Current Track: Blabb

I pointed the flashlight at a spot off the trail. Not there... I went back to slowly pacing, advancing on my search for my dog. I hollered for him, my voice carrying across the dark forest, "Tobey!" I whistled next, "Here boy!" My dog didn't come.

As you can certainly tell I was wandering in the woods on the trail I used before with a flashlight looking for Tobey, and you can also certainly tell so far I haven't found him. I didn't know how long I was in them, maybe almost twenty or thirty minutes, but I didn't necessary care about the time I cared about finding him.

I was worried about him and I didn't want to go back home till I found him.

I grumbled in a low tone, "Damn you Tobey, where the hell are you?" Though I was worried, I was also getting a little frustrated due to Tobey not showing up when I call him. Speaking of the dog, ever since I went searching I haven't heard him barking anymore. The only sounds I heard were crickets, that was it. I can imagine what he was up to, probably too busy chasing a critter to pay attention to my calls.

I nervously sighed. I was worried he could get himself lost if he chased something too far. That wasn't the only thing honestly. I was mostly also worried he could get hurt by a coyote, just like I was before when I think that something like that might happen to him near our house. On the other hand, I was feeling a bit of dread cause I was afraid a coyote might come at me out of nowhere...And kill me, just like that girl I heard on the radio a few days ago.

Still...That didn't stop me from doing this.

My gaze wandered up, looking at the pitch black sky. This was my first time moving around in the woods during the night, and I can immediately tell things around here are different during this time. The forest during daytime seemed peaceful, nice and calm, while around nighttime it looked scary and frightening. I know I walked near the woods during the night while on my way to Fall Creek and then back home later on last night and that didn't seem that way to me, but I realized earlier while walking IN them...It was a different story. I can see that way as I was searching for Tobey.

An owl hooted somewhere while I was letting out a trembling breath. I said in desperation, "Tobey...Come on..." I called out for him again as loud as I could, "TOBEY!" My flashlight focused solely on the trail, searching for pawprints left by him. It never found them.

Before I was gonna get a bit more frustrated and worried, I heard a couple barks coming from a far off distance. I snapped my flashlight at the direction it came from. He was somehwere off the trail, which that doesn't surprise me. In fact, I felt relieved from just hearing him. There he is. I screamed for my dog, "Tobey! Get your black butt over here!" And I will smack his black butt for putting me through this. Damn dog.

I didn't hear him barking again, he'd gone quiet once more. I was thinking he must have now heard me and is now on his way to meet me. I stood around and waited, then I was doubting he was coming since I've waited for a long time. I tried this again, "Tobey! Tobey!" His name echoed throughout the forest, and surely he would hear that, if not already. I still doubted he was ever gonna come, and a frantic idea popped up in my head.

It was to go off the trail and keep searching for him.

I thought it was a bad idea, that I might get lost, and the chance of me getting hurt by a coyote could possibly be more higher than now. But I pushed that aside and just went on ahead with it, pushing away a shrub. Grass and sticks smushed beneath my feet as I traversed away from the trail, my flashlight help guiding me the way. I didn't look back, as I knew if I did I'd be going back to it.

A few minutes went by, I think, only I never kept track of how long I was looking for him like this. Other than that I didn't know how far I had gone off the trail. After I went under a large, low tree limb and I was trekking on grassy space between trees and bushes, I peered back with the shining light in my hand for a moment. I wasn't very sure, but while some of that time passed, I felt like I was being watched. Of course it was obvious you might be when you're in the wilderness. But...I was thinking I was watched by...'Someone'. Like a person was literally stalking me.

That made me think of my 'imaginary stalker' I spotted that night, but I brushed that away, finding it totally ridiculous. There is no one out here with you. Just find Tobey and get home.

I was turning my head straight when my foot tripped on something. I cried out when I fell forward and landed on my stomach with a 'oof'. Then right after I fell, I was engulfed by darkness. I didn't realize at first, but a second later I knew that my flashlight must have hit the ground hard when I fell and went out. I groaned and cursed, "Ahgh...Shit." After lying there for more than a second, I pushed myself off the grass and onto my feet. Standing up and looking around, I can hardly see a damn thing without a source of light. Things were a little pitch black now...And that kind of darkness made the forest look more scarier than before.

