Current Track: Blabb

Treter: Anal Hole


“What. What do you mean
we are being punished for something that we had not done!" I find myself
growling at the doe in front of us whom stared blankly at me, stating nothing
in response as the silence fell overhead. I just stared at the doe for a moment,
then turned around and shake my head before walking forth towards the door in
front of us where the other coyotes were located and waited for me to reappear
upon them. Yet halfway through my walking, I just find myself growling again
when the doe responded out of the blue though I could taste a small smirk upon
her snout as she said so. “Be sure to find a hole on your way out. Your
buttholes do not count." I nodded my head at her; though with those narrowed
eyes of mine. Turned around and headed out the remaining path towards the door
where I exited out from the base behind me and just growled out loud for my
packmates to hear me.


Wovan, Wivina, Wyott and
Wissyon all looked upon me with surprise upon their faces. Though none of them
had any words to depart upon me and just stared at me for a moment till I just
relaxed afterwards. Shaking my head and exhaling with breath, I lifted my head
up towards the other coyotes before me and spoke, barely  whisper towards them “We are ordered to find
a hole located somewhere outside of this forest ground. As punishment to reveal
the plan to the others." “Was that why she-" Started Wivina, but Wyott cut her
off suddenly and I find myself shaking my head following and answering her
before departing from them and headed forth to the entrance of the forest where
we had revealed ourselves to the outside world.


The plains in front of us
stretched far. Far into the horizon surrounding us. Nothing was around
ourselves so it had seem; which was a good thing however since I had hated her
anyway. With thoughts popping in and out of my own head wondering how we had aligned
ourselves with such a crook, I just shake my head afterwards and spoke out
towards the rest “So do we know where shall we find such a hole to please her
instead?" “Cannot we just dig one instead? Just finishing this up anyway so we
can just sleep otherwise.?" Questioned Wissyon. At the mention of sleep; Wovan
and Wivina just yawned. I growled at Wissyon who flinched back immediately as
his eyes met up with mine. “We cannot. The deer is knowledgeable upon such
holes." “Did he even have a book based upon it?" Wissyon asked, but no one
answered him anyway. As Wovan and Wivina walked a bit forward away from us.
Each of them heading into a different direction. I find myself staring up
towards the horizon; thus exhaling a sigh I moved onward and left Wyott and
wissyon behind me as the latter just glance at on another in response before
departing at once.


So we started searching
for the stupid hole that the doe had wanted. Yet during our travels into
finding such a hole, we had wondered why the doe had wanted such a thing. Many
thoughts had gone through my head in ponderance of such a thing. Yet sometimes
I had wondered if these thoughts were the real reason as to why she had wanted
one at all. Despite me looking deeply in thought about the holes that she had
wanted, I blinked and flinched out of noticed while raising my eyes to the
horizon in front of me. Staring down onto the fields before me where I had
noticed flowers blooming somewhere off towards the sides and a couple of other
things adjacent to them. Some, even the other plants and trees that were
adjacent to the flowers were at a distance from them too. I had wondered if
this was where I had needed to find the hole and I had decided to look for it


Arriving upon the fields
of plants and flowers, I began my search. I yank the flowers off from the
grounds below me. Then looked upon the ground underneath the plant; finding
nothing there but a hole of where the plant had once was however. I had proceed
to yank the rest of the flowers off from the ground too. Sporting the same as
before otherwise. With an exhale of a breath I frowned before departing from
the fields of ruined flowers and plants behind as I turned my attention towards
something else. With hope that I would be able to find whatever was the doe was
searching for however. I think I had walked westward for some reason; heading
straight towards some sort of forest before me. I stopped upon the entrance and
lifted my eyes upon which; staring at the blank darkness that lingered upon the
forest itself. Revealing nothing, I frowned otherwise but take a deep breath
before entering right on inside upon the forest itself where my own visions
turned to sudden darkness as I find myself weaving through branches and trees
that stand in my way now.


It was rather a surprise
into seeing Wyott and Wovan here too. Both of which were digging up holes while
burying their nose into the holes they were digging up, searching for anything
that was beneath them covered by the grounds between them. I had called for
both of them; they had immediately turned towards me in surprise. Though
neither of them spoke any words; just a series of barks as if they were fearing
of someone overhearing about some sort of plan that we had. I stared at them in
response; but complied with whatever they were doing and responded later with
my own. A series of barks and whines had came and gone, filling the forest
ground while the outside noises had suddenly became silent for some strange
reason too. But neither of us paid any sort of attention towards it.


