Current Track: Blabb


\n     And here is Ch 12 Shadow of a Freelancer. More jumping between times here but its more linear then the last chapter. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

\n     Please vote and leave a comment.

\n _______________________________________________________________________

\n December 9, 2337 - Inner Haven (2:45 PM)

\n     After the charges that had went off on October 16, 2337 Obsidian called back all Freelancers and explained that emergency code A9-EB6 had been activated. Once told this, All Freelancers entered the code into their ships computer and had new co-ordinates on their navigation systems of which then were programmed as their new heading.

\n     Ace and Dead Eye were the first to arrive out of the Cardinal Sin Fleet at Inner Havens new location and docked with the still damaged station on November 23, 2337. From the moment they stepped foot inside the station they were tasked with helping with repairs or removing debris and rubble so that full repairs could commence.

\n     Today, both Blade and Stone arrived to see the damage caused, and learned that it was Delta's doing. The first thing they both did was head to Obsidians office and asked if they heard word on Shadow and Falsch.

\n     "I'm sorry, we haven't heard a thing. Chances are Delta sent them into a trap. If we get word on either of them I'll let you..."

\n     "Sir we're getting a distress call from Freelancer Falsch!" Another Freelancer; who answered incoming calls in the Communications room, said.

\n     "Where is the call coming from?" Stone demanded.

\n     "Ah...from the planet D'gari. Falsch says he and Shadow were ambushed by Outcasts and Delta. He says Shadow and himself have been pinned down and have barricaded themselves in an underground facility on the other side of D'gari. He also said that they found a weapon cache there and have plenty of ammo but are running low on rations." The Communications Freelancer answered.

\n     "Did Shadow say anything?" Blade asked.

\n     "No, Falsch said he was busy returning fire at the enemy...and enjoying it." He answered.

\n     "That dose sound like Shadow." A feminine voice said as Freelancer Ace followed by Dead Eye walked in.

\n     "Did you two get that area cleaned up?" Obsidian asked.

\n     "Yeah and the repair teams went straight to work." Dead Eye said.

\n     "How far is D'gari from here?" Obsidian asked the communications Freelancer.

\n     "It's only a week away in hyperspace." He answered.

\n     "And only a few short hours at FTL." Obsidian said as he thought about something.

\n ********

\n     Ever since Shadow had successfully tested the FTL drive on his ship, everyone at Inner Haven knew about it. The engineers had figured out why it didn't start right away and found a way to keep it from destroying itself. They had repaired it and the Ira now sat idle in Inner Havens hanger bay-D1.

\n ********

\n         "How long would it take to copy the FTL drive on the Ira and install it into the other ships of the Cardinal Sin Fleet?" Obsidian asked as he talked to an engineer over his comm.
\n        "We have the designs already. It would take maybe three hours per ship or if you allowed all teams to stop working on repairs, one hour total for all their ships. As I recall the Avaritia isn't here so that'd only be four ships." The engineer responded.

\n     "Good, then here's a mission I'm offering. Go get Shadow and Falsch, and if you can, try and capture Delta if he's still there." Another Freelancer said as he walked in.

\n     The Freelancer who just walked in caused all present to actually stand at attention just due to reflex. The Freelancer before them was an ageing human male with gray balding hair, a robotic prosthetic right leg and left hand. It was the Zel'tar Xed'Noran.

\n     "Sir, do you think it wise to send four more to their deaths?" Obsidian asked.

\n     "I'm well aware of Deltas abilities, but I'm also aware of all the members of the Cardinal Sin Fleet's abilities as well. Seven against one should be fair enough, even against Delta." Xed'Noran said.

\n     "Six" Ace said.

\n     "What was that?" Xed'Noran asked.

\n     "Freelancer Lure has gone missing as well. She was last seen with Shadow before he left with Falsch." Ace said to him.

\n     "It was Lure who brought me the data chit that informed me that Delta may have betrayed us. Shadow was the one who put it together. He may have known this was going to happen and may have told her to leave." Obsidian admitted.

\n     "That's unfortunate but still, six against one should be enough. I want you four to get armed and head out there and rescue Falsch and Shadow. We'll need you six in the coming days. Obsidian, tell them they can hold repairs and get to work on the installing an FTL drive on all of their ships." He said, and Obsidian nearly jumped as he did what he was told.

\n     "Why would you need us specifically?" Dead Eye asked.

