Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Neecer


Something rolled by us.
We all shifted our attention to it in surprise, tilting heads as to wondered
what it was. As I got up onto my feet, I walked over to the source of that
noise. Surprise to see that it was a brown package. It was something that I
snatched from the grounds, raised high towards my head while Wyott tilted his
head again and spoke towards me, “Who is it from?" “Someone from the outer
realms." I responded, “Someone got an admirer eh?" Responded Woven despite
being nudged to the side by Westli who growled at him, annoyed. He fell to the
ground, head first with spinning things above his head. As I turned, gazing at
them. Curious upon their antics, I just shook my head and remained silent just
as I withdraw from the streets and back towards them once more.


“Anyway." I said, picking
up the conversation again as every coyote turned towards me. “This package was
not for me. Rather it is for someone else that lives upon here." “In Virkoal
Forest?" Questioned Wovan but I shook my head at him, “No." I answered back.
“Someone from Reptilian or Canine realms." “Let me see that then." Westil
stated, motioning her paw to me as I obliged with him however. Handing over the
package that was upon my paws straight towards him, I watched him as he jiggled
the package up towards his ear. Then glanced back towards me, nodding his head
“He is right however. This package is not something that we should be using
however." “My guess it is from, Reptilian." I stated, “Doubt any reptiles would
be using whatever is contained in this package." Objected Westli. A small
silence fell all over us as our eyes shift back towards the package again. But
I stood up onto my two and spoke “Then we should deliver it to them instead."
“Should not the mailman do it? It is their job after-" “They left it behind." I
cut him, Westli fell silent. Nodding afterwards.


So I guess it was already
established what we were going to do for today. We got onto our feets. Landing
our paws upon the hard stale grounds underneath us as we zoomed our way
straight towards Reptilian realm. I had forgotten that it was a beautiful afternoon.
The rain had stopped completely and left behind some puddles here and there
which some kits and pups were playing upon. Splashing onto their surroundings
whom grew angry at them while the rest were just smiling and laughing on.
Encouraging them to continued.


Regardless, we had
arrived upon Reptilian realm's gates. I had must say that it was huge. Bigger
than the entrance gates that Virkoal Forest had gotten however. There were
silver gates on either side of us. Arming themselves with silver bars that
criss cross against one another; forming a net at the very end. I walked up
towards this net to touch it. But got electrocuted in the end. My fur was all
standing up however. With some laughs coming from Westli and Wovan, I growled
at both of them before grooming myself. Fixing my fur in little time at all
while Wovan and Westli walked up towards the gates. Spotting red buttons
imprinted upon the surface of the walls; adjacent to the metal bars and gates.
Lifting their paws, they pressed the button at the same time. A loud buzzer
echoed through our ears and with my snapped to attention to the bars ahead of
me, they separated amongst themselves at lightning speed. Then departed,
opening the gate for us for our arrival.


“What a cool set up."
Exclaimed Westi with a smile, glancing over to me and Wovan “We should have
that installed in Virkoal Forest." “I do not think that Hunter's pack would
appreciate that however." I chuckled softly gradually glancing away from him
while Westi tilted his head to one side, blinking as he wondered what I was
saying. But I exhaled once the conversation was fully dropped and silence was
left alone looming over us once more. As in the silence, we walked together
down the road. Straight through the Reptilain streets where reptiles of all
sizes and species surrounded us, doing their own thing. We even saw a police
officer standing by in front of the store, raising his black square thing up
towards his snout. He had seemed to be muttering about something or talking to
someone, we would never know however.


But despite it, we
continued our way. Further down the streets; keeping our eyes to the horizon in
front of us. For in a few minutes later of walking, we had already stumbled
upon another brown package upon the floor. Well, literally stumbled however. Wovan
was on the floor, groaning as his legs were up in the air. His face touching
the warm grounds underneath him. While he was groaning, Westli turned his
attention towards the other package on the ground then towards me in silence,
“This is another package dropped. Could the mailman be that sloppy however?"
“Could be." Commented Westli with a small smile upon his face, hidden that it
was hard to see without me psychically looking at him however. But just as that
smile faded upon his snout, he then pulled his attention towards Wovan and did
what he had to do with him. For in the meanwhile, I grabbed the package and
raised it with my paw. Putting inside a green plastic bag that was held in
Virkoal Forest, it disappeared from my sights and I exhaled a breath before
commenting onto the others, “Come on. We should head forth and find more of
these packages." “Is that all we are going to do for this story?" Questioned
Wovan with a smack of a paw across his face as Westli growled at him. He
whimpered responding,


I shook my head. Staying
out of the conversation between the two Coyotes however. I turned my attention
to the front, towards the horizon in front of me. Already spotting a tunnel
ahead of us. Two red arrows from either side of the tunnel were pointing within.
With words that I never understood however. A tilt of my head came as I glanced
over to the two arrows in silence, I had pondered if it was just a silly
advertisement to heed forth into those tunnel, I just shook my head “Come on
you two." I started, urging the two coyotes behind me to kick into gears as I
had already ignored them barking at one another for some strange unknown
reason. For the two had already stopped, turned their heads towards me and ran
up. We walked down the street. Then stopped halfway before turning attention to
the alterative route over to the right where another road was there. Heeding
straight towards the square. “Neat!" Chimed Woven with a smile, wagging his
tail “There could be food over there." “At the square?" I chimed in after him,
glancing at him while he nodded his head happily “Yeah. Squares of towns or
cities always hold food festival there. They said so." “Who said so-" I
questioned him, but he was already speeding down the streets. Closing in onto
the square.


