Current Track: Blabb

- A Case Study

Giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo)

Cederwyn Whitefurr

April, 2023

Rights Reserved.

Notes : This is more an idea, to standardise their kind in any tales
I write about these fictional creatures, to ensure conformity within
the universe in which they inhabit - aka, my imagination. It is in no
way meant to be a definitive document, just how I personally envision
them, their attitudes, appearances and mannerisms.

aren't specifically limited to a specific species. For sake of
simplicity, I shall break them down to the common most I personally
frequently reference is my literary works.

Two - Various Species of Therian

Giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo)

Australia, these are the predominant species of Therian's. Whilst
not as widespread or numerous as those of their US Odocoileus
virginianus (Whitetail Deer)
, they are in surprisingly healthy

predisposed to light to moderate woodlands, or open fields, the
Eastern Grey Kangaroo is indistinguishable from their feral cousins.
This is predominantly to blend in and not draw attention to
themselves. From their size and weight, through to their identical
fur marking and colouration, beyond a few feet you would have no idea
that they are indeed not feral Eastern Grey Kangaroo's.

their kind, the Pure Blood are born to both Therian Buck and Doe.
From adolescence, the young Therian can switch between his or her
Feral form (preferred form), or that of human. Unlike the Odocoileus
virginianus (Whitetail Deer)
they do not have an anthropomorphic form, as their paws naturally
allow them to somewhat clumsily
manipulate objects, hold them and so on.


Therian's are generally quiet, gentle of spirit and nature. However,
can become quite agitated or even outright aggressive if threatened
or cornered. Usually, they will seek to flee from predators or those
who will seek them harm – however – if cornered and unable to
escape, even the Doe's will fight with teeth, paws and hind claws.

can consist of one buck and a few does, right through to large mobs
of 30 or more members, as out of the entire Therian Kangaroo's, their
gregarious nature causes them to bond to each other. When weaned,
the young males are strongly encouraged
– by their mothers and if necessary, the dominant buck, to leave,
whilst the Doe joeys remain with their mothers.

will not willingly accept another Therian Doe's joey – actively
avoiding such contact, or if Joey persists, they will slap its ears
and growl at it. An orphaned Joey through whatever means – if not
weaned – will not survive alone without outside interference.

is said, amongst their kind, that some
humans, will adopt an orphaned Joey, protect it and raise it –
however such offspring, when they become adults, usually leave their
surrogate parent, driven to return to their own kind. Such are
viewed with suspicion and mistrust amongst their kind.

rare cases, are the Therian orphaned Joey bonds to its surrogate
parent and will not, willingly, part from them – other Therian
Kangaroo's will seek out such an unusual Joey, and watch it closely
for many years, to ensure the safety of the human parent and the well
being of the Therian itself.

said orphan turns dark
– then Therian Kangaroo's will have no hesitation to kill said
offspring, usually, by their preferred method, which is termination
with a single bullet.

said orphan is mistreated or abused, Therian Kangaroo's will forcibly
kidnap said orphan from humans and bring it back to their own kind.
In exceptional cases, the human is removed
– their remains never found, nor do those Therian's responsible,
ever speak of it.

few humans have managed to form long-term bonds with these creatures,
but those who have either done the Therian's a great service (such as
saving their life, rescuing a joey, when they themselves, could not
or something similar).

few, are granted access to their mob, treated with kindness and
respect. Even a dominant male will be placid and gentle with them.
They are treated as one of the mob itself, permitted to play with the
Joeys and even cuddle them. However, they are watched at all times,
and the slightest hint of wrong-doing, they will be banished and
forbidden to return.

who break their word to a Therian Kangaroo – are forever branded as
untrustworthy and they'll never be forgiven for their trespasses with
that mob.

mob's will be wary of such, but not openly aggressive, until human
has proven otherwise.

Kangaroos, they know their preferred forest homelands intimately,
often remaining in their feral like forms so as to watch those who
trespass and judge them according to their actions. Most times, they
will be led away by one in its human form, who will take them to
safety (if they're lost, for example).

who come to harm and hunt these creatures – instead – will find
they scatter in all directions, pregnant Doe's often abandoning their
joeys, who know to hide and not move, whence their mothers will
return when safe to do so.

will find themselves stalking one kangaroo – the others of the mob
having moved in to flank the unsuspecting hunter. Such encounters –
never end well for unwary humans...

for the most part, they are kind, gentle, sweet natured creatures,
they're not afraid to fight even to the death against a valid threat,
using either their natural weaponry (be that their sharp teeth,
claws, or most frightening of all – the long, middle toe talon,
capable of tearing a human open from throat to groin and
disembowelling them.

their human form, they prefer to use single shot rifles, a few, have
access to military grade rifles with devastating effect. They often
use nickel plated rounds and shoot for the head or the heart, to
minimise trauma to their victim.

small percentage of them have forsaken their oaths and promises and
have turned dark and evil. These ones actively hunt and consume
humans, who they view as sport and playthings - subjecting their
captured humans to all kinds of horrific physical and emotional
torture, before finally growing bored with them or just hungry.

who have turned are actively hunted by any member of that species,
who will show them no mercy. They will kill them as quickly and
compassionately as they can, usually, well out of range of where
humans may discover this.

