Present Day
Under the somewhat bright afternoon sky, I finally made it to the same large, round patch of dirt with the multiple paths within the woods. I stopped at the edge, gaping right at the path that'll lead me to this certain mansion. I just stood there with a concentrated, serious brow, breathing through my nose nervously, contemplating my decision like I have done a few times already. Then, after a long time, I decided to journey further, strolling across the patch and onto that path without any more hesitation.
Even though I've made my decision, my mind still raced of what I was about to do. I was heading to where the werewolves live, without anything FORCING me. I was doing this all on my own. What's worse is that I was walking down this path without a weapon. No gun, no fireplace poker, nothing. I thought back to my mom and my dogs, thinking back before I left home that I haven't said goodbye to them. I was probably going to die today and never coming back, and that bothers me.
I thought I was going insane, that this whole thing was crazy on my part. Ever since my conversation with Cat, as a werewolf I should add, listening to her say that she and her family are not monsters and hearing her beg about me giving them a chance, I thought maybe I wouldn't go through with this. Especially since I had a run in with them, and possibly NEARLY survived a near death experience...TWICE.
Guess I wasn't that smart.
I've been thinking about this since I woke out of bed this morning, and I still can't believe I am doing this. This is like a sheep walking into the wolves den.
Well, in this case...WEREWOLVES den.
I took in a deep breath and let it out to try to calm my nerves, even though it was a bit futile. My heart was still pumping nervously. I should turn around and walk away and forget about this. And think about NEVER talking to Cat, or her family ever again. And go on with my life and TRY to pretend nothing bad is going to happen to me or my mom, or my dogs. TRY to forget about everything that has happened to me recently and live a normal life again.
My mind flashed about Cat now, with her werewolf face and all her words ringing all around the inside of my skull. But I honestly can't. I couldn't let what she said go. That was the motivation of why I'm not going back home where I belong...Why I was doing this at all. Sure I was still kinda suspicious of her motives, including why her and her family had let me live, but all that she said...Seemed sincere, like she was telling me the truth. She wasn't acting like some wild animal last night...She was acting like a domesticated dog. She let me TOUCH her.
Which I'll admit...I still can't believe that happened.
Hell, even in werewolf form...She still seem to act like the same person I've met. She wasn't acting like a monster. Just like a person trying to have a conversation with another.
I sighed, eyes bringing down to the trail as confliction appeared on my face while I strode. Should I do this? Should I trust Cat now, even after she lied to me about herself? Should I go through with this? I nodded a bit to myself, raising my gaze. Yeah...I should.
I should do this. I have to make absolutely sure me and my family are safe from harm. Otherwise this whole thing will drive me nuts.
I must go on.
Without any confliction now, least for a moment, I continued down the path to Cat's mansion, till I can finally see it through the trees. I walked right out of them and onto the grassy yard. I glanced around the area, including the shed near the big house. Memories of that night when I discovered what Cat, her boyfriend and her family were raced through my mind. Part of me was SCREAMING at me to run away from here this instant. But I took a deep breath, holding myself together. Then I mumbled to myself, "Just stay calm, Matt..." I shot my head to the left then added, "Well that's easier said than done."
Then, I heard someone saw that I was here, "Matt!" I let out a gasp, jumping a bit from fright. Then I swiftly turned to the voice, and see a werewolf with black fur casually strolling up to me out of a different part of the woods. My eyes went wide at its presence. It made me back away a few steps. Oh man...
On its snout, I think it was smiling at me when it got up close. I then recalled that voice sounded like a girl.
I wonder who it might be? I don't think this is Cat...Her fur was yellow. It must be... I asked the creature, "Uh...Deena?"
"No, silly." The black wolfess chuckled, then declared, putting a big furry hand on her chest, "It's Autumn!"
Then I shrugged my hands and shoulders, "Eh...Close enough, I guess."
"I can't believe you came back!" Seemingly ecstatic, Autumn as a werewolf said, "Cat told everyone she had talked to you. I'm glad you considered coming here again!"
"Yeah..." I pressed nervously, "You're not going to eat me, are you?"
