Current Track: Blabb

Invane: Total Messes


“Someone please tell me
how to stop this thing.” Someone shouted from the distance as me and Huzizu
shifted our attention towards the source of it. No one said anything in
response towards that somehow however. For neither of us had anything to do
with that object that he was operating right now however. Yet despite the
quietness surrounding ourselves, the high pitch noise still continues onward
and filled the air with its annoying sounds that causes us to flatten our ears
and stay silent at least for a while. This was the kind of morning that
happened every day. Despite it changing every so often as to not confuse or
bore us towards submission as time marches onward.


“Help!” That same someone
continued screamed as the voice gotten closer towards us. “Should we help
Horizoki?” I heard Huzizu responded fixing his attention to me. I frowned, yet
pondered in silent while dipping my head towards the carpet below us. I had
made this into a habit many times before. And many times, it had not failed us
before… Except  those few times however.
But we do not talk about them too. “Fine.” I responded after a while, nodding
my head as I turned to him. “Lets help the poor old wolf.” “I am not old!”
Screamed the protested voice as the said vacuum and wolf came running by. Our
attention was towards the vacuum, quickly noticing that the wolf was tightly
holding onto the handle of it with his two bare paws. Screaming loudly as best
he could overtop the volume of the object itself. As we stared onto him while
he was drifting on by, the other wolves took noticed rather quickly and chased
after him with hope that they will be able to catch up.


We had done this a couple
of times already in many different homes however. Yet everyone in the pack was
surprise that the such said wolf never learned however. I often find myself
facepalming because of it and an exhaled sigh came from my snout before I got
up onto my feet. Descended the last few steps and reached level ground. “Guys.”
I screamed at the empty air surrounding us, “Did you all forget that the vacuum
is wired and hook onto an outlet.” No responding voice. I shook my head and
chuckled at least for a few seconds before running the short distance across
and heed towards the nearest outlet where the wired hook was. Pulled it off
from its home and something died in the distance.


“You did it! You save the
wolf princess!” “How can I ever thank you!” Then came some sort of mock kissing
event that you would find in some disney or kids shows. I only reacted with a
disgust and turned myself away, raised my head and looked towards Huzizu who
laughed at me. I hardened my face and glared at him in response, but said
nothing else while climbing the steps and flopped down adjacent to Huzizu
before responding to the silence surrounding us, “Come on. Lets get this on the
road.” “Already?” Responded Huzizu, turning his head to me. But I forcefully
turned his head upfront and growled, “Yes.” “Alright.” He said afterwards and
started dry humping the carpet several times. Each time gradually inching to
the edge of the carpet until we were over halfway that gravity decided to push
us over. Yet instead of sliding down the flight of stairs like we are suppose
to do, we flopped instead. Hitting our heads against the steps every second
step or third I think. Until we reached the hard grounds below us was when both
of us sat up and frowned. Holding our heads with our paws, “Ow.” We both said
while the other wolves came towards the kitchen.


Now, I know what you are
thinking. Why we wolves have relocated ourselves into someone’s home, doing the
chores for them even though we are medieval types of wolves and not the modern
kinds that we are portrayed to be. Well, the answer is quite simple however. We
just wanted a new scenery to begin our whole new mess of things. Like what
countless of websites had said about writers! New scenery, new surroundings
equals new creative works! At least, that was what we believed in however. I
cannot said for the others however except us; seems that they always wanted-


“Anyone hungry?” I heard
Horizoki pipped in the silence that follows as my ears perked upon him
speaking, I frowned and turned to Huzizu who shook his head and muttered
something underneath his breath. “Oh crap. If he were to cook, this house would
go up in flames.” I said, “We should stop him.” Huzizu spoke turning his head
to me, I nodded with acknowledgement. But before any of us could make a move,
we saw someone zipping by with a loud scream and a followed up smack sound
afterwards. Confused and surprise, we decided to heed into the kitchen and
wondered what the fuzz was all about. Towards our left, we noticed Horizoki
hunched over with his snout overtop the cook circle upon the oven. Harkell,
Haziyo and Havlut were busying themselves with the frying. It had seemed too
that Harkell and Havlut were humming to themselves too.


