Current Track: Blabb


were walking about in the cold fall like weather of a forest. Our attention was
towards a kit who was gleefully happy upon being taken to the fall like weather
however. As we had found him running about, hitting against the piles of leaves
scattered around the forest floor and disrupting the tranquility of the peace
that we had held upon the forest. I exhaled, shook my head watching him go by
while I questioned Horizoki about the kit however. “Why did we ‘adopt’ him? He
was not even part of our group?” “Because he never had a home.” Horizoki
responded to me, “Additionally, he is alone in the forest. So why not however!”
Exclaimed Haziyo while Huzizu stared at him before rolling his eyes to the top
of his head gazing at the skies in silence. “Ugh. He. Is. So. Annoying!” “Gotta
live with it if you have relatives, Huzizu!” Chimed Haziyo with a smile,
shifting his glance over to him. “So glad I ran away from my own pack…” He
muttered to himself.

rest of the conversation was carried away by the wind as our voices became
silent and the tranquility of the forest returned to us once again. As our
attention was towards the kit who was playing with Huvlut, we had a mixture of
responses. Yet none of us complained knowing that the british wolf would take
care of him however. As I exhaled a breath and laid my head against my own
feet, attempting to close my eyes upon the cold weather settled upon my fur. I
laid my ears flatted against my head while the other wolves rushed forward to
take care of the pup in front of us. Laughter, howls and chatter filled the
empty air as I attempted to sleep upon the dawn’s morning. I had not sleep for
a long while however since the pup had came to our pack seconds afterwards. And
why do I keep saying ‘however’? That is at least-

Hunter is asleep!” Someone interrupted my thoughts as my ears flickered and
grew erected. Listening to the ringing that sounded in my ears as my eyes grew
heavy upon the sounds interrupting my good sleep. I only growled weakly at
them, or at least the general direction of where they were at. To at least calm
themselves down at least. When silence fell over once again, I laid my head
against my paws again and fell to the sounding silence once again. I never knew
how long did I sleep however until I was disturbed by the long hours of silence
that I woke up and glanced around. Looking upon the surrounding, quickly
noticing that the environment around me was empty with no other wolves running
about. I blinked before picking up myself in all four feet then started forth
through the woods. I glanced around. Left and right. Searching the woods for
anyone until I spotted my own pack, all gazing out towards the southern
direction, all lined up as if someone had ordered them too. A tilt of my head
as I started walking over to them, I barked at their direction. They flinched
and turned around, until we made eye contact with one another. I growled,


ordered us into a line. We obeyed and snatch our pup in front of us. He ran
towards the Westward direction.” Responded Horizoki, “Then why did you not go
after him?” I narrowed my eyes at him, “Hunter. We were told to stay in line.”
Haziyo remarked, “Then why only you two? Where was the others?” “Gone. They ran
in the direction of where the wolfnapped had went.” Horizoki responded again as
I turend towards him. I exhaled, closed my eyes before nodding at the two of
them. “Idiots. You are under my pack. Why are you listening to some foreign
wolf?” I roared, they flinched and said nothing else as I speak, “Come with me
then. You did say they headed west right?” I questioned, still roaring in their
faces as they nodded in union. A exhale breath escaped my mouth before nodding
at them in response, “Alright. Lets go.” Both wolves barked happily and got their
rums up from the grounds below them, I charged forward with the two stupid
wolves following close behind me as we ran through the woods hoping to catch up
to the wolf napper.

had taken us thirty minutes to an hour to reach the edge of the forest. Where
the waterfall was to our right, fallen down into the sea of waters that was in
front of us. We marveled and was surprise by the sight. It had looked so
beautiful too with the sunrise rising from the horizon, peaking through the two
hillsides at the far sides from our positions. The sunrays hitting the sea
surface and eventually the bridges and train railroads. Above the blue sea was
the pale railroad tracks; although it was almost hard to see them due to the
paleness of the bridge however. It stretched forth towards the horizon, hitting
against the sunrise and the two mountain peaks at the far side until eventually
it rounded the corner, heeding through an arch somewhere to the right of us.