With an exhaled of a
breath, I turned to Westli who nodded his head silently as if agreeing with me
about something. For he darted down the roads, disappearing seconds after while
screams and yells were heard in the distance. Someone shouted out of the blue.
But it was already drowned out by others' loud footsteps and wings flapping in
the air. The next second, I had noticed a bunch of reptiles in the air. Fleeing
from their spot and heading in all kinds of directions; I exhaled another
breath and shook my head. Long before I headed down the road last; entering
straight onto the square. Dreading what I would see between the two coyotes, I
closed my eyes and turned my head towards the left. I continued having my eyes
closed then opened them again, looking at the mess that I was already seeing
unfold in front of me.


Tables were already
overturned. Chairs were pointing up towards the skies above us. Cloths were
upon the streets, flying away with the reptiles' winds. In the center of all
that was the two coyotes; westling with one another. A series of growls, yips
and some other unknown or unrecognized voices and sounds I never heard of.
Westi was on top of Wovan; both had their eyes locked against one another. I
shouted for them. Their attention was turned towards me; halting their
'attacks' and then towards one another. For before they knew it, they had
already caused damaged to a local restaurant nearby. Their tails between their
legs as they walked straight towards me, I waved them off then towards the
owners of the restaurant itself. With a warm blush circulating around my neck,
I quickly apologized for my packmates' indecision and 'paid' for the damage
before all three of us left the restaurant altogether now.


I was angry with them.
Setting up a childish act for all canines everywhere. Even at a fancy
restaurant at that. I still find myself growling; grounding fangs tightly as if
I could not believed it. Even for myself however. But with the silence looming
over us, I stopped after a short walk down the square and turned my attention
back to the two coyotes behind me. They had their heads down, hanging and
staring at the floor underneath them. No words or sounds came from either of
them. But I shook my head, exhaling a breath before speaking. Unknowingly to
myself, softly however. “You idiots. What were you thinking?" “He started it."
“Enough." I barked at them, causing them to flinched suddenly. “We are to find
the wolf pack and redeliver this package to them. I think they are the mailwolf
this time upon this realm." “They are?" Westi responded, eyes widened in
surprise. “I would had never thought that they-" But my stare caused him to
stop completely.


For with the following
silence, I had decided to split up. Westi heading right, Wovan on the opposite
way and me taking care of the alleyways. For this way, it was a bit quicker and
easier to find and spot the pack after all. 'They could not have gotten that
far however.' I thought with a smile as I entered onto the closest alleyway
that I could find upon the square. The light disappeared from my surroundings;
leaving the darkness upon my wake as my pupils in my eyes grew large. Staring
down at the bags of trash and among other things here, I huffed and just walked
on by them. The alleyway itself was smaller compared to the dirt roads back in
Virkoal Forest however. But it was not big either. It was easier to maneuver
around mainly because of the roads in Virkaol as I found my own feet walking
one after the other, one front then the other in sync. I walked down the length
of the alleyway and heed towards the end of it where I found myself upon a huge


Four paths ways loomed
over my eyes as I found myself staring onto them. Each heading into their own
direction and destination. Where? I would not know without even taking those
paths however. But as my eyes were drawn from those paths towards the surface
of the dirt in front of me. There I had spotted another package. Unlike the
others, the package was standing on its side. Words upon its surface were
easier to read, if I were to squint my eyes and stared at it. But never minding
that now, I walked towards the third package. Gathering it up into my plastic
bag where it had disappeared from my eyes completely. For just as I stared at
it fading into the bag, thoughts popped into my head in wonderance about the
pack. About how clumsy they would be, losing package after package. But a faint
smile with a follow up of a shook of my head came, interrupting those thoughts
afterwards as I rose my eyes towards the four paths before me. 'Oh right.' I
thought to myself, remembering that I was in an alleyway's square. Gradually, I
walked up towards the first of the four over to my left. I raised my eyes
towards it alleyway's horizon, glancing down its length and stared upon its


The first alleyway I had
saw was much cleaner than the previous alleyway that I had entered in. Though a
trashbox stands in my way of victory however at an unknown distance from where
I stand. I shook my head, mentally noting that 'it was not a problem.' before
heading towards the next one, adjacent to it. The next alleyway was dirtier
than the two alleyways before it: Trash and glass were everywhere and
scattered, filling up the length up towards its end. Not to mention that dry
blood were found also; painting the grounds too along with the others.
Alongside all three were trash cans. Much smaller compared to the trash bags or
boxes found at the other alleyways. However, unlike the other alleyways'
trashbags, these were bolted to the ground as I could see a tiny bit of black
things upon the deflated wheels of the trashes. This had surprised me however
as I had wondered 'who was psychically trained to even hardcore through this
anyway?' As much as I just wanted to stick around the alleyway and see all the
crazy stunts pulled here, I did have an objective to deal with however. For
thus, I pulled myself away from the alleyway and head towards the next one.