 It is common amongst these, and other Therian types, if one of their own betrays or breaks the 'rules' - depending on severity - they will be punished accordingly.  One who has -shattered- the rules - they will be held down and a 'notch' bitten in either left or right ear.

 Any Therian who see's one with a 'notched ear' will -never-, ever, aid or assist such a one, irregardless of how 'dire' the situation, as they are banished/shunned by any Therian, who has the 'genetic memory' of such a punishment imprinted in their minds from birth.

 Nothing, short of death itself, will ever 'undo' the stigma of being banished from the so marked Therian.


their feral forms, they are perfectly indistinct to their wild
relatives. They are unmistakable in colouration, markings, appearance
and musculature. It is only if very closely examined via the mouth or
bodily fluids can the differences be noted. Naturally, a Therian will
not submit to a Veterinary check for fear of revealing their
true selves.

human form, they are of slightly over-average height, thinner than
most humans and have an introverted nature. Whilst
they vary in emotional state and temperament, like any creature, for
the most part, they pass amongst humanity without anyone being the


is extremely rare between a human male and a Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Therian. Many will not consider even entertaining the thought of such a coupling - whilst some, very rarely, do consider this - and even fewer again openly court a human male.  Most Doe's will not submit, those who - do - are usually heavily looked down upon ny their relatives and others in their mob.  Most does prefer to breed to the strongest, most dominant of their own males who rules
their mobs.

Some male's, usually young and some more frustrated mature Buck's, do openly seek out human women for courtship and mating, as their options inside their mob is extremely improbable.

males and challengers, often fight for mating rights – they fight
in their feral forms, and as such, some fights have been known to
cause significant injury or even possible death. Most times, the
loser of this battle will crouch and cough in submission, then be
chased out of said mob's home territory. A dominant Buck can expect
his rule to last up to ten years, before he will be forced out by a

most breeding occurs all year round, there is not specific
breeding seasons. A Therian Doe remains in her feral form, from
mating through to weaning of her offspring. When it is first born,
the Joey is blind, hairless and helpless – climbing up through her
fur to the pouch, where it will spend the next few months in further

Therian joeys are lost during this time – either slipping whilst
climbing, or failing to find their mothers teat in time or other
variables. A doe who loses her joey, will come back into heat again
in as little as two weeks.

the Joey is old enough, a Doe will forcibly evict her offspring from
the pouch for a few moments – this out of pouch time becomes longer
and longer, until said Joey is outside her pouch and whilst still
nursing – will not be permitted to re-enter. Usually, this is
because the doe has already given birth to another joey.

a general rule, one dominant Alpha Buck rules the entire mob over
which he has dominion. Everyone is expected to crouch and cough in
submission to his presence, or risk his anger.

mature at three human years of age, whilst females mature more slowly
at seven human years.

Buck's never get a chance to breed – a few non-dominant ones might
manage to breed with a receptive Doe, if she's caught out alone, or
accepting towards him, but the vast majority do not.

do not, as a general rule, breed until their sixth year –
some dominant Buck's – have been known to force
their attentions on Doe's as young as two – often with unpleasant
results for the terrified doe.

males can produce viable sperm in any form, females can only conceive
in their feral-like forms, for which they shall remain until the
birth of their Joey, which are born exactly like their wild


mob's are ruled over by the strongest, most dominant male. His rule
is law and as such, he holds absolute dominion until his death, or
deposed by a rival Buck. Doe's in the mob, or born to it, will stay,
adolescent, young males, are driven out by the dominant male, as he
views them as potential competition for the breeding does.


are omnivorous, eating berries, leaves, grains and other plants in
their animal forms, indistinguishable from their 'feral' cousins and
close relatives.

necessary, some Mob's keep very small small herds of goats and sheep
and are slaughtered when necessary, when the need for meat is

can eat any human food, they prefer rare steak, salads and
vegetables, in their human-guise.


Joey's are only protected by their mother – no other Doe will
assist, but if the mob itself is threatened, all adults will fight to
protect themselves.

their greatest threat, comes not from wild animals, but a group of
humans who centuries ago, discovered these 'beasts' as they refer to
them and have made it their personal mission to hunt down and
annihilate the entire Therian race, be they Buck, Doe or even Joey.

to less numbers in the wild, than their Deer cousins in the US, the
hunter's do not truly
perceive these Therian's as too much of a threat. However, they
regularly conduct culling of the Therian Kangaroo's – who if they
can, scatter to the four winds if they get the slightest of hints
their sworn enemies are coming.

blood-feud has existed between the Therian's and the 'Hunters' as
they Therian's refer to them, for over a thousand years. Once, the
Therian's did prey on humanity, but for the past eight hundred
years, they put their savage, cruel and predatory nature behind them.

they can kill humans, it is only for self-preservation of themselves
and their offspring (only as a last measure, once methods to drive
away the humans have failed), but they will show no mercy to the
humans who have allied themselves to the 'Hunters' who seek their

humans hunt the Therian Kangaroo's, seeing them, and mistakenly
believing, they are feral kangaroo's – if one is taken by a Roo
shooting hunter, word is spread quickly, and neither hunter nor his
vehicle is ever seen again...