Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Of

We sat upon
the grounds. Staring out inbetween the trees in silence. Tranquility and
silence loomed over our heads as I find myself yawning after pulling out an all
nighter. 'Or was it because of our noisy next door neighbor?" I had wondered to
myself. Only shaking my head afterwards before peering into the reality
surrounding us. It had been like this for an hour lately, just staring out onto
the void inbetween of the trees that some of us were already bored. I
constantly heard from Wivian and Wyott about their yawns as Whitta blinked his
eyes and gave off something of a yawn too, but shut it close afterwards when
being stared at by the other coyotes of our pack.

Then; it was
the time that we heard something behind us. That it had forced some of our pack
members to turn around quickly; gazing down onto the introducer that was there.
Half of that some expected it to be the wolves; or rather the Hunters since
they always come back after some insanity things or something while other just
believed to be the normal wolves. Heck, it could be some of our own species as
well too! We waited. Staring upon the sources of those sounds that now
intensified as time went on. I rose to my feet suddenly; ears pulled back and a
snarl vibrated from my own throat as I had anticipated it to be someone else.
Non=canine or non-reptile as a matter of fact.

Yet to my
surprise, it was neither of these things and standing in front of us was that
familiar werewolf that I had seen moments ago. I was a bit surprise upon seeing
the werewolf that my ears had returned to their normality spot afterwards.
Wivina and Wyott had stepped forth towards the werewolf; calling out towards me
which I just gave an acknowledgement before rejoining with them around him.
Thus, the others joined our pack as the werewolf fixed his attention to me and
rose his paw into the air before commenting about something, perhaps it was
related to whatever that he was holding at the time too however. Finding myself
staring at the object at hand; I had noticed that it had looked like a disk. A
flat planet feature that we could throw into the air and return to the solar
system beyond our realms. I only shook my head otherwise, ridding that thought
within my own head.

“You got it?"
“Got what?" I questioned immediately, before blinking suddenly that my eyes met
up with the werewolf in front of me. I gave off 
a frown to him. But remained silent while the werewolf just shake his
head and sighed, repeating the sentences again making sure that it had stick
this time. Yet halfway through his explanation, a sudden arrow whizzed by.
Hitting against the bark of the tree which had startled most of us anyway. As
our attention was drawn towards the arrow; the werewolf cursed underneath his
own breath and immedinately turned around. Staring now at the horizon in front
of him; there, he had expected to see someone there. Yet nothing had submerged
from the horizon itself. For with another curse and our returned attention to
him again; he just shove the disk onto my snout and hightail out from our
sights. Running immedinately left; disappearing into the forest thus.

We all stared
to where he had fled. Only Wyott take a step forward to my line; swiping the
disk that was shoved upon my snout before responding to me. “This seems like an
ordinary disk or something." “What makes you say that?" I heard Wovan
questioned him, he turned to him immedinately. Starting to explain some stuff.
I ignored him however, kept my attention to the disk that Wyott was now holding
before shaking my head and muttering towards the others, “Guess we do have
something to do now. What did he said of heading forth towards? To hand the
disk over to?" “Somewhere at the northern side; far from Canine and Reptile
however. Perhaps closer to Moon I guess?" Wovan answered me as I turned to him
suddenly and frowned, “To Moon? That is far." Only a nod had came which I just
responded to with a sigh before starting to walk forward through the plains in
front of us, “Then lets just go already. I am tired of waiting around for
something to happened." “Think this could be a good exercise for ourselves,
since we had been lingering around in Virkoal Forest for a while now." Started
Wovan which Wyott and Wivina gave a nod of and I just sighed again, “Fine. Let
just go then." I repeated myself. Heeding to the entrances of Canine and
Reptile respectfully.

Where we had
arrived upon the borders of both realms that we had paused and rose our heads
up towards the horizon. Gazing out towards the abandonment of the border to
which we were a bit surprise about. I blinked, half anticipating that there
would be someone here. A crowd or something about and I frowned upon realizing
that it was just abandoned. Although I did take a step forward and entered into
the border of the two realms instead, I just turned my attention towards my
surroundings. Gazing down onto the fruits and vegetables that were there. The
numerous numbers of toys and weapons that were lingering inside those boxes
too. The candy that hanged adjacent to the white poles that make up the stores.
I only frowned at this all while Wyott questioned about the abandonment of the
stores at the border of both realms. Yet neither of us can provide any
explanation for him however, since neither of us knew about it either.

