\n Hey third chapter out within the week and two a day apart. Well enjoy, please leave a comment and vote!
\n _____________________________________________________________________________________
\n Mors Mortis Special GMP Holding Cell (5:57 PM)
\n "Haha, look at him. Clinging to a lifeless corpse as if it's his only salvation." One of Patrick's guards said to the other that had stayed behind.
\n "What a pathetic sight." The other responded.
\n They were mocking Rrahkarr, but little did they know it was not him. When he opened his eyes they were fully glowing with hatred and a lust for blood. Severo was now in control of Rrahkarr's body, he looked down at the lifeless corpse of Sara that Rrahkarr was holding on to and an evil toothy smile split his face.
\n "I thank you" He said in a voice that was truly his and not a darker version of Rrahkarr's.
\n The two guards stopped blabbering and looked over to him. They noticed the evil grin on his face before he stood up while holding her body. When he snapped his eyes up to look at them they felt fear run down their backs as they reflexively stepped back. Severo started to laugh at them and the fact he was free before he tossed Sara's lifeless body to his side without a care in the world.
\n He started walking towards them but they didn't move. They tried to show no fear as one of them said "Sit down; there's nothing you can do to us."
\n "Yeah, you can't even break those chains in this room." The other said and weakly laughed.
\n "You mean these?" Severo said as he raised his arms and showed the chains that bound his arms.
\n "What are you? An idiot, of course those are what we mean." The first guard said; sounding tough.
\n "These mean nothing" Severo simply said and ripped through them as if they were bathroom tissue.
\n The two guards' eyes widened after he did that. Their mouths hanging agape as Severo reached up to the metal collar and ripped it in half. As the metal fell to the floor and made loud bangs as they hit the ground they two guards started shaking their heads in disbelief as he slowly walked towards them. "That's impossible, you can't do that here!?" One of them said in a fearful and shaky voice.
\n "Can't? I can't do this?" Severo said and moved so fast that to them he vanished before appearing in front of the guard who just spoke with his arm inside the man.
\n The man grasped onto Severo's arm and started gasping for air. Severo's arm had penetrated through his diaphragm. The man painfully coughed up blood, all the while a devilish smile split Severo's muzzle. "What's the matter, I thought you said I couldn't do this?" Severo sarcastically said.
\n Blood was starting to seep out from between the man's flesh and Severo's arm as he grabbed onto something solid in the man. "Oh what's this?" Severo asked before placing his free paw on the man's chest and pushed while his other arm pulled. He then yanked as hard as he could and ripped out part of the man's spine.
\n Severo inspected it as the man fell to the floor; bleeding out but still alive. Severo dropped the piece of bone as he walked around him; the other guard was frozen to the spot from fear. When Severo was in position he lifted the man on the ground up by placing his paw under his chin and when he was in the air, Severo placed his other paw around him and held him before snapping the man's neck and pulling with all his force till the head ripped free from the shoulders with a little bit of the spinal cord still attached.
\n "Oh dear god!" The other man said; regaining the use of his legs, as he rushed to open the door.
\n Severo let him exit the room before following him while he carried the severed head. The man rushed to an intercom and pressed a red button. When the alarms started sounding, Severo threw the head at the man so hard that when it hit his head it caused a dent to form in his head from where the skull fractured and killed him instantly.
\n Severo laughed as he stood in the hall; blood dripping from his arms. "Now I can I have some fun." He said to himself and laughed again.
\n **********************
\n Mors Mortis Infirmary (5:57 PM)
\n "Doctor is that blood test back yet?" Patrick impatiently asked.
\n "Yes sir it's... oh my. Sir... you may want to take a look at it." The doctor said and handed Patrick the results.
\n Patrick grabbed them and looked them over, as he read his eyes widened. "Is this accurate?" Patrick asked in a surprised voice.
\n "Even though these machines are a little old, they work better than current tech sir. Those results are accurate." The doctor said to him.