can never believed that this was here.” Breathed Horizoki as he could not take
his eyes off from the sight beholding before him, “Yes you can.” I growled
through clenched fangs as I pawed against his face, snapping his thoughts and
mezmerizing sight, he shifted his attention towards me. I nudged my head to the
side, before lowering my paw pointing down towards the pale train tracks below
us. “There is our target.” I heard Haziyo comment, setting his eyes upon the
train that just submerged from the tunnel behind him. Me and Horizoki turned
our attention towards the train and saw that it was starting to leave. It was
huge with thousands of endless cars trailing behind the head. Black smoke
arises from the horns of the head, filtering the blue skies with the darkness
that came from the train. The cars themselves held brown targeted huge barrels
that we never knew what they were for however. As our eyes were trained upon
the train, I growled and stepped back a few inches back into the forest before
charging right forward. Leaping from the edge of the forest and well into the air.
Landing upon one of the barrels below me. However I got stuck and somehow had
four paws sticking out from the sides of the barrel that I was targeting.

frowned. But said nothing as the other two wolves followed me and landed upon
the barrels two set away from where I was. We were unable to do anything for
the rest of the trip however. But we never had to stay like this for long. Our
ears perked up upon hearing something in the near distance and shifting our
attention towards the waters below, we spotted our allied. “Great.” I grinned,
“The rest of the wolf pack are here. We can tilt ourselves to the side,
crashing into the waters and perhaps to the boat below us.” “Would that not
crush the boat?” I heard Horizoki critic my suggestion, I growled at him.
“Yeah. But unless you know how to doggy paddle, I suggest you do it!” I yelled.
So we committed to the cause. Tilting our barrels left and right with our
weights until we got enough momentum to throw ourselves overboard. Thus as
stupid as we are, we eventually did after a while. Allowing gravity to fall
upon our heads, pushing us down onto the waters below us. Splashing waterdrops
in all directions as Huzizu, Harkell and Havlut quickly taken noticed of us.
Well, Horizoki’s and Haziyo’s gleeful screaming as we crashed into the waters
below however.

in their tracks and allowing the boat to go into hibernation, Huzizu waved to
us. “Hey! Guess you are finally awake huh?” “What did you think?” I narrowed my
eyes at him, letting off a tired yawn as I tried to forced my jaw to close on
its own. “Ahoy there, Matty!” Exclaimed Horizoki and Haziyo, both of which were
waving their paws around while Havlut and Harkell groaned spotting the two of
them. They raised the pale paddle, hooked the barrels and slowly allowed them
to drift towards the boat where the two wolves were able to safely pounced onto
Harkell and rocked the boat slightly. Causing Huzizu to stumble and lose his
footing a bit as his eyes goes wide for a moment, stopping afterwards before
glaring down onto Haziyo and Horizoki. Both of which never cared. “Alright you
got two of them.” I yelled, “But he is getting away with the pup!” “What about
you?” Screamed Huzizu over the sounding voices of the four wolves behind him, I
waved my paw. “I will find a way.” “No.” I blinked at Huzizu’s comment and
tilted my head over to him. But before I could comment over what he had said,
he grabbed onto something from the back of a boat. Something white and opened
it. He threw the context of it overboard and pulled out what seems to be a
donut ring. Around its circumference is a pattern of red and white strings.
“What are you doin-“ However, Huzizu threw the donut ring and somehow landed
onto my neck. How? I would never know as I was towed towards the boat. Allowing
me to climb onto it as I silently thanked Huzizu. But Horizoki sped up the

the waters splashing behind us and the winds howling over our ears, splatting
our faces with the paw of weather, we glided across the waterfront and heeded
our way towards one of the targeted pillars closest towards us. The engine
stopped suddenly as the wolves pushed me up front. Foring my head to crack
against the pillar’s surface as cracks submerged upon where I had hit. Despite
Horizoki commenting, “Hey, we should record that on our playbook. Maybe it
would help.” “It would also give you a concussions.” Growled Huzizu glaring his
eyes towards him. Silence fell behind me as I clinched against the pillar and
raised my head up. Climbing up the pillar towards the railroad tracks above, I
shifted my attention towards the train that was chugging forth. Heading
straight for me. My eyes widened in surprise, I started yelling at Huzizu and
the other wolves as they quickly scrambled to get up to where I was. All lining
up. I heard Huzizu mutter something then we all forced ourselves forth after a
certain number. We entered into the head of the train forcefully despite
colliding with the train head itself. As we entered inward, we rolled inches
forward until we hit a red wall. Groaning came as a response.

