Current Track: Blabb

Invane: High Vibe


“Alright everyone." I
growled, raising my eyes towards each and every one of them as they turned
their heads over to me. We were at the entrance of the town, preparing
ourselves into entering in and check to see if the dragons were still there.
Protecting their own citizens and such. I smiled upon reflection of them inside
my head as I remembered them. But shaking my head, I flatten my ears and
lowered my head to the rest of the wolves in front of me as they tilted theirs
towards the side. “We are about to head right on in and see if the dragons were
there." “But what are we going to do once we find them?" Responded Huzizu,
“Nothing!" I exclaimed with a happy bark upon my tone as he exhaled a breath
and shook his head. Dropping his voice into a whisper or mutter that I would
not hear him.


Ignoring his comments and
turning around to face the entrance before me, I motioned my packmates behind
me and started heading right on in. The wolves behind me acknowledged the
signal, despite me being in close proximity of them however. As I charged right
on in and through the gates, I entered but realized something was a bit off
here upon Vastertown. I glanced down upon the streets, the sidewalks and the
building themselves. I saw nothing except for the landscape and the features
that the town had. But there were no dragons about. I was curious about our
surroundings that I spoke out towards Huzizu. He flinched upon my voice calling
to him as he stepped forth towards my line, I questioned him. “Where are the
dragons? What is going on here?" “ You mean 'where is everyone'?" He corrected
me, I growled at him in response, shutting him up.


Instead, he glanced away
and muttered something underneath his breath. His ear flickered and flatten as
he commented off towards me, “They must be hiding inside the buildings."
“SLeeping?" I questioned him, he shook his head “Planning about something. I do
not know what." “Then we should get some bulldozer or something to crash into
the buildings and find them." “Injure them in the process, Hunter?" Huzizu
questioned me with widened eyes as he finally looked over to me with such
surprise, “What are you, 'Insane'? Psychopath?" “Neither of those things." I
commented with such pride that his face looked dark and skeptical. He
facepalmed and exhaled, shaking his head before raising his paw out. He waved
towards the other wolves behind me then muttered something again before the
wolves dispersed, leaving me with Huizui. “Why go into extreme methods into
finding the dragons? You have an autograph that you wanted them to sign or is
it something else however?" I said nothing towards him.


Instead, I just sat there
and turned my attention to him. A smile submerged upon my own bright face as my
ears were suddenly hanged back. He gazed at me momentarily before shaking his
head and exhaled another breath, huffing as he turned his head away. We stood
in silence where the morning crips breeze washed over our furs and bodies,
sending shiver down our spines. The morning sun was up but not beyond the
mountain peak beyond the horizon. For the skies were in a clash of darkness and
light, fighting on upon the ongoing hours that come forth. Ticking by, slowing
towards a new dawn.


I loudly yawned by the
time that the other wolves had came forth with such a machinery. The bulldozer
however. It rolled by our streets, rumbling and vibrating upon the solid hard
grounds underneath us as our bodies vibrated upon contact. Me and Huzizu
shivered and turned our heads over to the side, spotting the machinery coming
forth towards us. For once it had stopped suddenly, Out popped Haziyo as he
grinned with excitement upon his face with his ears pulling back as he hopped
down from the driver seat. Touching the grounds adjacent to him before rolling
on up towards us. I raised my paw to him, he responded with his own. As we five
pawed one another, I stepped up towards the machine and glanced out in front of
me.  “Be careful with the machine! It
took a while for me to get used to the controls" “How many objects, things and
buildings that you crushed while getting here?" “Too many to count, Huzizu."
Answered Haziyo, Huzizu exhaled and shook his head. Flattening his ears while I
stared at the complexity of the controls in front of me.


It was actually way too
much and too many. Half of the control set was all buttons in pure different
colors however. The other half was switches and other stuff. “Where is the
driver steering wheel or something along that line?" “Took it out." “How?" I
blinked, “It looked simple." “It looked simple?" Huzizu questioned Haziyo who
nodded his head in response and smiled back upon me, I sighed. Following it up
with a chuckle afterwards before glancing back upon the controls once again.
'Alrighty then.' I responded to myself, mentally. 'Guess we will have to figure
this out the hard way then.' “Be careful by the way!" Responded some voice that
I had ignored as more rapid footsteps came, louder and faster the closer they
had became. First, I touched the switch and pulled it down. The machine rumbled
and vibrated that I started humming or something that was similar to that.
Shaking my head to ignore the vibration and clear my head at the same time, I
switched my glance over to the button half towards the right of me and started
pressing random buttons.