We continued
walking through the fields of the border before us. Eyes searching about upon
the surroundings. Gazing to the familiar things that we had saw beforehand
prior to our arrival. It was getting more silent too that my ears popped in for
ringing. Wyott and Wovan were a bit worried; their bodies tensed while awaiting
for something to show up or at least a ghost or enemy. But nothing had came up
at all. We came across the crossroads afterwards; we planted our feet here
before glancing to the intended directions about. There were four roads; each
of them heed into their own destination. Yet it was obvious where the first
two; left path and right path were to be leading however. As our attention was
drawn towards the different path directions, I heard myself comment “Did anyone
noticed about a white figure at the distance?" “A what?" The other questioned;
snapping their attention to me in response as I raised my paw into the air,
pointing forth towards the distance where indeed a figure was there.

White and
ghostly that perhaps we could stick a paw in and find out it was transparent.
There was nothing really interesting about the guy either too and I just find
myself shaking my head before returning to the others, commenting again “Wyott.
You lead; where are we heading into?" “North." Responded Wyott immedinately,
raising his paw high and pointing to the horizon before us while me and Wovan
just stared at him before giving off a nod shortly afterwards. Thus we
continued our way forward; through the crossroads. Heeding up towards the
intended direction that Wyott had wanted to go and bypassing the crossroads
that was now behind us. We ended up upon the next road before us; that
stretched forth into the distance before disappearing shortly after. As our
attention was drawn towards the horizon; we resumed our way further. Yet the
ringing continued to burst through our ears with the soundless silence
submerging through the atmosphere above us. With the others continuing, I felt
nervous that I turned my head behind us, fixing my attention towards the
horizon behind. Staring to the crossroads that was now far from us; but I had
wonder if that the ghost was still there somehow.

At the call
of my own name, I snapped back into attention and immedinately returned myself
back forth towards the frontal horizon before me as we continued down the road
before us. For nothing had happened along the way; just the same cycle of me
glancing back to the horizon behind me. Constantly seeing that crossroads then
and the ghost that was standing at the center of it however. Blinking, I only
shake my own head and frowned in response before returning my head back.
Glancing to the few yards that was left until we were our of the two realms

Raising my
head to the horizon before us, I had noticed about the plains that was beyond
the two realms. I find myself staring down onto them; my ears perk upon the
soundless atmosphere around me that I just turned around, looking to the
horizon. I saw bunch of flowers group up together. A combination of green and
yellow it had seemed. Some of the flowers were missing their colors; but it
never mattered anyway since the others had covered it. Just staring onto them
had me tilted my head to one side; in ponderance of whether or not shall we eat
them. But the mention of my name was called out and I immedinately turned to
whomever was there. Having fixed my attention towards Wyott who raised his paw
into the air, pointing onto something that was there.

immedinately, I turned my attention towards it. Noticing something odd that was
standing in front of us. I blinked for a moment; tilted my head again to the
other side before taking a step forward, bypassing the Houran's line as I
approached upon the being standing there. His back was turned to me; he was
entirely shadow or perhaps black. He has horns that was curved forward; no
wings which made me think that he was an eastern dragon at sort. But his body
was not made of scales; rather it was something like a transparent being or
something along of that line however. As I approached, I heard Wovan spoke out
behind me. Halting me immedinately as my attention was drawn towards him. Wyott
and Wivina glanced to him to while Wovan ignored them, responding to the
silence inbetween us.

“Do not go
near him!" “Why not?" I questioned. But no answer had came from him. With
Wivina and Wyott fixing their attention towards me again, they flattened their
ears and whined softly. Indicating that this being in front of me was indeed
bad news. I felt it within my own bones, yet somehow I felt that we are lost
somehow. As my head was turned towards the being in front of me, I flinched
when he had turned already. For his eyes met up with him and I noticed
immedinately how his eyes were bloodshot. His snout and mouth was bleeding; red
streams of blood was emerging from them. Dripping from the edge of his face,
pooling upon the grounds between us. I felt the cold breeze biting against my
own neck; I immediately stepped back and shook my head. A soft whine came from
my throat while the being continued to fix his eyes at him, his mouth then