The surprise popped right on her face. Then she right away insisted with her shaking her head, "No way! Of course not! I would never eat someone like you." Her muzzle lips twitched a smile, "Besides, I like you."
I timidly responded, "...That's...Reassuring." Then I caught something else coming up behind her. I let out another slight gasp when I saw TWO more werewolves joining us now. One was redddish brown, and the other was another black one. Autumn stood between them as they both stared right at me.
The other black werewolf spoke a second later with a smile, "Yes...And rest assured, you're safe with us."
It was another female. I frowned at it and took a guess, "You're Deena right?"
She made a playful statement, "Who do you think it was?"
I remarked, bobbing my head for a nod, "Just making sure." I gazed at the red one and pressed, "And which one are you?"
The red werewolf answered, chuckling in amusement, "It's Todd, man." His big furry hands were showing himself, "Hard to recognize me now, huh? Do I look like a REAL MONSTER or what!"
I nervously tried to say, "Uhhhh..."
Autumn meanwhile rolled her playful eyes, "Pfft...What a laugh."
Deena broke in with pity in her eyes not taking off me, "Well obviously he needs one. He's looking awfully nervous."
Both Todd and Autumn were doing the same thing. Then Todd said in concern, "Yeah...He seems mighty scared."
I told them, "I'm not scared...I'm just...Trying to remain calm."
Deena stated sincerely, "You oughta try harder at it now. I told you, you're safe with us."
Todd insisted on his side, "Yeah, dude, we're not going to hurt you. Really. Don't be afraid of us."
I pressed suspiciously, "Seriously? Then how come you're....Werewolves right now?"
Autumn hesitated to reply, then answered, "...Don't we have the right to be what we are?"
I just stood and stared at her. Blinking twice.
Then she added, "Well, maybe it wouldn't be a good idea with you for a while."
"You think?"
Deena apologized, "We're sorry our appearances are scaring you. We didn't know you were coming."
Then I hear someone else entering the picture, "Yeah! I was thinking maybe either give him two days or never!" I shot my attention to find that Gary and Albert, that are both human currently, are strolling up to us. I let out a tiny sigh at their appearances. Well...Least TWO of them look normal enough at the moment.
Albert beamed at my arrival. He acted all jovial as they approached, "Matthew! What a pleasant surprise!"
When they stopped near us, Gary asked the three werewolves in front of me this question, "You done scaring him again, guys? Sooner or later he'll become catatonic." My eyes widened up at the suggestion. Never thought I'd end up that way, but...Probably.
Deena shot back playfully, "And you think you can do better at not frightening him?"
He raised his hands in surrender, "Hey...Not saying I would be able to win him over."
Autumn called him out, "Good, cause you scared him before too you know!"
The old human beside Gary admitted, "And so have I." He eyed me and asked in concern, "How have you been, boy?"
"Ummm..." I told him, "Good as I can be, I guess. Better than what I was feeling yesterday."
He formed a smile a little bit, "Finally come to face your fears and know what we really are?"
I replied, "More or less...I'm not trying to run away from you again...Unless you have something else planned for me."
"Still being suspicious of our kind." Albert wiped his happy expression away and waved his hand, "That's fine. I do not expect a rising friendship so quickly. But I assure you...We're not here to harm you, in any way, shape or form."
I pointed out with a narrowed look, "One of you almost did."
He nodded firmly in agreement, "Yes. You're referring to Elias. My most arrogant son. It was...Quite a misunderstanding on his part."
I merely stated, "That's a big misunderstanding."
"We get what you're saying." Gary promised, "But besides that, no one's going to lay a hand on you. We swear. And Elias has calmed down now. He won't touch you again."
Then I recalled one thing, "Then what about the letter and the dead raccoon you guys left at my house? Does THAT make anyone feel safe?"
Gary let out a shameful sigh, shaking his head, "...No...It doesn't." I heard one of the werewolves whine like a dog nearby.
Werewolf Todd stated in a apologetic way, "Listen...We're sorry, Matt. We're sorry that happened to you. It was...Honestly never supposed to end up that way."
Deena insisted, "He's telling the truth. You wouldn't die like that animal. You're no threat to us. But we are sorry to put you through that. It was never right."
