, it truly is a miracle that he survived, as for who hired them, well it seems that Dobersoft is getting a little too close to the heels of Microsoft. I may be a rat, but I see from both sides, illegal and legal, I have the proof that Microsoft's CEO hired The Tigermercs, that would be the legal route, but he has many top notch lawyers, and they could turn everything around and say that black was white and slow was fast, and they would be believed, so to the illegal route, I also know where the Tigermercs will be at a given time, I also know how to scare Mr Gates into backing off, which coincidentally travels down the legal route in a roundabout way".
Linkin now considered the options.
"I would so love for my legal team to get their teeth into this one, as then I could at least sleep at night knowing that I didn't have to sink to Mr Gates's level, however, as good as my legal team is, Microsoft's is better. Okay, give me the location of the Tigermercs, my team will pick them up and hold them, we will then use your legal bit, which I assume is some sort of video footage showing Mr Gates hiring The Tigermercs, then once that is done, what my boys, sorry I mean The Steel Brothers, do with The Tigermercs after that is none of my business".
Bootleg smirked and gave Senior Doberman the address of a bar and a time, Linkin wrote the information on a piece of paper then spoke one last time.
"Bootleg, I'm sure that you are aware of the implications here, so for that reason, I need you to forget that this conversation ever took place". Bootleg let out a two word answer before ending the call.
"What conversation?".
Stay tuned for chapter 9.
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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. Part 8.
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