\n     "We're going to have to reform the Freelancers into an army. I know that Delta will lead the Outcasts as well as the I.F.H.W (Independent Free Human Worlds)." Xed'Noran said as he led the four of them out of Obsidians office.

\n     "Wont you need the approval of the other Zel'tar sir?" Ace asked.

\n     "We already agreed to it when the station was sabotaged by Delta. The reason we'll need you six is because; while you may have not been brought in legitimately like any other Freelancers, you far surpass all other Freelancers in both skill and tactics. You six will be leading the army while receiving orders from us. But it's not like you'll have no say in the order. We would like you to advise us when going up against the Electus." Xed'Noran said.

\n     "You know about the Electus sir?" Blade asked.

\n     "Yes, I also know they are behind the Outcasts as well as the I.F.H.W. and as they control the I.F.H.W. we'll be leading the A.T.W.F. (Allied Trade Worlds Federation) and we'll have full control over their fleets and army as well." He explained and stopped and took the time to look into each of their eyes.

\n     "I want you four to get ready, you're clear to leave when the upgrades to your ships are complete."

\n ************************

\n December 9, 2337 - D'gari (7:11 PM)

\n     Ace, Blade, Stone and Dead Eye all sat at the abandoned entrance to the facility that Shadow and Falsch were presumably at. Ace and Stone sat on the left side of the door under cover while Blade and Dead Eye sat on the right. Each had their weapons drawn and at the ready as Stone got their attention.

\n     He gave them hand signals to let them know what to do. He told Blade and Dead Eye to hold their positions while he and Ace went on ahead with him on point. He signaled them to follow after they were in. He then got Ace's attention and they both crept in.

\n     Bodies littered the ground on the inside, all killed with either energy rounds or phase rounds. The energy rounds leaving scorch marks while the phase rounds blew chunks out of where they hit. Blade and Dead Eye joined a moment later.

\n     They all heard a noise of something crashing and split up and took cover. After a moment they figured it was ok to proceed. Stone pulled out a tracking device, it showed only one active transmitter; which was Falsch's. This worried him; the only reasons that Shadow's transmitter would be off would be due to he wasn't here, he had it turned off or he was dead.

\n     While following Stone, Ace thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She looked in the direction she thought she saw it but there was nothing. The closer they drew to Falsch the more that feeling of hers started building. She quickened her pace and patted Stone on his shoulder to get his attention.

\n     He slowed down and looked back at her but froze when she gave him the signal she came up with to let them know that she was having a bad feeling about what was going on. When all of them stopped they took cover in a room that was near them. Blade and Dead Eye guarded the door but kept an ear out to listen to what Ace was about to say.

\n     Even though Ace was about to explain why she had this feeling, both her and Stone kept their heads on a swivel. "I got a real bad feeling about this Stone."

\n     "What's up?"

\n     "We all see these bodies but...why do we not hear any gunfire if Falsch said they were completely surrounded? And why are the bodies out here and not near where Falsch and Shadow took up their positions?"

\n     "She has a point Stone; I'm starting to feel like this is a trap." Blade said as he scanned the hallway from where he sat.

\n     "I agree...I keep seeing movement but, nothings there at all." Dead Eye added.

\n     Stone sighed as he looked at the tracker; Falsch was close...maybe thirty yards away. "Lets hurry to Falsch, if this is a trap will do better where he is."

\n     They stayed close together but not close enough so they wouldn't be all taken out at the same time if attacked. When they rounded the next corner there was a door that seemed partially blocked. The went up to it; checking for any traps or tripwires, then moved a couple things out of the way so they had access to the room.

\n     As they moved one of the last pieces of equipment that was blocking the door Falsch appeared out of nowhere with an old solid round weapon that seemed to have been modified at some point aimed at Stones head.

\n     "Falsch it's us!" Blade said as Falsch checked them out then signaled them to enter the room.

\n     After they were in they helped re-barricade the door. Then took a look at Falsch; he looked like he had been hit a couple times and was bleeding slightly. They looked around for Shadow but he wasn't there so they asked.

\n     "Falsch, where's Shadow?" Dead Eye asked as he looked at Falsch's injuries.

\n     "We were in another room when they got through...Delta led them. Shadow got his attention and drew him off while I was left fighting my way here through the Outcasts. I think Delta may have killed him a short while ago." Falsch lied to them and as his hand was already gripping the weapon he had he readied it.