Then it was Albert's turn, "They're right, young man. But if you do not believe their words, then listen to mine. I am the patriarch here. I promise, you will not be harmed...And we will make dear sure of it...Even my son." He gave me a smile, "You have my word...And my word is my bond. It shall not be broken."
"...If you say so." They seem to be telling me the truth. They seem to be sorry for everything. They're all acting like Cat from last night. Could I be wrong about them too? Then I demanded, "Look...I kinda came here to talk to Cat. Is she around? Can you bring her out here?" I shot a nervous glance at the mansion for a sec before bringing it back on him, "I'm...Not looking forward to coming inside your house. Is that ok?"
Cat's grandfather nodded, "Of course. She is expecting you. I'll have her here quick." He turned to Gary and said, "Gary, please send Catherine out to meet the boy." Gary immediately complied, running back to the mansion to get his niece. Then he spoke to the three werewolves, "Best you leave too. I think he wants to speak to her alone without any wandering eyes and ears."
Werewolf Deena responded with a quick nod, "Alright." She said to Todd and Autumn, "Come on, you two."
Todd didn't reply, only nodding and moving away to the mansion. But Autumn said to me with a hopeful look and in that bestial voice of her, "I hope to see you again, Matt." She waltzed up and actually rubbed her hand on my arm in a kind way. My body twitched from her touch. I was kinda surprised she did that, but didn't say anything.
Deena tossed a demanding glare over her shoulder after she turned her back to leave, "Autumn."
Autumn sighed, then walked with her in defeat, "I'm coming." I watched them stroll away. Gosh...Even when they're werewolves, they still act like family. Like a normal, human family.
This is a little strange.
Albert cut through my thoughts with my name, "Matthew." I looked toward him, "Remember my word. We never meant any harm. I hope you'll come around. Good day to you." With that, he spun and wandered off with them and left me alone. Then shortly after Albert entered the house, Cat emerged out the double doors and strolled right up to me. She was a human just like before. Short stature, long blonde hair, everything.
Cat stopped in front of me...And spoke to me in an awkward stance, "...Hi, Matt."
I replied shortly thereafter, "Hey."
She made a tiny smile for me, "I'm happy you came."
"...I bet."
"...You doing ok?"
"I'm fine...Considering..." I mentioned, "Your grandpa said you were expecting me."
Cat openly admitted, "I did watch you guys talk to each other from my window."
"Oh." I noticed she was holding something in her hand and gestured, "What's that?"
Cat gazed at it a bit, then brought it up for me to see it, "That's your weapon. Your poker. You left that behind here." I wrinkled my brow at the blunt object in her hand. I kinda forgot about that thing. Then she offered, "Here...Gary told me to give it back. Do you want it?"
Without thinking about it, I snagged the thing out of her normal looking hand. Then I demanded with a serious look as I held the thing at the side, "I also left something else behind. What about my camera?"
Cat answered, "Ummm...Better wait on it a bit...Till we're sure you won't try to expose us again."
I sighed in response, "...Fine."
The blonde haired girl offered in a serious but calm tone, "Look, Matt...Why don't me and you have a stroll in the woods, and then sit down and maybe talk about a few things? I promise, I won't turn you into one of us against your will."
I shrugged, "I guess I'll take your word for it."
Cat wandered past me to the trail I just took to get here. She looked behind her and said, "Come on." I caught up till I was beside her, then we entered the woods together.
Me and Cat were still in the woods, sitting close on a big rock. The sky looked a bit different, like the day was about to be over, but maybe we'll be done with this before it gets too dark. I think I still have time.
Ever since we left the mansion grounds, we both hardly said a word to each other. We wandered around in the forest in silence for a good bit. We took one of the different paths at the round patch of dirt I haven't used yet. I never recognized where I was at since I'm pretty sure I never been in those part of the woods yet. But I wasn't worried. Cat obviously knew them better than I did. Not surprising at all. She probably knows every inch of them by now.