Worriness began clouding my mind, and I had a freaked out look on my face, "No, no, no!" I struggled to get the flashlight back on by smacking it against my forearm. But it didn't work. I barely saw a tree nearby and I trotted up to it to start lightly bang my flashlight against that. That effort was in vain too. I whined, "Oh great...Now I'm stuck in the middle of Timbuktu someplace." Then I was thinking about calling my mother and tell her what's happened to me. I was certain I could get a signal out here. My other hand that wasn't holding the dead flashlight was searching through my pockets for my cell phone, but it dugged through all of them and never found it. Wait a second...Where's my cell? That's when I remembered where it was. I moaned, "Shit." It's lying on the chair in the living room at the house! I left it there after I talked with Andy. I forgot to take it with me!

Perfect...No flashlight and no cell phone. That is just freakin perfect...

I glanced around the area, not seeing too well in it. I let out a breath. Well I can't just stand here...I need to get out of here. Then I was thinking about Tobey. But what about Tobey? You can't just give up your search now! My mind was working on compromising itself as I was blindly moving away from the tree I was smacking. You can't find Tobey if you can't see well. You HAVE to get out of here!

And that thought stuck with me as I continued to move in the dark forest. Although my eyes adjusted to the dark, that still didn't help me much. Just in case I ran into something, I held my hand out. I was trying to keep calm by taking slow, shuddering breaths, but I was still scared. REALLY scared.

Not only because I was in the dark and cannot see well...But also because I believed I've lost all sense of direction and I was really lost.

I felt some branches in my way and my hand helped push them away. But one accidentally came back and struck the side of my face, "OW!" I staggered back, grasping my cheek. Soon I even felt a little blood, meaning the tree branch cut my cheek. I swiped my hand down in total frustration with a growl. I put that frustration aside and pushed on, ignoring the throbbing pain.

I know I already believed I was lost, but I kept on moving and moving, hoping I would at least get back to my house. I did leave the porch light on there so I should know it'd be nearby. I was still afraid I wouldn't find the light though but I couldn't give up.

After another countless minutes passed, I heard a stick snapping nearby. I jerked to a stop and looked to where it came from. What was that? I called, "Tobey, is that you?" Nothing came. I let out a deep, shuddering breath as a pit formed in my stomach. Was it a coyote? Shortly I resumed my pace with an outstretched hand. I gotta keep moving. Then very soon, my legs walked into something that felt much bigger than the last thing I was tripped by, and I fell over again with a startled cry.

Upon landing, this time only my upper body was on the ground while the lower half was held in the air by the object that tripped me this time. I groaned as I struggled to get up on my feet, my legs and feet pulling and brushing against that object. After standing, I sighed as I was thinking about the dead flashlight still held in my hand. I formed a determined glare. I don't care if you are dead. I'm tired of walking through this bullshit! You are turning on, NOW!!!

I tried getting that little thing to work by hitting it against my arm again. And low and behold, it actually worked that time. I beamed just like the flashlight, "God, that's much better." Curiosity grabbed ahold of me, making me wonder what tripped me this time. I turned around with the flashlight...And saw it.

A body of a dead deer.

I gasped, backing away from the dead animal. SON OF A BITCH! My heart raced in my chest from the sight as I didn't take my eyes off it. By the looks of it...It looked like a fresh kill, and something killed it by its throat being torn off. There were a lot of claw marks on the body too, probably used to subduing the creature before killing it. I looked at myself, seeing my clothes were covered in its blood a little. That made me a bit shaken and it was shown. Oh my god...

Noises of bushes were heard somewhere and I quickly snapped my flashlight to them. That's when I saw a glimpse of something that was tall and big. I frowned as I took a deep breath. What's that? A person? It looked like it. I hollered, "Hello? Is someone there?"

