Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Heverstull


It was just a normal
session. Nothing unique about it however as I just closed my eyes and curled up
to sleep for the moment's time. Peace and tranquility hovered above us with the
constant ringing that was upon my own flickering ear. I yawned a second after
the silence before turning myself around; facing the opposing side of the room
and towards the plant that was hanging above the desk before me. However before
I could return into dreamland, something had stopped me and I find myself
blinking constantly while giving off a yawn. I shook my fur and shivered upon
the sudden change of temperature around me. I looked around the room. Quietly
noticing that no one was around me; not even my own packmates however. I frowned
responding and take one last look towards the plant at front before departing
away and searched for wherever they were at the moment.


The room I find myself
upon was a bit smaller than I had suspected. A grayish chair was adjacent to
me; positioned off towards the right. Opposite of the chair was the television;
but it was not plug in. A remote was usually found overtop of the television;
but when I woke. I had noticed that it was gone from its spot. But I ignored
that and just focus upon looking for my packmates instead. The entire room was
quiet; the constant ringing vibrated my ears while my eyes was closed and
listened to it. I strained them further to hear a faint something in the
distance. 'It had sounded like someone was doing something careless.' I thought
to myself, smiling only faintly while I heed forth towards the source of the
sound and walking across the room towards the kitchen.


To where I had stopped
immediately and turned my attention towards my packmates whom were gathered
around doing something in the corner. I called out towards them, they turned
their attention towards me. Fixing their gazes as they realized that I was there;
standing by the door looking onto them. That they rose to their feet; running
off from whatever game that they were playing. Exiting from the kitchen so
suddenly that it was just me left alone. All I did was exhale a breath and
remained silent while following them through the door. I met Wivan and Wyott
onto the opposing side of me; the latter two grinned and kept their eyes on me
as I watched them for a moment then turned away looking at something else. I
had forgotten that the room I was went through back and forth was the hallway.
It was not looking like a room at all however. The halls stretched eastward and
towards the horizon; the darkness blocked my visions from being able to see
whatever was on the opposing side of the room. Further before the darkness was
the lightbulb hanging above us. It flickered on and off as it was a warning to
change its lightbulb. But neither of us paid any sort of attention towards it
as we only had our own objective to deal with.


Yes, that is right. We
are to take care of the plan that was in the other room before the halls.
Resting upon its pitch darkened home where nothing would disturb it. A sudden
crash echoed through the tranquility of the atmosphere above us and I exhaled a
breath before shaking my head following afterwards, disbelief upon what had
happened so far. While Wyott and Wivan smiled only faintly upon me and even
separated themselves to give me room; I took it and walked a few steps forth.
Entering into the room again and turned my attention to where the plant was and
the light that was suppose to be hanging above it however. For it was upon the
flooring beneath us; shattered with Whitti hanging his head gazing at such said
glass beneath himself and rose his eyes glancing back towards me. I facepalmed;
Wyott and Wivan just laughed or chuckled before walking up towards Whitti and
aided him into cleaning it up. Yet somehow without a dust and a broom, they had
received cuts from the glass as they yelp and flinched in pain while I find
myself shaking my head and remained silent while just watching them.


They were done
afterwards. But it had taken so long. While they were whimpering to themselves,
I just rolled my eyes and spoke towards them “Find some bandaid or something. I
will keep watch with the plant." “You do know where everything is right?" Questioned
Wivan with me answering him as a nod. Onto that moment was when the three
coyotes fled from the room; disappearing behind me suddenly as they quickly
looked for any sort of healing aids or health. In the meanwhile, I had find out
that I was alone and stuck here for the meantime. As I  tapped upon the grounds with my foot and
frowning, I turned my attention towards the surrounding room. Hoping to find
something there that would take my mind off from the boredom itself. The
television was still there; in front of the chair from where I had laid to
sleep momentarily. But no remote.


I pawed at my face for a
moment; frowning while I groaned in boredom. Thoughts circulating my mind in
wonderance of why we, or rather I, had taken this job in the first place
however. But before I could answer that; the footsteps came. Louder and faster that
I forced myself to turn around; gazing at the entrance behind me where the
other coyotes were momentarily. For their eyes were upon me; I faintly smiled
onto them before motioning them forth towards where I was. They waltz their way
from the entrance; then sat down around me as I flicked an ear before staring
onto each and every one of them in silence. With the time ticking by, I exhaled
a breath and rose my eyes into the ceiling above me. Having not noticed that
there were whiteness above me. Yet our thoughts were shattered when the plant
besides us started whimpering. 'Demanding of water, perhaps.' I thought before
nudging my head in the direction of where the plant was while Wovan, Wivan and
Whitti nodded their heads. Splitting themselves from me; each heading their own
direction upon the room.