We decided to join them.
Yet only Haziyo noticed us quickly and smiled in response. We smiled responding
back to him till our faces hurt from it all. With the small time of quietness
came Haziyo’s response to the silence, “Breakfest is not done yet.” “It is
afternoon by the way.” “Twelve already?” A nod unknowingly escaped my head as
Haziyo’s ears flattened and he whined, “Drat. I wanted to make my special.”
“That burned fried pork pig that you had stole from a nearby farm?” Questioned
Huzizu with his eyes raised up in question, Haziyo shook his head and laughed
at least for a short while “No silly. Not ‘stole’ ‘acquired’.” “Does not look
given to me however.” Huzizu concluded, “That pig was given to me.” “Nope.”
Huzizu interrupted and the argument went on. I flatten my ears and turned my
attention to Harkell and Havlut who were too busy cooking pleasantly by
themselves. As smiles were plastered upon their snouts with their eyes turned
downwards towards the oven below them, flipping over whatever they were cooking
inside the pan. I frowned afterwards but said nothing else besides grabbing
Haziyo from his conversation with Huzizu and pulled him away from the kitchen.


“Come on.” I started,
leading him onto the hallway instead “There is at least something we can do to
do the time.” “Well…” Trailed Haziyo with a frown as he turned to me and spoke,
“There is that vacuum that is left upon the room.” “And the dishes?” I questioned,
“Already done.” I raised an eye at him, curious as to how they had done it
faster than we are. But shook my head and ignored it while nodding in agreement
with him and walked towards the said room that he talked about. Heeding into
the room, we had noticed how pitch dark it was inside. The room was also small,
did we ever mention that too? Well despite leaving out some important details,
Haziyo turned on the white switch in an attempt to illuminate the entire room a
bit. But had remembered that light was not invented at all during this time and
age and frowned as he facepalmed himself before muttering something. I ignored
him and walked ahead; hitting the surface of my paw against several objects
underneath me. Most of which I never knew what they were however. I growled,
yipped and mostly every other wolf sounds that I could make while hopping like
a bunny across the flooring towards the other side of the room where a pale
wall was unknowingly in front of me for some strange reason.


Hitting against it and
caused my entire body to fall upon the ground. I was not unconscious however
just laying and relaxing for a while until I could get my bearings. Despite me
hearing footsteps behind me and knowing full well that it was Huizuzi walking
towards me, I exhaled a breath and got up after my bearings came back to me
somehow. For I stood up and turned around, facing Huzizu who tilted his head
while meeting my eyes a bit. Yet we never said anything to one another however
as the silence loomed overtop of us. Then he broke contact and growled,
muttering something as he turned himself around and faced the vacuum which is
somehow behind us however. As his eyes widened, he walked towards the vacuum
and spoke towards me, “Alright. So here is that vacuum that we are looking
for.” “I wonder if it did ran away from Horizoki earlier.” I muttered as he
turned towards me and said nothing. I motioned my paw and asked him.


Although he said nothing
in response.


I walked to him as he
held the gray ropes and glanced upon the grounds. HIs ears flatten against his
skull as he spoke out towards me, “Why does this rope have to be so long?” “To
reach far places.” “Like what?” “The moon.” I grinned, he shook his head “More
like the outside of the house.” “Why?” Yet the conversation ended there as he
moved away from me while still hoping that ropes. Following it down outside the
room we were in and turned the corner, disappearing somewhere into the kitchen
where screaming had perhaps occurred however. I ignored the screams, the pain
and all of those other jazz as I lowered my eyes upon the vacuum itself.
Noticing very quickly about a pale button adjacent to the black pipe,  I rose a footpaw and gradually hit that
button. Pressing and holding it down, I heard a light hissing sound like a snake


I took my foot off and
pressed it again. That same sound entered my ears once again and I looked
confused in ponderance of whatever that sound had made. So, i yelled across the
room in hopes that Haziyo would be able to hear me. It was a surprise that he
did too however cause I can hear him back. “Haziyo?” “What?” “THe snake had
came back.” “The what?” “Snake.” “Oh he must be talking about that gray button
adjacent to that pipe.” A pause and then some footsteps, “A gray button?”
Haziyo questioned, fixing his attention towards me while I nodded in response
and motioned him over. He came up adjacent to him and lowered his eyes to where
I was pointing. Indeed, a gray button was there. “Pressing onto it will retract
that rope over to the vacuum.” “Then lets do it then!” Screamed Haziyo as he
slammed onto the button hard.


