Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Creational


It was odd honestly. The
fact that the Hunter's pack lost their robot says a lot of things. As I thought
back onto that initial encounter with them, back upon during our lunch break of
course, I had wondered how they lost the robot right there and then. With my
mind running through the possibilities, I frowned so suddenly and found myself
shaking my head. My eyes closed then opened, back onto the reality of things
that was right in front of me. I find myself upon a dark room. No windows or
lights were about which meant that we had to bring some on our own. Kyro and
Zander were together, off towards the right side of the room. Eyes up onto the
wall, staring down onto something that interested them. Natty was off on her own;
gazing at the front door behind us. She was worried about Hunter's pack,
wondering if they had tricked us into aiding them finding their robot of


Ozkun, Takaki had already
went ahead. Through the door that was in front of me even though I could not
see it at once. For the pitch darkness clouds my visions, unable to see
anything about however. I exhaled a sigh, flapping my wings while I stared at the
horizon in silence. Before turning my attention towards the walls where Zander
and Kyro were standing upon. The silence of the room was overwhelming that I
started hearing ringing in my ears. I growled to myself, silently to keep the
noise from my ear. Just as the door had opened and everyone had turned their
attention towards Ozkun and Takaki. Both of them shook their heads, “Nothing is
there. The place is safe." Ozkun explained while Zander nodded with a faint
smile, I, on the other claw, motioned everyone to gather up onto the door in
front of us as everyone did so as planned.


Gathering up upon the
door, we watched Takakri grabbed onto the doorknob and twisted it towards the
side. Hearing a click, the door opened suddenly and we were allowed to entered
which many of us take immediately and shoved themselves in. Disappearing right
in front of us and into the pitch darkness that embraces us from the inside.
One by one, the dragons entered until me, Ozkun and Takakri were left. I walked
in last, shaking my head and said nothing after watching the immediate shove
from my own teammates however. Entering through the door, reappearing upon
another hallway in front of me. I was a bit surprise however. Seeing six doors
scattered around me; three on each side. All of them were painted pure white;
six colorful paws were stuck upon each of their center, unable to remove them
as indicated by Kyro when he had radioed me in earlier.


My head shook while I
returned back towards the six doors again; shifting my attention towards each
and every one of them in silence before taking the closest door that was
towards me. For I grabbed onto the knob and twisted it towards the side; a
click followed before I pushed through the door as it moaned. Allowing me in.
Ozkun stepped to me side as I entered, welcoming myself upon a single room.
Many things were inside of here. Many were common household items found in a
regular home. That I just ignored them and kept focus upon why we were here
however. As I tapped the wall beside of me and gained Ozkun's attention, he
nodded in response towards me shortly before he split up. Heeding his attention
deeper onto the room we were in, he trained his pistol up in front of himself
and glanced around. Staring at his surroundings.


The television was on no
less than a second as we both flinched upon hearing the news report suddenly.
Turning out attention towards the television, we continued listening to the
report before it suddenly shut off. I turned towards Ozkun who growled at me,
his eyes narrowed while he retained his earlier stance and raised his pistol
high. Eventually, he reached the other end of the room and turned around. HIs
head shaking while I nodded acknowledging him. “Guess nothing is here then." He
finished, “Agreed. We should head back out front. I had wondered what the
others had found immediately." “Something good I guess." Responded Ozkun after
returning to my side, I nodded again after him as we stepped together, heading
out from the room itself.


To my surprise, I had
noticed that the other officers were there. Silence filled the room with
trained eyes pointing towards me. I tilted my head to the side, gazing at them
in return before breaking the silence questioning about the rooms they had
entered in. Zander was the first to speak, shaking his head as he and Kyro
raised a small bag of white powder in front of us. “That is the white
substance. Where you get it?" Ozkun immediately responded, recognizing such
thing as Kyro pointed to the first door, third from the door I submerged from.
“The fitness room, I think it was called. “ Kyro answered, without another word
as I nodded towards me and turned towards Natty and the others.


She shook her head,
retaining her silence. Takakri fell silence too which was odd however. But
dropping it down, my eyes was shut closed for a second. Reopening them again
and turned my attention towards Kyro, I raised my claw high and motioned to the
red dragon. He nodded without hesitation and moe forth towards me, handing the
small bag onto my claw as I pulled its tip apart and opened the bag suddenly.
Dust came out and hovered in midair before falling back into the bag once again
as I lifted the bag up towards my nose, smelling it for a moment. “Well?" “It
is powder." I responded immediately, taking another sniff “Yet this powder is
not used for cooking or baking however." “Is it for something else?" Natty
questioned while I nodded, “Yeah. For gymnastic stuff however. A quick question
although for the wolves however." I questioned, snapping my attention towards
the wolf behind me. Waiting for us as he had leaned against the door beside
himself, gazing at us in silence.