None of my questions were answered.

I tried again, "Hello?"

Again, nothing.

That's odd...I could've sworn I saw somebody. But hang on...Is there really somebody out here? Am I the only person out here? I was getting a really bad feeling about this now and my whole body was shaking because of it. I started to back away real slowly. I've gotta get away from here. I turned myself around and was about to strode...When I bumped into something that was behind me.

"Huh?!" I took a step back and had the flashlight on it. What killed the deer stood right behind me.

What I saw wasn't human, nor was an ordinary creature. Its body was big, it had grey, hairy fur all over, pointed ears on its head, its face looked canine with yellow eyes which were staring at me, and not to mention it stood on probably eight or nine feet tall...ON TWO FEET!

I sucked in a breath, the flashlight beam shaking in a fast rate from fear. A...Werewolf?

The werewolf's lips on its muzzle showed teeth as it threatened me with a growl. I took another step back, mumbling in complete shock, "Oh...My..." Before I was about to let out that one more word, its hand shot out fast and grabbed me by the throat and it made me drop the flashlight. I groaned as I was being choked by the forcefull grip. I was suddenly being lifted off the ground like I was nothing but a bag or a stick, my legs only touching air. The werewolf snarled, like it was getting ready to go for the kill.

I knew what it wants to do, and I wasn't about to let it kill me. In desperation for my life, I tried to pry the fingers off me, but the grip was too strong. I was slamming my hands on its arm, but it still wouldn't let me go. With one of my legs I kicked the huge monster in the stomach or chest, but that didn't work either, and that only made it MORE angry. Right at that moment, while I was just groaning and thrashing my legs, I thought this would be the end of my life.

But my eyes caught an idea. I found a tree branch that was close to my height, with a few, tiny sharp ends on it. Real quickly I grabbed the branch, easily breaking off one of those sharp ends, and then jabbed it in the monster's right eye. It yelped and let me go finally, hand placing over the socket I stabbed. I landed on the ground, lying on my back and coughing momentarily. I was sitting up now, seeing the grey werewolf still grasping its injured eye. But that wasn't the only thing I seen.

I saw THREE more werewolves showing up behind it. One eyed at the one that was injured, and the other two were at ME.

I gasped. Shit. Okay, now's my chance! I grabbed the flashlight and shot off the ground, dashing. I ran as fast as I could, ducking a branch. The beam of the flashlight swung back and forth as I darted through a few bushes. I looked back, barely seeing the werewolves chasing after me. Another sharp gasp escaped my chest and I picked up my speed.

My form ran around a large tree, the top of my head barely dodged another low branch it held when I came around the corner. After that, before I saw it and could go any farther, my foot stepped on a tiny log that was rollable and I fell face forward. After collasping I was quickly looking over my shoulder, seeing the werewolves were about to catch up to me, with one that was more closer than the others.

I got off the ground and went back to running for my life. But when I got to about a foot or two, one of them actually managed to grab the back of my shirt, preventing me from going. I screamed, turning my body a little and doing the only other thing to defend myself...Swinging the flashlight and hitting its arm. But when it didn't let go, I threw the object. It didn't expect that at all I believe since the flashlight hit it squarely in the muzzle. As it yelped and let go of me, I was sprinting before its pals were gonna grab me too. I know I didn't have the flashlight with me anymore, but right now I didn't care if I see well or not, I was getting outa here.

I was breathing in and out with my pulse running high. I didn't look back, only kept myself moving. I didn't know if they were catching up to me still or not, but I wasn't about to find out. From not seeing well I accidentally bumped against another tree, but I was still running afterward. Then soon, I was seeing headlights in a distance. That meant I was near a road and and a car was coming. I pushed myself to run faster, sprinting towards the lights.

Finally I emerged out of the woods and out on a road, stopping in the middle of it and waving my hands in the air. I was screaming as loudly as I can as the healights were fully on me, "STOP! STOP! WAIT!! STOOOOOOP!!!" The vehicle put on its brakes, tires squealing on the pavement. When it pulled to a stop about a few feet away from  me, I shot a glance towards the forest, seeing the werewolves didn't follow me out here.