A fast hissing sound
erupted upon our ears. Yet only I was the one who heard it. As I frowned and
hardened my face, I stepped away from the vacuum hoping that it would not grow
legs or something and became a boss or something that we have to fight against.
With the fast paced sounds erupting in our ears and me retreating from Haziyo’s
side, I raised my head and looked. Staring down onto the horizon where the end
of the gray snake had appeared before my eyes. “Watch out!” I Screamed causing
him to turned his head around and look at me. The gray snake came close,
lurched up and bit Haziyo on the side. Haziyo erupted into a scream; yet that
sound was short lived when he fell onto his side. Unconscious upon the ground
with me running up towards him. “Is he alright?” I heard Harkell responded as
he came running to the room we were in, I just nodded at him. “He is fine. Just
a small injury upon his side leg.” “Seriously?” He responded with eyes
narrowing at me, I shrugged in response to him. But said nothing else
afterwards as he threw his paws into the air and screamed back upon the


“By the by.” I questioned
him as he turned around facing me, “How goes the kitchen?” After saying those
words, we heard a high pitch alarm go off and a series of waterdrops fell from
the ceiling above. Raining down onto the wolves, the food, fire and a bunch of
other things. Harkell pouted and crossed his arms angrily as I stared at him
with eyes widened yet no words escaped from my opened mouth as I kept to the
silence. “Guys!” I heard Havlut spoke, “Does anyone know how to turn off an
alarm?” “Have you tried turning it off and on?” A smack echoed through the
halls, followed by a scream but silence became dead from now on. With my eyes
rolling and chuckling rather slightly, I turned my attention to the now awaken
wolf adjacent to me. Haziyo who opened his eyes, rolled himself over and stared
up towards the ceiling. “What happened?” He questioned, darting his pupils over
to me as I spoke to him in turn, “Nothing. Just you got smack and owned by a
gray snake; the kitchen is a mess and nothing else happened afterwards.” “That
is perfect.” He screamed, I looked at him as if he was crazy.


“How are things
‘perfect’?” I questioned, my head tilted to the side as he spoke. “I do not
know. Just is however.” “Is it because we are the Hunter’s Pack who cannot do
anything?” “Besides being the embarrassment of the audience we are performing
for, yeah.” “I figured as much.” I muttered afterwards as he ran from the room
and towards the kitchen. With the silence looming over me, I stared upon the
vacuum in silence then shook my head while raising my eyes to the horizon.
Casting them towards the hallway in front of me, I abandoned the vacuum and
walked. A second later came an explosion and more fire started erupting. I
blinked in surprise; but said nothing else while running straight forth the
kitchen and screamed, “What the heck happened?” “This.” I heard Huzizu responded
to me. I turned to him, noticing Horizoki still unconscious as Harkell and
Havlut stand by him in uncomfortable silence. I narrowed my eyes upon the two
of them; they reeled their heads back and said nothing while the burning fire,
the raindrops continued onward.


Then with an exhale of a
sigh, I muttered while pointing out of the room. “Everyone out. Now.” And so
everyone did as they were told and yetted themselves out of the room by twos
somehow. Once Harkell was the last wolf out. I stand alone against the raging
elements that stand before me. The burning fire from the computers we never saw
before. The series of raindrops falling from the ceiling above me. The smoke
already rising from the pan towards my right with a black colored stake burned
to perfection. I raised my paw; and slapped it against my face. Muttered
something before heeding towards the computers first. I had noticed that the
computers were plugged onto something that was underneath them. A white outlet
it seemed. A cord was plugged into it which perhaps was connected to them. I
waltz towards the cord and the plug; gripped against it and pulled. It
unplugged itself in quick motion. But at the same time, my arm hit against the
brown chair behind me. I groaned in pain afterwards. But removed myself from
underneath the table and onto my feet afterwards.