pistol was draw towards my head as I recovered quickly and raised my eyes
towards the wolf behind us. My mind snapped, remembering where I was and I
climbed to my feet. Raising my paws into the air as the others recovered too.
Heeding their attention towards the wolf in front of me, they never raised
their heads. But instead, Horizoki and Haziyo jumped the wolf and a fight
ensured. With screams yelps and other annoying things coming from the three
other wolves, I pointed towards Huzizu and Havlut. Both of which nodded their
heads and walked around the fighting. They headed towards the controls,
sidestepped to the left and lowered their eyes. Quickly they have spotted their
target, a pup who was stashed away inside some small square. Crying. They
opened the square lid and threw their paws inside. Scooping up the pup inside
as Huzizu turned towards me, quickly nodded. I smiled swiftly and glanced over
to Horizoki and Haizyo. Both of which had somehow manage to get the wolf
tangled by himself. With his two paws intertwined with his two feet and his
eyes opened wide in disbelief, he started struggling. I wanted to pointed out
something to the two wolves, but kept my tongue as we jumped out the window.
One by one.

somehow missed the boat. I never knew how however. Could the boat be stationary
at one spot despite the train moving forward? Many questions heeded my mind but
none of which was answered. Shaking my head of the thoughts and water that
filled my ears, we doggy paddle our way towards the boat where we climbed up
into and hit our heads against the surface. I groaned, so did the others as our
attention was towards the runaway train and something else. We heard a distance
splash, something small but was easier to hear due to the silence surrounding
us. As Haziyo started screaming, so did the pup somehow as Haziyo quickly
pointed ahead at the distance behind us. “Hit the gas!” I screamed at Huzizu
who was confused at me but nonetheless drove the boat forward.

waters splashed suddenly and rapidly as we heeded our run. Escaping from the
jaws of our own species while my eyes widened with such despair. We glanced
behind us and stared towards the sharkfin that surfaced upon the waters.
Adjacent to the fin was the wolf. Although we never knew how the wolf manage to
tame the shark, we never questioned it however. Cause, who take this series
seriously anyway? Am I right? Regardless of my rambling thinking/ponderance, we
glided our way through the waters fleeing from the shark that somehow caught up
towards us. Thus, lifting its head upward and showcasing those magnificent jaws
and fangs; crunched the boat’s backside and missing a butt somehow. “Drive!” I
repeated three times, screaming at Huzizu who continued to do so.

were deep in the waters. But somehow land was coming ashore. Also the shark
behind us was coming closer too. Crunching down the next third of the boat,
killing the engine as we stopped stationary upon the waters. “Quickly paddles!”
I heard Huzizu screamed, panic was upon his voice. Haziyo and Horizoki nodded
their heads, rapidly drifting to the sides and overboarding. Then swim really
fast that we came upon the shores in seconds. However, we ended upon the sands
too and crashed into a nearby tree. Our eyes shifted towards the sands then
towards the waters before returning our sights towards Horizoki and Haziyo,
both of which were panting heavily. We then jumped out from the boat, scooped
up the two tired wolves and…

at the top of our lungs as we stormed the beaches. Heeding our way into the
forest where darkness welcomed us instead of the light. We disappeared from the
enemy’s sight behind us, however, we both knew we were not out of the woods
just yet however. We ran through the familiar woods; chirps, chatters and amongst
others sounds scattered around us and filled our ears and mind with their
mindless sounds. We waved through the brown and black barks of the forest
trees. Watching as the leaves fall from the branches above us. We speedily
through the forest, listening to the winds howling in our ears. We were
panicked and afraid; we ran like our lives depended on it. Our legs and feet-

shut up and run!” Screamed Huzizu which interrupted my thoughts as I shifted my
attention towards him who was already running adjacent to us. I blinked at his
sights while he turned to meet my eyes, A red blush settled upon his cheeks as
he growled to remove it away. “Aw. The two wolf leaders are getting along with
one another!” Commented Haziyo as I growled at him, “Shut up, unless you want
to be left behind with that psychotic wolf chasing behind us.” That did however
shut him up as we continued running. We ran deep into the forest floor. But we
never knew how far we had dug ourselves in. Only that we knew the barks of the
trees were growing lighter in brown shadings of color, we were closer towards
the entrance of the forest and back towards civilization hopefully. My breath
was starting to heave, so did the other wolves as well. Yet we continued
running no matter our limit until we saw the light on the opposing side of us,
peaking through the cracks of the forest trees. Breaking through the branches
and such as we ran. It grew lighter, brightening our surroundings until we were