They were gone.

A familiar voice pulled my eyes back to the car, "Matthew?" I knew whose car it was without looking past the bright headlights. As it turned out I flagged down my mother's. She jogged up to me after getting out of it with a shocked look on her face, "Oh my god, MATTHEW!" Mother, apparently still in her police uniform, stopped in front of me. A look of concern replaced the other one now as she was gazing at me at how I appeared, "Matthew...Jesus, what happened to you? What's that on your clothes?" I was just standing there, shaking in fright. She pressed me, "Come on, answer me."

I did with me hugging her. I know I was just a nineteen year old who shouldn't be crying like a scared little kid who was terrified of monsters...But I was. I was crying into her shoulder. Then she said in pity as she returned it with her arms around me, her hand stroking the back of my head, "Oh..."

I sobbed as tears of fear came out of my eyes, "M-MOM!" I just hugged her tight and never wanted to let go, scared but also so happy and relieved that I was safe.


I only glanced at a nearby window, thinking about what I had encountered. Werewolves...

I was sitting on the couch in the living room at my house not long after me and mom got back. After I ran into her out on the main road, who turned out to be heading back home from work since her night shift ended early, I was purely quiet. That's all I was before and after coming home with her...Silent. I could not blame myself for being that way, and I don't think mom would either. I was scared to death...And literally almost died. I thought I would've died by coyotes, but obviously that wouldn't be the case. Werewolves certainly almost did that to me.

Werewolves...Monsters that only appear in books and movies...Something you would not expect to be real. I thought I would never find one, technically in real life...But I did. Not only one, but more than one, like a pack. And I know my experience wasn't my imagination running rampant because I was so worried I would never find my way home. They were real...VERY real.

Sitting here, I was piecing things together. My thoughts were onto the weird howling I heard. It was no wonder the howling was weird...Too weird. I honestly thought before it was silly, but I thought it was too abnormal to come from a dog...And although I never heard a coyote howl before, but I thought it was too weird to be one also. Those howls were just too weird and now I know why.

I heard werewolves howling.

And it wasn't just that I began to figure...I remembered the intruder I thought I saw outside during one night. That and the fact I found huge pawprints at where it stood before the morning after. I was believing what I saw that night was real after all, and I came to a conclusion that I caught a werewolf stalking my home. I never saw a person or an animal...I saw a monster.

Things were making sense...And they frightened me even more.

I sighed. Me and mom shouldn't have lived here. These woods were filled with werewolves and we are living in the middle of them.

We shouldn't have come here.

I heard mom coming back from her trip to the bathroom and walking into the living room. I gazed at her as she was being accompanied by Brendi walking beside her and she sat down on a chair, not taking her eyes off me. The chihuahua only sat down in front of her on the floor, just watching us both on what we're doing. By the way mom was looking at me, I can tell she wanted to ask me some questions about this incident, and she thinks now's the time to ask em. Mom was still looking at me as she said, "Gosh...You really look like you've been through a lot. You really should get out of those clothes..."

I didn't reply, looking away at the window.

Mom said with worry in her voice, "Matthew...You're having me so worried about you. What happened to you out there? Why were you in the woods? It's late to go out in them isn't it?"

Finally after crying into her shoulder I said something, "I was looking for...Tobey."

She formed a look of surprise, "Tobey? What do you mean you were looking for him?"

I was silent again.

She sighed, "I guess that sounds like he somehow escaped his chain and ran off. But Matthew, what happened to you? You look like you were running away from something. What was it? And why is there blood on you?"

Again, I gave her the silent answer.

"Matthew, you have to tell me what's going on. You're scaring me. Please...Talk to me."

I finally replied to her in a barely audible tone, "I was chased by werewolves."

That earned her a frown, "What was that? I didn't hear you, honey."

I looked straight into her eyes and repeated, only more louder that time, "I was chased by...Werewolves."

She stared at me, confusion in her eyes, "What?"