During our walk, I figured she was letting this silence happen and not push for a conversation with me yet because there was some tension between us still. She can feel it right off me I'm betting. I also bet she even thought having a simple trek through the woods alone with her might calm me down a little bit. It sorta was. Or it could be the poker I still had with me. It was probably making me feel safer. Or maybe the tranquility of the woods was making me feel a bit better. Who knows which?
It wasn't until we both settled down on a big rock that's sorta sitting like a jagged tree stump a little while later. She mentioned that she sometimes uses this thing as some place of solitude. I wouldn't blame her...This was a quiet place to sit...For a werewolf....And for a person too.
The two of us were now just sitting awkwardly in silence, like the early looming silence before. It wasn't too long ago when we arrived here. I looked down at my lap, thinking things over. I admit, despite this bit of tension I had still with her, I have relaxed quite a bit ever since the visit to the mansion. I think it was because I was realizing that Cat still hasn't done anything bad to me. That maybe she hasn't planned on it, it seemed. And that she was keeping her word, like her grandpa was. Despite a part of me saying to never trust her, I think I was starting to feel bad for her now. I was feeling bad for doubting her motives.
And another thing about it...I was already starting to doubt my feelings about her boyfriend and her family as well. Todd, Deena and Autumn as werewolves didn't even bother trying to hurt me. They were acting like Cat when she was one last night, begging me to not be scared and try to trust them. Otherwise things would be totally different now. Course I'm still kinda questioning about the threatening note and the dead animal at my doorstep. I still had questions for that. But, they seem sincere about it, among other statements, truly sorry about it, as Cat seemed sincere with her words last night. It was kinda making me believe them a bit too.
Did I really turn my back on a...Innocent werewolf? Did I really turn my back on a family of innocent werewolves? It's really starting to feel that way now...
Finally, Cat decided to break through this awkward silence by starting with this, "Hey, Matt." I twisted my neck to look at her. She asked, "Uh...How are you feeling?"
I replied her question with this, "Well...I ain't acting like a TOTAL nervous wreck or anything."
Cat's lips rose a bit for a little smile. She stated, "That's good." She looked down awkwardly and brushed her hair with her hand, "I...I am kinda sorry that my boyfriend and Deena and Autumn came up to you as werewolves. You were probably scared to death."
I told her, "I tried to keep my cool, but it wasn't easy." I nodded in assurance, "But trust me, I'm fine now. I think I only just wanted to talk to you alone."
Cat locked eyes with mine when she concurred, "I agree with you. It...Is my fault that you were in this mess. And...You do seem to trust me more."
I frowned, "What makes you say that?"
She shot back with a different question, "Why do you think you came to my house?"
I stared at her for a moment before I admitted, "I do..." I looked down at my lap again to add, "A little bit." I looked at her again, "You haven't turned me into a werewolf quite yet."
Cat responded, "I told you before...I'm not planning on it." I gazed downward again. She pressed in concern, "Still not convinced?"
"I was just thinking..." I looked into her eyes and mentioned this certain incident, "Cat...Why did you guys leave me that threatening letter with the dead animal at my house? Why would you do that? If you guys meant that you're not trying to hurt me, then...Why do those things?"
The blonde haired girl let out a long, saddened sigh. She finally replied, "I was wondering if you were going to bring that up..." She brought her gaze out towards the greenery and began to explain, "Honestly that was not supposed to happen at all."
That sounds like the exact same thing Todd said. I asked, "What do you mean?"
Cat answered, "...It was all my father's idea." She focused on me, "We were all against it. But dad wanted to deliver those things...Just to scare you off, because you escaped us the first time that night. He wanted to make sure you wouldn't be around to meddle in our...Affairs again. We don't do these disgusting things."
It was all Elias's idea? Jesus. I replied, "That is a bit much to scare someone off."
"Well, he kinda didn't have any other ideas apparently." She told me another thing, "And not only that, but he made my uncle deliver those things to your house. He wanted to do that himself, but...Well he was mad at you about his eye-"
I nodded, rolling up my eyes, "Yeah, that's probably the real reason why he did it."
Cat giggled a little bit, "Maybe...Probably." Then she went back to her serious manner to continue, "My uncle didn't want to do it, but my dad told everyone if he did go over to your house...He said he would've done some real damage to you right then and there. Gary was just doing that just to try to save your skin. He feels guilty about that."