\n     Just as they were going to go look for Delta and try to find Shadow they got a call on their comms from Obsidian.

\n     "Abort the mission, Abort. Falsch is not who he says he is! He's the Outcast Leader!" Obsidian yelled over the comms to the shock of everyone there but it was too late.

\n     They all heard a gun discharge several times as Dead Eye fell to the ground as limp as a rag doll. They all turned to face Falsch but he had already taken another exit out of the room to go further into the base. They had no idea what lay ahead of them but as they were about to go out the way they came; the door was sealed by a previously hidden bulkhead door.

\n     "No!" Blade yelled as he and Stone went over and started pounding on the door.

\n     "Guys come here quick!" Ace said as she leaned over Dead Eye.

\n     They both hurried to his side as he laid there dieing. "Oh god Dead Eye." Ace said as his breathing came in short bursts.

\n     "Hang in there Dead Eye!" Stone said as Blade checked the doorway Falsch had taken.

\n     "I'm screwed." Dead Eye said as Ace had him leaning on her legs and supported him.

\n     "No, if we can get you out of here you'll be fine!" Ace pleadingly said to him.

\n     "Obsidian do you read me?" Stone asked over his comm.

\n     "Loud and clear what happened we heard gunfire."

\n     "Falsch shot Dead Eye and we've been cut off from exiting the facility."

\n     "Understood, did you kill Echo?" Obsidian asked.

\n     "Who's Echo?"

\n     "Falsch was previously known as Freelancer Echo around the time the Freelancer civil war started. He was and most likely still is Delta's second and follows his orders. It seems we've been tricked for a long time if Echo is still following Delta; that would mean everything this far is all Delta's doing. Hell even this war with the I.F.H.W. may be his fault."

\n     "Are you saying both Echo and Delta are over a hundred years old?" Stone asked.

\n     "Yes...we don't know how old Echo is but he's probably younger then Delta. Delta is over two hundred years old. The reason we found this out is because the Zel'tar ordered his files be hacked...what we found confused me. If he's the cause of all doesn't make sense."

\n     "What doesn't make sense?" Blade asked.

\n     "Not only is he the one who ordered the construction of Inner Haven on January 14, 2130...he's the one who started the Freelancers in the year 2122. There are more files dating back to when the A.T.W.F. was known as the U.S.E.D. (United Species Earth Directorate) I cant believe this...this means he's at least two hundred and fifteen years old...even older!" Obsidian said as Dead Eye's head fell backwards and he stopped breathing.

\n     "Dead Eye...Dead Eye...DEAD EYE!" Ace yelled as she tried to wake him up.

\n     "No..." Blade said and looked away.

\n     "Shit...Obsidian, Freelancer Dead Eye just died...Mark the time of death as December 9, 2337 at 7:51 PM."

\n     The comm was silent for a while before Obsidian said "I want you three to get the hell out of there...don't take any risks...just get out, but if you can...kill that bastard Echo."

\n     "Understood" Stone said and placed his comm back onto his back just above his pack. "Come on...let's find a way out here."

\n     "What about Shadow?" Blade asked.

\n     "If Falsch err Echo is really an Outcast...chances are Shadows been dead since they left Inner Haven." Stone said as he readied his weapon.

\n     Ace lowered Dead Eye back down then she kissed him on the forehead. She grabbed his rifle and put it over his chest and rested his paws on it, then said a small prayer for him of which he would have asked for if he knew he was going to die, before she got up and followed Blade and Stone.

\n     The next half an hour was spent creeping along the walls and staying behind cover in case Echo; or Delta if he was here, decided to fire on them. They checked each room the passed incase someone was hiding in them so they wouldn't get caught in a pincer attack.

\n     While traveling down one hall way they came under fire by Echo. They returned fire and it was so much he had to retreat. When they came upon the spot he fired from they noticed they had hit something.

\n     "What is it?" Ace asked as Blade kicked it; causing sparks to fly from it.

\n     "It looks like one of probes." Stone said.

\n     "A what?" Both Ace and Blade asked.

\n     "This" Stone said as he pulled up something on his data pad.

\n     "An X-C3 Stealth cam?" Ace asked.

\n     "We're being watched by flying cameras that can turn invisible. They have normal optic sights and can act like a scope as well as having night vision and infrared. There's no way we can hide from them. That may have been what Dead Eye kept seeing." Stone explained.

