Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: A Point

It had been years since I had once left my hometown city for
life outside. Going into business and among other stuff; greeting new friends
and coworkers in my workplace. Celebrating birthdays and holidays, although
from where I had lived. That place had different holidays than my hometown. Oh.
Did I ramble on and beat around the bush? Sorry about that, just memories
always come to me at the worst times and all. I had always forgotten my
surroundings whenever something surfaced in my brain. By the way, my name is
Ling. A stupid generic name, I know. I was disgusted by my dead parents naming
me that. Like, name me something else, please! But no. It was stuck with me for
the rest of my twenty seven year life. As it turns out, I am used to it. Yeah…

Regardless of myself loathing, I am a male. Blue scales and
transparent white wings. Long narrowed bluish horns that looked like pyramids
or that one game that I could not recall at all… Anyway, I came back to my
hometown village which is named 'Vaster'. Not a good name also, I know. Why I
came here and why am I asking myself so many questions lately? I shook my head,
deleting the huge amounts of unanswered questions in my head. Then I raised it
facing the entrance that stood before me. The entrance was brown and dirty
since it was excessively old! If I were to look closely upon it, perhaps I
could see some moles or air exposure upon it. I laughed chuckling to myself,
before shifting my eyes over to the left spotting a white sign. Black words
were upon it and it reads 'Welcome to Vaster! Enjoy your stay.' 'I sure hope
so…' I thought to myself, a wave of memories washed over my head as my heart
leaped. I was excited yet nervous. But pushed myself forward through the
entrance gates and looked out onto the vast environment that laid out before
me. The city was small… Just as anticipated. What? You expected it to be big
like that other story? Jokes on you sucker.

There were at least five or six houses running about. All
clustered upon one another; that no one could even get into the alleyways
between them! The houses were, of course, brown with red or blue rooftops. Only
a few of those houses have glassless windows. Yeah. That is right. Vaster city
cannot create glass for it could cut someone shallowly. I think everyone here
living inside the city was afraid of blood which was odd since they run through
our veins right? Amongst the houses were street roads. But they are not
ordinary roads, however. Powered through the technology that we dragons possessed,
we can make things light up. Lightening up our city even during the coldest of
nights. Also, we do have the intendancy of dancing through them roads for some
reason. There were rumors that a series of music boxes were scattered
underneath those roads and if someone were to walk along with it; it started
playing. I do not even know. I may have to ask some of my old friends about

Have I ever told you that I do have friends here? No? Great.
I will get to it as soon as I encounter them. In later parts of the story
perhaps. For now… I inhaled a breath that entered into my nose. It was a sharp
inhale that nearly left me coughing and blowing any air that got caught up deep
in there… That was disgusting. I started off and walked to the first of the many
crossroads. Stopping once and glanced my attention to both sides; looking out
onto the horizons hoping that no cars or anything be driving about before
taking a step forward to the center; turned myself to the left and resumed. I
walked down the road; taking a look over to my right and staring onto the other
houses that were there. These houses were painted darkest of brown shaded
coloring. Their rooftops were also roughing black. Often times I walked down
this road, I see several teenagers landing onto the roofs laughing amongst
themselves. They were carefree. Seeing the houses now in the current time,
however, how I wished to see a new generation of dragons heading up them
frustrating the inhabitants that lived in there. Remembering that earned me a
chuckle that escaped from my throat. I stopped shortly after and just smiled,
looking around my surroundings a second time while I continued walking down the
road heading forth towards the house that I now lived in. Given by the monks.

The house before me was ruined and broken. Uninhabitable by
many declarations. Its walls were peeled off like mango or orange. It also
smells and if I were to squint my eyes just enough, I could see green fainted
smoke that rises from its rooftops and chimney. Indeed, it smells like an old
home. But to others, it does not. Why? Well, when I was young like seven or so.
I used to live in this very house. Along with a dragoness named Yang whom I
grew to like to. We always played hatchling games and run around the house
naked at times much to our guardian's frustration. But alas, we did not care at
all. Many memories of my childhood days had come to my head like a tidal wave
washing over my brain. My heart grew cold and beaten less as if calmed down or
sad. But felt relief about remembering them days. Snapping my thoughts into
reality, I shoved my claw onto my red ruined jacket. I always forget to
describe what I looked like besides my scales and wings. Pulling out an old
lonely golden key and held it to my claw as I started walking straight for the
door before me.