I can't believe what I was hearing. I said, "Wow...He really came up with that?"
Cat nodded, "Wrote the letter and everything. He had easily prepared for it."
I shook my head at this realization, "God damn..." I can't believe it. Boy when Andy said her father was a bit unpredictable, he means it! Only I don't think Andy would believe he would do anything like that. Nobody would! It's crazy!
Jesus christ...Hope I don't shove another stick or glass vase in that man's eye again.
Cat placed her hand on my shoulder, "I'm very sorry, Matt. I do imagine what you were going through. I wanted to stop it, but my dad grounded me that day. I'm sure you already know that."
So she did know I tried to see her two days ago... I can honestly now see her face looking so sad and disappointed when her dad told me to get off their property that day. It was sorta making me feel more bad for her, even after telling me she tried to stop it from happening. Then I said when another question popped up, "I want to ask you something else."
She hummed with a raised brow, "Hmm?"
I asked, "About the times when you and your family chased me...Was it all because you guys were trying to stop me?"
Cat answered honestly, "I'm sure we would never try to kill you from leaving." Then she corrected herself a bit, "Well, dad almost did, but you get my point. Why else would you still be alive after we chased you the second time? And no...It's not because we wanted you to be like us. After we caught you, and you calmed down a bit, we planned to tell you everything, to convince you to not be afraid of us, and not assume what we were."
I pressed, "But I don't understand...If you guys were friendly and were trying to stop me, why didn't any of you say anything just to stop me?"
Cat laughed a bit awkwardly, "You think saying anything would prevent you from running away? Would you have listened? If anyone was afraid like you were, why would they stop running from something that looks very scary and threatening? It's like a deer running away from a hunter. They never stop till they're sure they'd got away. Try thinking about that."
My eyes went wide. I swiftly planted them towards the ground, then spoke a moment later, "Ok...You made your point." I huffed, "...But it still could've helped if you guys did...Maybe."
Cat held a pity look for me, rubbing my shoulder, "Yeah...We're sorry we frightened you....Other than everything else. From your point of view, especially in the dark...I can see why."
I dipped my head down. Then after a very long pause, I asked straight up, "...You and your family are telling me the truth about everything...Aren't you?"
Cat admitted, "Yes...We are." She huffed out a sigh and went on, "I know there are a lot of things that are hard to swallow, and maybe a bit hard to believe still, but we're not lying to you. I'M NOT. I know I never should have lied to you before, and I'm not lying now, but I really didn't want to lose you. It was...Very complicated. I think you can tell. I was afraid you wouldn't understand me." I looked into her eyes now as she continued, "But you can see I'm still me. I'm still your friend, no matter what I look like. It goes for Todd and my family as well. I hope things will stay the same between us...Even when the truth's out...Because I don't want things to change. I really like you, Matt. I promise you, I will NEVER lie to you again. I'll tell you everything from now on."
Her face has given me a small, sincere smile, with her eyes holding hope and beg, "Will you give me a chance, Matt?"
I looked at her for a long time. My fearful, paranoid side was still around and telling me to decline, but the kind, empathetic side was telling me otherwise. I'm kinda hearing both of them telling me what to do in my head, like they were both in a tug of war with each other.
Matt, she's telling you the truth. You can see it in her eyes. Come on, man! Just give her and her family a chance. They won't kill you, you KNOW they won't.
No, Matt, screw Cat, and screw them all. She has lied straight to your face before, and they'll kill you later if you let your guard down! You think she isn't lying to you now? Don't even think about accepting them in your life. Who knows how long this friendship is going to last. DON'T TRUST ANY OF THEM.
Before I would say anything, I had a sense that I should look at the sky. So I did, and I can see it was already in the sunsetting phase. I groaned a bit, "Damn it...It's getting late." I got up off the rock and turned to her, "I think I should get home now before it gets too dark."
Cat glanced up too, humming in thought, "It looks like it'll get dark before you get home." She looked toward me with a warning, "I don't think you'll make it back in time."