\n     "If we're being watched how come we've only been attacked once? And not by a dozen well armed Outcasts?" Ace asked.

\n     "I don't know...come on let's get going."

\n     Another half hour later they found a larger open area with parts of the ceiling having collapsed making obstacles in their path, or cover depending on how you looked at it. Just as they entered the room, someone stepped out from behind part of the crashed ceiling.

\n     When they saw who it was Ace said with an acidic tone "Delta" before she started to growl.

\n     "Calm yourself Ace...we already know all to well what he can do." Blade said as they all aimed their weapons at him.

\n     "Delta! Why have you done this?" Stone yelled.

\n     "Because I had to." Delta answered before Ace opened fire on him.

\n     As she held onto the trigger she yelled "Die!" as Delta quickly and efficiently dodged all the incoming rounds and got closer to them in the process.

\n     "ACE!" Stone yelled at her before grabbing the weapon causing her to stop firing and look at him.

\n     "It's his fault...It's his fault Dead Eye died!" She said coldly to him.

\n     "Patience" Blade said as he kept his eye on Delta.

\n     Stone let go of Ace's weapon and aimed his own at Delta as he stepped a few times towards him.

\n     "That wasn't much of an answer Delta."

\n     "It is required...I'm sorry old friend." Delta said before quickly closing the gap between Stone and himself before sweeping his legs out from under him only to follow up and kick him in the ribs while he was still in mid air. The kick actually made him go back up allowing Delta to quickly do a roundhouse kick to Stone; of which threw him several feet before he crashed into a decaying wall causing it crumble under the weight of the bear.

\n     Both Blade and Ace had aimed their weapons at Delta but his incredible speed was to fast for them to keep up with. After Delta had sweep kicked Stone, Echo got out from behind his cover and charged them with speed closely matching Deltas. He kicked Ace's weapon out of her paws then grabbed blades gun; twisted it out of his paws then cracked him over the head with the butt of the rifle. Ace had lunged at him but he caught her by her throat and pulled out the gun he shot Dead Eye with and fired.

\n     When Blade got hit in the head it caused him to black out for a moment before he fell to the ground. He quickly got back up only to see Echo shoot Ace several times in the chest. His lion instincts kicked in and he roared as he charged Echo and managed to grab him. He was about to tear out Echo's throat but the look on Echo's face said he wasn't worried at all, when Blade was shot several times in the back. He hurt like hell now but he threw Echo at Delta; who just sidestepped and missed being hit with his partner.

\n     "You don't know when to give up do you Blade?" Delta asked as he aimed his gun; which was similar to the one Echo had, at Blade and fired.

\n     As the round flew through the air, Blade drew his favorite weapon of which he was named after. It was his family sword; made from Titanium reinforced with God stone, he watched as the shell flew towards him; he was able to actually see it thanks to what the Electus had done to him when he was younger, he timed it right and cut the shell in half causing it to split and miss him by going past both his sides.

\n     Delta fired a few more shots but Blade cut threw all of them and they all missed. He ran out of ammo shortly and Blade charged him. He swung the blade fiercely but tactically as well, not allowing an opening for which Delta would use. He was so concentrated at trying to kill Delta he failed to notice Echo had gotten up and flanked him.

\n     Delta used himself as bait and allowed an opening of which Blade would surely take. As he swung the sword at Delta he was shot several more times in the back and dropped his blade before he fell to his knees.

\n     "Blade!" Stone; who was bleeding slightly, yelled as he came too and picked himself up from the rubble around him.

\n     Stone started to head towards blade and picked up his rifle and started to fire but Delta had already reloaded his gun and fired at Blades chest a few times. Before he knew it Echo had run up behind him and kicked him behind the knee causing him to fall to his knees and Echo took the gun from him and threw it across the room.

\n     Delta calmly and quietly walked up to Stone and said "It had to be done... I can't have you all interfering." Then aimed the gun and fired at him.

\n ********************

\n December 9, 2337 - D'gari (9:00 PM)

\n     "Well it's done." Delta said.

\n     "Good...collect their bodies and bring them up to us." Patrick Territh said.

\n     "Right away." Delta said.

\n     "Echo...get your men and get them to collect their bodies. I'll meet you on Galactic Terra." Delta said and started walking off.

\n     "Right...Ok men get your asses in here. Get these bodies onto a cart...also don't forget the raccoon by the bulkhead doors." Echo commanded as several Outcasts started coming out of where they were hiding.