A fourth package was
found here. Lying upon the middle of the alleyway, all alone. The alleyway
offered nothing more than the package itself as I had saw nothing. No
trashbags, boxes or carts. No glass or anything other that resembled trash
however. Just a lonely package. As I found myself staring down onto the fourth
package, I started making a hard dark face. Ears already pulled back. I started
walking. Already entering through the alleyway. I walked forth halfway through the
alleyway to grabbed the package. But when I stopped; I had noticed that the
package was flickering however as if it was some sort of hologram or something
along that lines. Upon which, I just stared at it suddenly and tilted my head
to one side. I tried grabbing it again. But it resulted the same. Nothing else
happened after or following it. I frowned and turned tail to flee straight to
the entrance alleyway to try out the others. However, to my surprise; the
entrance alleyway was gone from my sights. Nothing was there other than a brown
door in front of me.


I blinked and shook my
head. Raising my paw towards my arm, I pinched it to make sure I was not
dreaming or anything. With the pain coursing through my veins and me flinching
in response; I growled responding, acknowledging that it was not. But I still wondered
where I was however. I turned my head towards the alleyway that I was in. Now
realizing that it was a hallway instead. Paintings were hang onto the wall of
my left side. A red carpet was laid upon the flooring below me. Rolled out
towards the ends of the hallway however. The same brown door was there; still
in front of me. Curiosity took a hold of me; guiding me straight towards the
brown door to which it opened, allowing me in. But I saw not a room or another
hallway. Rather, it was the streets with reptiles looking at me for a short
time before going along their merry way. For there be silence lingering above
me, but I myself was surprise. Thoughts ran down my head; rapidly in wonderance
of what I had just saw. But none was able to comprehend it at all for it.
Perhaps a dream, a vision or something in the near future.


Shaking my head, I made
another face and raised up my head towards the blue skies above me. Noting its
beauty shining down onto the side of my face; I take a moment to appreciate it
before remembering what I had to do however. For quickly, I darted through the
streets of Vaster. Heading straight into an unknown direction where my
destination was to be held with the other coyotes whom perhaps were waiting for
me there. Upon my arrival, Wovan and Westi turned their heads over to me and
smiled. Thought secretly, they were concern about me considering that one of
them stated about missing half a day. “Was it already nighttime?" I questioned,
Westi shook his head respondingly answering me, “No. Its late afternoon.
Evening will soon come. We should do what we needed to do and get out of here."
“Right." I commanded and spilled the packages that I had already gathered.
Following me came Wovan and Westi as they added onto the pile.


All in all, there was
about seventeen packages gathered. The pile itself was medium size. Hitting
already upon our own ankles it had seemed. Onto this, we all smiled. Wovan and
Westi seemed pleased with themselves, nodding as they looked over to me just as
I had motioned for them before turning tail and walked away. “We still need to
deliver this all to the pack. They must be at the station right now." “Is it
nearby?" Questioned Wovan as he and Westi gathered half of the packages in
their arms and walked following me. But I never answered them. For instead, I
led them straight towards a nearby building with a white sign hovering at its
center. With blinking lights of LCD, we entered inside where a fresh breath of
ac air washed down upon our fur. We entered into a small room. Four chairs sits
in front of us; all pale. Front of them was desks; to which was also sat by
some reptile at front. All three reptiles were wearing the same uniform. But
were of different colors or shades of the same color however. As we gathered up
to one of the three, I asked them about the pack.


But he tilted his head
and questioned me, “A pack? A pack of what?" “Sorry." I shook my head
reinstating my statement to him. “I mean the wolf pack. Do they work here." “We
have no knowledge of any wolf pack working for us however. We are all reptiles,
dragons mainly too if that was what you are asking however." “More
specifically. The Hunter's pack?" I asked again, he blinked his eyes and again
shook his head “Never heard of them." “Seriously dude!" Exclaimed the other
reptile with claws hang above his head, “The famously group of wolves who
irritated allies and enemies alike, put the fear in newbie enemies and etc. All
with their stupidly antics." “It almost feels like a Saturday morning
television series." Commented the other reptile with a laugh as the reptile
that we are talking to fell silent and once more shook his head.


“You sir are missing
out." Complained the reptile as he turned towards us and spoke “Yeah. the rest
of us knew whom you are talking about. Hunter's pack is famous around these
parts of the Reptilian realm. Mainly because of their antics and stupidity amongst
them. It was such fun to-" I coughed to interrupt him, “Oh right." He spoke
with red roses emerging upon his cheeks, “Anyway. We saw them. They had cleaned
up the delivery system from one of our lazy workers. We should hire them
instead." He joked at the end, nudging the other reptile who laughed. “They
were just heading upper No-" And we were gone. Running up the streets, heading
towards the desired destination. My mind rushing through many thoughts in
ponderance of how famous these wolves were. As with a smirk upon my snout, I
thought 'maybe we could compete with them at a high regard…?'