At the end of Wovan's set
of barking had me stopped otherwise as my thoughts popped onto my own mind as
my own head tilted in confusion upon the coyote in front of me. For a while, a
long silence fell between us and I take that time to ponder about upon what
Wovan was stating. But shook my head and responded with my own to which Wovan
nodded his head and w alked somewhere else, taking with him was Wyott as he had
stated whining for some reason. But comply with the order otherwise and tailed
behind him. When the two coyotes were gone from my sights, I shift my attention
towards the field of holes that they had created. Thus exhaled a breath and
frowned, closing opening my eyes following it before muttering something
underneath my breath otherwise. 'Damn those pair; we had just finish eating
breakfast already right before this story started for us and now they are
whining about being hungry now?' I shook my head again before returning to the
task at hand.


But a set of footsteps
had stopped me suddenly as I unconsciously turned my attention towards the
source of that sounds and find myself staring up ahead into the horizon. There,
I had noticed a pair of eyes staring back onto me. I growled, narrowing my own
before angrily warning to whomever was there “This is not a horror story! If
you are looking for Rannar, he is not here! Probably relaxing somewhere or
lazily idling about!" But the pair of eyes just continued staring at me, never
deterring from my own verbal warning at all while I just find myself staring at
the figure before me and flattened my own ears, shaking my head before shouting
out once more, “This=" Then that pair of eyes were gone. I take a breath to
calm myself down; the anger had already departed from me leaving behind the
cold calm state that I shivered from. But shaking my own head again, I returned
my attention back to the holes in front of me.


For after sometime,
really late into the afternoon was when I had finished filling the holes that
my packmates had created at once. I exhaled another breath, exhausted about
upon the lab work that I committed to do and just shake my entire fur off from
the dampness that had lingered upon it. Staring down onto the fields of grass
before me before giving a nod and a faint smile, departing immediately towards
the left side of the fields, entering once again back into the forest ground
once more. I started walking; ears out from my head and listening to the
ringing that echoed upon the tranquil silence that had loomed overhead of me. I
turned towards the trees that surrounded me; towards the bushes and the
darkness therein. But I saw nothing there which was a surprise. I had looked
around the fields of trees, bushes and darkness for a while I think until I
just gave up otherwise and headed forth towards a nearby cavern that was there.
Entering into it immediately.


The pure darkness had
enclosed upon my and clouded my visions to the point that I cannot see anything
out in front of me anymore. Yet that never had deterred me from ever walking
the pathway straight towards the opening onto the otherside of the tunnel. For
thus when I had arrived, the first thing IG had noticed about the place was how
neat it was. A bed sits in the corner of the room; in front of it was a
television that does not seem to work at all however. Another bed was adjacent
to the other bed; but it looked to be a bit messier than the other actually.
Inbetween them was a desk with a lamp overtop of it. Above all three was a tree
branch that extended across the diameter of the room. Attached to the branches
were fruits of different sizes and colors which had gotten my own stomach to
rumble reminding me that I was hungry. With a frown, I walked up towards the
messy bed and climbed onto the surface of it; stretched out my paw towards the
branch above me and yank some of the fruits from the branches i tself. I had
taken more than I had needed however; additionally ate some maybe few of them
too while I just climbed down from the bed and back upon the flooring. Where I
had started to hear a voice called out from somewhere.


I turned immediately
towards that someone; spotting a familiar bear that popped out of view. Now
staring at me with widened eyes and growls. I yelped surprised upon hearing a
bear in my presence and started fleeing from its sight. Straight towards the tunnel
in front of me, disappearing from his sights. Yet I could hear him running
after me however. The flooring below us vibrated underneath his heated and
angry wrath that I feared for my own life. I ran, sprinting down the tunnel
while hearing the soft breathing behind me closed in onto where I was. Yet the
light before me dawn upon mine and the bear's face as it grew brighter and
bigger when we closed in onto the end of the tunnel. The other opening that is.
Thus we had popped out into the public where the cold breeze washed over upon
mine and the bear's fur causing ourselves to shiver at once. The bear enwrapped
himself with his paws and frowned; his black nose turning red suddenly. He
returned back into his cavern, fading from my sights as I smiled back towards
him. Waving him off as if we were friends or something before departing from
the cavern and headed deeper into the forest grounds.


Instantly, I had spotted
the rest of my pack. All gathered up amongst one another. Shivering and
clenching their fangs together while winds after winds blew against their fur.
Their arms and paws were wrapped around themselves as their head were hanged, staring
at the grounds below them. At my step; they turned their attention towards me.
A bit surprise that I was able to find them somehow and bringing food along the
way. I just smiled faintly while dropping what I had gathered upon the ground
which the coyotes take for granted and started wolfing down whatever that their
fangs could get upon. At their finished, Wyott questioned me “Where did you get
this? I bet it was somewhere hard and far from the original location." “We
should diverged from our primary objective however." I objected causing some of
them to whine. Yet they all kept quiet while I growled at them afterwards.
“Besides, we still wanted to join in with REC. Or at least be part of her plans
whatever that maybe however." A couple of nods had came from the rest of them
which had made me smile only faintly however. “So here is what we should do