\n Patrick had already pulled up a chair and he sat in it with a perplexed look on his face. "Well that explains a few things... but raises more questions." Patrick said as he rubbed his temples.
\n "Sir?" The doctor said.
\n "I thought that Rrahkarr's powers awoke the day his brother died when he stupidly rushed onto the pirate vessel I hired. But from this..." Patrick stopped and calculated some math in his head "His genes awoke the day the A.T.W.F ship the I.S.F Darwin left the planet E'zelah... the same day his brother's genes awoke."
\n "So you're saying that this one was conceived while one of the parents had activated genes?" The doctor asked.
\n "Exactly and so far she seems... normal. Other than those amethyst colored eyes, she seems rather un-extraordinary." Patrick bemused then thought for a second before saying "Now I want to know how his genes woke that day."
\n Just as Patrick said that alarms started going off. A few moments later Johan rushed into the Infirmary "Sir... Rrahkarr has escaped!"
\n A furious look came over Patrick's normally calm face as he quickly shot up to Johan and grabbed him by his suit and slammed him into a wall "HOW! Not only was in a room that makes GMP's just as normal as you, but had two of my personal guards watching him!" Patrick yelled with a fury no one had ever seen him with.
\n "I... I-I don't know sir!" Johan swore.
\n Gritting his teeth Patrick threw Johan across the room and yelled at the top of his lungs before storming out of the Infirmary yelling "Find him!"
\n *****************
\n Severo was enjoying himself immensely. After he slew those two guards of Patrick's he had hunted down and killed thirty seven Mors Mortis guards in brutal and messy ways. He was nearly covered from head to toe in blood and with the evil smile he had on his face the only thought that went through the heads of those he killed was 'Demon'.
\n "Ah I had forgotten how useful this ability was." Severo said as he literally felt where people were all around him. "The last time this ability was used was right before I took over Rrahkarr for the first time." Severo reminisced.
\n He then stopped as he felt a squad of ten or more men; thirteen to be exact, approach from in front of him. It was a wide hallway he was standing in with two smaller corridors on either side of him. He smiled again as he raised the energy rifles he had taken from a couple guards and aimed them down the hall. He was about to charge down and face his enemy when he felt two people trying to flank him from his left.
\n "Oh how sneaky... to bad it won't work." Severo said to himself as he rushed down that corridor.
\n Right when he was about to turn the corner he dropped the guns and quickly grabbed the first man that was about to round the corner. With him now in his grasp he preceded to grab and rip out the man's throat with his bare paw before he could even blink. Blood sprayed from his neck in rhythm with his heart beat and coated the other man with him in blood.
\n The other guard panicked but he managed to grab his comm and activate it before Severo penetrated his chest with his paw. "Charlie respond!" came over the comm as Severo crushed the man's heart while still in his chest. He dropped dead and Severo picked up the comm and responded "Whatever it is you go by... you better try harder than this to sneak up on me. I'll be coming for you now."
\n Severo then crushed the comm before he dropped it, retrieved his fully loaded weapons he dropped and some extra ammo from the two he just killed before he sprinted down the hall they had came down. He actually flanked the larger group and they didn't even notice him walk out from the corridor behind them. The way they were lined up he could only smile at.
\n "Like taking out a flock of turkeys." Severo thought before he emptied an entire clip into their backs. Severo scoffed at them as he said "Too easy... you are no fun. Hmm where are those two brothers at?" He then continued down the hall.
\n *********************
\n Mors Mortis Pit Cell (6:07 PM)
\n "He's getting closer!" Zeig said.
\n "Can you tell where he is exactly?" Louie asked.
\n "I'd say he's in cell block... if I remember correctly... twenty one and heading this way. Slowly though; I think he's encountering a lot guards and he's killing each one of them, but he's heading this way." Zeig said.
\n "Well I think it's time we actually try to escape." Louie suggested.