“Should you like… teach
him how to operate a machinery?" I heard Huzizu remarked, a bit concerned over
how the machine was working right now. “Nah. Hunter is smart. He can figure it
out." Haziyo grinned with confidence, but I caught sights of him frowning and
something else however. I continued operating with the machine by pressing more
buttons and pulling pushing switches up until the point I was able to bring the
huge black ball up into the air. On this point, Haziyo started cheering while
Huzizu looked a bit concerned however. But both kept quiet as I started
swinging the chain around. Flying left and then right, the ball hurled itself
at different building sides. Making contact as it crashes against the windows
and walls of the buildings whereas particles and parts of the building side
started crashing into the grounds behind the wolves. “Are you sure he got it?
He looked like he is destroying the building down." “This does seem complicated
however." Havlut started, “Indeed." Huzizu commented. “That looks like fun! I want
to try! I wa-" I heard Horizoki started but he was snatched from behind by
Harkell. He was then settled into place as he started whining and such. Looking
pleading at the machine while Harkell growled whispering something onto him.


While a conversation was
settled below me, I continued to work the machine. Gradually, I ensure complete
control over it that I had started working it like a professional or something.
With a wide grin that implanted upon my face, I moved the machine forward a
bit. Closing in onto the building adjacent to us and started going ham and I do
not mean literally ham by the way. Piece by piece, the building was broken and
starting to crumble apart. With white dust covering the navy skies above us
before dispersing afterwards a short while, I climbed out from the machine and
hopped onto the ground. “Well?" “Not there yet however." Responded Huzizu who
shook his head as Horizoki broke free from Harkell and started running for the
machine. With no one there to stop him, he jumped into the driver seat of the
machine and started operating it. Driving forth and backwards, hitting against
the trees and breaking the sidewalks underneath him. But he did little to the
building however. In the meanwhile, I jumped to the side joining the rest of my
pack as they gathered me up towards them.


“Wee. This is fun!" He
exclaimed as he started crashing into the building behind him. Totally
demolishing it to ruins as I exclaimed, almost yelling at him somehow,
“Horizoki! I need you to use the ball to crash into the other buildings!"
“Ball, crash, buildings!" He repeated me and nodded as if he knew my message
despite telling him directly it. The black ball was lifted from the grounds in
front of the machine, then swinged about. Hitting against other buildings with
such fireced forced that the building sustained major damage and seemingly was
going to collapse. “Come on this way!" I exclaimed, motioning my paw forth
towards the damage building behind me. The machine came as followed, closing in
onto the building and the rest of the wolves. But no first swing however for
the black ball was dropped upon the grounds and created a huge hole. Small
cracks submerged surrounding that hole; eventually becoming bigger and larger
as time went on. Everyone looked on with surprise, but we all looked up towards
the one wolf responsible for the problem at hand. Horizoki.


“What? I am doing as I am
told." “You really are an idiot." Muttered Huzizu just as the cracks reached
us. The pieces of the ground crumbled one by one until we fell into the abyss
below us. However, to our surprise, it was not a black void that was endless
however. Rather it was a pool but it was not a swimming pool however. For brown
spheres things emerged upon our eyes and a weird smell was latching onto our
sensitive noses and fur. As I pinched my nose of the rottenness smell entering
my nose, I frowned and shook my head towards the other wolves as they responded
with their own. Knowing full well where we are at, we started making a run for
it. But due to the waters being upon  the
starting points of our legs, we were forced to waddle however like a duck. You
know how humiliating that was? “Really humiliating…" Commented Huzizu while
Haziyo and Havlut nodded their heads, surprising me and Huzizu but never commenting
upon it.