“Can we see the wolves'
paw?" “Why do you need-" “Just give it to him," Growled Kyro threateningly as
Natty glanced at her mate suddenly, a surprise look upon her face. The wolf
glanced at me then towards everyone else inside the room. Shaking his head, he
stepped forth to me and held out his paw. I leaned forth and stared at it for a
moment, a smile returned upon my snout while I spoke straight towards him
suddenly. “I knew it. You guys use it for handling robotic stuff right?" I
said, the wolf nodded “Yet only every other wolf in the pack had this. Except
for Hunter?" “Except for Hunter." The wolf repeated, nodding again. “What are
you getting at, Ling?" Kyro questioned me, “Yeah!" Ozkun responded, agreeing
with him. But I kept silent about it; turning around instead to face Kyro and
spoke while raising a claw towards the door that he had just entered into.
“What was contained inside that door, Kyro? Gym equipment?" “No. Robotic parts
and services." Responded the red dragon while I nodded again, “Seems like the
wolfs like to built stuff on their own time." “... It really depends on the
story however." The wolf pointed out as I gaze at him in wonder, he just shake
his head and walked towards the door.


“What did he meant by
that?" Questioned Zander, raising his paws into the air while the rest of us
stayed silent. Unable to answer his question.


Another pause of silence
fell the room. I exhaled a breath, shaking my head at the wolf's words before
motioned everyone towards the door that was behind me. Yet as everyone had
gathered, Zander pointed out “There is another door we had not tried yet. Should
we entered here?" “Which door?" Ozkun questioned, turning around and faced the
black dragon who pointed to the door on the other side of the hallway. We all
stared at the door. I smiled before nodding my head for Zander and headed forth
towards the door that he was standing upon. The others joined up a second
later, confusion was upon their faces while Zander grabbed onto the door.
Pulling it away before everyone else pile on inside. We found ourselves inside
another staircase that descended onto the first floor below us. A weird
painting was facing us, replacing the window that used to be there. As I stared
onto the painting, Kyro and Natty descended the stairs and reached the first
floor. They called out towards the others, pointing towards a door that was in
front of me. Everyone else except for me, gathered at that door which Kyro
opened and they all pile inside.


The door closed
afterwards. A pause of silence fell before I snapped myself awake. Having
realized that I was just staring at the painting for a while, I descended the
stairs. But stopped immediately to face the painting itself. For I grabbed onto
the underside of the painting and pulled upward; gazing at a secret hallway
that leads somewhere else. It was a straight away path towards a destination;
the tunnel between me and that destination was pitch darkness once more. The
tunnel was even smaller than me; making it useless to even entered inside. I
turned my attention towards the grounds below me and fished for a flashlight
instead. Turning it on and gazed towards the flooring below me. White substance
'powder' was what I had seen, formed into footsteps and lead straight towards
the destination ahead of me. I had figured that something smaller than me would
fit through here; 'like a canine almost.' I thought to myself with a grin
before calling onto my walkie, radioing everyone else.


The first to speak was
Zander himself as I heard him from the walkie however. “Where are you? Everyone
else is gathered up front already." “Do not tell me you already found another
clue?" Flinched Kyro a bit surprise, “Already found one guys." I smirked,
teasingly at the pair. Nearly laughing but trying to contain myself despite the
two growling at me. “Well what you found? It is important to the case?"
Questioned Natty as I spoke towards them “Yeah it is important. But I need you
guys to follow up North and follow the footprints." “Footprints?" All three
said at the same time, despite Ozkun and Takakri chuckling behind them however.
“Agreed." “Sure." Said Ozkun and Takakri respectfully while the walkie fell
dead a second later. I heard a rustle of wind. My eyes flinched up towards the
ceiling, overhearing the wings flapping above me. Faster they had went by after
they came, they flew off north heading straight towards who knows where


At this moment, I just
exhaled a breath. A smile returned onto my snout when my eyes opened up once
again. I turned towards the second flight of stairs, continuing to descend and
reached the door in front of me which I opened without hesitation. Returning to
the outside realm, I stretched my wings suddenly and yawned. I had forgotten
that midnight had already arrived whereas the stares shone brightly in the
skies. The moon hanged above me, sending false light upon the surfaces that it
touches while I stand, adjacently towards the door. Staring out to the streets
in front of me.


It had taken nearly
twenty minutes before something popped onto my walkie that I flinched, aroused
in awakeness before grabbing the walkie from my chest. Held it high towards my
snout before calling in response. I waited a second or two in silence before
someone called once again. 'Zander.' I thought immediately, pressing the button
again “What you guys found?" “A pattern of Xs and Os. They are all over the
ruins of the canine realm. How did this realm ruined happened and when?" 'So
canine realm did get ruined.' I thought to myself, a bit surprise by the news
as I had recalled it something ago before. I exhaled a breath, before
responding again. “Where are those marks placed over? Where are they?" I asked.
A second or so in silence had came before Zander responded again towards me,
“There are over three ruined buildings. I guess these are targeted however."
“What buildings?" I growled, immediately causing Zander to flinched again
before responding back to me,