\n "Sure, I bet they never thought we'd do this though. Hop on!" Zeig said as he knelt down.
\n Louie smiled as he placed his feet on Zeig's back and held onto him. "Here we go!" Zeig said and with all his strength jumped up as high as he could; which was a little over half way to the top. When he reached the max height he could, Louie then used his brother to jump off of as hard as he could. He managed to reach the top and grasped the ledge as his brother landed back on the ground.
\n Louie pulled himself onto the solid ground of the ledge and when he was fully on the level with the door, he activated the lift that raised people up or down; usually just up. Zeig had already got onto it and it only took a few moments for it to rise to the top. He then patted Louie on the shoulder and said "Good work, now help me pry this door open."
\n **********************
\n Mors Mortis Patrick's Personal Lab (6:20 PM)
\n Patrick sat anxiously in his chair; in his own personal lab. The little wolfox girl was strapped to a lab table; drugged and unconscious, not more than a few feet away from him. He looked nervous as he sat there, leg twitching. The only sound in the room is music with the volume set low. The singer sings in Patrick's native language from back in the twenty first century.
\n The song played is in German; a language now dead in the twenty fourth century though few still speak it. The song is named Dalai Lama by the twenty first century band called Rammstein, and plays ever so quietly as Patrick sits and waits. As the song draws to an end the doors to his lab burst open as Johan and Henrik enter the room.
\n "Sir... I was wrong."
\n "What do you mean Johan." Patrick asked in his serene voice.
\n "It isn't Rrahkarr... the way he acts, what he's doing... I think it's..." Johan said yet faltered.
\n "Severo!?" Patrick asked in surprise "Ah... so Rrahkarr was right." Patrick added.
\n "Also we have reports that Zeig and Louie; the McBride brothers have escaped the pit cell." Henrik added.
\n Patrick eyed him with an evil look before saying "I think it's time to leave. Henrik grab her and bring her with us."
\n "Why sir?"
\n Again Patrick eyed him with that evil look and responded with "She has very special genes in her that I need. If you ask me another absurd question I'll gut you here and now."
\n Henrik quickly nodded before he went over to the table and undid the straps and lifted her off the table and carried her over his shoulder. Then Patrick led them out of the room and started to walk towards the transporter to take them to the orbiting space station.
\n *********************
\n Severo had just slain yet another ten guards. He had abandoned the guns for they were not his style. Instead he acquired several blades from the bodies of the fallen guards. He had been slicing his way through anyone and everyone he saw. The inmates actually cheered him on from their cells as he slew countless guards. The unmanned security mech's hadn't been activated yet which worked to his advantage.
\n He was about to turn down a hall when he stopped. "Patrick... you're so much closer than those McBride brothers... but who is this with you. Young... untrained... and powerful, I wonder if this is Rrahkarr's daughter that what's her name spoke of?" He smiled as he changed direction and headed towards them.
\n He could feel his heart rate increasing the closer he got to Patrick and the little girl. Though he was detained at the end of the cell block. Several more guards blocked his path; they were nervous and fearful as the stared at the blood soaked Severo. The fact that his eyes were glowing and he smiled like he was the devil didn't help them.
\n He visibly disappeared to them only to reappear in the center of the five man squad. He held a blade in each paw and with artistic movements span around in a circle multiple times, swinging the blades as if paint brushes. When he came to a stop he had both arms outstretched at neck level with them. All of their eyes were wide yet they didn't move.
\n And within an instant, blood sprayed from multiple locations where major veins or arteries lay in their bodies. The walls, the floor, Severo and each of the other guards were sprayed with a thick coating of crimson blood. To Severo it was as if it were raining blood and he simply laughed like a maniac before calmly walking down the way they had blocked after they fell to the floor.