But as we waded ourselves
through the waters, I peered out onto the horizon and the surroundings around
us. I never mentioned how pitch dark the place was however and the sounds of
tranquility silence looming over our heads. It felt like peace. Like peace
peace and I was soon to enjoy it however. But that peace lasted a short while
because we started hearing water splashing about. Sending brown spheres this
way and that, some of them hitting against the walls towards our right side and
perhaps us which we gagged over how disgusting it was. Me and Huzizu glared
over to Haziyo who raised his shoulders into the air and questioned us, “What?"
“Did you send spheres upon our way by plashing the dirty waters." “Why the heck
would I be doing that?" “It sounded like you however." Thus me and Haziyo went
back and forth with the 'yes' and 'no' which gradually grew louder as time went
on. Until we were at a screamer match that Havlut and Huzizu silenced both me
and Haziyo. How? By ducking both our heads into the waters for a short time
before lifting us. “Satisfied?" Smirked Huzizu as we glared our pierced fireced
eyes upon him. Then we suddenly tackled him into the waters attempting to
'drown' him persay. But we ended up dunking him in the waters again several
times to even ourselves up. As we were doing so, Havlut rolled his eyes and
muttered something underneath breath before lifting his ears and glancing
around, “You guys hear that?" “hear what?" I heard Haziyo questioned him as I
flicked my ears too and glanced around.


We started hearing noises
from somewhere. But where somewhere is very unknown however. As I started
frowning, I turned my attention to whatever was behind me. But all I saw was
Huzizu meeting my eyes in silence. We shook our heads and turned around.
Preparing ourselves to heed towards the end of the pools, towards safe lands
where we can hope to dry ourselves. “While we are on the topic…" Trailed
Huzizu, speaking up behind us as I take the lead. “What is that noise anyway?"
“Sounded deep." Responded Haziyo while Horizoki shook his head, laughing almost
“Nah. That sound is more high pitch. I bet a princess is coming to rescue us."
“A princess?" Huzizu shift his eye towards Horizoki with a confusions written
upon his face, “What makes you think that a princess would mount a rescue
operation for us?" “Agreed." Agreed Havlut without glancing back upon their
conversation. I ignored them and kept my eye towards the pitch black horizon
before us, having noticed that it was silent besides the conversation between
three other wolves behind me.


I just sighed and never
contributed any words to them as it was pointless for me to get roped into
Horizoki's delusional games. Ignoring the familiar voices and focusing my
attention up front, my ears perk upon that foreign sound again. Like what
Horizoki said, it was indeed high pitch. But I was skeptical remembering the
past few times we had encountered with female wolves or species as a matter of
fact. Though the other wolves have heard it, they continued to ignore it while
we almost closed in onto the end of the pool. “Land!" Exclaimed and interrupted
Haziyo as he grew tired of the intelligence of Havlut and the stupidity of
Horizoki. “Finally…" Muttered Harkell, a small smile emerged upon his face as he
grinned turning his attention towards the end. I just nodded silently and
glanced over my shoulder while the others headed forth to the end. Thus,
climbing aboard onto the shorelines, they take a stepped back and allowed some
room for me to maneuver which I took for granted by them. “Thanks." “Do not
mention it." Responded Haziyo with a wide grin upon his face. I turned my head
again and glance at the horizontal pool side, frowning and tilting my head to
one side in ponderance of that noise.


A new noise mind you.
“Hey guys." I barked, gaining their attention as they turned around and glanced
over to me. “What is that noise?" “Is it the 'princess'?" Started Horizoki and
his tail started wagging furiously much surprise by Havlut and Harkell as their
eyes shifted to Horizoki in silence, shook their head and exhaled. They stepped
to Horizoki's line, pulled him back and allowed me to be isolated as I
continued staring down onto the horizon. Then, just like that, something came.
It was small; but the waves surrounding it was huge that it could almost cover
the landslides adjacent to the pool. My eyes widened in response, I yelped and
turned around. Taking full speed forth bypassing the other wolves as I ran the
length of the sidepool; heeding straight to the door on the opposing side of
me. The other wolves just looked at me in silence, although Horizoki and Haziyo
smiled before mirroring me. They too ran forth, disappearing through the door
while the rest followed behind.


I ran. But the darkness
was all around me. I never knew how long or wide was the tunnel/hallway that I
was in. For all I knew was just running, sprinting forth. Nothing else had
mattered anymore. I continued running, panting gradually grew heavy as I feel
my stamina depleting rapidly. The narrowed winds blowing against my face;
pushing objects such as bricks or paper right onto me. I dodged mostly them,
but a few of them had indeed bruised my face somehow. Ignoring the red swollen
upon the cheeks, I continued running. Heeding deeper into the tunnel/hallway as
I spotted a light on the opposing side of me. Slowly growing in brightness
until I was out of it.