The door was also gold but was faint and loss its glow over
the years. For currently, it looked fainted and scratched that I could see a
bit of whitish silver on it. Though without hesitation, I shoved the key into
the knob and tilted it to the right. I heard a click then something muttering
on the other side. Blinking and narrowing my eyes, I pushed the door and it
opened allowing me inside. I pulled back the key and closed the door. That was
when I started hearing someone shouting. Looking ahead onto the horizon, there
I saw her. My childhood friend, Yang. She was a beautiful dragoness than I had
remembered her in the past twenty years. Lightest purple scales; silver belly
and wings. Her horns were narrowed like mine but curved backward like a
crescent moon. She was wearing a blue clean jacket. A sparkly badge emerged on
her chest. On top of her head was a blue cap; a yellow badge shines at the
center of it. I smiled brightly and so did she as we stepped forth closer to
one another; we hugged tightly. I had recalled that her grip was far stronger
than mine that I had feared I might get strangled again and lose consciousness.
Like that earlier time…

Then she parted from me, her claws still upon the back of my
neck as she draws her head back and stared with her eyes. Her lips separated
while she spoke, starting the conversation. "Long time, no see Yang. How
was the other city doing for you? Terrible, as you predicted?" She
smirked, I suppressed a laugh before shaking my head answering, "Was not
terrible. At least for the moment." "So what makes you come back here
in Vaster? You do know the-" But I interrupted her waving my claw out
while she shut up. "I came back for two things," I responded after a
pause of silence and her eyes looked at me in interest, wondering what were
they. I spoke in a confident tone, "One, I am looking for a job. The last
one in the other city did not work well for me." "Everyone hated you
predicting correctly, Ling?" Yang answered, a smug smile appeared after
she spoke, I nodded. "Boss fired me for being too arrogant and prideful in
my ability." "Figures." She laughed and turned around walking
into the room disappear. Silence fell over my ears as I turned my attention
towards my surroundings, looking and gazing onto the white walls that stand
before me. I noticed the different number of familiar pictures hanged on the
walls. Many of them were family portraits of me, yang and the monks as we grew
over the years.

From our childhood when we were young and free of the
responsibilities we have now to our teenage years. The monks in every picture,
however, did not change at all. Did I ever mention that our monks were our guardians
when we were hatchlings? The monks were very old dragons that lived past their
prime. Like fifty years and higher old. Their scales would turn to either pale
or white. They now have mustaches and brown Japanese hats to which I never
understood why they were wearing them when they were indoors or even outside.
Was it to protect themselves from the sun? Do they get easily sunburn or
something? Many questions entered and exited from my mind that it was making my
headache suddenly. Releasing the thoughts in my head, I turned my attention to
the room she was in. Entering, I chimed. "So… How was everything here
since I left twenty years ago?"

Then she smiled at me and responded explaining the timeline
from the start of my departure to the time I had arrived. In summary; Argon and
Xenon had retired from police work, giving the job to Yang, Natty and among the
others. Lento had already passed away which I was saddened about. He was a cool
criminal; wanted by the officers and manages to get away in every way possible.
He was also friends with Argon and Xenon, however, their relationship with one
another is strained due to them being on the opposing side of justice. Not that
I called criminals justice anyway. But what was surprising for me and to Yang
when she had first heard it was that, Natty got married and has a hatchling. Often,
I asked Yang about the husband of Natty. But she does not know it either adding
in that she had just declared it.

Frowning but curiously wondering on who was the mate, I
turned my attention to the brown table and two chairs sitting opposite of one
another. Both were pushed in it seems. The table had a cloth on it; a series of
red and white heart shaped pattern that runs across the tablecloth. I walked to
the table, grabbing the top end of the chair and pulled back. Settling myself
onto the surface, I folded my claws and asked her "What about you, Yang?
"What about me?" She asked, a smile off upon the corner of her lips
as her eyes darted to me. I hesitated and gulped quite nervously; surprised
even on myself that I was too nervous to speak to female dragoness. All she did
was giggled and turned herself to the stove replying to my question.
"Doing fine. Many of the officers had asked me to be theirs but had
politely refused them all. " My heart leaps a bit as she further spoke,
"In addition to; the chief had just been promoted just a week before your
arrival." "Who is it?" I asked her curiously, "Xenon."
"Him? But… I thought-" "he retired? Yeah… about that…" She
trailed interrupting me before finally looking my way.

"He never wanted to in the first place." She
answered to the silence, I cracked a smile and laughed. "That so
Xenon." "Yeah," Yang replied with a laugh on her own, smiling
while she could before the silence fell over us again. "Ling?" She
started. I blinked and tilted my head answering "What is it?"
"You are looking for a job yes? Come over to the police station. Maybe
something can spark your interest. At the same time…" She hid her smirk
and she turned to me again, "We can catch up on the others."
"Great." I remarked, getting up onto my feet adding "When can I
start?" "Right about now." She replied turning herself around
facing me, narrowing her eyes as she winked. "Maybe you can have some use
with that prediction of yours." "Sure." I nodded hastily before
she started for the door.