\n After walking down the corridors and hallways Severo actually walked out in front of Patrick, Johan and Henrik who was carrying a young girl on his shoulder. They all stopped and had a look of fear on their faces; except Patrick who was only nervous, as they saw the blood covered Severo in front of them holding a blade in each of his paws. They watched as blood dripped from him, showing he was more than coated in the crimson liquid and with that devilish smile Severo stared back.
\n "Hello Patrick..." Severo simply said as Henrik sat the young girl down onto the ground.
\n "You two escape, I'll handle hi..." Henrik started to say only cough up blood as Severo's arm was imbedded in his chest.
\n "You fool, do you think you could stand up to me." Severo said as his he brought Henrik to his knees before quickly balling up his free paw into a fist and slamming it; with all his strength, into Henrik's face. Severo used so much strength his fist broke through the bone and went into Henrik's brain.
\n He quickly pulled his paw from Henrik's head; blood and brain matter falling from his paw to the ground and smiled, he then pulled his other paw from his chest and he fell to the floor and blood started to pool around him. Johan showed his true nature for once; he actually turned around and ran for his life screaming for mercy. The one who killed him though wasn't Severo but Patrick. He charged right up next to Johan, grabbed him by the head and body before twisting his head till his neck snapped.
\n "I don't need such garbage as my underling." Patrick said after dropping the lifeless body of Johan.
\n "Oh such a leader as yourself should only have garbage as your underlings." Severo said and chuckled.
\n "You are Severo aren't you? Why are you doing this, I thought we had a deal?" Patrick asked.
\n "You honestly believed what I said?!" Severo asked and laughed. "Not use to being the one betrayed compared to being the one who betrays others are you?" Severo added. Patrick scowled at him which only made Severo laugh more "I'm right aren't I?"
\n "Why do this? You could have everything." Patrick asked, trying to reason with him.
\n The laughter and smile Severo disappeared as he noticed what Patrick was doing. Severo then surprised Patrick by doing what Patrick had done to Rrahkarr those many years ago. He disappeared and reappeared next to Patrick; and he didn't see anything. His eyes were wide as he slowly looked to his right as Severo stood there staring at him.
\n "There's only one thing I want, and I'm doing it as we speak." Severo said before slamming Patrick in the face with his own head in a headbutt. Patrick stumbled back as Severo continued "All I want is to kill." He then did as he had just done but when he appeared next to him he quickly slammed his foot into Patrick's side; causing him to fly a few yards back and land on the floor. "There is no reason to what I do; I do it because I enjoy it. There's nothing quite like taking one's life with your own hands." Severo added as he walked up to Patrick.
\n Patrick slowly returned to his feet and when Severo was a few feet away charged him and punched him as hard as he could in his face. The only part of Severo that moved was his head; Patrick's fist was still planted on his left cheek as he turned his head back to look at Patrick and smiled.
\n "Is that all you can muster? Is this even how hard you hit Rrahkarr back then? It's pathetic and disgraceful." Severo said before grabbing Patrick and throwing him in the direction that they were all heading before Severo appeared.
\n Patrick slammed into a wall and when he picked himself up off the floor he coughed up blood. As he stood he wiped the blood from his mouth and gave Severo a death stare. "I should have listened to Rrahkarr... there's no dealing with you." Patrick said and Severo laughed.
\n "I'm surprised you listened to me. I wonder what was going though your head... on second thought I don't." Severo said as he walked towards Patrick, walking over the unconscious body of Aurora.
\n "Tell me Severo, how is it you used those abilities even when you were in a GMP holding cell?" Patrick asked as he tried to recover some energy.
\n "Unlike Rrahkarr who's existence didn't need those genes activated. All I am is those genes, since I'm in control they can't be shut off. They are what make me... me. Besides they aren't all that give me the ability to do what I do." Severo explained.
\n "I don't understand." Patrick said to which Severo smiled.
\n "I think it's time we ended this little charade." Severo said as he charged Patrick. Then something interfered and knocked him onto his side after tackled him. He quickly recovered though and looked at what attacked him.