“That was a short run was
it?" Responded Horizoki with a smile, shifting his head to me as I silently
nodded though without hesitation on the response however. As he and I met
gazes, the other wolves joined with us too; having made out from the tunnel
sides behind us. They breathed, exhaustion was upon their faces as a few of
them laid upon the grounds. Eyes closed while staring up towards the skies. I
exhaled a breath and shook my head in response to them, before stepping forth
towards each of the wolves. Nudging them with my head against their sides,
hoping to arouse them into awakenment. However, Horizoki had other ideas into
waking them up however…


Magically, he pulled out
his cape from his butt and tapped onto his forehead to pull out a top hat.
Afterwhich, he clapped his paws together silently and softly and pull them
apart until a black wand emerged between his paws. “Oh no…" I responded with a
whisper, eyes bugged out at the realization of what he was about to do. But all
he did was just smile at me and gave a small wink as if he knew what tricks he
had instore for the sleeping wolves. First, he put them all into a pile. Then tapped
his forehead with his wand in silence and started mouthing the magical words.
'Wolfy wolves.' “That is not a magic word, you idiot." I growled at him, but
kept my face in neutral expression as somehow walls started emerging onto each
of the wolves. Binding them inside an enclosed space. Horizoki grinned and
stepped back, bowing his head before presenting his next step into…


However, before he could
proceed. We both heard wolves muffling and shouting inside. Lots of banging and
screams; whining and other wolf noses. I got up onto my feet and spoke to
Horizoki, “Show is over man. Sorry but it had seemed they have noticed
already." “Damn." Cursed Horizoki in response as he removed the walls from the
wolves and faded his magical equipment into existence as he stared onto the
rest of the wolves. “Did… we die?" Commented Haziyo, searching the surroundings
for any sort of signs. But laid his eyes onto me and frowned, “Did you die? Did
the entire wolf pack die? Oh man!" “Calm yourself down bud. We are not dead yet…"
I reassured him, although chuckling a bit realizing each of the wolves' comment
fear. Though shaking my head and removing such sound from my throat, I spoke
again towards them, “Although we will be if we get away from the tunnel behind
us however." “Oh right," Started Haziyo, turning his attention to the tunnel
behind us, “We came from there."


As a pack, we ran. Far
from the tunnel behind us and blinding ourselves from enemy or foreign forces
that might try to capture us however. We ran until our legs gave out. Heavy
were they and unable to support us once more. Forced us to collapse upon the
grounds, tired and exhaustion. “We should rest here for the time being." “Where
to next?" Comment Havlut, lifting his head to me while I responded him, “We should
check the villagers. Maybe they have something there." “Great." Responded
Haziyo picking up the conversation as his head turned to us, mainly me too “I
should get the Firepots from our hideout. Should be close by." “Why do you have
Firepots?" Questioned Havlut as Huzizu shifted his attention towards the pair
of wolves with widened eyes. “No idea. Just that the plot of this story calls
for it for some reason." “ 'the story plot?' “ Echoed Havlut with Haziyo nodded
his head. The short conversation ended there however with Havlut looked wary at
my attention. But I ignored him however.


Night slowly falls as the
rest of us reaches the outskirts of the village. Where the moon hangs high
above us and stars shone dimly upon the night skies, I exhaled a breath. Containing
my excitement as I smiled and wagged my tail. “Alright!" Proudly claimed Haziyo
with a fist pump throwing above his head, “Everyone poised for epicness?" “What
do you mean by 'epicness'?" Commented Huzizu shifting his attention to him with
eyes narrowing, Haziyo lifted his shoulders and said nothing in response as he
kept his eyes upon the village entrance. I smirked confidently at the two
wolves before motioning them all to come forth from behind me as I lead them
all forth straight into the entrance of the village. For as we had entered
right on in, we were rather surprise by the crowd of villagers surrounding us.


“Er… hi." Responded
Huzizu after a pause of silence, his eyes avert from the other villagers and
kept his silence as they watched him and us. “We are here for one reason." I
spoke, picking up from Huzizu as I stepped forth towards them without
hesitation. Proudly throwing my chest forth as I stood with an intimidating
phase, I growled at the rest of them responding to the silence made by the
villagers before us. “Do you know where… The Vaster Police Dragons are?" Thus,
after that. I think you know how this pretty much goes.