I groaned a bit, "Crap. I didn't bring a flashlight with me." I huffed, looking back the way we came, and suggested as Cat got off the rock as well, "Maybe I should have your family give me a ride home in their car."
Then shortly, that's when Cat had an idea to share, "Well...I could take you home myself, just in case." I gaped at her and she went on with a grin, "I know the woods very well, and when I'm a werewolf I can see well in the dark, remember?" My eyes went wide at the suggestion. She laughed at my reaction, then assured, "Don't worry...I won't bite you when I change. I told you, I'm still your friend, no matter what I am."
I looked down with a pondering face, "I...."
"Matt, listen." I looked back at her and listened to her say, "I swear, I'll never hurt you. You can trust me on this. Besides...It'll be good to have you be around me while I'm...My true self. So that way you won't be nervous around someone who's tall and full of fur and fangs anymore, you know?"
I frowned. Huh? What does she mean by that? I asked confusingly, "Your true self? What are you talking about? I thought you were-"
She cut me off with her hand on my mouth, "Not the point." She lowered it off my lips and told me, "Look, either way, it'll be dark before you get home. We are a bit far from the mansion. I think having me lead you back home is the quickest route. Besides, my family probably wouldn't be in the mood to drive in the dark. It's the best bet. So, what do you say? Do you trust me?"
I stared at her for a long time, thinking it over. Well...She does make a good point. If you want to stay friends with her...You'll have to spend some time with her in werewolf form. Besides, she says she ain't going to hurt you...How bad can strolling in the dark with a real life werewolf be? I sighed, nodding in agreement and gesturing to her, "Alright, fine. Go ahead. Change."
Cat beamed, then quickly nodded, "You won't regret this." Then she started to slip her shirt off her shoulders.
I wrinkled my brow right away, "Uh, Cat, what the heck are you doing?"
She tossed it onto the rock before she responded playfully, "What, I don't want to change with my clothes on. They'll get ripped!" I rolled my eyes at that. Oh, of course. Then her eyes gave me daggers, and she twirled her finger, "And turn around please. I don't want you to see me naked."
I was a bit taken aback at that. Then I exclaimed, "What? You're naked anyways when you're a werewolf!"
Then she argued back, "But the difference is I'll be covered when I'm furry! Now, turn!"
I groaned, waving my hand as I spun, "Okay, okay. Sheesh." For someone like her, she's sensitive about things like that. Give me a break. I crossed my arms and waited patiently. However I did catch glimpse of her behind me over the shoulder, wondering how far she was done undressing. Luckily she didn't notice, or I'm afraid she'd literally rip my head off. When I saw she was butt-naked behind me now, looking at her with no fabric was making my face flush. I remember having the same reaction the night when I first saw her transform along with Todd.
I honestly can't believe how she looked. For someone who's shy...Wow. I was shaking myself out of this trance. Quit looking at her like that, Matt! She's got a boyfriend! You want him to actually kill you?
Before I was about to twist my head and not look at her anymore, that was when Cat started breathing heavily, craning back her head up to the sky. Her body started shaking, convulsing with her eyes closed. That was a sure sign that she was changing. I couldn't stop watching this now. I wanted to see this up close. Slowly, her body, head, arms, and legs were growing fur all over the place. Her height increased, ears erected upward on both sides of her head while her lips began to grow out a fangy snout, and a fluffy tail dropped behind her.
Now I was looking at werewolf Cat, in her golden fur glory.
I gazed ahead so she wouldn't notice I was watching her the WHOLE time. Then shortly, Cat called, "Ok, you can turn around now." I did, facing her tall werewolf self. The one I met last night. Her muzzle twisted up a smile. Shortly, she asked, "You still trust me, Matt?"
I only muttered while I gawked at her, "Yikes..."
She laughed, "Oh, come on! You're acting like you haven't seen me like this before!"
I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry...I guess I still can't get over how...Menacing you guys look."
Cat remarked, waving me off, "Oh, it'll pass in time...If you decide to spend more time with us. But, anyways." She placed her eyes off to a direction, then put them back on me. She said, "I believe it is this way. If it gets too dark, just hug close to me. Alright?"