\n What stood before him was a creature; it was like the second generation creature Rrahkarr faced when he fought in the arena. Only it stood on digigrade legs with spikes coming out of the areas where the joints were but in a way it wouldn't affect its movement. It had a tail with a spear like tip and had spikes on the top side of its tail that looked like razors that started further up on its back. It had two sets of arms, ones with hands of some sort and the other set had a large single claw on them; similar to the first generation creatures.
\n It had an extended jaw like a muzzle filled with razor sharp teeth. It had two red eyes that held a higher level of intelligence behind them compared to the first and second generation creatures Rrahkarr had faced and had a carapace like armor over its entire body with no apparent vulnerable spots. Its head was shaped more like a fur's and it stood at an even eight feet tall yet was hunched over a little. Its skin or hide was colored a light red or brownish color and it appeared to have slime coating it as well.
\n "Hello... Patrick is this yet another one of your little experiments?" Severo said in a bemused voice.
\n Patrick wiped more blood from his face onto his suit sleeve before saying "Oh yeah it is... how about you go a round or two with it?"
\n "I'd rather spread you around the room." Severo said in a dark voice.
\n Before Severo could say another word the creature attacked him. Its speed was amazing and just as fast as Patrick was. Thus Severo was able to avoid the attack by jumping to the side but he didn't take into consideration of the extra limbs the creature had. The moment the Severo dodged it had planted its claws from its second set of arms into the ground and turned to face the spot Severo would land and while he was still in mid-air grabbed hold of him.
\n It slammed him into the ground as hard as it could before bringing its spear tipped tail over its back to strike Severo. Seeing things change so fast Severo brought his feet up to the chest of the creature and kicked it as hard as he could. It let go of him and backed up a couple feet as Severo regained his footing.
\n "This actually might be fun." Severo said with a devilish smile as he licked his lips of the blood from the many people he had already killed.
\n The creature was paying full attention to Severo but seemed to ignore Patrick, even Severo thought this strange until Patrick actually walked up behind it and patted its shoulder and said "I assume you have Rrahkarr's memories and know of the first and second generation bio-weapons I said I created?"
\n "Yeah I remember that, what's the point?"
\n "I had said they were too... unintelligent. This here is the third generation bio-weapon I was speaking of, not only is it intelligent but it was also made by using my DNA and Rrahkarr's DNA from a sample we got years ago." Patrick said and patted it a little harder and it disappeared only to reappear next to Severo.
\n Severo was able to see it and barely dodged its attack by jumping backwards but this time it didn't follow up with another attack. Severo had jumped half way across the room; Patrick with the creature was at one end closer to the facilities transporter. Severo was on the opposite end of the room and little Aurora was still unconscious in the middle of the room.
\n Patrick looked at her and shook his head "So much for my theory of the next generation being stronger. Kill the little one." Patrick commanded the creature then looked at Severo "What do you think of that?"
\n It actually nodded its head in understanding before moving in to kill her. Severo only smiled and laughed before saying "Do you think I care what you do to the brat, you're just making this easier for me; one less to kill."
\n Severo stood by as the creature moved in to kill Aurora; he watched... wanting to see the bloody mess it would make of her until everything stopped. Severo was confused; he couldn't move his body at all yet could look around the room. Then it dawned on him, he was in the state that he usually brought Rrahkarr into to torture him.
\n "Severo..." The voice of Rrahkarr said in an acidic tone.
\n Severo's eyes went wide as everything faded into that dream world where Rrahkarr and Severo usually spoke. He could move now and turned around and looked behind him. Rrahkarr was still in existence and walking towards him. The closer he got he noticed that Rrahkarr's eyes started to grow brighter as they glowed. For the first time Severo felt fear, something was different now and he didn't know why. He couldn't even find any words to say as Rrahkarr drew closer and closer with a look of rage on his face.
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Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 17.) Animal I Have Become
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14 years ago
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