In the next few hours we
had spent preparing for our plan. Wyott, Wovan and Wivina had started digging
the hole that we had created out into the open fields nearby of the forest
ground. Meanwhile, Wissyon had ran off to report about the hole that we had just
found and to stay there at REC for this plan to work however. After the three
coyotes had finished digging the hole, I came up upon them and lowered my head
down into the hole that we had created. At my nod, I allowed the coyotes to
back off from me while I 'play' my part of the strategy. I were to 'clean' up
the surrounding dirt around said hole to make it believable that it was
something that we had just found otherwise. It only take a few seconds before I
had finished. Thus I stepped back and admired the work that we had done;
shortly following I turned towards the others and gave a nod. Wovan Wivina both
nodded their heads and all four of us each sat upon our own respective corners
of the hole. Tails wagging and acting as if we had found something treasurable.


It had taken a few
moments well into the cold of the evening for the doe to appear who began to
grin upon all of us, but stated nothing well into the silence. For her eyes
stared off upon our heads and faces, looking a bit disgusted by our 'dog'
behaviors. Despite none of them growling; just narrowing their eyes at her. We
all waited a moment until she had drawn herself closer towards the hole before
her. Her sudden behavior had changed; from anger and disgustion to being happy
persay. I guess that was what we called it then? Anyway, we watched her leaned
forward into the hole. Her eyes staring at the depth of the holes before
herself, a smile reappeared upon her face before she suddenly turned her
attention towards us and spoke, “You dogs have done very well. Finding such a
hole that was mother nature of course." “Indeed." I responded with a nod;
though secretly me and the others were smiling dimly and hidden towards
ourselves. As she turned her attention back towards the hole, I gave a nod
towards Wovan who stepped over behind her. I called out towards the doe
adjacent to me whom have ignored me otherwise, but I continued 'talking' to
her. “Why do you not just take a closer look onto the hole we had found. Feel
it being realm, Examine it to your heart's content and blah blah blah all that
other things." I said, waving my paw around as my head tilted back and eyes
staring into the evening skies above us. At her silence, Wovan 'pushed' her
into the hole causing her to scream out loud. A thud erupted from the silence,
she yelled out towards us which we were laughing of course.


Thus I motioned for
Wivina and Wyott; both of which started digging up the hole in front of us.
Some have gotten onto her face; others dirtied her fur at once. But she paid
nothing to it all while screaming out in front of us. But we just continued
laughing of course. However, when her voice was faint into the depths of the
grounds before her, that was when we frozen. For she had said something that
had shocked us however that had forced each of us to turn to one another; pale
written upon across our faces as the cold fear brushes against our fur. We only
buried the daughter of Vilican!?


At this realization, we
just quickly filled up the hole until it was now leveled with the surrounding
ground. With her completely gone, wipe off from the face of the intertwine, we
flee from sight. Heading eastward, out from the plains and straight towards
Vaster however where we stopped immediately and searched out hoping to find
some place to hide amongst the thousands of buildings that surrounded us
however. The streets itself were empty, I had forgotten to mention, where not a
single soul of a dragon or reptile laid upon the streets compute upon their
evening or night walks however. The buildings that surrounded us were all of
various of sizes and not a single one of them were the same. All of the
buildings surrounding us all casted a shadow upon the ground; blocking the
moonlight that was behind them. I turned my attention towards the street ahead
of us; noticing the lampposts that were there, lingering and flickering their
lights about upon the surrounding silence.


“What should we do?"
Exclaimed Wovan while he and the others panicked a bit. White as their faces,
ears already flattened upon their skulls, they all turned towards me for some
help. But even then, I did find my own mind rushing with thousands of thoughts.
None of them were I able to comprehend then. For thus in a quick session or
something that I just out of the blue, I just pointed towards a random building
in front of me and called out “There!" The others turned their heads over to
the building. Realizing now that it was burning and just about to collapse.
“Er… alright. There!" I called out after a moment of hesitation and pointed
towards another building instead that was right across from the building that
was just burned down. We all came running straight into the entrance doors;
bursting into the hotel's main room or rather lobby where we quickly signed in.
Checked the log in times and sprinted up the stairs and entered into our room
down the hole.


For from here was when we
had relaxed from all of that sprinting and such. Wovan collapse upon the golden
chair that was in front of the mirror adjacent to him. Wivina was curled up
upon the bed; Wissyon joined her too however. Meanwhile, Wyott was staring out
the window. Fearful of what Vilican would do to us if she were to find out
otherwise. For the rest of the night we had waited until this entire situation
that we had dug ourselves in passed over, no matter how long had it taken for
us to hide ourselves from the wrath of the doe. We all sat in silence.
Patiently waiting.