“The disk." I
said nothing to him, “Give me the disk." I stepped back, “The disk." He
repeated himself as he threw his hand and feet out in front of him. Walking
like a robot through the fields of the plains before him. I sprinted across the
plains; shouting out towards the others. “Go! Split up!" “What about yo-“ “No
time!" I cut Wyott off; he just stared at me. Gradually nodded to me and fled.
Wovan and Wivian had already fled prior to our short conversation. For soon
enough, I was left alone to face the being in front of me while he continued
sprinting forward. His eyes locked onto mine. I growled; spread my legs and
feet. Tail hanging down between my legs. Ears upright and I 'bow' in front of
my attacker. Poised to ready to 'kill' him perhaps. Thus that was what I did
when he drew closer towards me. I lunged at him immedinately. Biting and
clawing at his face with the fields of screams replacing the silence that came
afterwards. I continued ripping and tearing into him; blood splash across my
face , dipped my claws and among other stuff while I threw myself back.

Now landing
onto the ground; four paws still intact. Now dripping with blood. My eyes
stared to the being before him; lied upon the ground. Unconscious? I would not
know. Nor would I dare to find out at all while I waited for a few more seconds
before easing up. Relaxing my muscles, releasing the tension that was upon my
own legs and feet and sprinted across the fields. Away from the being which is
now behind me.

I continued
running. Now alone through the plains. But having a destination in mind as
well. While my eyes stared up towards the horizon before me, I looked to the
clear skies whereas the sun was still hanging above the hillsides into the
horizon. Shining the light down, heating up the fields surrounding me. For by
now the blood that I drew from the being had ran cold; only a shiver kept me
aware of my own surroundings while I continued running. Drawing far from the
being and the two realms behind me which had now faded into the horizon; I was
now alone upon the plains. Nowhere to hide. Nothing to keep. For it was just
myself alone.

I exhaled a
breath through the panting of my steady heartbeat as my attention was drawn to
the horizon behind me. Listening to the sudden tranquility that came while I
turned my head back to the front. I replayed that event in my own mind;
remembering vividly about how my claws penetrated deep into the being's
surface. For it felt like soft tissues and something else. Easily cut by most
sharp objects. I only chuckled at this. But shortly silenced myself upon
erecting my ears, hearing something behind me as well. For thus, I turned my
attention again to the back horizon. Now staring at the line there where the
two realms once be. My eyes opened; quickly noticing something at the distance.
Sprinting forth towards me; the harshest of winds blowing now. Coming forth.
Coming into my own direction.

I sprinted.
Despite my heart trying to remove from the high chasing speed. I felt my own
winds blowing through my own face and fur. Sank down onto my bones while my
ears flicked upon hearing the approaching footsteps behind me. More and more
joined n onto the footsteps that it was now starting to feel like a stampede or
something. The grounds beneath me vibration harshly and intensely that It felt
like earthquakes beneath me somehow. Like cracks were about to pop upon the
plains surface; swallowing me up into the center of the realms where perhaps I
would be gone forever. Thinking about it had my head shake vividly and as a
result had caused me to become slightly dizzy because of it.

I find myself
wobbling; losing some speed because of the dizziness. But also because of the
approaching exhaustion that was coming. I nearly mentally gasped upon realizing
that I had no more fuel within my own stomach. I growled; but it was more like
a grounding of my own fangs. Pushing my now burning legs as I continued
sprinting through the fields. Through the plains as my eyes held up upon the
horizon; feeling them now blurred as a matter of fact however. Till my legs
gave inward was the time that I suddenly dripped upon my burning aching legs.
Rolling a few short inches down forward; tangling up my feet and arms as I
immedinately stopped. The being approached; poised and ready as they came upon
my visions just as it had faded.

I felt a
splash. The cold finally aroused me. My eyes opened up suddenly. I blinked and
gazed around. Wondering as to where was I. A dark cavern was what awaits for
me; the darkness fields upon my entire visions rending my pupils to grow a bit.
Yawning, I rose to my own feet. Stretching my arms and paws out in front of me.
My eyes closed additionally. Smacking my lips, I suddenly shift my attention
towards the right. Gazing at the fire that was still burning adjacently. I
blinked when I sat down. My ears stretched out from my head; 'listening' to the
ringing of the silence cavern surrounding me. Yet somehow I heard something.
Voices. They were familiar somehow. I immedinately turned my attention behind
me and gaze. Noticing that Wyott, Wivina and Wovan were all walking right into
view. They seem cheerful and chatting amongst themselves as if they were some
students walking home from school somehow. I yelped out towards them; catching
their attention suddenly. For as they turned towards me, all of them smiled suddenly.
Shortly before Wovan dropped whatever was upon his snout. “Eat up." Started
Wivina while Wyott gave a nod towards me. I acknowledged him and dropped my
head down; eating at the fish that was in front of me.