I did believe that Wovan
headed left; back out of the room and into the hallway once more. He had a look
upon his face; but I had not time to dwell upon it however. Next was Wivan who
was preoccupied with himself. He was headed opposite of where Wovan had headed.
A loud door echoed through the room while I had figured that one of the two
coyotes had entered there suddenly. But as a question popped into my mind with
no definite answer however, I exhaled a breath and just turned my ears towards
the other coyote whom was heading towards another direction than Wovan. He had
came back immediately with a bucket of water in his mouth. Muffling, he dropped
the water bucket between us as I find myself staring onto it before raising my
eyes up towards him, tilting my head to one side. “How do we get this to the
plant?" Whitti shrugged, clearly no plan at all was upon his head or that he
had not gotten this far into this own plan. I find myself tilting my head to
the side; confusion was written onto my face as I lowered my eyes back into the
bucket again before lowering my head; opening my jaw and biting against the
silver lining handle of the bucket used to hold up the bucket and its contents.


But as I had done so; I
realized that the bucket was too heavy for my own fangs to bring it from the
grounds beneath us. For I sway to the side; eyes widening in fear and panic
while Whitti stared at me with eyes opened wide. He barked at me for something;
but I completely ignored him. Focusing my attention only onto the bucket that
was held in my jaws. I swayed into the other side; my feet unable to stand
ground firmly for they had sway alongside with the heaviness of the water
bucket itself. I gripped my fangs tightly against the silver handle. But even
then, my jaws felt that they were hurting on the inside. So quickly, I muffled
for Whitti who nodded his head and ran up towards me; raising his head to the
raised handle in my jaws, he gripped towards the side while I let go of it. He
staggered; but firmly kept his feet in place while he turned his attention
towards the plant. Step by step; feet trying their best to be untangle. He
walked so close to the plant in front of himself.


But at the last minute;
just as he drew himself closer towards the plant; he slipped upon something
underneath him. Suddenly, his eyes went wide. Fear had gripped upon his face
and his eyes widened. He fell forward. Water splashing forward to continue the
trajectory of the motion where it had landed upon the plant itself while he
fell onto his face upon the grounds beneath him. “You alright?" I questioned
him, he just gave a nod to me. Faintly smiling while raising himself up from
the ground; stretching his arms just by raising them into the air responding me
again as I smiled onto him again and smiled, reflecting that earlier smile he
had gave to me earlier. Yet our trouble was not over as the plant groaned and
moaned; whether or not that was in pain or pleasure; the plant grew stronger
and larger leaves. Its head grew bigger than its normal size. The vines grew
larger too that it was now seeping from the plant ground of which it had
receding in. As the plant continued; Whitti and I looked to one another with
concern and fear before we dipped tail and ran like hell.


Out the room and back
upon the hallway; we raced across its length towards a white door at the other
end of it where the door was opened before our eyes. We fled out; the door
slamming behind us suddenly. We had caught up with Wovan and Wivan; the two later
coyotes that were seemingly getting a drank considering the coke and pepsi that
was upon their paws. As they had looked relaxed, me and Whitto were opposite of
them and started speaking fast for the two of them to comprehend. Before Wovan
and Wivan could enter back into the hallway; Whitti snatched the two coyotoes
and fled across the hallways that we were now in. Something that I had realized
while I was trailing off and looking into the ceiling to keep the recent
memories fresh. Yet while thoughts were upon my mind; I shook them and turned
tail. Running down the halls to follow the other three coyotes whom were a bit
ahead of me however. At the very end of the halls; we descended the stairs and
immediately took a right. Heading down another hallway that was adjacent to us.


I had not noticed this
earlier or even earlier when I was breathing rapidly while pondering about the
plant monster that was about to 'eat' us. But our surroundings; the walls that
make up the hallways were pure red in color; with flowers running down perpendicular
to the lines of red coloring of its horizon. The walls were beautiful to look
at even with this style of coloring that for a few moments in time, I did find
myself staring down onto these walls. However shortly afterwards came Whitti's
voice and I turned towards him while he nudged his head forward. I nodded
complying with him suddenly as we resumed our run down the length of the halls.
We kept on running and sprinting, feeling the cold winds blowing by us. The
sounds of silence looming over our heads as my ear twitched upon the ringing
inside my ear. I called out towards the other coyotes whom they had stopped
suddenly and turned their heads over to me. I, on the other paw, stretched out
my ears and listened to the ringing consistent around us as I had figured that
the plant monster does not know where we are at.


A breath signals them as
they breathed our; exhaling all of that tensions inside their bodies and bones.
Relaxing for the time being while they looked away. I glanced around onto our
surroundings just as they had walked towards the black pair of doors in front
of themselves. For the next thing I had knew, I heard a door flapped and opened
which forced me to turn around and glance at the general direction of where
they had disappeared into. It had surprised me that the pair of blood doors
continued flapping about. Moving onto their own as I frowned but turned my head
back towards the other end of the room. Towards a row of doors that leads
towards an exit. A label dressed in pure red and glowing even further proves it
as I find myself smiling and  headed
forth towards the exit in kind.