The door remained opened by the time I stared onto it for a
moment. Then I turned my head to the table again and sighed, closing my eyes
and opened them again. I raised onto my feet then turned to the door walking to
it. Reaching for the knob, the door suddenly opened on its own and I was
shocked that I stepped back away to not be hit by it for from the other side
stood Yang whose head was tilted to the side blinking at me while I raised my
claw to her and smiled, waving a bit and she understood replying with a nod in
response. The door remained wide opened, I stepped out from the door. Feeling
in the fresh cold air that washes past my scales, I smiled faintly catching up
to her while she waits a few feet from where I was. Once we were together
again, we resumed our walk down onto the police station. To which according to
Yang, is to the west closest to where her… I mean, our former home was.

Eventually, we reached her workplace. As I stared onto the
building before me, I had noticed that she already had headed in. Leaving me
alone isolated outside of her work, I kept my eye upon the building. It was
taller than before; then again I do not remember how tall was it when Argon and
Xenon first tried to capture Lento. The building was also different in color and
unique than the other homes that surrounded it. Shaking my head, I said nothing
to myself as the door finally opened after three whole minutes and I looked;
meeting the eyes of an old green dragon scaled body. His wins were torn and
broken; there were many holes in the interior of his wings. His scales were
brighter than normal; growing white the more he ages. But I remember who he
was. With a bright smile upon my face, I parted my lips and shouted.
"Argon!" "So you do remember me then, Ling?" He replied
with a chuckle as I nodded. We embraced at least for a short moment until we
had to part. As he asked me, "You must be visiting for the first time?
Great job at your new town?" Then he smirked, "Got some mates."
"Shut up, Argon." I laughed and he cracked a smile afterward before
opening the door, allowing me inside.

Argon is a former officer of an unknown police force. By the
time that we were young and underneath the monk's guidance, we always see him
with his partner chasing after Lento. We did not know why; considering that he
and Xenon never said anything related to their work. But whenever they were not
working and just on patrol and all. They always come over to our home to visit;
playing some games and talking about until evening where they would have to
return to their workplace and report on whatever had come up. From what I know
when speaking to them in the past, they always lie to their chief at points. He
or she never found out, in the long run, allowing them both to keep their jobs.
It was funny!

Remembering that event, I found myself smiling unknowingly
as I walked along with Argon down the narrowed hallway to its end. Finding
myself together with the old cast such as Xenon, Natty and Yang. I grinned and
waves of memories filled my mind while I stepped forward towards Xenon and
Natty having not seen them in the past twenty years. Xenon is Argon's partner
in crime. The two always find themselves in predicaments. Trouble always finds
their way to impact their lives. Whether it be 'chasing down a criminal', 'doing
patrol but think of it as their free time' and among other stuff. Xenon is an
old dragon, however. He lived past and eventually retired. His scales are
pinkish red which I was surprised to see. When I was young, his scales were
pure black. His wings were like Argon's except for the coloring. I turned my
attention towards the pink asshole that we always had to put up with during my
youth. Yes, that is right. The stupid showoff dragoness prick, Natty. She is a
pink scaled dragoness. Her horns are pulled back like Yang; but were curvy. Her
wings were large.

She smiled awkwardly to me, knowing our past relationship
with one another. I growled, narrowing my eyes to her squinting. I had never
wanted to see her. But maybe I was too blind by my memories to even acknowledge
that she was different than her past self. I could see it in her eased up face.
With the silence looming over our heads, Yang coughed to get my attention as I
turned over to her and blinked. Tilting my head to one side, I raised myself
and spoke. Yang beat me to it. "So everyone. This is Ling; the young
dragon from before. I am sure you all have wonderful and sorrowful memories of
one another. However…" She trailed, giving a glance over to Xenon and
Argon. Both of which turned their heads to one another before looking to Yang.
They both stood up onto their feet and walked away leaving the rest of us
inside the room. With another silence, I took the chance to look around.

I was not sure what the interior of the building had looked like
because I did not go to one. If I had remembered correctly; there was not one
police building established in Vaster when I and Yang were young. The walls
were pale on the bottom. White paint was overtopped of it. A lamp hangs above
us, mainly above Natty's head. It was not turned on, however. The room all
three of us were in was small; only two doors appeared before me. One to my
right; and the other ahead of me. The door in front was where Xenon and Argon
had headed in. To get what? I was not sure of myself. But I was eager to find
out eventually. As Natty and Yang turned to each other having a conversation
with themselves, I swing my legs about and waited as my eyes stared ahead
towards the door before me awaiting what surprise that they had in store for

It did not take long however for them to emerge out from the
door; silencing the conversation and allowing myself to get up from the chair
that I was sitting on for a long time. I looked while Xenon and Argon held up a
blue cap and uniform in front of my eyes. I blinked and turned to Yang who then
offered to me. "How would you like… To join my forces then?"
"Sure." I barked, agreeing with her as Argon and Xenon gave me the
uniform for me to wear.