I picked up the fireplace poker I had laid on the big rock. Then I replied, motioning my hand off to that direction when I was ready, "Alright, lead on." Cat began to lead the way, and I followed along beside her. We didn't exactly use the trail we've been using the whole time, rather we were just cutting through the woodland. I was pushing, and also swiping a bit with the help of my poker, my way through and between thick bushes and trees and limbs, and they don't seem to bother Cat much. They seem to hardly slow her down. That goes to show what kind of person I am. I'm a city guy traversing through the wilderness. Makes me wish I was a werewolf.
Not really, but still.
A tiny bit later, everything around us was getting darker. Very quickly I thought. It was like the sun was in so much of a rush to go to bed in the sky. I looked up through the canopy. As I half expected, there was no moon at all. There was absolutely no source of light to help me see around here. It was exactly like the night when I searched for Tobey around here and then my flashlight didn't work and I was wondering in the pitch black for a bit. But at least this time that won't be a problem. I did manage to hug myself to the tall, hairy female that was travelling with me. I honestly thought she felt pretty warm probably thanks to her fur. Reminds me of another thing with Tobey, how much he has slept close to me in bed before. Like the times he was literally close when he wasn't at the foot of the bed. I wondered how good she felt sleeping close to me in bed in her form. I doubt that would happen with us, but I couldn't help but wonder.
Cat kept me close, not letting me go with her big furry arm around my small form. I still did try to fight off the greenery with my poker while she guided me. A branch did accidentally scrape across my face, but I don't think it left any marks on me. Other than that, for the most part, she led me through the area just fine without problems. Finally, we both made it to my front yard. My house was lit, including the porchlight, probably just for me by mom. Looks like she didn't have to go to work tonight. It even provided enough light for me to see Cat. Least I can see my escort now.
I turned towards her and smiled in appreciation. I stated, "Well that was...Kinda fun."
Cat smirked down at me, and said, "I knew you'd do well with me. Great idea or what?"
"Yeah." My hand gestured to her large frame, "Maybe I should have you as a flashlight from now on." That caught her laughing quietly. Then, I thanked her, "Thanks a lot, Cat. I appreciate this."
Cat's ears splayed against her skull. Then she looked away, "Well...I did owe you one for me lying to you...And for coming to talk to me today."
I insisted, "Hey, it was worth it. Couldn't have thought it any other way." The female werewolf placed her eyes on me, reforming the smile. Then I made a serious look, shooting a quick glance at my house before warning, "But, you'd better get out of here before my mom sees you. She is a cop, you know. I...Don't really want her to make a ruckus about you."
Cat tilted her head a bit to the side like a normal dog would, "You're growing concerned about me?"
I replied, half playful and half serious, "I know we're just now even, but call that as returning the favor for helping me out tonight."
She giggled, then nodded in agreement, "Then in that case, thanks for looking out for me. I'll...Get out of here." She turned her form to the woods without taking her eyes off me, "You uh...You have a goodnight, Matt. Try not to have nightmares about me and my family tonight."
"Sure...I'll do that." Cat and I shared our glances for another second before she started pacing away. Then I quickly I stopped her with my voice, "Wait." She did, placing her attention back on me. I added, "You know something?"
She asked, "What?"
I shortly replied, "About your question from earlier...I think I will give you a chance. I...I think I trust you and everyone else enough. You're...You're actually not bad...For a monster." I gave her a sincere smile.
Cat returned the same thing. She spoke fondly, "Thank you, Matt. It...Means a lot to me. So...That means I'll see you later? Tomorrow, maybe?"
"Totally." I put on a bit of a cautious face, "Just...Make sure your father doesn't give me trouble, ok?"
Cat giggled deeply then said, "I'll try. Anyways...Bye." I waved and she did the same before she disappeared into the darkness. I just stood there, staring at the woods at the edge of my yard. I took a deep breath and let it out. Well...I guess that settles it. I'm friends with a werewolf. With a family of werewolves no doubt.
This afternoon wasn't so bad. Heck, they don't seem bad. Cat sure proved that.
I think I'm wrong about them. Don't know about Elias...But I think I'm wrong about them.
I think me, mom, and the dogs are going to be okay living here from now on.
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