“Two are over regular
buildings. The third was a HQ." “A HQ?" I questioned, my voice lost all that
motivation as I looked towards the street with a thought and a surprise.
“Ling?" I heard Zander spoke immediately, “Come back with that map and the
pattern. We will need to figure out more however." “Got it." Immediately the
black dragon responded after the walkie fell dead a second later. I exhaled
another breath, thoughts were coming to me like a train. Faster filling my mind
without me trying to organized the ones that I had first. It had came as a
surprise that there was a map with marks upon them. But I do not see how was
that connected to what was on the news however. Mentioning the news in my mind
did bring up a question however as I find myself raising my head towards the
black skies in ponderance. 'How did the news covered the ruined of the canine
realm?' 'Was that why Yang was late for our cuddles?' Another questioned popped
up and I grew worried.


With a frown, I shook my
head and retained my visions upon the streets before me. Luckily however, I
never had to stare at it long when my ears flicked to warn me about the other
dragons arriving. For I turned my attention towards them, a faint smile returned
to my face just as they had landed adjacently towards me. Yet none were able to
return that smile however, which cause me a surprise. But setting that aside, I
motioned them towards a nearby table and flopped upon the ground. Everyone else
done so too, counter clockwise however and I leaned forward and folded my paws,
expecting them to start however. Kyro was the first. “There was a bunch of
marks listed upon the buildings of the ruined map canine realm. Wondering why
and how this is connected to the case at hand." “It is however." I responded
immediately, diverting all attention towards me while I raised my claw.
Stabbing at one of the marks in front of me as I spoke, “And very simple. The
foxes attacked here from Reptilian realm. From here of course." “How?"
Questioned Ozkun with a frown, as he leaned back against the chair and frowned,
lifting up his chin towards the black skies above him “No other fox or canine
had entered here because of the treaty set with us and the other main faction


“That is the point."
Responded Zander, crossing his arms growling “The foxes that committed to this
had fled here to pin the blame onto us. This was the result of their comment
however." “If these foxes had trespassed and violated the treaty. Then I guess
we should tell Yang of our information and request to break the treaty
altogether." “But what if this is what the foxes wanted however?" Immediately
said by Takakri as she slapped upon the table's surface with her force,
standing high onto the ground while she stared. Face to face with me.


I gaze at her. Everyone
else did too. No other voices had came. Not even the ringing echoing into our
ears. As Takakri settled down and flopped back onto her chair, everyone else
retained that silence. I exhaled a breath and shook my head before getting up
onto my feet and spoke towards the rest of them “Head back towards the station.
Report to Yang of what we had found." “Something bothering you, Ling?"
Questioned Kyro, surprise at my order. I acknowledged him, nodding before
pointing my head back towards the building in front of us. “I needed to know
something. One final detail however." “I will come." Zander started
immediately, no other question remained as our group split into two. Leaving me
and Zander behind while I just glance at him in silence, before breaking into a
smile. He, on the other claw, just laughed it off and shook his head before
stepping to the side. We both pushed the chairs in and returned back towards
the door. Up the stairs until we returned to where we once stand at the very


“Is there something
bothering you that you wanted to return here so suddenly?" Zander asked,
repeating Kyro's question as I nodded to him and raised my claw high. Pointing
to the six doors on either side of us before I spoke towards him again,
“Noticed how each of the doors had no numbers in them. All of them were blank
and it is hard to tell." “You are right, how we not see that earlier?" “We did
not." I said, immediately. Zander glanced onto me in surprise. Yet I never
share his expression and instead, stepped forth towards one of the doors.
Grabbing onto the knob and twisted it to the side where I heard a click.
Pushing into the door opened it and allowed me through, Zander followed behind
me. A worried glance lingered onto his snout. But he remained silent while we
entered the room, searching about wondering what was inside upon this room.


The room was smaller.
Equal in size with the other five doors however. Yet what was contained inside
was a bit different than everything else however. Inside the room we were in;
it was the equipment room. Thousands of dumbbells and other equipment were found
here. Scattered upon the ground and formed into weird number combinations
however. Of those, only some stand out towards me. '101, 110 and 011.' My head
was tilted when I noted them. Zander did too; but he was more focused upon the
window that was in front of us. Because something there was behind him. When
the door shut and locked itself suddenly, we snapped our heads and gaze upon
the wall behind us where a white fox stands before us, a smirk appeared upon
its face.


“Now." It said, arms
already crossing “Why are you guys here?"


My eyes narrowed at it, I
find myself growling at it “Why are you here? This place is not your home. You
belong to the canine realm. What is going on there?" “Too many questions." The
fox responded, waving it off with its eyes closed and stepped towards the side.
That smirk retained upon his muzzle however as he glanced back towards us
again, “Why do you guys find out. Just by stepping into here however?" Me and
Zander shift our attention to one another, a frown escaped upon each of our
lips before, one by one, we had entered in.