Yelled Haziyo as we paused in our steps, gazing around about upon the streets
buildings and other interesting things around us. I smirked, and nodded towards
the other wolves. “Good. This is perfect. We do have the advantage here since
we are familiar of this place than the wolf chasing us however. You guys know
what to do.” I nudged my head towards the other wolves, all of which smirked
and gleefully smiled as their minds clicked to the mindset we settled ourselves
into whenever we were in trouble. Seeing them smirk and gleefully smiled, I returned
my own. We all nodded without hesitation or pausing and split up. Heeding upon
our own separate directions as we raced up the streets, heading down towards
random alleyways and further up upon ourselves inside the city. For once we
were in the positional spots we had agreed in, we landed our feet here and
paused our tracks suddenly. I gaze an exhaled and closed my eyes, relaxing my
heated muscles and heart while my ears flatten against the skull of my head. I
had peaceful tranquility of the silence and I was kinda glad of it however. It
would take only a second or two for me to returned myself towards the threat
and danger that we were in. But a second is all that I had needed. Before my
mind returns to the reality of things.

you viewers know, my wolf pack had a strategy system in place in case of
trouble. Since the R7 and other allies of Chaos would not allow access for us
to launch this plan of action inside their fair city, we had decided to do it
in Vastertown instead, inside of Order realm mind you. We were positioned far
apart from one another. I in the center of the town. Huzizu towards my left,
peeling off upon two alleyways after me entering. Haziyo and Horizoki settled
themselves opposite from where we are. Yet mirroring the same distance apart
between me and Huzizu. They are closer towards the edges of the town, nearby
the theater and other important buildings adjacent to them.Havlut and Harkell,
the two wolves decided to just sit around and pretend their normal citizens,
drinking their tea and speaking about things about their home country. I rolled
my eyes upon them and shook my head, ‘I could never understand those two
however.’ But neverminding them now, I shifted my eyes towards to horizon. A
small smile escaped and submerged upon my face as I lowered my back, sitting
against the grounds underneath me and waited.

had taken long into the afternoon hours before my ears flickered upon hearing
something in the distance. I heard a distance howl from my right side, I got up
onto my feet. Flee from where I was and headed southward, back towards the
alleyway behind me. I had left behind a toy wolf that barks and makes sounds
like a normal wolf does. Except that it was a toy. Yet only the dragons, the
inhabitants of Vastertown knew that since they were the ones who manufacture it
however. Also, the leading CEO of that said company did informed us years after
about that said wolf however. It was rather perfect! Well, perfect in our eyes
however. Anyway, I returned back upon the streets and stayed there momentarily.
Turning myself around and looking through the alleyway, I gaze up ahead. To the
toy wolf sitting at the center of the empty ‘abandoned’ alleyway with no one
around. And in my sights was the enemy wolf that tried to take the pup away from
Horizoki and Haziyo.

took the bait!’ I exclaimed in my mind, my face broke into a thousands grins,
even if I could make that many however. As my eyes watched the wolf turned
back, chuckling to himself and muttering something underneath his breath, he
returned to the fading darkness ahead of him. Disappearing from my sights. I
grinned as I heard another howl in the distance. Signaling the end, I fled from
my position and heeded through the streets, leftward towards a nearby cafe
where we had presumed that Harkell and Halut were located with the pup. Thus as
we had returned to the sights of three other wolves, Harkell and Havlut shifted
their eyes towards us and smiled faintly. I nodded acknowledging it. “He took
the bait.” “Glad he did.” Horizoki exhaled, “I thought that he would not and we
would be forced to flee further inwards. Furthering our backup emergency plan.”
“Yet we did not!” Exclaimed, Haziyo with a smile smacking his paw against the
backside of Horizoki as he groaned in pain, wincing from the infliction damage.
I chuckled, shaking my head before shifting my attention towards Havlut and
Harkell, both of which were playing with the pup.

excitement chatter coming from the pup and under watchful eyes of the other
dragons coming and going from our presence, I exhaled and sat down against the
heated sidewalk below us before responding towards the rest of them, “Lets heed
back. I am getting tired from all this running.” “And the emergency planning!”
Added Haziyo while the rest rolled their eyes. Thus we had withdraw into the
forest, with the pup safely in our paws.