\n *********************

\n December 9, 2337 - Galactic Terra Med Bay (9:13 PM)

\n     The men that Echo told to bring the bodies of Ace, Blade, Dead Eye and Stone carried, dragged or carted into the Galactic Terra's Med Bay. There they left their bodies and allowed a Doctor to take blood samples from them. Once he had all the blood samples he put them into separate machines and turned them on.

\n     A few minutes later the devices were done and the Doctor took the results from another machine. He looked them over and nodded to himself before exiting the Med Bay.

\n *************

\n December 9, 2337 - Galactic Terra Conference Room 2 (9:24 PM)

\n     "I only noticed that four of them came, as it were. What of the Freelancer...Lure?" A man on a monitor screen asked; the monitor having a full view of the person who talked sitting in a chair.

\n     "I don't know." Delta calmly said.

\n     "Are you trying to fool..." another person started to ask.

\n     "Silence all of you." Patrick Territh said from another monitor as another person was seen walking into view on it. "Do you have the results Doctor?"

\n     "Yes...all are one hundred percent matches. These are the bodies of the Cardinal Sin Freelancers." The Doctor said.

\n     "Good...then to answer what you were about to ask, no he's not fooling us." Patrick said to the person; whose name Delta learned was Marc Silver, who he had cut off.

\n     "So I guess your going to let him join now?" Another person said on the row of monitors whose name was Jeremy korycki.

\n     "He did as we asked...and he was intended to lead the Electus after all...even after you terminated the program after you learned what had transpired." Patrick said.

\n     Delta looked at him with cold look before yet another person whose name was Hank Judge said "So that you have Rrahkarr, what do you plan on doing with him?"

\n     "Oh, not much...just a few tests." He said as he looked at Delta.

\n ***********************

\n December 9, 2337 - Inner Haven (9:01 PM)

\n         "Report! Anyone...Blade...Ace...Stone do you copy?" Obsidian yelled over the long range comms to no avail.
\n        "That was definitely gunfire. Sir...I think their gone." The Freelancer who watched the communications said.
\n        Obsidian fell silent for several long minuets before he turned and left the room. He passed the Zel'tar Xed'Noran on his way out. After watching Obsidian leave he turned to the Freelancer who sat in front of the comm controls. "What happened?"
\n        "They found Echo...he killed Dead Eye. His time of death was 7:51 PM; after he died they tried to get out of the facility. From what we overheard they ran into not only Echo but Delta as well. We heard Echo and Delta talking before they disabled the others comms after a firefight. So put their deaths between 8:50 and 9:00 PM." The Freelancer answered.
\n        Xed'Noran nodded and sighed as he turned and left the room.

\n *********************

\n December 13, 2337 - Mors Mortis (7:30 PM)

\n     Thirteen days ago Shadow awoke in a room filled with humans; all were handcuffed and restrained. After several highly armed guards entered the room, one very large human who seemed to be in command of the others had welcomed them to Mors Mortis.

\n     After they had all their possession taken away; clothing and all, they were issued plain orange pants and shirts with numbers on them. Shadow's number was 321190, and they were told to put them on immediately. Someone who had taken more time then the others was savagely beaten till he was almost dead, before being dragged away.

\n     They all went through the so called barber and had their hair cut. When it was Shadow's turn the barber grabbed his hair and yanked at it before he started cutting away. Everyone else had just been shaved but since he was a fur they cut it down to the point where it looked like he only had fur on his head; and yet it was still unevenly cut with certain parts longer then others and some shorter.

\n     Now that he had no hair to speak of, his blue eyes now clearly stood out against his black fur and they stared down everyone who looked at him. One of the guard decided he didn't like the way this black wolf looked at him, so he went and hit shadow over the head with his gun. Instead of Shadow reeling back in fear like others would have he looked the man in the eyes and since his hands were put back into the cuffs he had on earlier he used the only thing he could to hit the man. He head butted him so hard that; Shadow became dizzy and the human guard was knocked out cold.

\n     This of course had several guard pin him then drag him away. He now sat in solitary confinement from anyone and everyone. First day there he hadn't even made it to the cell that was intended for him before he got thrown into solitary confinement. There he sat; in a pitch black room so dark he could hardly even see.

\n     But he wasn't truly alone, he didn't realize that all the rooms of solitary confinement weren't completely sealed, there were opening in between them all.