"I'm telling you...I was chased by werewolves." I cleared my throat and finally explained to her, "I was looking for Tobey, got lost in the woods trying to find him, then I ran into them. That was why I was running...And scared."

Mom continued to gaze at me. Then she started to make this statement, like she knew something was gonna happen, "I was afraid it would happen..."

I wrinkled my brow, "What...Afraid of what...?" What's she talking about?

She asked with apparent suspicion in her eyes, "Matthew...Are you all right?"


"I mean mentally. Have you been seeing and hearing a lot of things lately?" Her hand rose and spinned beside her head, "You know...Hallucinations? Other than what you saw tonight? I'm getting a feeling you have."

I was appalled by her questions. What?! I got up off the couch, "Are you serious, mom?"

She was still in her seat as she held a calm look on her face, "Listen, Matt, you have to tell me what is going on with you RIGHT NOW. I was afraid this would happen to you, but I won't let you end up like your father."

Oh no, SHE IS SERIOUS! She thinks I'm going nuts...Like dad! I was shaking my head and protesting, "No, no, no, mom, this has nothing to do with that!"


"I'm not going crazy like dad! I'm telling you the truth!" I flung my hand towards a window, "There are monsters in the woods and they were after me! I ALMOST DIED!"

She was getting up from the chair now, standing up to my level and saying in disbelief, "But there are no monsters especially werewolves. That is impossible."

"Really?" I was grabbing ahold my shirt, showing her the blood stains on my clothes, "Then how do you explain this?!"

Mom acknowledged that with her face focusing on that, "I'll admit, that blood on you looks real...Is that yours?"

I was flabbergasted by that one, "No! That's not my blood!"

She had her curious eyes back on mine, "Then where did it come from?"

"It belonged to a deer! A dead one and I fell on it! It was killed by them!"

"Well, I believe that's true...But I'm sure you came across something that was killed by coyotes."

I groaned in frustration, "Coyotes did not kill that thing the werewolves did!"

Mom shook her head, holding up a firm hand, "Matthew, coyotes DID kill it, now stop it."

I wasn't stopping this one bit, "No! I won't stop it! It's true! Listen, remember I thought I saw an intruder the other night and you didn't find him? Well you WERE looking for someone! Someone or rather in fact SOMETHING was out there! That's what Tobey was barking at that night!"

Mother threw a question at me, "Are you saying a werewolf was outside our home?"


She let out a breath, walking past me and the couch for the kitchen in worry, "Oh, no, no, no..."

I tried to keep convincing her when I was following her from behind, "No mom, I did see one! They're out there and they're watching us!"

My mom spun to face me, "STOP! Just stop!" Then she took a deep breath to calm herself from her outburst.

I pleaded, "Please believe me, I would never make something like this up out of the blue!"

But she contradicted that, "But you have, and this has to STOP."

"No I didn't!" That's when we both heard a scratching sound at the front door. While Brendi nearby barked at the sound I jumped up and screamed, "AH!" I ran and ducked behind a couch, "IT'S THEM! They're coming for us!"

Mom rolled her eyes at my act, "Oh for goodness sake." Then she was pacing for the front door, past the furniture.

I knew what she was going to do, so I had my body pop out behind the couch, and screamed, "NO! DON'T GO THERE!"

While more scratching happened at the front entrance, she whirled to see me with a very calm expression, "Matthew, Tobey's running loose, remember? He might be at the door, he's done that before."

I stated in full sureness, "Or the werewolves! They probably know how to knock too!"

"I'm answering it." She went back to heading for that door.

I yelled at her to stop, "Mom, please, DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR!"

But she didn't listen, and I was watching her from where I stood with dread filled in my chest. Mom grabbed the knob and opened the front door...

...And a black furred dog entered the house with a tail wagging.

I immediately smiled with relief upon seeing Tobey, "Tobey." Tobey heard me and came to see me while Brendi already ran up and was greeting him by sniffing him. I lowered myself to affectionately pet him with both hands, noticing up close that he wasn't hurt or wounded at all. All this time he was actually fine. I said to my dog, "I was so worried about you. What happened to you, buddy?" He licked me across the face in response.