The evening had came,
fallen upon the city of the canine realm. No one was on the streets or sidewalk
for I was the only one there apparently. Buildings ran against the other
buildings; rushing down the line towards the horizon before me where somehow the
rest of the buildings had disappeared or faded from my own visions. Lampposts
were found off towards the sides; but were upon the entrances of alleyways.
Shortcuts towards somewhere. I frowned; deciding whether or not where to go as
i turned my head left and right; gazing down onto my options then. But the
sudden growl and followed up groan had snapped my attention while I turned
around and gaze. Spotting the monster's vines rolling down the building's
length towards the entrance in front of me. I gasped; although no breath was
exerted out while my eyes followed the vines as they entered through the cracks
of the building underneath it. A short loud sound erupted the silence; then
another as every building surrounding this building that was in front of me suddenly
turned on. Murmurs emerged from every canine; some frustrated and raised their
paws high shouting about their sleep or whatever.


But everyone was
oblivious to whatever was happening in front of them. As I had recalled, I
cannot do anything besides one thing only. For with my eyes closed, I swayed my
head away and randomly turned to one direction. I stick with it; reaching the
crossovers after a short ran towards the right. I ended up turning left; to
reach the park afterwards. The roaring, moaning and whatever the other sound
was erupted faintly through the early night skies as roars of panics and
screams followed up or went along with the monster's roars; creating a huge
load of mess as I just find myself running. Sprinting across the roads that I
had picked. Running down the length while shifting my head towards both sides;
looking for anything that I could use as a way of an escape. Though I am
hearing something behind me. Like the sounds of hissing like a snake or cobra
however. My eyes closed while I summon what little energy I had upon my own
body; having exhausted it after running for so long within the building that we
were receding upon. But when my eyes opened, I had realized that I was farther
off from the faint sounds that erupted the tranquility of the night skies and I
take a dare. I turned myself around and face the problem that was behind me.
For my eyes opened wide in surprise upon what was there in front of me.


A giant plant monster
roaring with the building that we were upon, held hostage.


I could not believe what
I was seeing. But then again; perhaps I could. As my head shook upon the
realization of the vision that I was seeing, I closed my eyes and opened then
again before raising my head to meet up with that monster once more. It was reality.
For immediately, I turned around and resumed running down the street I was in.
Far from the danger zone while screams and other noises were about filling my
own mind; forcefully deleting anything that was upon my own mind. As I ran; I
had noticed that my breathing was noticeable and my body was warmed to the
point that it was becoming hotter now. Sweat had submerged upon my own fur,
damping it suddenly as I find myself shivering when the cold gentle air brushes
against me. I continued running till the noises were completely gone; heart
beating rapidly while I gradually slowed to a stop. A mixture of frowns and
something else dwelled within me. But I chose to just ignore it anyway.


There were many thoughts
upon my mind. The majority of it were related to the sounds of animals crying
out and panicking while others, lesser ones were related to the plant.
Questions popped onto my mind; wondering about the owner of the monster plant
and his achievement into doing so. 'And where was he now?' I wondered, lifting
my own eyes to the horizon and gazing around the place I find myself in.
Searching for the owner about. And as I do; I had quickly noticed that vines
and tentacles were coming about. Slithering across the roads beneath me while
my eyes widened upon realizing them. I stepped away; backing off immediately.
Nothing more than just to avoid their grips. I turned tail and looked to the
road that I had yet to cross. Gazing down onto the buildings that now had
tentacles and vines upon them. Leaves that were falling from the skies;
gradually and beautiful of course. But I paid any attention to them and just
focus upon my own escape routes thus.


I had realized that the
vines and tentacles were moving on the ground at a set pattern. This kind of
pattern was kind of predictable however and for some reason too. But completely
ignoring the rational part of me, I ran forth down the remains of the roads;
till I reached the road where tentacles and vines were about was when I slowed
myself down and hopped across the gaps of vines and tentacles that were
widened. For so far nothing had happened and perhaps thus I was in the clear.
But something was worrying me. Something bad of course. Perhaps it was because
of the constant readings of fanfiction that I read before this story or the bad
feeling I had at the pit of my own stomach. I would not know. Yet I cannot tell
or know as I continued moving at an even pace; waltzing and dancing my way
through the fields of vines and tentacles surrounding me.


But it was too good to be
true when one of them struck out. Grabbing onto my leg suddenly. I gasped
shockingly and fell to the ground while vines and tentacles swarmed around me.
Wrapping around my body tightly; setting me up to be a mummy or something along
that line. For as my eyes closed slowly allowing my own stretch to leave me be
while more wrapping occurred; I heard a yell. Something foreign perhaps. Then
something burning was the next thing I knew before I was set to unconscious.