“Harkell and Havlut! Can
you two come inside the kitchen please.” I yelled into the hallway as the said
two wolves came running. They appeared before me and upon the kitchen room.
They were panting too however, but do not seemed to mind it at all as their
attention was towards me. Nodding, I nudged my head over towards the right
side. Pointing towards the oven and the pan that was overtop of it. They nodded
again and ran towards the oven. They turned the dial till it was snapped off
from the oven. Hitting against one of the wolves in the eye causing him to
scream and stepped back. Such said wolf stepped onto the ball underneath him
and slipped upon the grounds. A loud smack echoed through the kitchen while
Harkell laughed suddenly and Havlut growled, with his eyes narrowed onto the
other. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at them while turning around and
set my eyes upon the other thing that had been needing to be done.


The raindrops from the
ceiling above us. “Anyone got a chair?” I exclaimed, turning my attention
towards the two wolves who was helping one another get up onto their feet. I
turned away from them and spotted a brown chair adjacent to the table over to
my right. I grabbed onto it and dragged it across the floor, a few inches from
its spot and stopped. Climbing upon its top, I extended my paw high above my
head in an attempt to grab the alarm above me. Yet I could not reach it
however, it was upon my own paw tips, if that was a word however. “Hey I need
help.” I spoke towards Havlut and Harkell, both of which shifted their
attention towards me. They came running inward. Upon stopping at the chair,
they held it down tightly with their paws as their eyes were raised high towards
me. I glared at them in response and nudged my head towards the ceiling above
me. “I meant up here.” I growled.


They climbed the chair
and attempted to stretch their paw high. Gripping upon the tip of the alarm, I
exhaled a breath. “This is not working at all.” “If only we have some sort of
tea with us.” “What does tea have anything to do with us reaching for this
alarm?” A silence while our eyes met in silence. “Regardless…” I trailed and
hopped off the chair, landing upon the grounds of the kitchen while taking a
few steps backwards and raising my head high, “You guys are looking good.” “How
is this helping us reach for that alarm?” Screamed Havlut with his eyes
narrowing back at me. I smirked at him gleefully “It is not. Just wanted to get
you back for something during our in between breaks between stories.” “While
the author was working on different stories?” Asked Havlut with his head tilted
to the side, I nodded back at him in response. “Right.”


Within the next few
seconds, the two wolves were continuing their attempt upon reaching the alarm.
Till they both gave up and just used one of the brown pole sticks that they had
snatched from an earlier storyline and rose it to the ceiling. HItting against
the surface of the alarm which causes it to break off. Crashing upon the
chair’s surface between the two wolves, they proceed to stomp upon it.


Meanwhile, I, on the
other paw, have decided to see what the other two wolves were doing about. I
entered the halls and drifted towards the room where me and Haziyo had left the
vacuum to its own. But stopped immediately when I noticed that said vacuum
started running amok once again. Drifting left and right and all around the
halls, I threw myself towards the side; hitting against the wall in front of
me. It had inflicted aches in my forehead. Luckily none of them were that too
injury however as I attempted to turn around and groaned. Sitting upright while
raising my paw towards my forehead and looked upon the other two wolves, “Where
is Haziyo?” I questioned them, they shrugged in silence and said nothing else
while my eyes widened and rose to my feet. Heeding to the kitchen and then
towards the white door that I never seen in my life until now. And towards the
beautiful outside doors.


Where I had noticed that
it was a mess. The yard looked messy; destroyed flowers and pots were scattered
everywhere. Stray and neighborhood dogs and cats were laying their waste
everywhere while barking or hissing at one another. The white fences was broken
and lines from the lawnmower was all over the place. Only one wolf, I knew had
the capability into doing this and I yelled out his name in an attempt to hear
him come running back.