Mom shut the door and came back in the living room to talk to me. She stopped near me, crossing her arms across her chest with a knowing look, "See? I told you. No werewolf at my front door."

I was done petting my dog, standing upright, "Lucky for all of us."

A sigh let her chest, "Now that Tobey came back and we're all together, can we please go to bed?" She pointed upstairs, ordering, "Look, do me a favor, just get these clothes off and take a shower. I'll put medicine and a bandage on the cut on your face when you're done, then it's straight off to bed for ya. Alright? Now go."

I nodded a bit, "Fine." Then I tried to talk to her about the werewolves again, "But the werewolves-"

She was glaring at me, "Matthew...I'm not in the mood for any more of this. JUST GO UPSTAIRS."

Shortly after her statement, I lowered my head and relented. I wanted to keep trying to tell her otherwise, but she didn't believe me enough as it is so I kept my mouth shut and did what she told me. I strolled past her, Brendi and Tobey, intending on going upstairs. Before I was about to exit the living room I put myself to a stop for a moment to see through another window, seeing outside. I blinked once. I wonder if they're out there right now...Watching over the house. They might since they probably know who I am and where I live.

I do not like this feeling...

Mom's annoyed and angry voice cut through my thoughts, "MATTHEW..." I didn't hesitate anymore to move my ass, and I was soon heading up the staircase for the second floor. Well...I needed a shower anyways. Hope the werewolves don't get any bright ideas breaking in the house while I'm taking one. I probably won't survive well if I'm naked.


The creature swiped through a branch as it raced across the woods during the night with the help of black and white eyesight. Its mind was overrun with so many concerned thoughts. All of them were about Matt. Since it heard about what happened earlier tonight from the others it was dashing forth to see if he was okay. The others, including its parent, tried to stop it but it ran off anyways with only its mind on Matt.

And very soon, it finally made it to the edge of the treeline, gazing at Matt's house through it. It was huffing and puffing, a little worn since it dashed for a long time. The others said they saw him finding his mother and leaving with her in her car, and apparently they were back home, vehicle evident at the front. As soon as it caught its breath, the creature's eyes squinted as it tried to see through one of the windows at the front end of the house, trying its best to see Matt from where it stood. But it didn't see him, it only saw his mother Julia through one of them for a brief moment before she covered it up with blinds. It whined from the effort in vain. Well, it can't see him through that one that's for sure.

Then it thought about getting a little closer to the wooden structure by looking through the windows at either side of the place or at the backyard through that second floor window to find Matt. But because since he knows now that there are...Werewolves lurking in the woods he lives in, it didn't want to take any chances. It knows he's probably so scared and alert now. It knows about him, but it wasn't sure about Julia. It wasn't sure if he told her what happened or not. Perhaps he did and she didn't believe him, it can believe that. After all, Julia never met the werewolves...Just her son and him alone.

The concerned werewolf's ears drew back and went flat against its skull. Poor guy...It feels for him. A lot more than it feels for the werewolf that was hurt by the boy. It can even imagine how he looked, real shaky and frightened. If only it can come over and give Matt a big hug. But...It knows it can't do that...It'd only frighten him more.

Worriness was tugging at its heart, the worriness it held for that human. Matt knows werewolves exist now, and it's afraid things will get bad for him from now on. Oh, if only he had stayed home and not ventured in the woods tonight...

It can hear a distant howl echoing across the forest. The werewolf glanced back. That must be its parent...Wanting for it to come home. It shouldn't disobey now, so it'd better go. A sigh escaped its muzzle and it shot its gaze at the house one last time as it was thinking about what tomorrow will be like, especially for Matt. It was hoping he'd be feeling a little better by then, but it won't count on it too much.

The wolf creature stared at the house for a short time as it felt the pity for the boy it cares about. Then it spun around and went back home, while a small tear of that pity already formed and fell out of its eye.