As I ate;
Wyott, Wovan and Wivina dropped down onto the ground. A cold shiver sprung up
upon their spines as I had noticed that only Wovan and Wivina closed their
eyes. Wyott seem comfortable being in the brief moments of the coldness
underneath him while his paws sat twisted in front of me, he spoke through the
silences of the atmosphere surrounding us and the sounds of me eating away at
the fish underneath me. “Took us long enough to find you." “That is not
important." I responded, lifting my eyes to him “Have you protected the disk."
Wyott's ears flattened against the surface of his own head before responding to
me, “Yeah. But you know, us comes first." “Indeed." I agreed with him, “But
also that objective at hand too, also." I added. A short silence welcomed both
of us while Wyott just shake his head and exhaled a breath, turned his
attention to Wovan and Wivina before returning his attention towards me again.

“Say. Who
were those guys?" “The beings?" I questioned him, a nod propelled the
conversation forward while I dipped my head and gaze at the grounds beneath me.
Having no answer to that question however. Yet I felt a paw upon my forehead
just in time for me to raise my eyes up towards him, our eyes met briefly. He
smiled. I only opposed it however and just shake my head before lifting up
myself and shake. “We should get going then. Our objective is almost over
however." “Just a few steps forth until we reach moon right?" Questioned Wyott
as his eyes pulled away from me, towards the entrance of the cavern behind me
to which I gave a nod towards him in response, “Yeah. It was not that far from
where we are however. Great work of pulling me into the tunnel by the way."
“Not a tunnel." Commented Wyott shaking his head, smiling faintly at me.
Sometime that I just blinked at him suddenly; but just dropped it afterwards.

For walk the
length of the cavern within, up until we reached the very entrance of the
cavern was when we had immedinately stopped. Wyott and I exchanged some brief
glances before a silence of a nod had came inbetween us however. Thus with a
crouch and our paws spread lightly across the dirt beneath us, we sprinted out
of the cavern. Feeling the winds starting to pull up from the grounds beneath
us. We fixed our eyes upon the horizon in front of us. Upon the entrance gates
of the Moon kingdom. My eyes opened up in surprise; having saw the kingdom
perhaps for the first time than ever. The moon kingdom was just like the canine
realm. All purest of darkness with a few scary things here and there; plastered
upon the gravestones and spikes that make up the entrance gates of the kingdom.

As we
approached, I cautiously turned my head over my shoulder. Gazing at the horizon
behind us; where the sun was now sinking into the horizon. A few clouds
gathered here and there; but they seemed to be scattered in general. Sometimes
covering up the sun too as a matter of fact. Yet that was not important at all
despite me describing the skyline of what it had looked like. No, I was more
worried about the beings. More of them that would appear. 'For how else would
we be running? Sprinting across the fields of the plains, straight towards the
moon kingdom's entrance before us anyway?' I thought to myself. But after a few
seconds of seeing nothing there; just the emptiness of a clearing however. I
just exhaled a breath, calmed myself down through the pants of an approaching
exhaustion that was coming forth. Up until we had reached our destination at

A werewolf
was standing there. Awaiting for something. But he seems to be waiting for us
anyway. Just as his eyes fixed upon me, I gave off a smile towards him.
Something that he had reflected back onto me. We gradually slowed to a stop;
and I dig through my fur. Grabbing onto the disk that was so important to the
werewolf. He accepted it in kind and immedinately turned to the entrance gates
in front of him. When he went through; the gates sudden clicked and autolocked,
preventing anyone from entering in at all. We watched the werewolf approached
the front door; our attention was deeply interested into what inhabitants lived
upon which. Yet we were vastly disappointed when the door opened and the
werewolf's body obstruct our visions from being able to see then. As he entered
in, the door shut completely behind him.